Barrett's New Finisher?

Wasteland is weak and I still don't understand how it is used to pin people for a three count. He picks him up and bam slams him down. Wade makes it look so damn weak unless it is someone with less meat on there bones it looks ok. I like Barret but I hate the Wasteland. Seriously, when he hits it the only way the move can look convincing is when who ever takes it sells it well. Other then that it is horrible.

I dig the Winds of Change and always liked the sidewalk slam. It is a bad ass, flashy and looks like it could hurt even if the moved isn't sold well. Unlike that move Wasteland. I wish he would use this move as his finisher, for a secondary finsiher he should use the pump handle slam too.

Winds of Change > Wasteland
no he doesn't. he sounds like he has the downs. maybe it's just cause he's british, but the cockney bullshit make him sound like his mouth is actually his asshole. i like the guy in ring but i can barely stand to hear him talk. mark henry's "b" fat blubering is better then anything barret has said.

Ok, borderline racism there, but... bottom line is you are not only wrong, but can't even spell the guy's name right.. He comes from Preston near Manchester, which is not a Cockney... he'd have to be a Londoner to have that and when he does speak he is, with the exception of Jericho the most articulate guy WWE has... He hasn't quite caught the "lightning in a bottle" spirit for his promos yet, but they make a lot of sense and he comes across as not only menacing but a dick... exactly the requirements for a main event heel...
I like it. The way I see it, it's more of a secondary finisher but nevertheless, it's a solid addition to his move-set. I don't see why people are complaining about it. It's rather standard, but it gives him some options in matches, and when he pulls it off right it looks rather excellent. I'm all for broadening his move-set and giving him some new stuff to work with, as it'll definitely help him in the long run with his move to the main event. They're simply trying to make him more complete and change his matches up a little bit, people are just overreacting, as always.

Think about it this way, when he's facing a guy like Orton, this will be nothing more than a set-up move, which is fine. It really depends on the situation and people have to be more open to it. I thought it was a welcome change when he pinned Santino off the Winds of Change, it makes him a bigger threat. That's ANOTHER move his opponents have to look out for, it makes him all the more menacing.
Alright it's not lame at all. I like this more than the wasteland after seeing how he pull it off against Sheamus last Smackdown and after watching a couple of vids in youtube. It is a high impact move that you can instantly use just like the RKO.
I think Barrett's finishers are fine. Wasteland and The Winds of Change are pretty good. I wouldn't be worried about them. You know who needs changes to their finisher. Dolph Ziggler.

The Zig-Zag looks terrible. So very terrible. And a fucking Sleeper Hold? Yawnnn (pun very much intended). I know Dolph is a bit an average sized guy, but why not give him a Superkick, like Shawn Michaels? Hell, give him an top rope elbow or leg drop. Use a top rope body splash (ala Jimmy Superfly Snuka and Val Venis). I wouldn't give him anything Mr. Perfect used (despite many comparisons Dolph gets) because I'd give Joe Hennig the Perfectplex.

But seriously though, people. Barrett does not need a finisher change. The Winds of Change and Wasteland are fine.
The Black Hole Slam is my favorite finisher in wrestling. The Shock Treatment may be my favorite "signature" move in wrestling. I guess you can say I'm an Abyss mark.

I dig Winds of Change, just not for Barrett. I feel like for that move to be delivered with emphasis everytime, its needs to be performed by a stronger man. I would like Zeke to have this move, as I imagine he can probably spin 360 degrees with a superstar before slamming them and make it truly impactful.

But its Barrett's move and I'm fine with that. I definitely don't think it takes presidence over Wasteland as his finisher, although at times Wade delivers both blandly.

Now that I answered OP, I want to speak on other things about Barrett that came to my mind while reading this discussion:

1. He isn't the best on the mic- definitely not. He seems comfortable in front of the camera, but to be the best, he has to be an all around talent. Mic wise, I'd give that to Christian.

2. His storytelling leaves a lot to be desired- Maybe this is a problem I have with the E altogether, but for this guy to be a "bare knuckle champion", he sure loses a lot of slugfests. And Wasteland & Winds of Change are two high impact moves to the mid section. Why does he spend no time attacking your ribs/core muscles during matches? Someone mentioned him adding the pump handle slam to his repetoire. I think its better with Swagger, but I agree that he needs more moves to the body. What about the slam that looks similar to the abdominal stretch? Can't think of the name. Either way, Barrett needs a lot more work before we start claiming he's a future world champion
Granted he did not execute it very well in his match against Santino. Youtube the beat the clock challenge match where he defeats Ezekiel Jackson and uses this as his finisher. In that match it looked absolutely awesome!! He spun Zeke around and slammed him down with authority. I bought that he got the three count off of it. Before Wade started using it as a finisher it was one of his signatures and I have to say it was an AWESOME signature I would always be impressed when he hit it especially because it can come off of any rope momentum move. I don't mind this becoming his finisher, but i'd like him to use this along with Wasteland and keep them both fresh as finishers, and I think that is what they intend to do. He will not abandon Wasteland and they won't relegate it to a signature move, he'll use both I hope.
The Black Hole Slam has worked very well for Abyss for a long time. I personally think it and the Wasteland are great finishers for Barrett.
It's perfect as a primary finisher. I get the feeling WWE are going for a slightly more sneaky persona with Barrett, rather than pursuing the "bare-knuckle boxer" facet of his character. The Wastelands is a finishing move of someone who is dominant, while The Winds Of Change is a finisher that someone can get 'caught by', if you know what I mean.

In a strange, but understandable way, it makes the faces look stronger should they lose to Barrett via this new manoeuvre.
The Winds of Change is an amazing move In my Opinion. And its not going to replace his Waste Land. Its more of a Secondary Finisher like for Example Taker has the Chokeslam and Tomb Stone Piledriver. He could easily finish you off with either. And its not really new he has used it since he was in Nexus

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