Name Change Request **50 POSTS NEEDED**

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I think this makes me the highest decorated officer in all of WZ. And by highly decorated....I mean having the longest name.

It's nice to have the longest. Trust me.

Kidding, I'm Irish.

Anyway, if you get sick of the long name, let me know, and I will change it to "Lt. Cmndr. Steamboat Ricky." If you get greedy, I will make it longer, to "Lieutenant Commander Steamboat Steamboat James Ricky III"
I'd like a new name as well. Maybe something pertaining to artistic talent since I've been Photoshopping stuff for people recently, I dunno. If you rename me, please put the title and then Shock, not Shock64.
I'd like a new name as well. Maybe something pertaining to artistic talent since I've been Photoshopping stuff for people recently, I dunno. If you rename me, please put the title and then Shock, not Shock64.

I only assign ranks. If you want a "creative" name for your artistic prowess, you'd have to come up with it. However, if you're enlisting in the WZF Army, you're more than welcome to be Pfc. Shock.
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