New DVD Ideas

I'd like to see a "Best Heels" dvd with interviews of the superstars describing the craft of being a heel. That plus classic heel promos and segments and the most shocking heel turns and debuts ever.

I also like the "Best Stables" dvd idea. I'd totally buy that in a heartbeat.
I would love to see a 'BEST OF WCW NIRTRO' DVD, i know that it would be full on WWE fueled, but it be good to acknowledge a show that made Vince think, beat him before he got the better of them and bought the company.

Nitro has some truely memorable moments in wrestling histroy and be to see them all on one three DVD set. Although I'm sure the rise and fall DVD will have quite a few of em on there.
I'd like to see a new John Cena DVD set, entitled "Come Get Some." It would be one of those three-disc sets that would showcase the best matches Cena has had in his career. Despite him not always getting credit for his wrestling skills, I feel like he's had a lot of matches I would consider classics over the years. Some matches I'd put on the set include:
  • Debut match against Kurt Angle
  • Vs. Undertaker at Vengeance 2003
  • Vs. Kurt Angle at No Mercy 2003
  • Vs. Booker T in 2004 (winning back the US title)
  • Vs. Jesus at Armageddon 2004
  • Vs. JBL at WM 21 (meh match but Cena's first major title win)
  • Vs. Chris Jericho at Summerslam 2005
  • Vs. Edge at Royal Rumble
  • Vs. HHH at WM 22
  • Vs. Edge at Summerslam
  • Vs. HBK at WM 23
  • Vs. Umaga at RR 07
  • Vs. Lashley at GAB 07
  • Vs. Randy Orton at Summerslam 07
  • Vs. Batista at Summerslam 08
  • Vs. Chris Jericho at Survivor Series 08
  • Vs. Edge and Big Show at WM 25
  • Vs. Edge at Backlash 09
I wouldn't call all of these matches "classics," but I enjoyed pretty much all of them. I also tried to stay away from matches on other DVD's (London match, ONS, I Quit with JBL, TLC with Edge). It might be necessary to cut a couple matches if they can't all fit, since some of them were quite long, but I feel like it would be a good retrospective of John Cena's career.
A Mr. Kennedy and Bobby Lashley DVD would be great. Since they both had realitivly short careers it wouldn't be that hard to pick out the best matches and moments.
For Ken it could have his US title reign, MiB win, his feud with Undertaker, beating Regal in a loser gets fired match, and Eddie G's last match could be thrown in. He accomplished a lot between injuries.
And for Lashley, his debut match against Simon Dean, it could have his US reign, his feud with the McMahons and Wrestlemania win, ECW Champ era, and a lot more.
I think it would be more likely Lashley would get it the Kennedy since Lashley doesn't wrestle anymore and Ken might be goiong to TNA.
A Batista one is past due too.
big bossman, british bulldog, owen hart, bam bam bigelow, vader, terry funk, arn anderson, ricky the dragon steamboat, rick martel, tito santana, earthquake, and the nasty boys are some I think should have dvds done for them by now
They should have a "Great Stables" DVD - nWo,DX, Four Horsemen, Ministry, Corporation, Nation, Hart Foundation etc - and have interviews etc, an experts or whatever sayign what makes a good stable. Could be cool, stables are awesome.
I would like to see: WWE Presents: "The Age Of Orton: The Randy Orton Story"
WWE Presents: "Chris Jericho: The Hart Of a Lion"
WWE Survivor Series and In Your House Complete Anthologys

The Randy and Y2J ones can be 3 disc with their biographical story on disc 1 and Best matches on Disc's 2 & 3.
The other 2 speak for themselves, would be very kick ass

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