My Graphic novel reviews

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 1: Freefall (Dark Horse)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty awesome.

The Storyline: Buffy and The Scoobies have to deal with the fallout from Season 8. Buffy lives n San Francisco and weird things start to happen. Oh and at the end of season 8 Buffy kills magic.

Artistry: Perfect and just want it needed to be. Everyone looks like who they're supposed to which is a very good thing. I would have been annoyed otherwise.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it but seeing how I didn't read season 8 I was left rather confused.

Final Thoughts: Read if you're a Buffy fan but find & read season 8 first.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own

On Deck
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 2: On Your Own (Dark Horse)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty awesome except for the last one. It was a spoof on Sigourney Weaver and Aliens

The Storyline: Buffy deals with Willow being gone and her rookies possibly kicking her out. She finds out she's actually a robot and then Spike, her and Andrew have to find her body after it get's kidnapped.

Artistry: Perfect and just want it needed to be. Everyone looks like who they're supposed to which is a very good thing. I would have been annoyed otherwise.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it a lot more than the last one. Probably because I knew the back story and they didn't delve to deep into season 8.

Final Thoughts: Still a must read of any Buffy fan. Season 8 isn't necessary but Vol 1 is

My Rating : * * * *1/2 out of 5
Up Next
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded

On Deck
Troublemaker Book 1

Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men
I noticed X-men: Second Coming Revelations is on your on deck list, I would recommend reading Messiah CompleX, Messiah War, & Second Coming all first (in that order).
Unfortunately one of the problems with getting most of the material from the library is that you usually don't get the entire series.

That sadly is the case here. i checked the online catalog and they don't have any other besides Revelations. Which means neither do any of the dozen+ libraries in the surrounding towns either.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Vol. 3: Guarded (Dark Horse)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together pretty awesome except for the last one. Although it did tie in it just didn't seem to belong

The Storyline: Buffy goes to work with all the ex-slayers at their security firm. She has trouble separating Slayer from bodyguard

Artistry: Perfect and just want it needed to be. Everyone looks like who they're supposed to which is a very good thing. I would have been annoyed otherwise.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it and thought it was a nice continuation of the story

Final Thoughts: Still a must read of any Buffy fan. Season 8 isn't necessary but Vol 1 & 2 are

My Rating : * * * *1/2 out of 5
Up Next
Troublemaker Book 1

On Deck
Troublemaker Book 2

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men
One comic I suggest you read and review is Amazing Spider-Man #200. My absolute favorite comic book ever. I doubt you'd find it in print. Maybe pick it up on Comixology.
found it. Seeing how it's only a single comic online as opposed to the hard copy compilations I usually read I will get that done after i get back from Grocery Shopping.
Troublemaker Book 1 (Dark Horse)

How Everything Flows Together: It's It's part 1 of a 2 part story so it flows great. Even the sudden stop is done well

The Storyline: Alex Barnaby & Sam Hooket have to find someone while dodging a voodoo cult in Miami

Artistry: I didn't really know what to expect going in but I like it.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it a lot.

Final Thoughts: I picked this up because Janet Evanovich is one of my favorite authors and was surprised she had a graphic novel out. It's the 3rd story in her Barnaby & Hooker series and translates well into this new format.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Troublemaker Book 2

On Deck
The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique
Troublemaker Book 2 (Dark Horse)

How Everything Flows Together: It's the 2nd half of a single story so aside from picking up in the moo

The Storyline: Alex Barnaby & Sam Hooker find the person they're looking for, but now have to deal with the cult.

Artistry: Just like the last one I liked ir.

How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it a lot.

Final Thoughts: a great finish to an awesome story. I just wish it wasn't split into 2 parts.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

On Deck
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique
Oh, dude, I see XMen Dangerous on your list. Please, please read Gifted first. After Dangerous comes Torn, then Unstoppable. All written by Joss Whedon. Amazing sequence of four.
The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle (Del Rey Books)

How Everything Flows Together: Flows like free beer at a frat party.

The Storyline: Set in The Dresden Files universe PI & Wizard Harry Dresden has to find out who has been killing people at the Chicago Zoo before they kill a gorilla named Moe

Artistry: When the author himself says the artwork is how he envisioned his characters I really can't complain.

How much I Liked It: This is my kind of story, I loved it.

Final Thoughts: It's been a while since I said this but this is a must read for any fan of The Dresden Files or if you just like stories with magic. I can't say it got me hooked on the series but it came close. I'll definitely be buying a novel or 2, those things are everywhere.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1

On Deck
Superman Adventures: Last Son of Krypton

Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique
The Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 (DC)

How Everything Flows Together: it really doesn't because this is a collection of single comics each with it's own small plot

The Storyline: There are way to many to list here

Artistry: Old school but i really liked it

How much I Liked It: Despite it not being a single story and the art being dated (this collection was from '59-'61) I absolutely loved it.

Final Thoughts: I don't normally give collections like this 5 stars but this one collection skyrocketed Green Lantern up to 1st place on my list of DC superheroes(tied with Batman) and 2nd favorite over all (again tied with Batman. Wolverine will always be #1). When a book does that it gets full marks from me.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro
note said:
all of these are library books and I've renewed most of them as many times as they'll let me so i only have a couple weeks to get them all read. This means there will be at least one review every other day if not more.
Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows together perfectly.

The Storyline: not to much detail to go into here. The Danger Room at Xavier's mansion becomes sentient and tries to destroy the X-Men. By the end of the book they end up on the Island of Genosha where they meet up with the professor and battle the A.I. for the last time

Artistry: a bit campy for me but not to bad.

How much I Liked It: I've been an X-Men fan since i watched the cartoon in the early 90s so I really enjoyed it.

Final Thoughts: Not having any of the backstory from volumes 1-6 made this one a tiny bit difficult to get through. Still a great read though.

My Rating : * * * *1/4 out of 5
Up Next
Ultimate Fantastic Four

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Daredevil: Yellow

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: flows together perfectly

The Storyline: this volume tells the tail of how The Fantastic 4 became fantastic and how they're coping as well as their first fight with Victor Von Damme(Doom)

Artistry: Not what I remember from the only other F4 G.N. I've read but that's probably because it's a different artist. On the whole not bad at all even if it is a bit weird for me.

How much I Liked It: I've never been a huge F4 fan but I enjoyed this. Probably because I've enjoyed everything I've read that has Mark Millar's name attatched to it.

Final Thoughts: definitely worth a read if your a F4 fan or a fan of Mark Millar. I'm still not a huge F4 fan but tbis helped bump them up the list by a wide margin.

My Rating : * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Daredevil: Yellow

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro
Daredevil: Yellow (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It's all one story so as usual the flow is good

The Storyline: It's basically another origin story for DareDevil only this time it's in one long flashback in the form of a bunch of letters to his dead girlfriend with each section being one letter.

Artistry: to amateurish for my taste. It looked like something a bored middle schooler would sketch instead of paying attention in history class.

How much I Liked It: It's ok. I was already aware of D.D.'s origins so this is nothing new and I didn't really care for the fact it was a bunch of love letters.

Final Thoughts: Don't bother with this if you're already up to date with the Origins of DareDevil. It'll just be a waste of your time.

My Rating : * * out of 5
Up Next
Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Ultimates

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro
Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates: Death of Spider-Man (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows pretty good which i think will be the norm for the rest of these.

The Storyline: Someone is selling super soilders to other countries and managed to pit Carol Danvers and The Ultimates against Nick Fury and his Avengers. During the big battle in NYC between the 2 teams Spider-Man takes a bullet meant for Captain America and as the title gives away he dies. The bad guy gets stopped and the good guys wonder if the ends justify the means.

Artistry: Dark and gritty for a graphic novel that seemed to have a dark and gritty tone. I liked it

How much I Liked It: while i didn't have the backstory from the previous instalments in The Ultimates series the action was enough to keep me hooked.

Final Thoughts: Another one with Mark Millar's name on it that's a great read. You're safe to read anything with his name on it.

My Rating : * * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
The Ultimates

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

Ultimate X-Men

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro
The Ultimates (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows perfectly like I've come to expect from Mark Millar.

The Storyline: Details the set up of The Ultimates and their first fight with a crazed and jealous Hulk who tries to kill Betty Ross and I kid you not Freddie Prinze JR. They also fight the Chitauri who are nothing like the cannon fodder they are in the movies. Here they're a lot more sinister. Cap also beats Hank Pym half to death for being a wife beating, pill popping douche canoe outside of a Chicago pub I swear I've been to before.

Artistry: Simply put Bryan Hitch is an amazing artist. It's some of the best art work I've seen.

How much I Liked It: Another Mark Millar must read. I loved this one from start to finish amidst the variety of feels Millar is great at conveying

Final Thoughts: What can I say that I haven't said about a Mark Millar graphic novel already. The man is great at what he does.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Ultimate X-Men

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro
Ultimate X-Men (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows perfectly like I've come to expect from Mark Millar.

The Storyline: Details the set up of The X-Men just like The Ultimates set up that group. First 6 stories details their fight with Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants while the next 6 deal with their kidnapping and escape from a Weapon X facility in Finland. There's also a bonus story from 1975 that's pretty cool.

Artistry: Not as good as Bryan Hitch but still above average. Love the way Wolverine was done in this one.

How much I Liked It: It didn't make me feel the feels like The Ultimates did but it was an awesome read nonetheless.

Final Thoughts: I've read a bunch if X-Men stories doing this but this one just may be my favorite.

My Rating : * * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro

Ultimate Avengers: Crime & Punishment (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows perfectly like I've come to expect from Mark Millar.

The Storyline: The Avengers (consisting of The Punisher, Hawkeye, War Machine, Black Widow & Tyrone Cash (The First Hulk) are tasked with killing someone who has been offing some of the richest men in America. That someone is The Ghost Rider and he's killing these men for a very specific reason.

Artistry: Gritty and a bit dark which I'm starting to loke.

How much I Liked It: Enjoyed every page. I'm a fan of everyone in this book so that makes it easier for me

Final Thoughts: it doesn't really tie in to anything else by the looks of it but it's a great stand alone and Ghost Rider is awesome in this.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation

On Deck
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro

Ultimate Avengers: Next Generation (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows perfectly like I've come to expect from Mark Millar.

The Storyline: Captain America goes rogue when he meets The Red Skull and finds out the villian is his own son. The Avengers are assembled to stop him as well as get something back from Red Skull he stole from Reed Richards.

Artistry: Clean & crisp which is how I like it.

How much I Liked It: Enjoyed every page.

Final Thoughts: another must read that made me feel some feels. By the end I actually felt bad for Red Skull.

My Rating : * * * * * out of 5
Up Next
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

On Deck
The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (recommended by John McCass)

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro

The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan 1980 (Marvel))
(recommended by John McCass)

How Everything Flows Together: It's a single comic so it flows together nice

The Storyline: Mysterio has shot Spider-Man with something that takes his powers away at the same time his Uncle's killer comes back to NYC looking for something in the Parker house. Spider-man must save his aunt and avenge his Uncle's murder (that he could have prevented but didn't)

Artistry: very dated. It's ok but not anywhere near my favorite

How much I Liked It: It was ok. The lack of back story is what killed it for me. Action was good though so it wasn't to bad

Final Thoughts: This made me realize why I don't do single edition comics. In order for me to get the whole backstory I would have to go back and read a few more which is a pain in the ass on my computer. I much prefer someone else combines them into one book than doing it this way.
My Rating : * * * 1/4 out of 5
Up Next
X-Men: Second Coming Revelations

On Deck
Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro

X-Men: Second Coming Revelations (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows ok. It's not a single title but it does have a single overarching storyline that brings it all together.

The Storyline: Mutantkind is on the brink of extinction but are fighting for the survival of the species

Artistry: There's actually a few different styles but none of them are bad to the point that it takes anything away.

How much I Liked It: I liked it but that's probably because of my love for everything X-Men more than anything else.

Final Thoughts: It was ok but without the ones Justin said comes before this one I was a bit lost. Read them in order or risk confusion.

My Rating : * * * * out of 5
Up Next
Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

On Deck
Wolverine: Get Mystique

Get Jiro

Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It flows pretty good

The Storyline: Emma Frost & Scott Summers move everyone from New York to San Francisco where they face the same trouble they had before.

Artistry: Very realistic. I actually thought some of the scenes had photos in them.

How much I Liked It: I liked it but that's again that's probably because of my love for everything X-Men more than anything else.

Final Thoughts: Well worth the read if you got some time to kill.

My Rating : * * * 3/4 out of 5
Up Next
Wolverine: Get Mystique

On Deck
Get Jiro

Wolverine: Get Mystique (Marvel)

How Everything Flows Together: It's all a single story

The Storyline: Wolverine chases Mystique around the world while we (the reader) get a glimpse into their history.

Artistry: Dark & Gritty which really suited this Graphic novel.

How much I Liked It: I love everything Wolverine and this was no exception.

Final Thoughts: Only one thing bothered me. They said Mystique betrayed the X-Men a few times and that's why Wolverine wants to kill her but they never said what exactly she did, which bothers me just a little bit.

My Rating : * * * * 3/4 out of 5
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On Deck
Get Jiro

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