Mr. Kennedy: What's the Big Deal?

I dont think anyone is saying Lennedy shouldt get his push becuase of a steroid issue last year, I think everyone is just pointing out that

A. Its the reason the process has been slowed

B. It wouldve already happened by now if it wasnt for what he did, so stop crying about it NOW. I think everyone is just saying stop with the outrage of the lack of speed (as you consider it) in the push, when he wouldve already been there had it not been for him juicing
I dont think anyone is saying Lennedy shouldt get his push becuase of a steroid issue last year, I think everyone is just pointing out that

A. Its the reason the process has been slowed

B. It wouldve already happened by now if it wasnt for what he did, so stop crying about it NOW. I think everyone is just saying stop with the outrage of the lack of speed (as you consider it) in the push, when he wouldve already been there had it not been for him juicing

Pretty much what I was on about. Kennedy would have been McMahons son. It probably would have been him instead of Orton as WWE Champion. Which probably would have resulted in him main eventing WrestleMania against Triple H. Instead he made up the numbers in the Money In The Bank.
A. Its the reason the process has been slowed

Which is probably a good thing. He would never get over as a full blown heel, he always got mixed reactions most of the time.

B. It wouldve already happened by now if it wasnt for what he did, so stop crying about it NOW.

Not really.

He's injury prone or could have flopped, and not stayed over. Who knows what could have happened there? Plus, going up against HHH is never a good thing, because you never know if his ego is going to be massive, or not.

Most people complain about the incident, in regards to his push and hold it against him as a wrestler. When they shouldn't because it happened a year ago, and he's managed to stay out of trouble and continue to represent the WWE in a postive light in interviews.
In my opinion, I believe most people are fans of him because he is a breath of fresh air for the WWE, that is just my opinion on it. What I think is that ever sense the brand extension in 2002, the greats have left; Austin, Rock, Hogan, etc. All great mic men (Exclude Hogan on that, although he was decent). When Mr. Kennedy came along, it reminded a lot of fans of the Attitude Era; in your face, loudmouthed persona. That is what Mr. Kennedy is, he's a loudmouth that is a little edgy. That might be a logical reason.
I don't know if a lot of you watch the same wrestling I do. Kennedy gets the crowd reaction of a sloppy wet fart on an elevator. I mean seriously, listen to the reaction this week when he comes out, it's not heat, it's not pops, it's nothing. They make a little noise, but it's the same kind of reaction that Santino gets. A slight "whopee" or a slight "boo". You have to be over on some level to warrant a good push, and it's not happening. It likely will never happen. I know that's something you "smart" wrestling fans don't want to hear, but it's the truth.
Kennedy does sorta remind me of the attitude era as someone mentioned before. his promos have gotten a little bit better since he started but still needs some work. same goes for his wrestling skills.

i tihnk he doesnt get a crowd reaction because people dont know if hes a heel or a face. last week he got up in Regal's face. heel or face?

IMO he is not the next big thing. MVP is the next big thing IMO. great mic skills and good wrestling. he gets a heel pop when he is introduced. they just need to give him a push. same goes for Kennedy, give him a push and he has the potential to be big.
idk, i love kennedy, no the next big thing, but he sgreat, reminds me of The Rock on the mic, and not a bad wrestler, not great tho...but he has charisma and the gimmick, he shoud definately be a face as well, idsk but i like him
Kennedy does sorta remind me of the attitude era as someone mentioned before. his promos have gotten a little bit better since he started but still needs some work. same goes for his wrestling skills.

i tihnk he doesnt get a crowd reaction because people dont know if hes a heel or a face. last week he got up in Regal's face. heel or face?

IMO he is not the next big thing. MVP is the next big thing IMO. great mic skills and good wrestling. he gets a heel pop when he is introduced. they just need to give him a push. same goes for Kennedy, give him a push and he has the potential to be big.

That is a good point, that we don't know whether he is a heel or face
But I'm certain, I truly am, that his crowd reaction will grow once he's officially a face. He got plenty of heat as a heel fueding w/ Undertaker and HBK, so thats not a problem

Ken Kennedy is on his way to the title, as long as he behaves
Whats the big deal? Mr kennedy is going to be Huge, no wait he is huge, he is really good on the mic, has loads of charisma and can wrestle. he isnt the next big thing mr kennedy IS the big thing. Mr kennedy had my attention when he first started out i knew he had potential. the only reason he isnt a champion now is becouse of some miner set backs. he was great then he was the United states champion, cant you remember that? defeating almost everyone on the smackdown locker room if that isnt someone heading to greatness i dont know what is.
that is whats so good about MR Ken Kennedy.................Kennedy
Apologise in advance for the length of post.
Mr Kennedy could be a big star one day because first of all he has the talent and second of all has the backing of lots of fans. Talent wise he has good promo skills, better than average in ring ability, he is entertaining and he is liked by management.

Not all the time is Kennedy entertaining but i believe that's not his fault. I think that its the management and writers fault. If he had a good storyline, mic time, was either made heel or face and not unknown he could develope into a big star.

A lot of WWE wrestlers in the same mould if you like have turned out to be destined in wrestling purgatory destined for great things had that mid card run but still not given the push.

For example Shelton Benjamin is one of if not the best athlete and has the best ability in the WWE, he had that intercont title reign even a few tag team runs but has ended up on ECW jobbing or beating jobbers.

Brian Kendrick and Paul London were the focus of the Smackdown Tag scene and had a long title run, they had ability and had a semi decent gimmick that with a little work could have run far, Instead they disappear off the radar get moved to RAW and become resident HEAT talent.

I feel that Kennedy should be given the chance and its bullshit that people say we know nothing about the business because its us who pay for it and we have been watching it for years. Stone Cold is a like minded character who had the average to good skill in ring but was always entertaining and never boring in ring, Kennedy could be like this.

I foresee that Kennedy will break out and become a huge star or he will be death sentenced to WWE Jobber and mid card status. Other guys like this i feel are like Carlito even tho he is prolly gonna get a tag title run soon.
Whats the big deal? Mr kennedy is going to be Huge, no wait he is huge,

he isnt the next big thing mr kennedy IS the big thing.

If Kennedy is the current big thing then what's Cena? There is only room for one current big thing, anyone else is 2nd best. Hogan > Savage, Austin > Rock and so on.

he was great then he was the United states champion, cant you remember that?

It's weird I really can't. I remember him holding a belt when he was feuding with Taker. I always though it was the Drinking Championship.
Lately I've been battling with Kennedy marks, since they guy re-emerged as something decent about how Kennedy isn't going to suddenly become the 'it' guy on Raw.

And I get half-assed responses like A.) Kennedy is slowly being built toward M.E. status.. then B.) I hate how they have him lose in the M.E.

So I ask myself the same question over and over. If hes slowly being built toward a Main Event spot, why would you have him instantly winning every Main Event match hes put into?

Furthermore, the match he lost.. it was him and the World Champion (not a bad partner to have) against an entire BRAND of Superstars. I'd pretty much say the loss isn't going to kill his career, when John Cena took a 3 count against K-Fed roughly over a year ago. If the white rapper can survive losing to the next generation eminem, I'm pretty sure Kennedy can take a loss from a former World Champion, along with an entire brand backing him.

The second thing I have to argue with, is it looks like Kennedy won't be in the feuding spot with William Regal if things from Raw and the rumors of house shows are any indication. Regal & Jeff Hardy are now apparently building a mini-feud, and Kennedy more or less squashed Snitsky on Raw. Victory, yes. Pointless, definately. So much for the next big thing.

Look.. in all seriousness, I honestly DO like Kennedy. I just can't stand his marks. They refuse to think they're wrong, when several mistakes can be pointed out. They refuse to accept that hes anything less than perfect, when the guy hasn't truly done anything note-worthy to receive excellence of that nature. And finally, they push for him to be bigger than the likes of Triple H. and John Cena, and hes been back with a new 'act' for 4 weeks going on.

All I'm saying, is lets hold off on the Kennedy 4 God praise, until we see if he can last longer than a month or two before getting injured again, or screwing up again.
When he was first on the rise a while back, I couldn't really help but mark out for him considering he was a cool heel. I can't, for the life of me, not mark out for heels that are badass, lol. As is the case with a lot of marking out for heels, half the reason it was so fun was because everyone else booed him. However, now that he's a face, it's almost as if his flaws are totally exposed now. I almost find him annoying now, to be honest. Especially his new theme song.
Mr. Kennedy is an incredible competitor. Number one, mic skills, PERIOD. He is a fucking sage on the microphone whether a promo interview. The only thing I liked about Wrestlemania was him interrupting Kim Kardashian. I was on the floor. Number two, character and look, amazing. WWE has never EVER had someone so into themselves as to announce themselves out every match, even The Rock didn't do it. Third, in ring skills. Hes actually championship quality. If Vince will strap Edge and Batista, shit even Mysterio, Kennedy deserves the title too. And he can fight for it just as well. The guy's got heart and he's got in ring skills definitely, he's an amazing wrestler. Never doubt Kennedy. He's a real asset.
Mr. Kennedy is an incredible competitor. Number one, mic skills, PERIOD. He is a fucking sage on the microphone whether a promo interview. The only thing I liked about Wrestlemania was him interrupting Kim Kardashian. I was on the floor. Number two, character and look, amazing. WWE has never EVER had someone so into themselves as to announce themselves out every match, even The Rock didn't do it. Third, in ring skills. Hes actually championship quality. If Vince will strap Edge and Batista, shit even Mysterio, Kennedy deserves the title too. And he can fight for it just as well. The guy's got heart and he's got in ring skills definitely, he's an amazing wrestler. Never doubt Kennedy. He's a real asset.

Ummm, Road Dogg announced the New Age Outlaws for themselves every match. And he was far better at it then Kennedy.

His look is, well, average for a wrestler. He's a decently built blonde guy. I can think of at least 15 dudes who have had that look since I started watching wrestling.

His in ring skills, are solid, but not spectacular. Besides, it doesn't take ring skills to be a champ, it takes the ability to control a crowd, and espite what you folks think, Kennedy can't really do that.

He only got any pops the last few weeks because he was feuding with Regal. Now that Regal's gone, so is his storyline and any momemtum he had going. He's going right back to feuding with nobody. I mean, seriously, there is nobody to for him to feud with that's anywhere above low midcard. Any wrestlers in the upper tier already have solid feuds.

You folks with man-crushes on the dude really have got to learn that he's just another average wrestler. Hell, I think most of you like him just because you think you're "smarter" wrestling fans than everybody else. It's kinda similar to the fans that despise Jeff Hardy because he's so popular. Ther is no real basis for any of it, other than wrestling snobbery...
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hey, kennedy is an amazing athlete. no, i dont go OMG HES THE GREATEST or any of that noise but hes great you know? hes up and coming, a talent that WWE needed badly and the only reason his storyline is gonna get killed is because its RAW, they dont know what to do with him. now if he were still an SD! star, he would have been world champ by now considering the fact that he did almost make it. his mic skills are kinda...boring but you know what? at least he makes an effort. most stars dont even say a word. on that one, takers out of the question. he doesnt have to say a word because he's either already said it or his actions speak for him. but kennedy, hes right up there with orton and to see kennedy turn face and face up to orton in a match, whether it be for the belt or not, would be interesting in my book.
I think Mr. Kennedy is a good athlete with some very good mic skills.He is good,not great,but good.He can be entertaining at many times.I think he is a great talent to the WWE and is a future World Heavyweight Champion.But WWE has ruined him by turning him face.He needs to be a heel.Thats where his mic skills are the best and where he will bring in money.The more he improves on the mic,and he's already pretty good,the better promos he can cut.Eventually this kid(only as a heel)will cut promos which will make the fans tune into the show each week and by pay-per-views just to see him get his butt beat.
I think Mr. Kennedy is a good athlete with some very good mic skills.He is good,not great,but good.He can be entertaining at many times.I think he is a great talent to the WWE and is a future World Heavyweight Champion.But WWE has ruined him by turning him face.He needs to be a heel.Thats where his mic skills are the best and where he will bring in money.The more he improves on the mic,and he's already pretty good,the better promos he can cut.Eventually this kid(only as a heel)will cut promos which will make the fans tune into the show each week and by pay-per-views just to see him get his butt beat.

Dude Kennedy is great as a face, he's playing the same type of face that guys like Jericho, & Stone Cold played, and as a face still cuts great promos, WWE hasn't ruined his character at all by turning him face, he's just as entertaining as he was before, have you listen to the promo's on Regal and Burchill, they're fucking great, this guy has "IT", and his segments and matches are the main reason I watch RAW still, there really isn't much else on that show to look forward to these days, for me Kennedy is the main reason I watch, I could careless if he's a heel, face, or tweener, the guy is simply great
Yea, I agree with most of what people are saying. Ken Kennedy isn't even that great. He's an okay wrestler with a weak finisher, he can't bump very well and is a little sloppy but overall, he's just about acceptable on that front. I've noticed that people used to rave about Kennedy's mic work but it's not that great. You barely see him cut any promos now, why? because he hasn't got that flair that Rock, Austin, Edge hell even the Cena's and the MVP's have got on the mic. Well since he moved to Raw, it's been exposed as he's been outshined on the stick by Triple H, John Cena, Ric Flair, Chris Jericho and a couple others proving that he isn't as amazing as people claim. He's a decent all-round performer with a ok gimmick and the potential to be a big player in WWE one day. But in the Attitude Era, he'd be a nobody. In fact even in the sea of wrestlers with no mic skills- Henry, Khali, and Kane; Kennedy only just stands out. There were loads of people with mic skills way better than his, it's just because Vince likes big silent heels right now. Kennedy alone is not ever going to be someone who gives people a reason to watch WWE. Cena, HHH, HBK, Edge yea they might be the best wrestlers (in HHH and Cena's cae) but the draw viewers which is well what a big part of being wrestler is about, maybe the biggest. Kennedy fans need a reality check because they are in cloud-cookoo land thinking Kennedy will ever reach that level they are talking about.
I think that one major difference between WWF/WWE programming of old and WWE programming of new is that it lacks major character development. Not to say Kennedy has no character, but along with many of the other wrestlers, it just seems to be very stale. I think he was more entertaining perhaps as a heel because he had a little bit more to work with.
i miss his old entrance i used to love it what happened anyways kennedy as good mic skills and is becoming and much better wrestler not that he was bad before kennedy should be in line for a world title reign in the next 2 years possibily sooner
Kennedy has the full package to be a huge star some day: mic skills and wrestling ability. The only problems I see with him are that everytime he is due for a push something comes holds him back. His suspension, injury and even Regal's suspension have prevented him from moving to the top.

Next, he really needs to get off Raw and on to Smackdown. He is just getting lost in the shuffle of Raw's big name stars. The man who is supposed to be "the future" (according to Vince) hasn't even been featured on a PPV since Wrestlemania. From the looks of it, he won't even have a match at Night of Champions.

Kennedy and Edge could have a great feud. If I recall correctly, Kennedy and Edge have never had a confrontation since Edge stole his MiTB.

Kennedy is without a doubt one of the better wrestlers today. All he really needs is a better finisher. The Mic Check has been used many times by different wrestlers, from Edge to Muhammad Hassan. I've even seen Undertaker use it as a regular move occasionally.
Kennedys not a bad wrestler, he suffers from the same problem Batista does which is laziness whenever he isnt being used how he wants to be, but a lazy Kennedy match is better than any Batista match.
People rave about his mic skills but I dont think theyre terrific, I remember some one saying "imagine a Kennedy/Jericho or Rock" mic battle, and I thought yeah it would go something like this.
Kennedy - Uuuuummmmm, I have a bad attitude (whilst chewing gum to show his bad attitude)
Rock - Cool
Kennedy - Uuuuummmmm, I have a bad attitude and you should fight me
Rock - *unleashes a 5 minute verbal bashing*
Kennedy - Yeah, but I am MISTAAAH KENN
Rock - IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS *a 3 minute verbal bashing* IF YA SMELLLL. . . . what the Rock. . Is cooking

Sorry got carried away there, long story short mic skills overated

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