Im taking sig requests

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raging Bull
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Thats ok, just want my HBK, RVD, Benoit one for now

heres what i want in case you forgot:
Who: RVD, HBK, Chris Benoit
Size: eh 580x200
BG colour: doesnt matter, just make it look cool please
Pictures: RVD with ECW and WWE title, Benoit with World Title, and HBK with World Title.

And have the text be The Very Best and possibly ziro somewhere kinda small lettering. And make it cartooney like your carlito sig plz

Thanks in advance!
For my sig
heres what i want in case you forgot:
Who: undertaker, the rock, Chris Benoit
Size: eh 580x200
BG colour: doesnt matter, just make it look cool please
Pictures: Undertaker with WWE title, Benoit with World Title, and the rock with thre World Title.

And have the text be The Best of The Best
Thx Alot in advance
Who - Kurt Angle with HHH next to him
Size - Large
colors - Kurt Angle side=Red HHHside=green
pictures - Kurt holding WWE TItle and HHH holding WWE title
text - On angles side Tna on HHH's side WWE
Who - Kurt Angle with HHH next to him
Size - Large
colors - Kurt Angle side=Red HHHside=green
pictures - Kurt holding WWE TItle and HHH holding WWE title
text - On angles side Tna on HHH's side WWE

Thanks Dude :)
To anyone who is going to request another sig dont i have way too many sigs already! if you request a sig after this post i will ignore it requesting will be back up as soon as i finish the ones i have here. ALL sigs will be finished within the next couple of days
Thank you for the Alex Shelley and John Devine aka (Paparazzi Productions) sig
Can you make me a Edge/Orton one

BackGround: Black
Pictures: Left: Edge with the WWE Championship Right: Orton with the WHC Middle: Them Shaking hands Above them: There Names
Size: A Sig size
Can you make me a RaVen Sig Please

Background- Black
Pictures- in the left could you do Raven doing the Raven effect DDT on someone, In The Middle can you do Raven Doing his pose and on the right can you have raven hitting someone with a chair.
Text- Quote the Raven nevermore above him
Size- 400x400
This is your one and only warning Raging Bull, the Sig Limit is 400 x 400, which means anything larger than that is against our rules. Both Width and Length have to be less than 400 Pixels. That goes for everyone else in this Thread, if any of the people who's sigs I have removed appear back again with an image that is too large, you will be banned on the spot.
pft whatever you can close this im not taking requests anymore!!
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