My Graphic novel reviews

DC Universe Rebirth
The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: Flows like fine wine.

The Storyline: a Speed Force storm has made citizens of Central City into new Speedsters and one decides to use his new found speed for evil and it's up to The Flash & Kid Flash to stop him.

Artistry: with todays technology is it a surprise this is anything but perfect?

How much I Liked It: I loved it. Flash is quickly speeding his way up my list of favorites just like Green Lantern did.

Final Thoughts: I found this and a bunch of single edition comics (which can be found listed below) in a free little library a block from my house so I wasn't as knowledgeable about this as I was some of the others I own but I'm glad i grabbed it. I couldn't put it down after I started reading this which is always a good sign. I'm excited to read more newer editions of The Flash in the future.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Reborn Issue #4

On Deck
DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans Vol. 1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batwoman: Elegy (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
5 Stars
1) Wolverine: Old Man Logan (Marvel) *

2) The Ultimates (Marvel) L

3) Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation (Marvel) L

4) Get Jiro(Vertigo) L

5) The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle (Del Rey Books) L

6) Civil War (Marvel)*

7) Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment (Marvel) L

8) The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 (DC) L

9) Ms. Marvel: No Normal (Marvel) L

10) Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (DC) L

11) Kingdom Come (DC (recommended by @Smarkmouth)) *

12) Superman: Red Son (DC (Recommend by Lee)) *

13) Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Journey Begins (Marvel) L

14) The New 52 Batman: The Court of Owls (DC) L

15) Crossed Vol. 2: Family Values (Avatar) *

16) Crossed Vol. 3: Psychopath (Avatar) *

17) Blackest Night: Green Lantern (DC) *

18) Blackest Night (DC) *

19) DC Universe Rebirth • The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (DC) *

4-5 Stars
1) The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian (DC) L

2) Ultimate X-Men (Marvel) L

3) Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (DC) *

4) Troublemaker Book 1 (Dark Horse) L

5) Troublemaker Book 2 (Dark Horse) L

6) Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (Marvel) L

7) Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (Marvel) L

8) Batgirl: Silent Running (DC) L

9) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded (Dark Horse) L

10) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own (Dark Horse) L

11) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall (Dark Horse) L

12) Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man (Marvel) L

13) X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (Marvel) L

14) The Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War (Marvel) L

15) Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy (DC) L

16) Thor (Marvel) L

17) Flashpoint (DC) *

18) DareDevil: The Man Without Fear (Marvel) L

19) Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (DC) L

20) Batman/Superman: Supergirl (DC) L

21) All*Star Superman(DC) L

22) Batman/Superman: The Search for Kryptonite(DC) L

23) Superman: A Celebration of 75 years (DC) L

24) Wolverine: Get Mystique (Marvel) L

25) Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1 (Marvel) L

26) Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2 (Marvel) L

27) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: Circus of The Damned (Marvel) L

28) Chronicles of Wormwood Vol. 1 (Avatar) *

29) The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Dark Horse) D

30) The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite (Dark Horse) D

31) The Umbrella Academy Vol. 2: Dallas (Dark Horse) D

32) Colder Vol. 1 (Dark Horse) D

33) Colder Vol. 2: The Bad Seed (Dark Horse) D

34) Colder Vol. 3: Toss The Bones (Dark Horse) D

35) Superman: Ending Battle (DC) L

3-4 Stars
1) Civil War: X-Men (Marvel) L

2) The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan 1980 (Marvel))
(recommended by John McCass) SIC

3) Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny (Marvel) L

4) Batman: A Death In The Family (DC) *

5) Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity (DC) L

6) Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel) L

7) X-Men: With Great Power (Marvel) L

8) The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift (DC) L

9) The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (DC) L

10) Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again(DC) L

11) Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside (DC) L

12) Guardians Of The Galaxy (Marvel) L

13) Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies (Marvel) L

14) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Vol. 2: Necromancer (Marvel) L

15) Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 2 (DC) L

16) Countdown to Infinite Crisis • Superman: Sacrifice (DC) L

2-3 Stars
1) The Road To Civil War (Marvel) *

2) Supergirl: Book 1 (DC) L

3) Superman Codename: Patriot (DC) L

4) Daredevil: Yellow (Marvel) L

1-2 Stars
1) Hellboy: The Right Hand of Doom (Dark Horse) L

2) Batman '66 Vol. 2 (DC) L

Total number of reviews done = 76

* = I own it

D = My daughter owns it

L = Library Book

SIC = Single Issue Comic
I saw these at the Library and had to pick them up. Which in turn made me have to redo my list.
Up Next
Batwoman: Elegy (Deluxe Editon (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey))

On Deck
Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Wonder Woman: The Circle

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
I'm going to try to keep this strictly to ones I own and ones I rated above 3 stars. Obviously I didn't really like it if I gave it 1 or 2 stars.

My favorite(s)
Out of all 76 reviews I've done I would have to say my favorites are Green Lantern: Blackest Night & Blackest Night. I didn't really know what to expect except other reviews online but they didn't do them justice. I read each of these 4 times in the first week.

My least favorite(s)
Out of all the ones I own i least like Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying. As classic as this may be I just don't like real world politics in my comics. Couldn't get into it for that very reason and I haven't touched it since i got done reading it the one time. Reread every other one I own more than once.

Most surprising
This one goes to Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying as well. Surprises as we all know can be good or bad. This one was bad. I was expecting something you know, good and I got a search for Jason Todd's birth mother sprinkled in with the politics of the day.

On the good side of surprise we have DC Universe Rebirth • The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice. Wasn't even looking for it and I love it.
Batwoman: Elegy (DC)
(recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

How Everything Flows Together: It's all good on this front.

The Storyline: Batwoman is forced to fight a psychotic villian new to Gotham who may be someone from her past.

Artistry: It's dark and gritty which fits perfe tly with the story

How much I Liked It: I loved it. It's that simple really.

Final Thoughts: I wouldn't have gotten this without it being recommended by Spidey. I may have gotten this at the library this time but I will be buying it as well.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

On Deck
Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Wonder Woman: The Circle

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
Up Next
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
(recommended by Lee)

On Deck
100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology

The New 52 Super Girl Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton
Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Wonder Woman: The Circle

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
(recommended by Lee)

How Everything Flows Together: it's good once you get used to how the book is set up.

The Storyline: Allan Quartermain & Mina Murray (Harker) have stolen a Dossier that details the history of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and are followed by British Intelligence in oder to get it back before they make it back to The Blazing World in the 4th dimension. Interspersed between this are excerpts from the dossier they stole.

Artistry: I didn't like it. Reminded me way to much of The Hellboy G.N. I read and in fthis case that's a bad thing.

How much I Liked It: it was ok. It wasn't bad but i didn't really get sucked into it like a good story does

Final Thoughts: I saw this at the Library and grabbed it. Lee said it would be a bit confusing without reading Vol. 1 & 2 and he was right because I was rather confused from the start. The copious amounts of nudity as well as the back and forth between the comic style and regular novel style didn't do it any favors either. I'll come back to this one after reading the first 2 and maybe I'll change my rating.

My Rating : * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Wonder Woman: The Circle

On Deck
100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology

The New 52 Super Girl Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey
Batwoman: Elegy (DC)
(recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

How Everything Flows Together: It's all good on this front.

The Storyline: Batwoman is forced to fight a psychotic villian new to Gotham who may be someone from her past.

Artistry: It's dark and gritty which fits perfe tly with the story

How much I Liked It: I loved it. It's that simple really.

Final Thoughts: I wouldn't have gotten this without it being recommended by Spidey. I may have gotten this at the library this time but I will be buying it as well.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
After talking to Spidey a bit I've decided to add another category to these reviews (and probably the other 2 as well)

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: It was something I've never read before. A storyline that sucked me in amd kept me interested throughout. The action amd everything was fast paced and fot perfectly with everything. I got the first 2 of her New 52 series because of this one so that's another good thing.
Wonder Woman: The Circle (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: it's two stories in one and I didn't know that so it was a bit jarring.

The Storyline: The one the book is named after has Wonder Woman banned from Themiscarya but is forced to return when the island is attacked from both outside and inside

Artistry: a bit amateurish. When a pegasus has a lenoesque chin and what looks like dentures while Superman has a long neck and no chin I can't give it full marks

How much I Liked/Didn't Like It: I did enjoy it despite the poor artistry. It offered a look at Wonder Woman's birth from the perspective of someone who never wanted her born in the first place. Plus seeing Nazis get beat up is always fun

Final Thoughts: Definitely one I'd recommend to anyone who would ask.

My Rating : * * * * 1/2 out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 SuperGirl Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton

On Deck
100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The New 52 SuperGirl Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty good

The Storyline: Kara Zor-El arrives on eath woth no memory of what happened to her or Krypton. She finds answers but they're not at all what she was hoping for. As she searches her desolated home she comes across a woman named Reign who wants to destroy the earth and she's the only one that can stop her.

Artistry: It is ok. Not horrible but not the best I've seen either.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: artistry aside I did like it. It was very well paced and because I'm not as up on Supergirl as I am other DC heros I enjoyed this story probably more than I would have if I was up to date on her history as others may be.

Final Thoughts: Not a bad read at all. The New 52 seems to get a lot of crap but I'm enjoying what I've read so far.

My Rating : * * * * 1/4 out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology

On Deck

100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne[/b)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth[/b)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 & 2 (recommended by Lee)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
5 Stars
1) Wolverine: Old Man Logan (Marvel) *

2) The Ultimates (Marvel) L

3) Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation (Marvel) L

4) Get Jiro(Vertigo) L

5) The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle (Del Rey Books) L

6) Civil War (Marvel)*

7) Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment (Marvel) L

8) The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 (DC) L

9) Ms. Marvel: No Normal (Marvel) L

10) Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (DC) L

11) Kingdom Come (DC (recommended by @Smarkmouth)) *

12) Superman: Red Son (DC (Recommend by Lee)) *

13) Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Journey Begins (Marvel) L

14) The New 52 Batman: The Court of Owls (DC) L

15) Crossed Vol. 2: Family Values (Avatar) *

16) Crossed Vol. 3: Psychopath (Avatar) *

17) Blackest Night: Green Lantern (DC) *

18) Blackest Night (DC) *

19) DC Universe Rebirth • The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (DC) *

20) Batwoman Elegy (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey) (DC) L

4-5 Stars
1) The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian (DC) L

2) Ultimate X-Men (Marvel) L

3) Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (DC) *

4) Troublemaker Book 1 (Dark Horse) L

5) Troublemaker Book 2 (Dark Horse) L

6) Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (Marvel) L

7) Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (Marvel) L

8) Batgirl: Silent Running (DC) L

9) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded (Dark Horse) L

10) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own (Dark Horse) L

11) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall (Dark Horse) L

12) Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man (Marvel) L

13) X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (Marvel) L

14) The Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War (Marvel) L

15) Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy (DC) L

16) Thor (Marvel) L

17) Flashpoint (DC) *

18) DareDevil: The Man Without Fear (Marvel) L

19) Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (DC) L

20) Batman/Superman: Supergirl (DC) L

21) All*Star Superman(DC) L

22) Batman/Superman: The Search for Kryptonite(DC) L

23) Superman: A Celebration of 75 years (DC) L

24) Wolverine: Get Mystique (Marvel) L

25) Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1 (Marvel) L

26) Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2 (Marvel) L

27) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: Circus of The Damned (Marvel) L

28) Chronicles of Wormwood Vol. 1 (Avatar) *

29) The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Dark Horse) D

30) The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite (Dark Horse) D

31) The Umbrella Academy Vol. 2: Dallas (Dark Horse) D

32) Colder Vol. 1 (Dark Horse) D

33) Colder Vol. 2: The Bad Seed (Dark Horse) D

34) Colder Vol. 3: Toss The Bones (Dark Horse) D

35) Superman: Ending Battle (DC) L

36) Wonder Woman: The Circle (DC) L

37) The New 52 SuperGirl Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton (DC) L

3-4 Stars
1) Civil War: X-Men (Marvel) L

2) The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan 1980 (Marvel))
(recommended by John McCass) SIC

3) Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny (Marvel) L

4) Batman: A Death In The Family (DC) *

5) Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity (DC) L

6) Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel) L

7) X-Men: With Great Power (Marvel) L

8) The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift (DC) L

9) The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (DC) L

10) Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again(DC) L

11) Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside (DC) L

12) Guardians Of The Galaxy (Marvel) L

13) Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies (Marvel) L

14) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Vol. 2: Necromancer (Marvel) L

15) Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 2 (DC) L

16) Countdown to Infinite Crisis • Superman: Sacrifice (DC) L

17) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (recommended by Lee) (DC) L

2-3 Stars
1) The Road To Civil War (Marvel) *

2) Supergirl: Book 1 (DC) L

3) Superman Codename: Patriot (DC) L

4) Daredevil: Yellow (Marvel) L

1-2 Stars
1) Hellboy: The Right Hand of Doom (Dark Horse) L

2) Batman '66 Vol. 2 (DC) L

Total number of reviews done = 80
* = I own it

D = My daughter owns it

L = Library Book

SIC = Single Issue Comic
I went on another library spree and was able to whittle down my reccomendations list.
Up Next
The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 (recommended by Lee)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2 (recommended by Lee)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The New 52 · Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together like one would expect after 81 of these reviews

The Storyline: Kate Kane aka Batwoman has to find children that have mysteriously vanished while staying one step ahead of the police and balancing her budding relationship with GCPD detective Maggie Sawyer

Artistry: Dark & a bit gritty which fits in with the ghost story aspect of the story. I really like it.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: I liked it. Aside from the one other Batwoman story I've read I've never read a graphic novel with a gay superhero male or female.

Final Thoughts: If you've never read Batwoman before start with Elegy and then pick this one up. If you're a fan of the Bat family you'll be glad you did.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 (recommended by Lee)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2 (recommended by Lee)

Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4[

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The New 52 · Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together like one would expect after doing all of these reviews

The Storyline: Batwoman has now been blackmailed to work for the Department of Extranormal Operations and is forced to do some things she doesn't want to do in her hunt for the missing children.

Artistry: Dark & a bit gritty which fits in with the ghost story aspect of the story. I really like it.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: Over all I liked it. The story continues seamlessly from Vol. 1 and still kept me rivited. The artwork is some of the best I've seen. The thing docked it half a star was the fact they told the same story from 5 different views avnd kept jumping bsck and forth between thr past & the present.

Final Thoughts: Now I need to go find the rest of the volumes so I can finish the damn story.

My Rating : * * * * 1/2 out of 5
Up Next
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 (recommended by Lee)

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2 (recommended by Lee)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men Bol. 1: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 (DC)
(recommended by Lee)

How Everything Flows Together: I'm running out of ways to say the flow was good

The Storyline: Campion Bond (grandfather of 007 James Bond) has Wilhelmina Murray gather together some rather extraordinary gentlemen. After she does that and the league is set up they're tasked with retrieving a stolen piece of gravity defying cavorite for Bond's employer Mr. M. In doing so they must then prevent thd destruction of London's east end.

Artistry: I actually enjoyed it. They tried to make seem like it actually was from the late 19th century and the art makes that even more believable.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: Over all I loved it. Something about all of fiction living in the same world speaks to me. The art style worked more than I thought it would and the story is so much bettet than the film. The only thing I didn't care for was the fact they put Arabic, French and Chinese in there as well, none of which I speak. Luckily they only did it a little bit where it made sense to do it so I'm able to over look it for the most part.

Final Thoughts: I can already tell I'm going to up my rating of Black Dossier. Just reading the 1st one put some pieces of the puzzle into place.

My Rating : * * * * 1/4 out of 5
Up Next
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2 (recommended by Lee)

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men Bol. 1: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2 (DC)
(recommended by Lee)

How Everything Flows Together: I'm running out of ways to say the flow was good

The Storyline: This time the league is called on to help stop an alien invasion (a War Of The Worlds if you will) only not everything is as it seems. Someone is a traitor and the league won't make it out of this in one piece.

Artistry: the same style as the 1st one and again it fits with the story and adds to it in a way it wouldn't have had it looked like it was from this century

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: I loved it for the same reason as the last one. Although I was unhappy with the fact that once again there was a language I don't understand (martian this time). I also really didn't like see an old Allan Quartermain naked and sucking on a woman's tit.

Final Thoughts: If I don't end up giving Black Dossier a 4-5 * rating now that Ive read the 1st two I'll be surprised

My Rating : * * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (2nd review) (recommended by Lee)

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Astonishing X-Men Bol. 1: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
This is my 2nd go at this one. I'll underline everything that's different to save y'all the time of reading everything.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
(recommended by Lee) [2nd review]

How Everything Flows Together: it's good once you get used to how the book is set up.

The Storyline: Allan Quartermain & Mina Murray have stolen a Dossier that details the history of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and are followed by British Intelligence agent James Bond (yes that james Bond) in oder to get it back before they make it back to The Blazing World in the 4th dimension. Interspersed between this are excerpts from the dossier they stole.

Artistry: After reading the first 2 it doesn't bother me like it did before. In fact I rather enjoyed it.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: I enjoyed it this time around. I noticed a bunch of things that made so much more sense after reading the first 2.

Final Thoughts: came back to this like I said I would and boy did it make a difference. Don't do what I did and read this first. Find the first 2 and those, then come back to this.

My Rating : * * * *1/2 out of 5
Up Next
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1: Gifted (recommended by @smarkmouth)

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous (2nd review)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1: Gifted (Marvel)
(recommended by @smarkmouth)

How Everything Flows Together: Flows together quite nicely.

The Storyline: Emma Frost & Scott Summers rebuild the X-Men and the first thing they must do is battle an alien hellbent on bringing down thr mutant race with the help of a human geneticist and a cure called hope.

Artistry: It was pretty good except for the fact they made Beast look like a house cat.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: It was o.k. but it was standard X-Men fair. People hate them, there's a cure & they need to stop it. Nothing really made this a must read for me.

Final Thoughts: I'm willing to give this series a shot. This first one didn't thrill me.

My Rating : * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous (2nd review)

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
figured Id add this thing to the beginning every time I do a 2nd review so y'all can get to the 1st one quickly if you want.
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous (Marvel)
[2nd review]

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together perfectly.

The Storyline: not to much detail to go into here. The Danger Room at Xavier's mansion becomes sentient and tries to destroy the X-Men. By the end of the book they end up on the Island of Genosha where they meet up with the professor and battle the A.I. for the last time

Artistry: It still seems a bit amateurish which makes the story a bit harder to get into. Beast still looks like an anthropomorphic cat which bothers me.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: Aside from the art style I loved this. It was a nice continuation of Gifted as well as getting me really interested in the rest of the story.

Final Thoughts: I'm glad I did this a second time. The slight confusion I had the first time I read this was gone this time which was enough to up the rating a bit.

My Rating : * * * *3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (recommended by @smarkmouth)

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)[/quote]
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (Marvel)
[recommended by @Smarkmouth]

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together perfectly.

The Storyline: The X-Men are taken aboard an interstellar ship and taken to The Breakworld where Collosus is prophesied to destroy the planet. To stop that from happening the leader of The Breakworld has made a giant weapon that will destroy earth. In order to save earth one of the X-Men must make the ultimate sacrifice.

Artistry: I'll never get used to Beast looking like a giant house cat. After 3 volumes I can say John Cassaday is my leadt favorite artist so far

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: I enjoyed it. It tied everything from the previois volumes up in a nice neat bow and still left me wanting to read more.

Final Thoughts: Not a bad story. Thank you to Smarkmouth for recommending the rest of the series. If you haven't read it and are a fan of the X-Men you owe it to yourself to find it.

My Rating : * * * *3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

On Deck
Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On Serious Earth (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
Batman · Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth (DC)
(recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

How Everything Flows Together: it flows awesome

The Storyline: the inmates have taken over Arlham Asylum and they only want one thing, Batman in there with them. He goes in and must fight both the inmates and his own psyche to survive

Artistry: Dark, gritty & unlike anything I've ever seen before. Perfect for the story being told.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: This book had everything. An awesome plot, a setting not really explored before or since, new takes on some of my favorite comic characters & art work that honestly belongs in a museum. The icing on the cake was that it kept me so engrossed i couldn't put it down. I just got it from the library and I'm already done.

Final Thoughts: Stop reading this and go find this book. The 15th anniversary edition if you can. It's got some nice extras at the end.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol.2

On Deck
Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
5 Stars
1) Wolverine: Old Man Logan (Marvel) *

2) The Ultimates (Marvel) L

3) Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation (Marvel) L

4) Get Jiro(Vertigo) L

5) The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle (Del Rey Books) L

6) Civil War (Marvel)*

7) Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment (Marvel) L

8) The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 (DC) L

9) Ms. Marvel: No Normal (Marvel) L

10) Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (DC) L

11) Kingdom Come (DC (recommended by @Smarkmouth)) *

12) Superman: Red Son (DC (Recommend by Lee)) *

13) Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Journey Begins (Marvel) L

14) The New 52 Batman: The Court of Owls (DC) L

15) Crossed Vol. 2: Family Values (Avatar) *

16) Crossed Vol. 3: Psychopath (Avatar) *

17) Blackest Night: Green Lantern (DC) *

18) Blackest Night (DC) *

19) DC Universe Rebirth • The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (DC) *

20) Batwoman Elegy (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey) (DC) L

21) The New 52 · Batwoman Vol. 1: Hydrology L

22) Batman · Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth (DC)
(recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey) L

4-5 Stars
1) The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian (DC) L

2) Ultimate X-Men (Marvel) L

3) Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (DC) *

4) Troublemaker Book 1 (Dark Horse) L

5) Troublemaker Book 2 (Dark Horse) L

6) Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (Marvel) L [rating range stayed the same after 2nd review but the rating itself went up half a star]

7) Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (Marvel) L

8) Batgirl: Silent Running (DC) L

9) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded (Dark Horse) L

10) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own (Dark Horse) L

11) Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall (Dark Horse) L

12) Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man (Marvel) L

13) X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (Marvel) L

14) The Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War (Marvel) L

15) Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy (DC) L

16) Thor (Marvel) L

17) Flashpoint (DC) *

18) DareDevil: The Man Without Fear (Marvel) L

19) Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (DC) L

20) Batman/Superman: Supergirl (DC) L

21) All*Star Superman(DC) L

22) Batman/Superman: The Search for Kryptonite(DC) L

23) Superman: A Celebration of 75 years (DC) L

24) Wolverine: Get Mystique (Marvel) L

25) Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1 (Marvel) L

26) Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2 (Marvel) L

27) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: Circus of The Damned (Marvel) L

28) Chronicles of Wormwood Vol. 1 (Avatar) *

29) The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Dark Horse) D

30) The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite (Dark Horse) D

31) The Umbrella Academy Vol. 2: Dallas (Dark Horse) D

32) Colder Vol. 1 (Dark Horse) D

33) Colder Vol. 2: The Bad Seed (Dark Horse) D

34) Colder Vol. 3: Toss The Bones (Dark Horse) D

35) Superman: Ending Battle (DC) L

36) Wonder Woman: The Circle (DC) L

37) The New 52 SuperGirl Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton (DC) L

38) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 1 (DC)
(recommended by Lee) L

39) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2 (DC)
(recommended by Lee) L

40) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (recommended by Lee) (DC) L [New Rating after 2nd review]

41) The New 52 · Batwoman Vol. 2: To Drown The World L

42) Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Unstoppable (Marvel)
[recommended by @Smarkmouth] L

3-4 Stars
1) Civil War: X-Men (Marvel) L

2) The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan 1980 (Marvel))
(recommended by John McCass) SIC

3) Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny (Marvel) L

4) Batman: A Death In The Family (DC) *

5) Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity (DC) L

6) Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel) L

7) X-Men: With Great Power (Marvel) L

8) The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift (DC) L

9) The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (DC) L

10) Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again(DC) L

11) Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside (DC) L

12) Guardians Of The Galaxy (Marvel) L

13) Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies (Marvel) L

14) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Vol. 2: Necromancer (Marvel) L

15) Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 2 (DC) L

16) Countdown to Infinite Crisis • Superman: Sacrifice (DC) L

17) Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1: Gifted (Marvel)
(recommended by @smarkmouth) L

2-3 Stars
1) The Road To Civil War (Marvel) *

2) Supergirl: Book 1 (DC) L

3) Superman Codename: Patriot (DC) L

4) Daredevil: Yellow (Marvel) L

1-2 Stars
1) Hellboy: The Right Hand of Doom (Dark Horse) L

2) Batman '66 Vol. 2 (DC) L

Total number of reviews done = 87
* = I own it

D = My daughter owns it

L = Library Book

SIC = Single Issue Comic
Wonder Woman Odyssey Vol. 2 (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: it flows very nicely

The Storyline: Wonder Woman has been raised in man's world instead of Themiscyra and all the other Amazons have been systemically wiped out until she's the only one left. Behind all this is a crazed Goddess that wants to use Diana to destroy the world.

Artistry: surprisingly consistent for as many different people worked on the art in this one.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: ignoring that this is the 2nd half of a story I really enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for anything involving the Greek Gods and this is no exception. The writing was done very well and stayed true to what I've come to expect from a Wonder Woman comic and as I mentioned the art was very well done by everyone involved.

Final Thoughts: I didn't realize this was a second volume until I got home because that was in tiny lettering at the bottom of the cover. I more than likely still would havr gotten it but at least I would have been prepared.

My Rating : * * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 · Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection

On Deck
Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

The New 52 Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

Youngblood (recommended by Yaz)

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey[)
The New 52 · Batgirl Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: it flows very nicely

The Storyline: Barbara Gordon is able to walk after a medical procedure gives her back the use of her legs. She picks up right where she left off as Batgirl and immediately gets tossed into the fire by having to stop a psycho with mind control powers named Gretel.

Artistry: It was alright. A bit childish in places but nothing to bad that it took me out of the story.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: Overall it was good and i enjoyed but one glaring problem kept me from getting as engrossed as I may have otherwise and that's the fact that after a long time and very little explanation she can walk again. The only reason I know anything is because it was said in passing. Such a drastic change should have been given a little more explanation.

Final Thoughts: Good but mot great. If you find it pick it up.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 · Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall Descends

On Deck
Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles


100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

Youngblood (recommended by Yaz)

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)
The New 52 · Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall Descends (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: it flows very nicely

The Storyline: Batgirl is still out there taking on bad guys only this time the people she is after are killing criminals in the name of a better Gotham. She teams with G.C.P.D. detective Melody Mckenna and Batwoman to take down the mastermind behind it all Knightfall. And unknown to Barbara her psychotic brother James Gordon Jr has escaped from Arkham

Artistry: It was alright. A bit childish in places but nothing to bad that it took me out of the story that much.

Why I Liked/Didn't Like It: Overall it was good. I like how they added more to what happened in Vol. 1 and kept things going for Vol. 3. The art though, still hsving trouble getting used to it.

Final Thoughts: If you liked Vol. 1 then odds are you'll love this.

My Rating : * * * * 1/2out of 5
Up Next

On Deck
Y: The Last Man Vol. 1: Unmanned

Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles

100 Bullets Vol. 4: A Forgone Tomorrow

100 Bullets Vol. 3: Hang Up On The Hang Low

100 Bullets Vol. 2: Split Second Chance

100 Bullets Vol. 1: First Shot, Last Call

100 Bullets Vol.1 First Shot, Last Call

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 3

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 4

Reborn #4

DC Universe Rebirth: Teen Titans #1

Detective Comics #831

Detective Comics #844

Detective Comics #845

Detective Comics #852

Detective Comics #853

Detective Comics #856

Detective Comics #861

Detective Comics #862

Darth Maul #1

Darth Maul #2

Dr. Strange #16

A-Force #4

G.I. Joe #9

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7

Youngblood (recommended by Yaz)

X-Men: Messiah CompleX (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Messiah War (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming (recommended by Justinsayne)

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (2nd review)

Astonishinghing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Batman: Eternal Vol.1 (recommended by Mr. Conway Spidey)

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