My school officially has a mascot

I go to a public charter school where the only white people who go there are the teachers and have recently had a school wide vote for a mascot.

The process was simple: in our Leadership class (basically our version of an Advisory class) we all nominated a potential mascot. We'd write everyones contribution on the bored and then vote which one we can all agree upon to nominate officially during the school wide voting.

My Leadership, being full of *****, decided to nominate pink dolphins. Some guy named Pascal yelled it out. I thought it was funny at first. Then people started voting for it. Then everyone except me voted for it.


Anyway, so after that part of the process was done we had our school wide voting. Basically the Leadership teachers held up a poster of the mascot their Leadership team nominated and the students would stand with or behind the one they wanted.

I stood behind the King Cobras because I disliked that one the least.

The groups who had the least amount of votes were disqualified. GUESS WHOSE NOMINATION WAS TAKEN OUT!?

So not too long into the event we were left with two. I again stood with the one I disliked the least. The other nomination? THE. MOTHER. FUCKING. PINK. DOLPHINS.

There were so many students on both sides we had to all stand in a line and be counted by the judges.

Luckily enough, our mascot won by about ten.

Unluckily enough, my school is now the Astro Tigers.

And I still want my dragon
So does someone have to dress up as this mascot? If so wouldn't it be much more humane just to put a giant target on their? Less funny, yes but more humane.
Not sure if someone is gonna dress up. Not sure if it's in our budget for a costume. And even if it were somehow, I don't think anyone would want to wear it.
The university I went to used to be called the Indians. This, of course, is apparently offensive, so they had to change their mascot. The school is located in a town called Cape, and one of the suggestions for the mascot change was the Crusaders.

How awesome would it have been to be the Cape Crusaders?
The university I went to used to be called the Indians. This, of course, is apparently offensive, so they had to change their mascot. The school is located in a town called Cape, and one of the suggestions for the mascot change was the Crusaders.

How awesome would it have been to be the Cape Crusaders?

Sly, did you go to SEMO?
Cause I live in Jackson ten minutes out of Cape.
I don't specifically remember because I was younger but my dad went there as an Indian, class of 92, and was really disappointed. I sill think the Redhawk is ridiculous. Espcecially their game mascot "Rowdy the Redhawk."

We are still the Indians at Jackson and have been since like 1925 if I'm not mistaken, but my journalism advisor has been telling me we'll end having to change it within ten years.
One of the things I've never understood about Native American names is that more often than not the tribe in question actually supports the school's name. Like the Seminole tribe fully supports Florida State using the name, and the Sioux tribe in North Dakota were in favor of the Fighting Sioux, yet they were still forced to change it.
the Sioux tribe in North Dakota were in favor of the Fighting Sioux, yet they were still forced to change it.

Interesting fact, this is technically the 3rd time in the schools history that the schools nickname/mascot has been changed. The were originally called the "Flickertails", but dropped it in favor of "The Sioux", then later added "Fighting".
The university I went to used to be called the Indians. This, of course, is apparently offensive, so they had to change their mascot. The school is located in a town called Cape, and one of the suggestions for the mascot change was the Crusaders.

How awesome would it have been to be the Cape Crusaders?

My high school mascot was the Indians. The principal at the time tried to change it to the Ducks at one point, but that didn't go over well at all. I'm sure it's going to get changed soon.

My college mascot is the Ospreys. I actually have really grown to like it a lot.
I don't get what's wrong with the Indians, I'll be honest. So we've romanticized a vision of your people as fierce warriors. What a tragedy.

We were Hilltoppers in high school which I maintain is the best mascot ever.
Most of the schools I went to had a fuckin' bulldog as a mascot. How lame and unimaginative.

I hate dogs, too. Except Jacob, until he fell for the baby. That shit was just plain odd.
I don't get what's wrong with the Indians, I'll be honest. So we've romanticized a vision of your people as fierce warriors. What a tragedy.

We were Hilltoppers in high school which I maintain is the best mascot ever.

Best name ever.
DirtyJosé;4110301 said:
Way to reference an ancient South Park episode, bro. #relevance
It's 100% relevant to the topic at hand, which was a school mascot vote. That was exactly what the episode was about.

Besides, just because it's 8 years old doesn't mean it's not funny, nor is it relevant.
The university I went to used to be called the Indians. This, of course, is apparently offensive, so they had to change their mascot. The school is located in a town called Cape, and one of the suggestions for the mascot change was the Crusaders.

How awesome would it have been to be the Cape Crusaders?
That'd be fucking awesome. I'd rather be called a Cape Crusader than an Astro Tiger.

Do you guys know what an Asto Tiger is? It's apparently a tiger in an astronaut suit. WHY

Mostly a black school?
Mostly a hispanic school. Scratch that, mostly a mexican school. But there's still more black students than white students. I think we have like one this year.

DirtyJosé;4110301 said:
I feel your pain. Fucking hipster trash and their silly sense of "irony".
There's no one even in my fucking town that has ever been a dragon! We've got Bumble Bees and Jets but no dragons. Even in the city just outside of my town no one has a dragon as their mascot! There's probably a handful of schools that have a tiger, mostly likely not an Astro Tiger, but a tiger non the less.

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