Ask Guppee for a sig - Limited

you waited one week and asked for a HBK & Orton sig. I made you the HBK sig. Next monday, I'll give you a Orton one.

EDIT: Plus, I've never seen you use one of my sigs when I made them!!
Hey, Gup. Can i have a sig with Randy Orton & Ashley on it, Wiv " Colesey 4 Life" goin across it please, Also can i have a Blue background or sumthin lyke tha, Thanks!!!
here they are:



Hey man could you make me a TNA Sig...... Wit AJ Styles, Homicide & Hernandez please with Less Talk More Action writen along side em..... Tha TNA Logo in back in Blue if tha kew..... Noticed ya Sig^^^^..... TNA Hater isi lol
I swore he made it for u before... wasnt it with a eagle on it?

my request

A promo sig for jarrett vs sting at bfg do what ya want really...

same size as angle/edge

Yo Guppee can u make a Jeff Hardy Sig with Jeff doin a senton domb in the middle. doin a twist of fate on the right hand side. and on the left hand side it says modest. Please thanx

Size 400 x 400

Colours Green in tha back ground
SIZE:my jhardy sig
Colors black red white
nwo logo in the middle
sting nash hollywood hogan scott hall

NO HURRY- Make it when you can
Gup... I think its been a weak? Not sure tho... Just a Miz sig... Do your damn thang..

Only thing I want is some kinda cool effects..
When I re-opened this thread, I thought I would have time for all these sigs. I was wrong. I just don't have the time anymore to make 5 sigs a day. This thread is now closed, but if anyone really really really really neeeeeeeeeds a sig still, PM me a detailed request. Also, you must have over 40 posts and must use the sig. Thanks you for all the requests, but I don't have time anymore. Sorry. Thank you so much, once again, and, I guarantee, that this will be open again, just not now. ; )





The nWo sig is in the next post.
Gup.. I just want tot say thanks for all the sigs... I dont kno who else is going to make me sigs now.... Your still the best tho!!

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