NCAA College Football 2014 - LD

I hear you, and I actually don't ultimately question OSU carrying underdog status into that Sugar Bowl game.

What I question is the level that it was taken to. The fervor and venom with which people counted out OSU and the perception that not only did they not deserve to be there(which they now so obviously did) but also that once having been selected to participate, their status in the bracket was as nothing more than that of lambs being led to slaughter(another prevailing narrative that now seems profoundly ignorant in retrospect, wouldn't you say?).

And the fact that they are still being perceived that way heading into the Oregon contest drives home my points and compounds the laughability of it all.
If it helps, I think anyone should be a big underdog heading into a game with Oregon.
Every time the American sports media starts hyping Ohio State, they end up being shown the door by a rather large margin or lose a game they shouldn't lose.

Hence why it was logical to think Bama would beat Ohio State.

There's a world of difference between the student athletes taking the field to represent an Urban Meyer headed OSU program, and the ones that were exposed by faster SEC competition under Jim Tressel.
There's a world of difference between the student athletes taking the field to represent an Urban Meyer headed OSU program, and the ones that were exposed by faster SEC competition under Jim Tressel.
No there's not. That's one of the biggest myths out there.

Athletes were great before 2006. Everyone talks about how now other teams are "recruiting the SEC style, where they want players with strength and speed"...which has to be the stupidest fucking thing ever said in sports, since recruiting based on strength and speed has been what EVERY team has tried to do since the beginning of recruiting time. The idea the SEC happened to stumble upon some great innovation "oh, let's do what no one else does...let's try to recruit the best athletes, instead of the mediocre one...go SEC" is just absurd.

The athletes under Jim Tressel were great athletes also. What people DON'T realize is that the difference between the SEC and other conferences is that other conferences long ago accepted the change in college football when it comes to offense. Other conferences long ago began experimenting with varied and unique offenses, while so many teams in the SEC continue to do the same boring and unoriginal thing they've always done. The SEC is STARTING to adapt, but they are way behind the curve.

The SEC likes to say they are grown man football. That's bullshit. The SEC isn't grown man football, the SEC is old man football.
I think what he is getting at is that Tress used to recruit almost exclusively Ohio and the Midwest, using the pitch of "Ohio State values you, you are from the region" thus, taking on lesser heralded recruits and developing them.

Meyer, on the other hand, goes for the best of the best, and already has relationships built in the talent and (moreso) speed-laden deep south
There's a world of difference between the student athletes taking the field to represent an Urban Meyer headed OSU program, and the ones that were exposed by faster SEC competition under Jim Tressel.

That's bullshit!! When did OSU or anyone from the SEC or anyone that plays college football for that matter actually have to be students?
No there's not. That's one of the biggest myths out there.

Athletes were great before 2006. Everyone talks about how now other teams are "recruiting the SEC style, where they want players with strength and speed"...which has to be the stupidest fucking thing ever said in sports, since recruiting based on strength and speed has been what EVERY team has tried to do since the beginning of recruiting time. The idea the SEC happened to stumble upon some great innovation "oh, let's do what no one else does...let's try to recruit the best athletes, instead of the mediocre one...go SEC" is just absurd.

The athletes under Jim Tressel were great athletes also.

But I disagree. Different coaches recruit different types of athletes for different purposes.

Ultimately Tressel wasn't recruiting guys with the level of athleticism capable of coming in and making an immediate impact against top flight competition outside of the B1G. Meyer does.

Saying Tressel recruiting classes are comparable to Meyer recruiting classes is the equivalent of claiming that UK basketball was bringing in the same level of athletes under Tubby Smith that they are now bringing in under John Calipari.

Now, could you make the claim Tressel was recruiting comparably talented "football players" across the board? Perhaps. It would be a stretch but its at least a talking point. But what Tressel was not doing is recruiting as many guys with the same degree of physical gifts that Meyer attracts.

Tressel was too focused on recruiting Ohio. That strategy works to a degree because of the amount of quality high school talent the state produces, but it can't yield the type of return that recruiting the South(as well as Texas and California) can from an athleticism and speed standpoint. Meyer still recruits well in state, but his commitment to out of state recruitment sets him apart from Tressel.
Glad we can go ahead and forget any sort of playoff contention for the Big Ten this early on.

Way to go for everyone involved.

Shouldnt be, shouldnt be.

One loss champ of the peewee league shouldn't be anywere near the playoffs.

The only case is if they are clearly set apart, by blowing everyone else out of the water. I would only consider Wisconsin or MSU, if they did that.

But they wont.

MMMMM... where's that humble pie I ordered?
Little did I know the actual peewee league would end up being the SEC West.

Ill serve you that fuckin' pie with an SEC apron on
But I disagree. Different coaches recruit different types of athletes for different purposes.

Ultimately Tressel wasn't recruiting guys with the level of athleticism capable of coming in and making an immediate impact against top flight competition outside of the B1G. Meyer does.

Saying Tressel recruiting classes are comparable to Meyer recruiting classes is the equivalent of claiming that UK basketball was bringing in the same level of athletes under Tubby Smith that they are now bringing in under John Calipari.

Now, could you make the claim Tressel was recruiting comparably talented "football players" across the board? Perhaps. It would be a stretch but its at least a talking point. But what Tressel was not doing is recruiting as many guys with the same degree of physical gifts that Meyer attracts.

Tressel was too focused on recruiting Ohio. That strategy works to a degree because of the amount of quality high school talent the state produces, but it can't yield the type of return that recruiting the South(as well as Texas and California) can from an athleticism and speed standpoint. Meyer still recruits well in state, but his commitment to out of state recruitment sets him apart from Tressel.

These mean two different things. Tubby Smith brought great athletes into Kentucky, but Calipari brought the BEST athletes to Kentucky. Meyer isn't bringing in world-beating classes here. Tressel's style of football was more conservative than Meyer's, which is why he didn't see much success in his later years.

Tubby still won games with his players, like Tressel did, but ultimately his style of coaching, like Tressel's, didn't do a whole lot of good for us and ended up making the program stagnant, much like OSU's was before Meyer came along.
I think maybe that counter play is something we may want to pay attention to.

Just maybe.

since they have only gashed us with it 500 times.

Holy crap, did anyone else just see that Alberto Del Rio commercial for WWE? Talk about outdated, lol.
I've never cared for that argument of "this win validates moving them above this team." Not really, as all it proves is that Ohio State can beat Oregon and Alabama. It doesn't mean they're better or more deserving to be here than TCU. And before anyone asks, no I'm not saying either team is better. Just a statement I've never agreed with.
Oregon getting bent over and taking it balls deep..

Just another reason why the BSC was utter shit...and the 4 team tourny is a step in the right direction. #4 OSU takes the title
I've never, ever seen a game where a team turned the ball over 4 times, while the other team didn't turn it over once until a garbage INT at the very end of the game, and the team with 4 turnovers still blew the other team out. Unbelievable.
Oregon getting bent over and taking it balls deep..

Fo Sho.

Straight up country ass whooping.

You get spotted 7, AND get four turnovers and STILL get fucking blown out?

Let us also not forget a 97 yard drive.

Disgusting performance all around.

So many third downs (and fourth downs, for that matter) converted. So many linebackers being straight run over for those first downs. So many broken tackles. So many dropped passes. So many critical penatlies at critical times.

Perhaps the most frustrating part is that Ohio State had a playbook of roughly about 3 fucking plays, and Oregon did fuck all to adapt to them. That counter trey play only gained about 500 yards right up the fucking middle, perhaps we should stack the middle, and make the QB on his third start win the game?

Nay, says Doug Pelham. I would rather take it RIGHT up the ass.

This also proves every single thing I have ever said about Marcus Mariota. 110% system player. The moment the system did not overwhelm the opponent he in no way, at any time, seemed ever close to capable of taking over that game himself. Not even close.

Congrats, Buckeyes. The rest of the country has been put on notice.

Congrats Playoff committee. The right call was clearly made.

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