My Graphic novel reviews

Batman '66 Vol. 2 (DC)
(Batman "66 #6-10)

How Everything Flows Together: It was a bunch of short stories based on the old Adam West TV show so as one whole novel it didn't really flow.

The Storyline:: There was a bunch of them so I'm not going to detail on all of them. I would be here for a while if I went through all of them

Artistry: It based on Adam West and I have to give them credit Batman really did look like Adam West. The Artistry was very good for what it was.

How much I Liked It: It was OK but I didn't enjoy the campiness. I get that the old show was campy so this kind of had to be but that kind of stuff just isn't for me.

Final Thoughts: Out of all the reviews I've done this is the first one I just couldn't finish. Even Hellboy I was able to speed read my way through but this I couldn't. The campy nature just kept me from getting sucked in the way I like and when that happens I just don't enjoy it and don't finish. If you're a Batman fan or a fan of the old TV show give this a shot, maybe you'll have better luck than me.

My Rating : * 1/2 out of 5
Up Next
Batman: Vol. 7 Endgame

On Deck
Stephen King's The Dark Tower The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins

Superman: A Celebration of 75 years

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2

The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Civil War: X-Men
Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (DC)
(Batman: #35-40)

How Everything Flows Together: It all flows together nice.

The Storyline: I don't want to ruin this for anyone who may want to read it.

Artistry: It's got an amazing futuristic feel to that i love. Crisp, clean & awesome

How much I Liked It: It may be that the last one was that bad but I loved this one. I couldn't put it down.

Final Thoughts: Simply awesome. This is a must read for everyone. If you're a Batman fan you owe it to yourself to find it & read it.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Superman: A Celebration of 75 years

On Deck
Stephen King's The Dark Tower The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2

The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Civil War: X-Men
Superman: A Celebration of 75 years (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: it was 75 years worth of comics so while this didn't flow llike most of the others it wasn't supposed to.

The Storyline: there were a lot and i enjoyed all of them

Artistry: it ranged from 1938 to 2011 so this varied as well. It was nice to the artistic evolution of Superman though.

How much I Liked It: I didn't go into this hoping for a single story so that helped keep my enjoyment up quite a bit.

Final Thoughts: This should be high on the list of every Superman fan if they haven't read this. Just seeing the evolution of Superman makes the slightly boring & outdated parts pretty cool to read.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Civil War: Frontline Vol.1

On Deck
Stephen King's The Dark Tower The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2

The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Civil War: X-Men
Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1 (Marvel)
(Civil War: Frontline #1-#6)

How Everything Flows Together: There's actually 2 main stories as well as 2 smaller stories. They flow pretty well ll this considered.

The Storyline: Embedded is about 2 reporters who report on the growing problems with the registration act.

Accussed is about the last superhuman survivor of the Stamford tragedy and what he has to deal with now that he's a criminal

Artistry: Sleek & Modern like the others in the Civil War saga. Still my favorite style.

How much I Liked It: It was nice to see things from a human perspective like in Embedded. Accussed was a nice way to show us how the public is reacting to the tragedy and their need to blame anybody for what happened.

Final Thoughts: if you like the Civil War Arc you owe it to yourself to read this one.

My Rating : * * * *3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2

On Deck
Stephen King's The Dark Tower The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins m

The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Civil War: X-Men
Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2 (Marvel)
(Civil War: Frontline #7-#11)

How Everything Flows Together: There's actually 2 main stories as well as 2 smaller stories. They flow pretty well ll this considered.

The Storyline: Everything gets tied in a neat bow and doesn't leave any loose ends.

Artistry: Sleek & Modern like the others in the Civil War saga. Still my favorite style.

How much I Liked It: Nothing has changed between Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. Why they didn't put it all in one edition is beyond me.

Final Thoughts: It was a nice end to a great story. Had it all been in a single binding it may have gotten 5 stars.

My Rating : * * * *3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Stephen King's The Dark Tower The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins

On Deck
The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Civil War: X-Men
Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Journey Begins (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: Flows together awesome like single novelesque stories tend to do.

The Storyline: Roland starts his journey for the Man in Black and comes across a town. He saves some people, people die. He also gets laid.

Artistry: pretty modern. A lot different than I pictured reading the novels.

How much I Liked It: I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

Final Thoughts: I picked it up because it caught my eye and I had no idea King had his name on any graphic novels. I'm glad I did though. A must read for any Dark Tower fan or someone new to the series.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

On Deck
The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Civil War: X-Men

Ultimate Spider-Man & The Avengers
Although I hope everyone is reading each review I decided near the bottom of every page (which for me is 40 posts) I'm going to organize all the reviews I've done since the last one based on the rating I gave. That way people only interested in the rating don't have go through every single post.

5 Stars
Wolverine: Old Man Logan (Marvel)

Civil War (Marvel)

Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (DC)

Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Journey Begins (Marvel)

4-5 Stars
Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (DC)

The Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War (Marvel)

Flashpoint (DC)

Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (DC)

Batman/Superman: Supergirl (DC)

All*Star Superman(DC)

Batman/Superman: The Search for Kryptonite(DC)

Superman: A Celebration of 75 years (DC)

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1 (Marvel)

Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2 (Marvel)

3-4 Stars
Batman: A Death In The Family (DC)

X-Men: With Great Power (Marvel)

Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again(DC)

Guardians Of The Galaxy (Marvel)

2-3 Stars
The Road To Civil War (Marvel)

Superman Codename: Patriot (DC)

1-2 Stars
Hellboy: The Right Hand of Doom (Dark Horse)

Batman '66 Vol. 2 (DC)
Being almost done with my last batch i went on another library spree and grabbed 10 more. I'm proud of the fact that not one in this batch is about one of the major heros so I get to learn about some of the less well known heros as well as new stories about Batgirl & Supergirl.
Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies

Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl: Silent Running

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Acadamy

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Supergirl Book One
All of these in both lists are due within a few days of each other so I really don't care what order I do them in. If there's one that's peeked your interest and you want me to review it let me know and I'll do it next.
The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: Flows together awesome like usual

The Storyline: rather similar to A Lonely Place of Dying. Robin is dead only this time it's his son Damian. He goes nuts until his friends pull him off the edge.

Artistry: Crisp, modern & clean.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it immensely. Had i read Vol. 1-3 first i probably would have loved it.

Final Thoughts: something I highly recommend to everyone. You may way want to read the others first though.

My Rating : * * * * 3/4
Up Next
Civil War: X-Men

On Deck
The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Ultimate Spider-Man & The Avengers

Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies

Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl: Silent Running

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Acadamy

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Supergirl Book One

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
Civil War: X-Men (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: Not as well as others in the Civil War saga. Most of them take place during the Civil War and show how the mutants are handling it but it's a very loose thread tying it all together. The last 2 are dossiers written from the POV of Tony Stark so they could have been left out all together without changing much.

The Storyline: Each title has it's own core story but the it's all within the shadow if the Superhuman Civil War.

Artistry: Each title had a different artist so it varied but nothing was absolutely horrible but it wasn't as clean as i like either.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it but the different artists and very loose storyline tying it together took me out of the story on occasion.

Final Thoughts: I do recommend it so you can get a different look at the Civil War but it isn't a must buy right now kind of thing.

My Rating : * * * out of 5
Up Next
DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

On Deck
The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies

Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl: Silent Running

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Acadamy

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Supergirl Book One

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
DareDevil: The Man Without Fear (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows awesome as per the usual.

The Storyline: It's basically an origin story for DareDevil

Artistry: Dark & Gritty much like DareDevil himself. Not usually my favorite but it works here

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it alot. If you're a DareDevil fan and haven't read it yet go find it soon. You won't be disappointed.

Final Thoughts: I didn't know what to think going in as I wasn't a big fan. I saw the movie but that's it. I was pleasantly surprised as I was reading this and by the end I was anxiously turning pages to see what happened next.

My Rating : * * * * 1/2 out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench

On Deck
Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies

Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl: Silent Running

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Acadamy

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Supergirl Book One

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
The New 52 Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows awesome as per the usual even if the way the segued into thr flashbacks were a tad confusing

The Storyline: Ocean bad guys threaten people while humans don't trust or even like Aquaman very much

Artistry: Modern but not as clean & crisp as I've come to expect from the newer ones.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it but not being an Aquaman fan took me out of the story a bit.

Final Thoughts: It's ok but not a must read unless you're a huge Aquaman fan otherwise you'll probably face the same thing I did, good but overall meh

My Rating : * * *3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl: Silent Running

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Acadamy

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Supergirl Book One

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
Spider-Girl: Avenging Allies (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It was a bunch of idividual stories so the flow wasn't there like it usually is

The Storyline: The overarching story is May trying to get used to being in high school while taking over for her father (Spider-Man) as a superhero

Artistry: It was made to look like one of those old comic strips in the news paper from the coloring to how the paper it was printed on looked. It gave it a nice old school look and feel to it which was pretty cool

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it. The only small problem I had was the lack of flow between stories.

Final Thoughts: Go ahead and grab this one for a read but unless your a huge Marvel fan in general and a Spider-Man (or Girl) specifically it's not a must read.

My Rating : * * *3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Supergirl Book One

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl: Silent Running

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Acadamy

Gotham Acadamy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
Supergirl: Book 1 (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: It has an underlying story spread throughout a bunch of individual stories so the flow is just decent.

The Storyline: The overarching story is that a Protoplasmic version of Supergirl melds with a girl named Linda Danvers and can now shift between both forms. Supergirl now has to deal with having all these human emotions as well as Linda's dark past.

Artistry: It was good. Not as modern as I like but this 90s style is growing on me fast

How much I Liked It: It wasn't bad but it's not that good either.

Final Thoughts: This is a very weird read. I spent to much time being confused to really get immersed in the story.

My Rating : * *1/4 out of 5
Up Next
Batgirl: Silent Running

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy

Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
Batgirl: Silent Running (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: We're back to it being a single story that flows pretty awesome.

The Storyline: The new Batgirl has to fight her past as an assassin while fighting crime.

Artistry: Another with the newspaper comic strip style that's awesome.

How much I Liked It: I really enjoyed it. Another one I would recommend to any DC fan.

Final Thoughts: I'm always down for learning new things which I probably why I rated this so high.

My Rating : * * * *1/4 out of 5
Up Next
Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift

Superman: Red Son
Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: Some flow flow good while some flow like a stopped up sewage pipe. Luckily this one flowed smooth

The Storyline: The story follows Olive Silverlock as she starts another year at the prestigious Gotham Academy prep school with a bad case of amnesia. Hijinks ensue and we get some scenes with Batman and/or Killer Croc

Artistry: It's got a modern kid friendly style to the artistry which is pretty cool.

How much I Liked It: I really enjoyed it. I recommend this series to any Batman fan who doesn't mind a more kid oriented story.

Final Thoughts: I skipped over the first time I saw it at the library because it looked like something for kids. It is but I enjoyed it anyway. I'm glad I picked it up and can't wait to read Vol. 2 but I need to take a little detour first.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Superman: Red Son (Recommend by Lee)

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift
Superman: Red Son (DC)
(Recommend by Lee)

How Everything Flows Together: Perfect flow like all the other Mark Millar Graphic Novels I've read.

The Storyline: I don't want to spoil this for anyone so I'm just gonna leave you with what got me excited to read this one.

Superman is a Communist

Artistry: Modern yet classic it's perfect for the story being told

How much I Liked It: I absolutely loved it. I recommend this not just to the Superman fans but DC fans in general as this story has Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Batman

Final Thoughts: What can I say but Thank You Lee for recommending this to me. I was a bit leary buying something I never heard of but I'm glad I did.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift

Kingdom Come (recommended by @smarkmouth)
If anyone else has any recommendations feel free to recommend them. As Lee and @SM can attest it may take a bit as I buy all recommendations but I will not forget.
Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: The first story follows a secondary character & Damien Wayne. It didn't really need to be there but everything else flowed like you would've expected.

The Storyline: Olive's mother passed away and she's dealing with it the best she can. More Hijinks ensue and instead of Batman & Killer Croc we get Professor Strange & Clayface

Artistry: Same as the other one. It's got a modern kid friendly style to the artistry.

How much I Liked It: I really enjoyed it. I recommend this series to any Batman fan who doesn't mind a more kid oriented story.

Final Thoughts: This would have been identical to the first one except the first story just wasn't needed. Still a great read even with it.

My Rating : * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift

On Deck
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Kingdom Come (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1
The New 52 Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: It was a bunch of individual stories so there was no flow at all

The Storyline: There's a bunch of these too. Happens in a volume like this

Artistry: All were a bit different but I would classify them as modern with a touch of grittiness to them. It fit nicely.

How much I Liked It: I really liked it. If you see it pick it up, it's pretty good.

Final Thoughts: I was bummed when I found out it wasn't a single story but don't let that stop you from reading it. It wasn't awful by anny means.

My Rating : * * * 1/4 out of 5
Up Next
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside

On Deck
Ms. Marvel: No Normal

Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Kingdom Come (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1
Is Graveyard Shift written by Scott Snyder? I've gotten five books (I think) into his New 52 run but haven't continued just yet.

Dunno about Season Nine of Buffy, but Season Eight was pretty unbalanced. Lots of good. Lots of "WTF".
Is Graveyard Shift written by Scott Snyder? I've gotten five books (I think) into his New 52 run but haven't continued just yet.
Indeed it is. Greg Capullo is the artist
Dunno about Season Nine of Buffy, but Season Eight was pretty unbalanced. Lots of good. Lots of "WTF".
I've not read season 8 yet. Haven't heard anything to bad about it yet though so I'm still cautiously optimistic.
Batgirl Vol. 1: Batgirl of Burnside (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: Much better than the last one. This one at least had a single story even if it did get irritating at times

The Storyline: Barbara Gordon (AKA Batgirl) moves to the hipster chic section of Gotham called Burnside to go to college. Her reputation precedes her and in the midst of dates, classes and being 21 she still have to fight crime

Artistry: It was modern with a hipster vibe to it so it works well with the story.

How much I Liked It: It was ok. Almost quite about 1/4 of the way through because it was just to much hipster for me but I toughed it out

Final Thoughts: It gets a lot better as it gets to the end. I would only recommend to the Batgirl fan as she is the only hero in it besides Black Canary in a supporting roll

My Rating : * * * out of 5
Up Next
Ms. Marvel: No Normal

On Deck
Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Kingdom Come (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1
All 4 Ms. Marvel ones are due back to the library on Monday so I'm going to hurry through them and do 2 a day over the weekend to get them done on time.
Ms. Marvel:No Normal (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty awesome

The Storyline: Teenager Kamala Khan gets caught in a mist that gives her super powers and she has to learn how to deal with them while also dealing with her strict Pakistani Muslim parents

Artistry: It actually looks like it drawn by hand instead of done on a computer which is nice to see every once in a while

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I would recommend this to anyone who asked about it.

Final Thoughts: I first heard of this particular character through the last Battle Zone Tournament so I picked up all 4 of them when I saw them. i had no idea what to expect so when I saw she was Muslim I was honestly surprised. a great read and i have high hopes for the other 3 I have coming up.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Ms. Marvel: Generation Why

On Deck
Ms. Marvel: Last Days

Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Kingdom Come (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1
Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty awesome. I'm going to say this for all of them

The Storyline: Kamala Khan (AKA Ms. Marvel) has to find someone called The Inventor while still dealing with her parents. Wolverine makes a small apperance

Artistry: A little bit more 'rustic' than the last one but still good

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it. I would recommend this to anyone who asked about it

Final Thoughts: Just as good as the last one minus the slight decrease in artistry

My Rating : * * * * 1/2 out of 5
Up Next
Ms. Marvel: Last Days

On Deck
Ms. Marvel: Super Famous

Kingdom Come (recommended by @smarkmouth)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1
Kingdom Come
(recommended by @Smarkmouth)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty awesome.

The Storyline: Spectre and Norman McCray look at a future where all the traditional heros like Superman & Wonder Woman have retired and leave the world to a more blood thirsty, violent kind of hero that doesn't care about who they hurt.

Artistry: Perfect and just want it needed to be. The older heros actually looked older and everything was crisp and clean

How much I Liked It: Kingdom Come continues the trend of recommendations that I was unsure of but I am glad I bought. It was amazing and a great read

Final Thoughts: Another I would recommend to anyone who is a DC fan. a great read and well worth the money

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall

On Deck
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

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