Middle School Sex Acts

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Posted by www.cbs4.com
MIRAMAR (CBS) ― Two Broward County teachers have been reassigned after allegations of a sex act between students arose this week at Glades Middle School in Miramar.

A police report says three girls at the middle school were victims of some kind of sexual battery, but school officials are telling a different story. Sexual relations allegedly happened inside two classrooms at Glades Middle School. Three students are accused of inappropriate sexual activity in the class—as shock to many kids who go to school there.

"They're really stupid, because they shouldn't be doing that in the first place," said 7th grader Amy Rodriguez.

Two 7th grade boys and a girl from Glades are on suspension. Police are not giving specifics as to what happened. They do say the three who have been suspended are "suspects" and three 12-year old girls are "victims." They say one girl came forward saying this sexual activity happened between September and December. Police say she's a victim of sexual performances while in class.

"I think it was very irresponsible for the kids who did that," said Paul Saldana, another 7th grader, "because it's not appropriate and it's just not healthy for them."

More than that, police call it sexual battery. School officials, however, don't know exactly what they're dealing with yet. They're trying to figure out if the "so-called victims" were coerced or pressured but say no one was raped.

"It really, really gives a lot of questions to a parent about what goes on in a classroom," said parent Barbara Shisoff.

Right now parents are trying to understand what's going on. With little information out there about what exactly happened in the classroom -- they still wonder -- who's watching the kids?

This is one of the most disturbing stories I've heard in a while....If the teachers knew about what was going on in their classroom they should have been fired not reassigned.....You didn't hear about these kind of things 15 or 20 years....This seems to me a sign of the times and since kids are learning about sex at a younger age, these types of occurences will continue to happen.

So who's to blame: parents, teachers, school officials, or the students themselves? I would like everybody's opinions on this subject.
This is shocking, but when you're about in the 7th grade or so, that's when you start to get curious about sex, and this may have been one of the reasons for why this happened. Lets give a run down of who was to blame:

Parents: You can't really blame the parents for this, as they don't really have any authority within the school, and they couldn't havestopped this from happening. And most kids in Year 7 don't listen to their parents anyway, so there is no way that the parents can be blamed for something like this.

Teachers: If this happened while in class, then you can blame the teachers. Why didn't they stop it? Why didn't they intervene? And was this even set up by the teachers? If the teachers were out of the class, or somehow werew supresed or osmething and couldn't stop or intervene the act, then they can't be blamed. There aren't enough details that we know to blame the teachers.

School Officials: The school officials when you think about it, may have jurisdction inside the classroom, but can't help this happening, unless they actually go to the classroom while its on to try and stop it. If they have put a sex ed class in place, it may have helped or it may not have. It may have made the students more curious, or made them smarter about it, therefore not trying in the first place. But you cannot blame the school officials, as they probably tried to do the best they could to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Students: Well, these are the people that committed the act, so you would think you could blame them. But they are just innocent schoolchildren who don't know better. They just wanted to find out what sex was like as they were curious about it, and it says that they didn't commit rape. You can't blame the students, as curiosity is a natural part of human life.

Really, you can't place the blame on anyone yet, without knowing more details about what happened. And there are probably many more cases around like this, we just don't here about them.
Truthfully, there's very little detail about what exactly happened. While it is shocking, it's not surprising or as shocking as I suppose it should be. I've heard reports of children even younger experimenting sexually.

What I do find disturbing is the line Police say she's a victim of sexual performances while in class. Am I misunderstanding or does that translate to the sexual incidents occurring DURING a class with the teacher doing nothing about it?! I don't care how badly your classroom is managed, no one can miss two kids "going at it," or doing sexually-themed things.

I don't know where to cast the blame because I don't think blame should be cast. It never helps to blame anyone for anything. Solving the issue and getting to the root of it helps more than casting blame and going for the ever popular "Band-Aid on the Gushing Wound" bullshit we socially love to go on.

The Middle School years are the most chaotic because the kids are chock full of hormones and they don't know what to do with them, so they try the things they see in the media when their parents aren't around. Pay more attention to your kids and be honest and open with them about and especially sex. Because kids are trying it younger and younger, unaware of the consequences or of even how it's done...

We need to talk with our youth, not try and shield them. The more taboo something is, the more people want to try it.
I take one issue with the initial post... I personally think that this is not necessarily really a sign of the times; at least not in all respects. Now while it is true that due to the situations in developed countries children mature more early than they used to in the past, and are also more sexually aware due to sex education, but of course also because of public media - you have sexually-themed ads, movies and shows everywhere; just think about the Internet where content like this is even more easily available; so naturally, children are confronted with sexuality at a much earlier stage than they used to - at least in public.

However I do believe that 10, 20, 30 years ago, it wasn't really much different. When I think of some of the stories my parents or other older relatives told me about their youth; there really were enough stories among those which involved "sexual activity" at comparatively young ages. I simply believe that in those days, these activities were more often conducted "behind closed doors", whereas in our day and age of more open sexuality, sexual activity also has lost a lot of the "stigmata" it had and has come to be regarded as much more "natural". I personally don't really think that sex education makes children more "curious". If anything, it should make them aware of the ways, consequences and also dangers - I think it would be much worse if there was no sex education. For as said - children enter adolescence much earlier nowadays, and thus need to know their bit about how things work, no matter if its school that's teaching them or parents.

However of course performing "sexually-themed acts" in school or in a classroom indeed is inappropriate (as sexual intercourse in public generally is - no matter if sexuality is dealt with more openly these days, still most people do not want to have a part in other people's activities, and rightly so... I think this is an "intimate" act and should remain "intimate" lol); and of course if some sort of coercion or even rape was involved, this is definitely an issue; however you really should look carefully at the people involved, and especially consider if acts such as these are generally common in schools, or if this was a "one-off" event, and the reasons are to be sought not in general changes of circumstances or society, but more elementarily in the individual backgrounds of the people involved.

Generally, I belive that things like this have always happened, even at such ages - I believe it is just that nowadays, things like that are adressed more publicly whereas in generations past, these issues mostly were dealt with in secrecy as to avoid any unwanted publicity; however nowadays that is no longer possible, and thus people are more aware and also want to be more aware of what's going on, and rightly so.

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