NBA 2K17 hype thread

According to Smoove it's impossible to upgrade your free throw and stamina, among other things, permanently. You have to go to a TEAM practice, the extra ones don't count, and hope you get +1 to whatever category you want but it either doesn't show up in your ratings or goes away after a game or two.


Classic 2K with the one step forward and the two steps back.
If that isn't fixed, then that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard...
It makes it so hard to close out games on Hall of Fame. If they send you to the line you're going to miss at least one of them and probably both since your stamina is wrecked. Your shot starts missing, it's harder to create distance to get a good shot and the elite point guards don't have this same stamina issue so they end up hitting threes while you try to keep up like an idiot. This is also assisted by your team mates rushing in for a double team to make up for your slow ass and leaves someone wide open.

Free throws and stamina upgrades have to be fixed. The game is still fun but it's so easy to rage when you have a close game because of the free throw cheese.
It all depends on how you make your player as to what their stamina and such will be. I actually like that. For example, my player is a 6'3 PG shot creator. Because I didn't go too tall and I lowered his weight, his stamina is pretty high, but his strength sucks ass. He's also quick and has good handles. So when I want to score, I pretty much have to dribble to an open spot and play the mid range/3 pt game. Because his strength sucks, I can't just run in for a lay up every time because he sucks at finishing in traffic.

(VC helped a lot though)
It all depends on how you make your player as to what their stamina and such will be. I actually like that.

yeah i dont think starting with a low stamina rating is the problem. The fact that you cant improve it, especially when stamina is the one thing everyone can improve in the real world, is the problem
Remember when a whole game used to be 7gb. Now we're downloading 7gb update files within two weeks of launch day that had its own 7gb update file
Remember when a whole game used to be 7gb. Now we're downloading 7gb update files within two weeks of launch day that had its own 7gb update file

It does sort out the free throw/stamina issue for my player though. Doesn't fix the help defence which is some of the worst I've ever seen in any NBA game. Double teams as soon as you cross half court with less than 10 points is ridiculous. Leaving people wide open for threes on the opposite team and everyone dropping 20+ assists each game due to the instant double team when crossing half court has to be fixed.
The problem isn't double teams anymore, they patched that. Now the problem is sharpshooters. It's the most OP archetype I've ever seen. Literally ppl are just passing half court and draining 3s. Also the stretch 4 is op af. 2K needs to make it to where we have a primary archetype and 1 or 2 secondary archetypes. Literally players are only good at one thing. I have a shot creator and if I'm shooting off the dribble, I can drain a high percentage. If I'm wide the fuck open, I can't hit a three to save my life and can barely hit wide open off the pass mid range shots. Make the secondary archetypes where they can'tbe as high as the primary but high enough. That would fix a lot of stuff.
So....the Warriors are basically a cheat code. Curry, Thompson, Durant, Green - pretty much all automatic from EVERYWHERE. Curry and Durant can drain shots with a defender right on their grill. Don't think this is an over-reaction because they'll still be draining 3s even when the defender knocks the ball out of their hands but they recover it and they have no choice but to shoot the shot from whatever spot they recovered the ball in. Oh boy. Not from half court obviously but you know, "Curry range" which I guess to 2K, applies to KD too.
Klay is a must have for MyTeam. I don't have Curry but Lillard is able to dance on everybody. One of the best cards to have is the emerald Lillard.

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