Finisher Change For Dolph Ziggler?

I like the Zigzag too but it would be also kind of cool if he can start using the sleeperhold as his finisher again. I marked out a lout when Ziggler used the sleeper it added an aggressive edge to his character that his cocky attitude (and his association with Vickie) over shadows. Also he looks really good doing it especially when he did it to the great khali.
I think the finisher is fine the way it is. It is a good one for him as it is one he can do to someone of basically any size. This is important as he is only of average size and a lot of the time will need to perform it on much larger superstars, So he should keep this move and use his sleeper hold as a signature move. He is also able to use that on large superstars which was displayed in his mini feud with The Great Khali last year.
I love Dolph but he does need a new finisher because the zigzag is weak...not only that he really needs a new name. Idk who or what told them that the name Dolph Ziggler was a good name for anybody but they really should look into changing it. Sounds like a clown
I'm in two minds about this. I really like the Zig Zag. It looks awesome and like it would finish a match unlike the AA or Rock Bottom. Especially now he hits it with such venom. I would however like him to have a finisher that he can deliver from the front that can also be hit out of no-where. Just because from time to time it is obvious to me that he's going to hit it.
The ZigZag is okay, but I do agree it is a pretty weak finisher. That superkick he hits is absolutely gorgeous when he beat Zack Ryder with it for the US title my jaw literally dropped. I don't mind it being his signature, but then I'd like to see the Fame-asser as his main finisher. Or if they want to go the submission route I think he'd be a good superstar to use the Texas Cloverleaf, I've always liked that submission and nobody currently uses it in the WWE.
I believe he could perhaps use a Spinning Heel Kick. If nothing else, at least for the silly pum with #Heel. Though this would probably be better as a signature.
Dolph is a great heel and possibly the best seller of moves in the business but i agree he needs a new finisher. The zigzag just doesn't cut it for me, its a bit generic and the impact isn't great. I think he should come up with a new innovative move. Easier said than done admitedly but he can use the sleeper hold in the meantime. The name should be something simple and memorable like the heel might work.
I Agree with you on the haircut pair. They should've let him keep his black haircut and given him a dark gimmick where he is kind of mental and destroys everyone or something, idk.

So you want him to be Cody Rhodes?

The Zig Zag isn't my favorite finisher by a long shot but it suits him at the moment. I can't think of anything that would be better for him that wouldn't blatantly rip someone else off.
The Zig Zag happens to be one of my favorite maneuvers in the WWE. Dolph Ziggler is capable of hitting the move from just about any angle on just about anyone on regardless of size. The Zig Zag and Sleeper hold seem to fit Dolph Ziggler perfectly. Although I wouldn't mind him dusting off the occasional superkick to end a select few of his matches. I wouldn't call it a finisher but more of a last resort type of move for whenever he can't connect with Zig Zag or lock in the Sleeper. I often like moves you can hit from any position and the superkick is without a doubt one of my favorite maneuvers. His finishers need to remain the same but it wouldn't hurt for some of his matches end with a quick, surprising superkick.
Zigger is rapidly becoming my favorite guy in the WWE right now. Personally I like the ZigZag but I would love to see the Canadian Destroyer again. Brutal move but will never see it again sadly.
I personally think that Dolph should use some sort of suplex as a finisher similar to Benjamin's Exploder or Taz's arsenal. Given his amateur wrestling background it would work well with his current wrestling move set. If you check out the 15 minute mark in the below video he does a cool looking suplex that if tweeked with some added impact or spin on it could be a solid finisher...
I have to admit, I had no idea what the Canadian Destroyer was. I looked it up on youtube and I'll be the first to say that that move is absolutely BRUTAL and arguably the sweetest thing I've ever seen. I will also say, though, that that move will NEVER be allowed in the WWE...EVER. The closest thing to any form of a piledriver that is in the current product is the tombstone and after Taker and Kane are gone I don't see any piledrivers, period, in the 'E ever again. Do you not recall Owen Hart vs. SCSA? Austin had his neck broken for him in that match because of a botched piledriver. Piledrivers can paralyze people in a heartbeat and no Superstar in their right mind would allow that move to be performed on them.

As far as Ziggler is concerned, I think the ZigZag is just fine for him. He incorporates the Sleeper on occasion and the Super Kick from time to time is a welcome addition as well.
If I had to pick a new finisher for him, it'd totally be Hiroshi Tanahashi's (NJPW) and Masato Yoshino's (Dragon Gate) Swing Blade.

It looks similar enough to the zigzag, Ziggler's more then athletic enough to pull the move off, and the victim doesn't have to do much to take move other then just do a simple back bump. Not to mention, the move just looks so damn cool.

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