Name Change Request **50 POSTS NEEDED**

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I can see this isn't on the top priority list, but I'm in no rush anyways. But whenever we get things up and running, my 30 days is up, so I'd like to be Derf again. Thanks to whomever.
If I was to change my name and I wanted to change it back to RichardREVENGE, will I need a further 50 posts?
Hi, can my name be changed to Æ, please? I remember a user long ago using the ☥ symbol in his nick, so i thought Æ could be used as well.

Some info if needed:

From Wikipedia:

For computers, when using the Latin-1 or Unicode character sets, the code points for Æ and æ are U+00C6 and U+00E6, respectively, or 198 and 230 in decimal. The characters can be entered by holding the Alt key while typing in 0198 or 0230 on the number pad on Windows systems (the Alt key and 145 for æ or 146 for Æ may also work if the system is in the IBM437 or IBM850 codepages), or by holding down the option key while typing an apostrophe ( ' ) on a Macintosh system under various keyboard layouts, including the U.S. layout. In Microsoft Word, Ӕ and ӕ can be written using the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + & followed by A or a.

On US-International keyboards, Æ is accessible with the combination of AltGr+z.

In X, AltGr+A is often mapped to æ/Æ, or a Compose key sequence Compose + a + e can be used. For more information, see Unicode input methods.

There is also Cyrillic Ӕ and ӕ in Unicode (U+04D4, U+04D5), though in practice the Latin letters Æ and æ (U+00C6, U+00E6) are used in Cyrillic texts (such as on Ossetian sites on the Internet).

In HTML, the HTML character entity references Æ and æ have been assigned to Æ and æ, respectively, where “lig” is short for ligature.

if it's not possible, AE is ok.

Thank you in advance.
My 30 days are up.Thank god.So I'd now like to change my name to-


and if thats taken

DJ the Bulldog
I checked the members list and nobody has this name. Whenever someone gets the chance, if I could be changed to Richard

Thanks in advance to whoever changes it.
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