NBA Thread - 2009-10

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Portland has now officially signed Andre Miller. It's a 3 year $21 million deal and the third year is a team option. This is a good move for both parties. Portland gets a massive upgrade at their weakest position and they did it for a low price. This is good for Miller because he joins a talented, young playoff team and he will be starting. Philly was only offering a 1 year deal so this is the best deal Miller was going to get.
Lamar is definetly going to the Lakers. There's nowhere else for him to go and LA can give him the most money and the best chance to win. He'd be stupid to go else where. Andre Miller is just a really solid player. He's like Steve Blake except for he's a better scorer and defender. Huge signing for Portland for a relatively low price.
Andre Miller is just a really solid player. He's like Steve Blake except for he's a better scorer and defender.

So really he's nothing like Steve Blake. Andre Miller is a borderline all star. He's not only a better scorer and defender then Blake but he is also a much better passer. Blake is a solid guy to bring in off the bench. He'll play hard, make some shots, and not make many mistakes but he's basically just a good bench player.

When it comes to Odom, unless D Wade can convince him to come to Miami for the mid level exception then he's going to resign with the Lakers. Odom and the Lakers just reopened talks so they are his most likely destination.
I actually think that Blake is just as good of a passer as Miller. That's the reason he's been in the league so long, he does one thing really well and he plays really hard. He's a guy you want to have on your team and he sets a great example for other.

If Odom doesn't go to Miami, does that affect their chances of getting Boozer. If anything, I think it increases them, but I'm not sure.
I actually think that Blake is just as good of a passer as Miller. That's the reason he's been in the league so long, he does one thing really well and he plays really hard. He's a guy you want to have on your team and he sets a great example for other.

That is completely false. Blake isn't really that great of a passer at all. He came in to the league as a scoring point guard and although he's developed a little he still only averaged 5 assists per game last season. He's a good long range shooter and he plays hard and smart. Passing is not his forte. Miller on the other hand is one of the best passers in the NBA. He's right up there with Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, and Chris Paul in that regard.

If Odom doesn't go to Miami, does that affect their chances of getting Boozer. If anything, I think it increases them, but I'm not sure.

Where Odom goes doesn't really affect Boozer. It looks now that the Jazz might keep Boozer anyways, but Odom's decision doesn't affect Miami's decision to try and get Boozer.
Blake is definetly a guy that I think of as a great passer. I guess that's because it's what he was in college, but I still think that was what he did best in the NBA. He had like 15 assists in one quarter or something like that last year.

As for Odom, I guess that just offered him the mid level exception, so he wouldn't affect anything else. I hope he goes to Miami anyway, D Wade deserves as much help as he can get.
I'm sad that I didn't get to break the news on Andre Miller. I was playing my new N64 and I missed the news when it broke. Super Smash Bros. is worth it, I suppose. Andre Miller is a great singing, much better than Millsap would have been. He's only here for two years guaranteed, and with his age, I think it's great. Miller is 16th all time in assits per game average, which is something we will love to have. He's got the longest active streak for games played consecutively, and has only missed three in his entire career. He'll start in front of Blake, be a good model for Bayless, and really help the team. I'm really excited.
Looks like the Raptors have strengthened their bench and centre position by signing Rasho Nesterovic to a one year/$1.9 million contract. I think this is a good signing. He'll be a good backup to Bargnani and will solidify the second unit. He's a good defender and that's what the Raptors need. This is his second stint in Toronto.
Just read an interesting little trade that is in the works and is near being completed.

In the trade New Orleans would send Tyson Chandler to Charlotte for Emeka Okafor.

I hope that the Bobcats are getting more pieces in this proposed trade than Chandler. If not this a completely boneheaded trade by their front office as Emeka is a far superior player to Tyson Chandler.

I thought the Bobcats could be pushing for a playoff spot, but this trade would send them back to the lottery.
Well its all done and dusted. New Orleans sent Chandler to the Bobcats for Okafor.

Well I htink its a great trade for the Hornets. Sure they lose their only 7 footer in Chandler and perhaps lose a tiny scrap of defence compared with Emeka, but Okafors offense certainly makes up for this fact. PLus its not like he is a scrub on defense or when it comes to grabbing boards. Playing with Paul will increase his offensive numbers. Great move for both he and the Hornets.

As for the Bobcats.... I give this trade a big lol. For them, to me, its all about freeing themselves from the length of Okafors contract and saving money in the long run (seeing as I believe Chandler makes more than Emeka over the next two years but his contract is 3 years shorter.) Their owner has been losing money and looking to sell the franchise. Its sad as I had Charlotte as a very strong chance to make their first playoff appearance in the East this season. But losing Emeka to me means they are headed back to the lottery.
Just some more Free Agency News. The Mavericks have signed Drew Gooden and Tim Thomas to their roster. Not sure how much of an improvement htese two guys will bring to Dallas.

Earl Watson has signed with the Pacers. A good pickup for Indiana imo, they need some cover at Point Guard after letting Jack walk and cutting Tinsley. Ford will miss a swag of games as normal, and Diener isnt much good.
Just remembered a small trade that happened a week or so ago that when unnoticed here. That is the Atlanta Hawks sending the rights to David Andersen (an aussie) to the Houston Rockets for a Second Round Darft pick and cash.

Andersen has been a very good player in Europe with clubs like Barcelona and CSKA Moscow, even being an All Euro League First team selection. He has signed a 3 year contract with the Rockets, the third year being a team option.

Andersen will be a good cheap replacement for Yao Ming, whilst Yao sits with his foot injury. He wont be a star in the NBA but I think he will do a good job for the Rockets.
The Raptors made yet another roster move trading Devean George to the Warriors for Marco Balinelli. I heard good things about Belinelli so I think this was a decent trade. I guess we'll see how it pans out when the season starts. The Raptors have made some good moves this off-season. I hope it all works out for them.
YES YES YES YES YES YES@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lakers resigned Lamar Odom to a 4 year 33 million dollar contract. I am so happy that they have resigned Lamar. Being a huge Lakers fan I can really see us going back to the WFC and maybe even the Finals. They have a brilliant bench with odom, Farmar, Shannon Brown and walton and then you can include Sasha when we his hitting his shots. I hope Ron does excellent defense and doesn't do anything stupid and helps Kobe on defense. Come on Lakers!!!!!!!
The Raptors made yet another roster move trading Devean George to the Warriors for Marco Balinelli. I heard good things about Belinelli so I think this was a decent trade. I guess we'll see how it pans out when the season starts. The Raptors have made some good moves this off-season. I hope it all works out for them.

Unlike last year, where Colangelo shot us in the foot with the O'Neal signing which killed any chance of us having any depth off the bench, we're looking solid this season.

PG: Calderon (Bench: Belinelli, Roko)
SG: J. Jack (Bench: DeRozan, Wright, possibly Delfino?)
SF: Turkoglu (Bench: Graham? If/when he re-signs?)
PF: Bosh (Bench: Reggie Evans, Pops)
C: Bargnani (Bench: Rasho, O'Bryant)

Belinelli can play the 2, and Wright can play the 3 if I'm not mistaken, so he can take over when Hedo needs a break.
The Lakers are looking pretty good this season, but not better than last season. It's all Trevor Ariza's agent's fault. If I were the Lakers, I would have much rather had an improving 24 year old swingman than Ron Artest. Artest has been declining steadily on the defensive end the past few season and has been known to take some horrible shots on the offensive end. I think the Lakers made a huge mistake with Artest, he's the one thing that can keep them from repeating.
Artest, at this moment is better than Trevor Ariza. He'll always be better than Ariza at straight up defending (though not as intuitive and quick at intercepting passes), and can still light it up on offense. He makes mistakes, yes, but he's better at both areas of the game right now. Artest killed my Blazers in one game of the playoffs this year. He lit it up on offense. Other nights, he was cold as a stone. (See what I did there?) Kobe is a good enough leader to command the ball, though, and Artest won't have it in his hands every play. If he isn't feeling it, the ball won't find it's way over there. If he's hot, he'll get his shots. With the acquisition of Ron Artest, the Lakers have so many weapons. Kobe Bryant, Derek Fischer, and Ron Artest can drain the three. Bynum can dominate the paint when he's healthy. Gasol can shoot well enough from 15 feet, and he can muscle his way around down low. Bryant can create his own shots, and drive through the lane no matter who he's being opposed by. There isn't any one person you can double team on the Lakers, because they can all make you pay. Ariza is improving and he'll be good, but he's not Ron Artest.
Artest is defently better than Ariza at this point of the season. As of we have not seen what he can do yet same as we can not see what Artest can do so we have to judge from last year. Artest was defently better last year. He may have been forcing some shots but Artest can hit almost any jumper when not guarded to full potential ( and they wont with Kobe on the field) and then just piss you off with physical defense ( like he did with kobe in the playoffs last year. Even tho Kobe torched him he still pissed him off... But I really wanted to Ariza to stay I mean it would have been good for us Lakers to look into another 4 years and say well we do have Ariza and Bynum to look forward to. But oh well Artest is good to have now...
I was reading the posts on this thread and I have to tell you, the Iverson hating is just like any other sports thread that I have ever read.

Why is this guy so hated? Kobe can go and rape a girl and people forget about that. Artest can start a brawl and beat the shit out of a fan and people are cool about that. So why can't Iverson get a clean slate?

He wasn't a cancer to Detroit. Detroit wanted the guy to play like Billups and that's not Iverson. To have Iverson, you have to be willing to let him create and if you are not willing to give him the ball and let him do what he does, then it isn't going to work.

Iverson is a 10 time allstar, League MVP, 2 time allstar MVP, 4 time scoring champion, Rookie of the year, Rookie/Sophmore game MVP, No. 1 draft pick, 4 time all NBA 1st team, and was even on the all NBA defensive team for steals one year. The is a first ballot hall of famer and is still one of the best scorers in the league. He is by far the most important free agent this year and when he comes back and starts filling it up, I really hope I don't see all the haters start to love him again.
Iverson not only posted career lows in every offensive category last year, but he "led" a Pistons team who still had a lot of good talent to a losing record. He played well in Denver, but destroyed team chemistry and instead of being contenders, they sucked. Allen Iverson has played like an all-star on every team, but also made them all worse. He isn't a good fit anywhere, and no team wants to take a chance.
Why is this guy so hated? Kobe can go and rape a girl and people forget about that. Artest can start a brawl and beat the shit out of a fan and people are cool about that. So why can't Iverson get a clean slate?

1. Kobe was acquitted.
2. Most people still don't like Artest that much.
3. Iverson hasn't done anything yet to deserve a clean slate.

He wasn't a cancer to Detroit

Let's see, he took a team that had been to 6 straight Eastern Conference Championship series and turned them into and 8 seed with a losing record. Not only that, but he complained the entire way. Did I mention how he managed to get banned from multiple casinos in the Detroit area during the short time he was there?

Detroit wanted the guy to play like Billups and that's not Iverson. To have Iverson, you have to be willing to let him create and if you are not willing to give him the ball and let him do what he does, then it isn't going to work.

So basically he's a ball hog who needs 20+ shots a night to be effective. He could have easily done what Ben Gordon did in Chicago and score close to 20 points a game off the bench, but instead he decided to be a little bitch and complain any time they tried to bring him in off the bench.

Iverson is a 10 time allstar, League MVP, 2 time allstar MVP, 4 time scoring champion, Rookie of the year, Rookie/Sophmore game MVP, No. 1 draft pick, 4 time all NBA 1st team, and was even on the all NBA defensive team for steals one year. The is a first ballot hall of famer and is still one of the best scorers in the league. He is by far the most important free agent this year and when he comes back and starts filling it up, I really hope I don't see all the haters start to love him again.

He's also 34 years old and no where near the talent he once was. Gone are the days where he can take a team and put them on his back. At this stage in his career he needs to be willing to come in off the bench and he also needs to start making his teammates better. Those are two things he has never done in his career and I don't see that changing. That is why no one wants Iverson.
Iverson is indeed a cancer and thats why he wont find a job this season and will probably retire. He is 34 and is still demanding 35 minutes plus and 20 shots a game. Can he score 20 points a game taking over 20 shots. Yes. But so can a lot of guys. He needs to now be a point guard, start passing the ball and get 10 assists a game similar to Chris Paul. He can get 10 point 10 assists consistently if he decides to be a team player, but since he won't its BYE-BYE TO AI.
Iverson is indeed a cancer and thats why he wont find a job this season and will probably retire.

Sorry dude, but that's a load of shit. How is he a cancer? He basically kept Philly a playoff team for almost a decade. That doesn't sound like a cancer to me.

The fact is... A.I. has a certain style and if you have him on your team, you have to adjust your team to his way of playing. Detroit and Denver were simply not good fits for him, and even then... both teams made the playoffs with him on their team, so he obviously wasn't a "cancer" there either. In fact, from what I remember, Detroit's embarrassing showing in the playoffs this year against Cleveland came with Iverson injured. Now, I'm not saying Detroit wins that series if Iverson is healthy, but they sure as hell put up a better fight with him playing, and the reason is because he's a terrific player. Also, by all accounts... he's a great teammate, too. He had some battles with a couple of his coaches over the years, but you never hear any of his teammates bad mouth the guy. And moreover, he remains to this day one of the most popular players in the games.

So please, again... how is he a cancer in the least bit?
The fact is... A.I. has a certain style and if you have him on your team, you have to adjust your team to his way of playing. Detroit and Denver were simply not good fits for him, and even then... both teams made the playoffs with him on their team, so he obviously wasn't a "cancer" there either. In fact, from what I remember, Detroit's embarrassing showing in the playoffs this year against Cleveland came with Iverson injured. Now, I'm not saying Detroit wins that series if Iverson is healthy, but they sure as hell put up a better fight with him playing, and the reason is because he's a terrific player. Also, by all accounts... he's a great teammate, too. He had some battles with a couple of his coaches over the years, but you never hear any of his teammates bad mouth the guy. And moreover, he remains to this day one of the most popular players in the games.

Iverson is one of the most talented players to ever lace up a pair of sneakers. He has tons of heart and when he was in his prime he took a bad Philly team and along with Larry Brown, led them to the finals.

With that being said he was definitely a cancer in Detroit. He refused to come off the bench when he came here so Detroit put their leading scorer Rip Hamilton on the bench. Even when Detroit was obviously struggling with Rip on the bench Iverson still refused a reserve role. Then finally Iverson had a minor injury and the Pistons immediately became a better team with Rip back in the starting lineup.

When Iverson came back he acted like a little bitch and complained about being on the bench. He played like complete shit and finally Joe D just told him to go home. Iverson's "back injury" was basically nonexistent at that point. It definitely wouldn't have kept him out of action had Joe D wanted to keep him on the team. Will fucking Bynum took over Iverson's role as the third guard and he was scoring double figures off the bench at the end of the year. If Iverson wanted to, he could have easily come off the bench and scored 15-20 points similar to what Ben Gordon did in Chicago. I'll admit he was a bad fit in Detroit but they still had a chance to be a much better team if he would have manned up and took a reserve role. The fact is that he refused to be a team player and that played a big part in the Pistons fall from grace.

You saying he's a great teammate and he didn't play because of an injury is bullshit. He was a horrible teammate in Detroit and didn't play in the playoffs because he was hurting the team more then he was helping them.
With that being said he was definitely a cancer in Detroit. He refused to come off the bench when he came here so Detroit put their leading scorer Rip Hamilton on the bench. Even when Detroit was obviously struggling with Rip on the bench Iverson still refused a reserve role. Then finally Iverson had a minor injury and the Pistons immediately became a better team with Rip back in the starting lineup.

I never once saw Iverson "refuse" to come off the bench. All I heard him say was that he wouldn't like it. That's not "refusing". If the coach had any balls and would've stood up to him, Iverson would've came off the bench and still played as hard as he could.

The fact is... you tell any star player that he's going to be coming off the bench, they're not going to like it. Lamar Odom doesn't like coming off the bench either, but he still does it and I'm sure Iverson would've done it too. The coach just didn't have the balls to make him do so.

You saying he's a great teammate and he didn't play because of an injury is bullshit. He was a horrible teammate in Detroit and didn't play in the playoffs because he was hurting the team more then he was helping them.

How was he a horrible teammate? I didn't hear any of his teammates bitch about his behavior, just Detroit fans who take EVERYTHING way too personally, like they always have and always will.
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