New Finishers

The Extract

Registered User
Alright, so this thread is simple. What finisher(s) do you want to see replaced and what would you replace it with?

Superstars that I want to see a new finisher for are:

Miz, Skull Crushing Finale: i just dont like his finisher. But if the WWE doesn't want to change it, then I would LOVE to see a name change. Change to The name would be the Road to Mizery. But i would rather have the kneeling DDT as the finisher.

Big Show, WMD: Don't really think this is a good finisher. I mean, the guy forgets he has a huge punch until 5 minutes into the match. change to just make it the chokeslam.

Alex Riley, DDT: Now is..NEVER used. Mainly cuz he hardly wins any matches(if i'm mistaken I am sorry, I don't watch superstars or NXT). change to I would rather the TKO as his finisher.

Lord A-train, Chokebomb: When he (re)debuted I thought he would have a strong, amazing finisher.. Then I saw this. change to I would like to see a powerbomb.

Michael McGuillicutty, McGuillicutter: I feel like I don't need to explain this very much..Change to I'm hoping for a Hennig-Plex soon.

Rey Mysterio, 619: Don't care for it. Change to anything but the 619.

Wade Barrett, Wasteland: A guy that size shouldn't be doing a dull finisher like that. changes to His Winds of Change move.

PS. sorry if this thread has been done lately.
Alex Riley- I liked it when he was doin the tko and the spinebuster, but the ddt just looks too forced and unnatural, so i would definitely change that

McGillicutty- It should be a perfectplex cause of his dad, im surprised they havent had him sort of redebut with that kind of gimmick

I do disagree with some of yours. I like the skull crushing finale because i think it fits him. Plus, rey is only gonna be wrestling for so much longer, so it makes no snese to change it. The best thing they could change it to would be a tornado ddt(which would be cool)but the 619 is already a move that he is really well known for, so to change it would be pointless.
the whole "finisher" aspect has really become a joke... and i'll start with the HIAC as proof.. how many "finishers" did Taker get hit with?? INCLUDING a SCM-Pedigree combo.. now i know that's special circumstaces, but still. My biggest problems with finishers is this so-called "out of nowhere" finishers... Orton can hit it "out of nowhere" during an out of match segment, but has to fight to hit it in an actual match... if we're to believe anything the wwe tells/shows us, then Brock will beat Cena in 10 seconds, since he can just walk into the ring, and pick Cena up and hit the F5, lol.

But more to the point, sorry for that ramble, any and all "out of nowhere" finishers should be changed. other than that, R-truth should do something other than give himself a modified rock bottom.. the code breaker absolutely sucks.. so does the back breaker. and for the sake of all that's good and holy.. get randy a new finisher... please please please, lol. jericho should use the walls / lionsault, randy should use anything but the rko.
I would like to see John Cena get new finisher especially with Brock being back and the two moves being some what similar. I like the STF as a secondary finisher for Cena, as I always think it is good to have a submission finisher. I think Cena needs something more Impactful and a bit menacing looking. I always thought it would be cool to see Cena do something like "the Pounce" move that Monty Brown used. I remember seeing him hit it on Sabu one time and knocked him clear out of the ring. I think that would be something awesome to see Cena do to some guys.
Plus, rey is only gonna be wrestling for so much longer, so it makes no snese to change it. The best thing they could change it to would be a tornado ddt(which would be cool)but the 619 is already a move that he is really well known for, so to change it would be pointless.

I thought of this right after I posted this thread.

I also want to say, that I am figuring that many people will say that THE COBRA will need to be changed. BUT I just want to say that it is a big seller so it is doing good for the 'E.
I know this move may be set aside for Chris Benoit (but he's dead & the WWE no longer believes that he ever even lived) so I would really love to see Cody Rhodes use the Crossface. The best wrestlers are the ones that add to their move-set over time in order to keep up with their opponents (Big Show-WMD, Undertaker-Hell's Gate, Cena-STF(U), Y2J-Code Breaker). If Cody were to start using the Crossface I think it would help set him apart from the ever growing roster.
Superstars that I want to see a new finisher for are:

Miz, Skull Crushing Finale: i just dont like his finisher. But if the WWE doesn't want to change it, then I would LOVE to see a name change. Change to The name would be the Road to Mizery. But i would rather have the kneeling DDT as the finisher.

Big Show, WMD: Don't really think this is a good finisher. I mean, the guy forgets he has a huge punch until 5 minutes into the match. change to just make it the chokeslam.

Alex Riley, DDT: Now is..NEVER used. Mainly cuz he hardly wins any matches(if i'm mistaken I am sorry, I don't watch superstars or NXT). change to I would rather the TKO as his finisher.

Lord A-train, Chokebomb: When he (re)debuted I thought he would have a strong, amazing finisher.. Then I saw this. change to I would like to see a powerbomb.

Michael McGuillicutty, McGuillicutter: I feel like I don't need to explain this very much..Change to I'm hoping for a Hennig-Plex soon.

Rey Mysterio, 619: Don't care for it. Change to anything but the 619.

Wade Barrett, Wasteland: A guy that size shouldn't be doing a dull finisher like that. changes to His Winds of Change move.

While i agree with some theres some i do disagree with!

The Miz skull crushing finale is fine with me!! Its like a full nelson face slam kinda move!! I actually like it and you could legitimately hurt someone with it!

Big show WMD!! Yah i kinda like to see that finisher go!! I like his chokeslam better i just cant buy the fact he Knocks out everyone with that right hand!! Yah hes a big dude no doubt but you cant KO everyone with that one right:suspic:

A-Ri- I completely forgot his finisher was the DDT because i dont watch superstars either!! The DDT is a great finisher i like it its very devesating! Reminds me of when i was in Junior High!! I actually saw a fight where one guy DDT'd the other one!! Homeboy was knocked out cold!

Lord Tensai-Dont care about him right now or his finisher!!

Rey Rey-Yah the 619 is a lame manuever but he has been in the company so long taking it away now makes no sense!! Its a ok setup at best IMO but i do respect the hell out of rey rey
McGillicutty- It should be a perfectplex cause of his dad, im surprised they havent had him sort of redebut with that kind of gimmick

Cena and even Rocky use the bridging fisherman, I don't think they'll ever give it to anybody else.

Right before his injury on RAW Barrett started using a Black Hole Slam which I kind of dislike. I thought the Wasteland was perfect, the name is great and the move itself is not that bad considering you're falling off a 6'4" guys shoulders directly on the mat...kind of like John Cena. Kennedy's version is better, but that's a rolling Samoan crash...and the other guy is Barrett, never gonna happen.

What I hate is the Rough Ryder, it's just a neck takedown that should not damage you more than any crossbody, for sure not more than a diving crossbody. I would give him a submission maneuver.

Uh, I don't understand if Clay's finisher is the splash or the crossbody. Neither of them work, give him a PowerBomb, that could drive the crowd nuts out of nowhere.
No way all they need to do to legitimise it is say "he's perfected it" and presto chengo problem solved.

Ok, that happens if they want to push McGillycutty, who's on NXT wrestling Tyson Kidd and Percy Watson. If they don't want to push him, they will NEVER and I mean NEVER give away a maneuver that is included in Cena's move set. If you think about it, every top star in WWE has its personal move set and almost nobody uses somebody else's move (opening and mat wrestling aside, obviously). The only chances that wrestlers get to express their abilities in the ring moving away from their well defined list of techniques is on Pay Per View, and if we're lucky McGillycutty never makes it there (NFI) :D

Although what you said would work, I just don't see it happening. I don't see Cole saying "we understand MM's father, mr. Perfect Curt Hennig, used this move as His finishing maneuver many years ago" when kids see Cena using this 4 minutes into any match every week since 2005. But it would work, I'm sure.
cm punk

all he needs is a proper finisher that gts is so crap

I disagree, the GTS is a great move that looks legitimately painful when performed and sold correctly. The problem with Punk using it is that a lot of the time he or the other guy manages to botch it ever so slightly (which is a problem with a lot of finishers in the WWE) but if you look at the GTS when a guy like Ziggler sells it and it's one of the best in the company IMO.

Now as for the finishers I would like to see change.

1 - Rough Ryder: The hell kinda finisher is that!? I have no problem with him having it in his moveset but it's just not believable to end a match with that kind of move. Have him use the Broski Boot as his finish, they can even modify it and have him hit a Shining Wizard type move where he can pull it off anywhere in the ring rather then just the corner.

2 - Codebreaker I like the fact that Jericho has an impact finisher, it gave a new dynamic to his matches rather than just him looking for the Walls five times a match, but this just looks sloppy if you ask me. I'd much rather see Jericho using a kind of devastating backbreaker as a finish. Not too sure on what I'd give him but if he can have a move that works on the back then he can use the Walls/Liontamer in desperate situations when he can't get the pin.

3 - Zigzag I'm a huge Ziggler fan and I think that he makes the move look good but this has the same issue as the Rough Ryder where it just doesn't look like it should be ending a match. I don't know what I'd stick on him for a finish but I'd keep him with something where he can use his speed to his advantage.

Other than that I don't feel strongly one way or another about most finishing moves, however I do think that the WWE needs to give these moves more impact (as in have the moves actually end a match 9 times out of 10 instead of having to see 3+ finishers a match)
heamus' white noise, just awful half the time he takes two or three goes to get his arm round their head. Have his use his irish curse back breaker as a finish again, that move looks like it'd put a guy in the hospital!!
Cross face and LaBell lock are slightly different. The arm is in a different place, in a cross face it is straight and in the LaBell it is bent.

Brodus Clay need to revert back to the Tongan death grip slam he used in NXT, that was incredible, although it was more of a heelish finisher.

I hoped that Tensai would have something new when he returned, he's just using the Baldo Bomb which is a slight let down, at least its not that Train Wreck back breaker. I'd like to see him use his head grip as a finisher and not just after the match, hopefully this will be used when he's not in squash matches.
I think some of you are not watching enough NXT/superstars/smackdown.

Alex Riley uses the TKO all the time as his finisher now, the jumping DDT is just his set up move now.

Big Show has started using the chokeslam as his finisher again more recent.

Ok, Lord Albert used the Baldo Bomb to knock 2 guys out, but he has then applied a clawhold afterwards. I think that will be his main finisher.

The other ones, certainly Wade and Miz I agree with and you have a point

I would like to see Ryback use the lariat as his main finisher. Can be done to anyone and looks flat out nasty every time.

cm punk

all he needs is a proper finisher that gts is so crap

You can head the hell on out to the comments box on the main site with the rest of the non-posters. This is Wrestlezone mate.
I would like to see John Cena get new finisher especially with Brock being back and the two moves being some what similar. I like the STF as a secondary finisher for Cena, as I always think it is good to have a submission finisher. I think Cena needs something more Impactful and a bit menacing looking. I always thought it would be cool to see Cena do something like "the Pounce" move that Monty Brown used. I remember seeing him hit it on Sabu one time and knocked him clear out of the ring. I think that would be something awesome to see Cena do to some guys.

Yeah, they are not that much alike. Cena's AA is a standup firemen's carry and the F5 is a shoulder twist with a flapjack throw.
AA lands on back from side of shoulder, F5 lands on front/face after twist throw from shoulders almost in a falling DDT type landing.

Cena does do something like the pounce with his running shoulder tackle that he does.
cm punk

all he needs is a proper finisher that gts is so crap

I agree, i never liked GTS. I liked the lifting Anaconda vice and the Pepsiplunge, but that is too similar to HHH's Pedigree and WWE doesn't like letting their stars moves be copied by others in the company. some generic moves do get re-used, like the Chokeslam, but the big users of those moves have altered them enough to not be identical. Big SHow and Kane both have chokeslam's but the BigShow's drop to a knee/ guided version is different then Kane's one hand throw down.

For Punk, if not the PP, then maybe a dragon suplex/pin/submission.
I disagree, the GTS is a great move that looks legitimately painful when performed and sold correctly. The problem with Punk using it is that a lot of the time he or the other guy manages to botch it ever so slightly (which is a problem with a lot of finishers in the WWE) but if you look at the GTS when a guy like Ziggler sells it and it's one of the best in the company IMO.

Now as for the finishers I would like to see change.

1 - Rough Ryder: The hell kinda finisher is that!? I have no problem with him having it in his moveset but it's just not believable to end a match with that kind of move. Have him use the Broski Boot as his finish, they can even modify it and have him hit a Shining Wizard type move where he can pull it off anywhere in the ring rather then just the corner.

2 - Codebreaker I like the fact that Jericho has an impact finisher, it gave a new dynamic to his matches rather than just him looking for the Walls five times a match, but this just looks sloppy if you ask me. I'd much rather see Jericho using a kind of devastating backbreaker as a finish. Not too sure on what I'd give him but if he can have a move that works on the back then he can use the Walls/Liontamer in desperate situations when he can't get the pin.

3 - Zigzag I'm a huge Ziggler fan and I think that he makes the move look good but this has the same issue as the Rough Ryder where it just doesn't look like it should be ending a match. I don't know what I'd stick on him for a finish but I'd keep him with something where he can use his speed to his advantage.

Other than that I don't feel strongly one way or another about most finishing moves, however I do think that the WWE needs to give these moves more impact (as in have the moves actually end a match 9 times out of 10 instead of having to see 3+ finishers a match)

Codebreaker is not new, he's been using since like 2002/2003 or so. I do agree he needs something different. hell he even changed the Walls of Jericho to a standard lame ass boston crab around that time since they deemed the real walls of jericho to be too potentially dangerous. I hate that they continued to call it walls of jericho when it was NOT the walls of jericho. I don't even like him that much and never have but I used to respect his moves. I liked when he use to do the repeating powerbombs, but they stopped that since WWE doesn't want anyone of that body type showing that kind of strength.
I'd love to see Ryback use the lariat. It was devastating during his brief run in the Nexus.

I know big Zeke used it a wile back but he does jack shit at the moment, I'd like to see someone use the Torture Rack.
Skull Crushing Finale, WMD, AA, among quite a few others really seem to make the opponent look weaker in my eyes.

They seem like way too simple of moves to be the finisher. Such as the WMD; while a punch to the face from a guy with a hand the size of ones head is legitimately painful and could result in a knockout, his punch often looks weak. Then there the fact he could do that at any point but always waits that it kills the move.

I agree with Alex Rileys Broski Kick, make it an anywhere finisher and change it to the knee ala Shining Wizard. A lot of things can be done with the shining wizard, variations and counters.

I dont like the SKF, however i get why Miz uses it, it can be used on anyone of almost any size. However i think he needs something quick and effective looking that he can do on people around his size and smaller. I could see him using the Cradleshock, but i dont know if they would let him use it for 2 reasons. It sets up like the FU and F5, could potentially land an opponent on their head. However, done with the right people it is a very safe move to land a opponent in for a pin. I know i know, its stealing Chris Sabins finisher from TNA, and while I have only ever seen him do it, im sure its been done by others.

I think for Big Show having an impact move, like the Black Hole Slam looks much more effective coming from someone his size. Same with Samoan drops and the like. The choke slam is always a good choice for him.

Ryback needs a strong move. I always loved the Suplex to Rock Bottom move that Matt Morgan used when he first debuted with the WWE. It reminds me of the jackhammer in that if you can pull it off on someone bigger than you its just so much more impressive. The move is relatively simple involving a suplex falling forward and just swinging them down onto their back.

A move like the Test Drive/Overdrive (reverse ddt into a swinging cutter) should be brought back for someone. Someone like Barret could conceivably use this on almost anyone.

Cena needs something more impactful for a finisher. A firemans carry is not a finisher. Its advantageous having a move like this though as when he lifts someone like the big show it shows his strength. Maybe add in something like a double underhook ddt style lift to the shoulder then back down into a falling facebuster for his opponents that are his size or smaller. The move can look pretty painful when done to people that are lighter.
Wade Barrett's Wasteland is the only finisher that comes to mind as being outright terrible. Just use the damn Black Hole Slam (he can do a pretty sweet one) and be done with it! Other than that, I'm not really too fond of C.M. Punk using the GTS for several reasons. One, it is easily botched, especially for a smaller guy like Punk using it on beasts like Cena. Two, I think Punk needs a more "sudden" finishing move. Honestly, I'd like to see Punk use Sweet Chin Music. They could have a cool little story where HBK either passes it on to him, or a heel Punk just outright steals it. HBK doesn't need it except for special occasions, or possibly to put down a deer.
Lord Tensai (I think that he should go back to being Albert... at least when he was Albert he was a Prince) - The Baldobomb is suddenly such a high impact move that it causes the referee to immediately call for the bell? Even though we see people fall off of cages and ladders on a regular basis, which are much higher than Lord Albert/Prince Tensai lefts people for the BaldoBomb, and still continue the match, we are supposed to believe that this move is somehow so much more devastating than those falls that the match must be stopped right away? I'm all for the suspending of disbelief in some cases, but that's just fucking stupid... Have him apply the claw hold (not my favorite choice for a finisher) until the referee stops the match, that's more realistic.
Ok, that happens if they want to push McGillycutty, who's on NXT wrestling Tyson Kidd and Percy Watson. If they don't want to push him, they will NEVER and I mean NEVER give away a maneuver that is included in Cena's move set. If you think about it, every top star in WWE has its personal move set and almost nobody uses somebody else's move (opening and mat wrestling aside, obviously). The only chances that wrestlers get to express their abilities in the ring moving away from their well defined list of techniques is on Pay Per View, and if we're lucky McGillycutty never makes it there (NFI) :D

Although what you said would work, I just don't see it happening. I don't see Cole saying "we understand MM's father, mr. Perfect Curt Hennig, used this move as His finishing maneuver many years ago" when kids see Cena using this 4 minutes into any match every week since 2005. But it would work, I'm sure.

John Cena's crappy fisherman-suplex is nothing like Mr Perfect's Perfectplex. One's an iffy looking suplex by an iffy 'superstar' while the other was an awesome pinning finisher by an awesome wrestler. They are different moves in every sense and it would be the perfect finisher for Joe Hennig. It wouldn't cross over with Cena's move and to be honest, if some idiot up top thought that it did, I'm sure the first person that would grant its use would be Cena himself.....but then he would have four moves maybe not.
Yeah, they are not that much alike. Cena's AA is a standup firemen's carry and the F5 is a shoulder twist with a flapjack throw.
AA lands on back from side of shoulder, F5 lands on front/face after twist throw from shoulders almost in a falling DDT type landing.

actually if you remember when Brock was first in WWE Cena made up the AA to mock Brock's finishing move. Even called it the FU at the time, to make fun of the F5.
First off whoever said Jericho has been using the Codebreaker since 03/04 is wrong. He debuted it against Santino in his first match back from hiatus when he was feuding with Orton in late 2007. The other finishers Jericho has used in WWE other than the Walls of Jericho are, the Lionsault, Sleeper neck breaker, running enziguri, a better looking version of the Skull Crushing Finale called the breakdown and on very rare occasion a moonsault from the top rope.

Also he didn't stop using the elevated boston crab version of the Walls due to WWE thinking it was too dangerous as he does use it on opponents who are willing. Simply put when he was in WCW he was facing smaller opponents and therefor was easier to get that angle. In his WWE career he normally feuds with people larger than himself and it makes it very difficult to keep on for a long time.

As far as people who need to change their finishers... I kinda like Tyson Kidd using the springboard elbow drop as a finisher as opposed to the sharpshooter.. but that gets a big pop from the crowd so I can see why they wouldn't.

R-truth could do with a more consistent finisher. He's used the scissors kick, spinning flying forearm smash, jumping flatliner and the vertical suplex to ace crusher variant. I think he should use a sit out spine buster variation. i think that would suit him well.

Dolph Ziggler should just pick a move also. He's changed the way in which he hits the zig zag so it can't be as easily botched.. but he never seems to win with it. Ziggler should start using the fameasser as his finisher as it is quick and effective... but he should jump higher when doing it. Make it look a bit sweeter.
As long as the WWE eliminates the WMD or Big Show's contract I will be happy to watch all other lame finishers.

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