Money In the Bank: 2009


Pre-Show Stalwart
Excluding Kennedy it has resulted in major pushes for each of the past winners. All of the past winners were in the upper-mid card when they won the match, however Edge was the only one that benefited for more than a few months and has become legit main eventer, so although it didnt work out for the other 3 it allowed 2 to become champions something they would never have been able to achieve at that time without the push from winning the match, and its obvious from Edge that it has the potential to transform a mid-carder to a main eventer. However this year I think is different because there appears to be fewer options as to who might win it compared to previous years, as most of the midcarders are either not ready for the MITB push, or have already failed in the main event picture (CM Punk, Mysterio) so who do you think outside the main event picture deserves to win the match?

The Brian Kendrick- Had a decent push last year quite a few people were big on him, and he was quite an entertaining heel on smackdown until they stopped his push. I think it's unlikely since he is meant to have some heat on him.

MVP- I think MVP is probably the favourite this year. He has had some heat like Kendrick but has been punished and apparantly will get a renewed push, and has turned face. The guy is definantly entertaining on the mic, im still not a 100% sure about him in the ring but he has had some good matches and if he is more consistant I can see him making the leap into the main
event picture.

Kofi Kingston- As I have posted in the thread about him been in the elimination chamber I am not big on Kingston. As I think he is very overated, a bit of a spot monkey, and lacks enough mic skills to be anywhere near the main event. I don't think he has enough experiance or has wrestled anywhere near enough good matches to be considered for winning it this

Rhodes/Dibiase- Would be a good choice if they werent already involved in Legacy, though I could see Rhodes winning it at a push just purely because he has been around long enough- and i could maybe see some storyline with orton been jelaous.

Who else even is there that has any kind of chance of winning it this year, seems like a tricky one to predict this year.
I'm not going to predict who per se, but the type of wrestler that will most likely win.

ECW will probably have their title picture planned out far beyond Mania, so there's no point in thinking anyone from there will win. Smackdown has a ton of guys that would be considered main eventers, so if someone from that brand wins it, it'll probably be someone already there.

RAW is my guess as to who will produce the winner, mostly because it's roster is dominated by mid-carders just waiting to make the jump. The wrestlers in the main event scene are all relatively the same size, so the winner would have to be someone small and agile (Rey Mysterio, for instance), or huge and dominant (Kane or Knox).
Imagine Edge entering it, as champion. Just so he has an ace up his sleave if he ever loses the title. :lmao:

Personally I think it will be Jeff hardy. He is over and is the most obvious choice for me at the moment becouse, they will have Jeff and Matt in it, to further the fued, only to have Jeff win this (wich makes matt more pissed) and then Matt winning it off of him later down the line.
Imagine Edge entering it, as champion. Just so he has an ace up his sleave if he ever loses the title. :lmao:

Personally I think it will be Jeff hardy. He is over and is the most obvious choice for me at the moment becouse, they will have Jeff and Matt in it, to further the fued, only to have Jeff win this (wich makes matt more pissed) and then Matt winning it off of him later down the line.

Jeff's already main event level and doesn't need it. Plus, I'm pretty sure Jeff vs Matt is set in stone atm.

I think it'll be MVP now that he's out of the doghouse, finally. There's not really anyone else I could think of for them to elevate, neither of the dudes from Legacy are even close to ready and he's been needing a main event push forever now as it's pretty obvious he has all the tools to be a big player in the company, and I'm sure they know it. Assuming his face turn doesn't flop miserably, which I don't think it will. He's easily my front runner.

I'd guess Rey is another possibility and will probably be in the match, but I really don't see him winning. He's nothing more than an upper midcarder at best anymore, and his main event runs flopped.

Other than that, I really don't know since the match will be filled with spot monkeys for show, and Kennedy.
John Morrison.

1) Not sure if they want to stick to the formula, but so far its been Heel / Face / Heel / Face, so you could sort of imply a heel is going to win it.

2) He's an upper midcarder who would benefit from it and has shown that he's someone who could actually run with the chance. There's no use in wasting it on someone who is already a main event level star, even if they're someone who will never win another title (Mysterio, Kane, JBL).

3) The only real other choices of people that are on his level that could potentially win it are Kennedy, MVP, and Shelton. Kennedy you can't trust, MVP isn't built up yet for it, and Shelton has the US title and is receiving his push with that.
Any chance HBK ends up in the MITB somehow, furthering the storyline with JBL ?

I know it's a far fetched idea to put a main eventer in the MITB, but in my opinion, MITB has been the best match at Wrestlemania several times over.

Somehow HBK could win the match, give the title shot to JBL for his "freedom" and a paycheck and JBL would cash in at the end of Mania.

Again... I know it's a long shot... BUT...
Mr. Kennedy

I know this has been said time and time again, how he is the apparent future of the WWE, but fucks up too much. But I think he's the man who could have the most interesting storylines from it. I mean, Kennedy vs HHH, Kennedy vs Edge, Kennedy vs Hardy ect ect. All as Kennedy as champion. It just seems like it'll fit. He really does remind me of Stone Cold, and while I don't like saying a particular wrestler is going to be the next whoever, I really think Kennedy can become like Stone Cold popularity wise, and the excitement in his matches. Although, both would take a lot of work. But give him the MITB, and have him defeat Edge at WM25 that night, after Edge retains against Triple H. No-one else has done this yet (win it and then cash it in that night), so it would be a HUGE shock, a HUGE ending to a huge show. It works.
I know its a very very very long shot, but what about Christian?? Thats to say he is actually coming back anytime soon but how good would it be for him to win it on his WWE return??
John Morrison

Come on, they've given CM Punk the MITB before and it turned out pretty good for him. If anything Morrison could do better, and possibly have a better run with a major world title than Punk did. Morrison has the look, the skills, and is alright cutting promos, sometimes it is a bit obvious he's acting, but he can work on that.

My choice would be MVP, however he just ended a 20+ loosing streak, he needs to make a big come back in the Mid-card before he has any chance of winning MITB. Maybe next year for him.
Well the MITB's main purpose is to elevate someone from the midcard and put them into the mainevent. I think the 3 guys best suited to get a chance to be a top guy in a year(since you have up to a year to cash it in)is either John Morrison, MVP, or The Miz.

All 3 have improved greatly and showed that they have what it takes to be mainevent material. Only problem with Morrison is that he is a bad at promos and he's move set is counter productive(for a heel). I think he could win it, and maybe turn face to feud with a jealous Miz? But either way it would help Morrison get closer to the main spot.

The Miz could really use this. Alot of people just do not see Miz as an mainevent guy. But if he were able to win the MITB it could instantly make him seem more credible. I think Miz could actually put on a pretty good feud with Cena(both are good talkers and could work a feud good). Miz seems to have everything it takes to be a mainevent guy(Mic Skills, charisma, good look, decent in ring skills, fan reaction)and I believe the only thing stopping him is just lack of oppurtunity and this could be his chance.

MVP is my last choice. This man was on the mainevent path for a while and then it was instantly halted. But the WWE actually in turn helped MVP get over as a face, and while I still would rather see him as a heel(since it comes to him so natural)he get's fan support and reaction as a face also. MVP has seemed to be in a rut for a while. He rose the ranks too fast, and had too much pressure put on him. I think MITB is what is needed to put the spark back into MVP and put him over the edge into Mainevent status.
I am either pulling for a returning Christian, or Kane so he can get back on his feet and be champ once again before he reitres, Kane is getting old and needs to hang up the boots in the near future
I do not want to say who will win, because Wrestlemania is always full of surprises, but I know I am pulling for MVP to qualify for it and win it. It seems like most of the board agrees that MVP is at least one of the top candidates. I think we are in dire need of a fresh face in the title picture who can actually entertain the crowd on the mic and get them pumped up.

Hardy was refreshing but his promo skills need a lot of work. MVP has catch phrases which the live crowd eats up, and has a good look. If he is booked correctly he will make a good champion one day. It may be too soon but Wrestlemania is right around the corner and if they do a winning streak angle to counter the losing streak angle he can really take off and be primed for a victory at WM with MITB.

If not MVP then I would pull for John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, or maybe in a long shot Mike Knox, but Knox can only elevate himself if we learn a little more about his character, and if they tighten up his look a little. Maybe give him a logo for his wrestling gear or something, because he looks pretty plain to me other than the beard. I personally don't want Shelton Benjamin in it. He is in it every year and hasn't won, so it should be a "You've had your shot" scenario with him. Give the slots to MVP, Kofi, John Morrison, Mike Knox, The Miz, and Evan Bourne.

But I'll find out who's in it before I officially start making predictions.
i would like hbk winning the MITB. i can see hbk losing to jbl at nwo, then jbl gives him one last chance for redemption, and that's to win MITB. he wins it and gives it to jbl to further the angle. i hope this happens because hbk + ladder is gold. i'll take this over taker vs. hbk anyday.
Mysterio Fan should blocked from this thread....U said Morrisons move set is counter productive for a heel? u listen to how the commentators put him over(which is also crucial to a characters development) u will notice that they say hes a great athlete but needs an attitude adjustment(sounds familiar?) his moves fit the way wwe wants to portray him...And as for his promos there good enough to get him and miz a weekly segment thats heavily promoted.....As for the mitb its gonna be MVP..He's the most ready of all the mid carders on the roster who DONT have a title at this particular moment..
I think the only options are:
MVP, John Morrison, Mike Knox, Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, Brian Kendrick or debuting Christian or Kane.

Most likely MVP. Personally I think it would be good to see Shelton win, I think he is the uncrowned King of MITB who deserves a push, he has been at the same level for about 5 years now, no real forseebale future, tremendously athletic, reasonable promo still.
Morrison would be another good choice..
The Money in the Bank match is, to me, one of the most exciting matches of the year.
Not because we get to see 7 or 8 midcarders do their best work, although that is awesome. But because, 4 years in a row, it's been won by someone who's never been a world champion before...

Edge, RVD, Kennedy (He still counts....) and Punk (he also still counts even though it was supposed to be Hardy) benefited greatly from winning. Edge is now the biggest heel in the WWE, RVD was in the main event for his last few months in WWE, Punk became more over than he ever was before. Sure, he's now back in the mid card since they gave the title to him way too early with no build up other than actually winning the MitB match... But nowadays, we here CM Punk chants every week. The crowd adore him for what he did to Edge...

But on to who will win...
Really, the best way to go seems to be MVP. Great worker, good on the mic, and he's very over since (and even during) his losing streak. Since they don't have enough time to give him good build up to a title win since wrestlemania is just a month away, why not give him the MitB?
He took his losing streak really well, he deserves it. And he is one of the best non-veteran workers around...

So to summarise, Money in the Bank = good, Winner this year = MVP
I agree with most of the predictions I've read here...

MVP, Morrison, Bourne, Benjamin, Christian, Knox, Kane..maybe Kofi qualifying for mitb.

HBK however..not happening! His storyline with JBL is huge enough that a special match for him can be built around it. Plus he doesn't need to win a match like mitb to get a championship opportunity! Aside from Orton he's the best thing RAW's got going.

My pick is MVP, but could you imagine if Christian were to come back for mitb, win the match and then challenge Edge for the belt after having won his match. Not my fav scenario pick but what if???
There is now way to predict the winner, so I'm just going to list who I think are possible competitors for the Money in the Bank.

MVP- MVP has had a lot of fans from the beginning, some more vocal then others. 60-80% of the crowd took part in "Ballin" when he was a heel. I'd say that's a pretty good indicator that he is able to connect with the crowd and get them to behind him. With his face turn there are even "MVP" chants. He needs something to shoot him into the main event and winning the MITB is a perfect way to do it. In my eyes I believe him and Morrison have the highest chances of winning.

Christian-I'm not sure how they can reintroduce the Instant Classic to WWE audiences unless he's a surprise entrant in the match. I can see Jeff winning the belt back from Edge and Christian cashing in his MITB to face Jeff for the title, either right after Jeff wins, or after another match. But if you think about it, Edge has had a part in every single MITB. He won the first one. He interfered in RVD vs Cena and cost Cena the match. He beat Kennedy to steal his case. Then when CM Punk won, he beat Edge for the title using it. For some reason I'm going to go with Christian have the second highest chance of winning.

Matt Hardy- Once again, I can see Jeff beating Edge for the title and Matt cashing in his case. Ladder matches are always awesome when they involve a Hardy.

Evan Bourne- Probably the most exciting wrestling WWE has ever had. As far as in ring work goes I mean. He makes me wish the WWE had a credible cruiserweight division. Rey is essentially a joke now compared to his WCW/ECW days. I'd really like Evan to win, but I doubt he will. I can see him being the MVP of the match though. As far as I know, Evan hasn't been a part of any "gimmick" matches in WWE yet.

Dolph Ziggler- I love this guy. I really do. His in ring work is severely underrated and he has a great personality. I doubt he'll win, I just want him to get some more exposure.

JTG- Highly unlikely he'll win, but he is a great flier and the ladder match is always a spot fest. I really think he'll be in it this year.

Ted DiBiase- I really don't see why more people aren't behind him. He has above average ring work and he has better mic skills then Orton. I want him out of Legacy and possible feuding with them. I love Orton, but I don't want Ted overshadowed by him. Winning the MITB would be a perfect way to break him from the group and set up a feud between him and Orton.

Shelton Benjamin- If I remember correctly Shelton has been in more MITB's then anyone else. He always puts on amazing matches. I don't see him winning though.

Hurricane Helms- This one I'm just hoping he's in it because Helms needs more goddamn exposure! How is this man not on Smackdown every week? Helms is a great worker and has loads of charisma.

The Brian Kendrick- Doubtful he'll win, but I can see him being in the match. I don't get WWE's way of punishing him. Instead of taking him off TV to punish him, they let him look strong in matches on TV. Granted, he loses the match, but still. If they're going to punish him for all the pot he smokes, take him off TV and put Helms back on.

R-Truth- Anyone that hates this man can go jump off a bridge :p. Killings is over with the crowd and is obviously main event material, he just needs a way to get pushed up the card. Again, the MITB is a perfect way.

Kennedy- I'd love for him to win. I've been a fan of his since he was appearing on Velocity. He just has that spark. I just hope he can stay healthy.

Umaga- I'm shocked no one has mentioned him yet. He just returned from an injury and needs a way to get pushed back up the card. Beating Yang in squash matches won't do that...

The Miz- Doubtful he'll win. If he's in it, I can see him looking pretty strong before ultimately losing. I don't think he's ready for the main event. He has improved greatly though.

John Morrison- Along with MVP, I see Morrison as the wrestler most likely to win. Morrison feuding with Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Edge, Triple H, or Christian(slight chance he wins the title) would be awesome as hell.

I know I picked more then the average amount of competitors, but I believe I picked everyone that is likely to appear.
Tommy Dreamer! I'd love to see this but only if the WWE keeps him around. He could use it to try for the ECW Title one last time.
Christian returning to win MITB would be a huge shock, especially if you didn't reveal his participation till the night of WM25. Have him come out as a mystery entry, win the match, and then cash it in that night. Imagine how cool it would be to see Edge leaving the ring, detested after loosing, and see Christian come down the ramp. Then see Christian go in the ring, hit the Unprettier on an exhausted Triple H, pin him for the title, and watch Edge look totally confused. It would certainly make Friday Nights more interesting
I'd like to see Shelton win, give him a chance, he's payed his dues, if they give him a chance, I think he could improve on the mic as he goes along with the title, or in that league as a heel, if not, than MVP, but I think, they might be in a program for the U. S. title at WM, I hope i'm wrong, i'd love to see both of them in that match
I think Christian is a great idea. Have a mystery entrant. Announce everyone else, wait for a pause of five seconds, and then boom!!

I actually think it will be one of the Legacy guys. They will win it, and give it to Orton. After the main event, in which Cena will defeat Orton, Rhodes and DiBiase will come down and beat Cena. Orton will cash in the case, and take the belt from abeaten Cena. I think the next step after that will involve Vryme Tyme and Cena feuding with Legacy. The tag belts and the WHC will all be involved somehow.
Sure MITB is a great launching point for careers, like punk or kennedy. but who thinks its a better opportunity to get one of the main eventers in the match to win and make the MITB a better tradition. Here is how it is goin to line up.

1- you will have a few story lines in it this will add to the hype instead of just a few guys who qualified.

2- Matt and jeff hardy will be in it in both their quest to become better then one another.

3- then you will get the real performers who put on a great ladder match, for example john morrison and shelton benjamin, maybe evan bourne too( depends how he comes back from injury) or Kofi (depends on how he fares in the EC at NM)

4- Then the Main eventers left outside of the main event. which looks like jericho to start with rourke not coming to mania and flair who said he won't wrestle again. and someone like big show.

in the end the king of the ladder match Jericho will win and then feud with orton and cena as the man thats going to steal their title from them when they least expect it. which will add intrigue every week on raw to keep the buzz goin after mania.
If they want to blow it this year, they could possibly give it to Tommy Dreamer. He is in a storyline where he is setting out to become the ECW Champion before his own deadline. Becoming the Money in the Bank winner opens that up for him nicely. I really don't give him that high of a chance to actually win it, but it would be interesting it he gets the win at WrestleMania, that saying that he isn't already in the ECW title match at the big show.
I'd say MVP, they gave the breifacase to Kennedy for fucks sake I am sure they could risk it on MVP. He seems to have finally gotten out the dog house and is back on his winning form.

In saying that though he seems to be more interested in the US Title for now, which isnt a bad idea really as it adds a level of interest to the belt and keeps an already cluttered main-event from getting more cluttered.

So failing that then I say give it to an established Main-Eventer, MITB cant always go to the up and comers so to add a level of prestige to the breifcase (as in a top name could win this, it'll be impressive if little old Evan Bourne could do it) maybe they should give it to Jericho or Randy Orton or even Mysterio.

My guess however is still MVP.

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