Minor, Petty Things That Set You Off

Turd Ferguson

"I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic fuckin' hatreds".
-George Carlin

For the most part, we're all well-adjusted people around here, however, everyone has things that set them off that make them absolutely infuriated. Minor, petty, little things can make people go apeshit. It goes above and beyond a pet peeve. They don't have to be rational, or really even require much explanation.

For me, I get beyond pissed when I hold a door open for someone, and they don't say "thanks". It's just common courtesy. It's one thing if I do it and they're close to the door. I still expect it then, but whatever. It's an even bigger offense when they're further away from the door, you hold the door open, and actually wait, and don't even get a "thanks". There was one morning on my way into a Dunkin Donuts when I held the door open for someone who was further away from the door, and didn't even get a thanks. On the second door, I opened it and shut it behind me. He opened the door and asked "What the hell was that about?!"... my response was, "Do you even have to ask?"

Did I overreact? Hell yes. However, this thread is all about minor and petty things that set you off, and this most certainly did. It doesn't take much to say "thanks", give a head nod, or even grunt. All I want is just a little acknowledgment that I did something for you.

Another thing that pisses me off that I really have no power over is if I'm driving and let someone go and don't get a "thank you" wave, either from someone else driving or someone crossing a street. It's even worse in this case, because I'm the asshole who holds up traffic to let someone go, and I don't even get a thanks out of the deal.

Lastly, if someone has a chronic deep cough or something, and they're in somewhere like a movie theater or a classroom, I get extremely pissed. Now I get to sit through two hours of someone who should have stayed home coughing their brains out, great.

Continue the list!
I must admit something that really gets on my nerves is screaming / crying children, there's just something about the shrieking voice that gets to me and really drills into me and annoys me beyond imaginable, yet I don't go apeshit on it, but I will definitely leave the room.
My biggest pet peeve that gets my blood boiling more than anything is when I'm in an arguement with someone, and I think it might come to blows and my girlfriend or another girl steps in the middle and starts yelling. It pisses me off more than anything in the world, it's like get the fuck out of my way! Then they get mad when you yell at them to move or the other guy tries to hit me and she swings at them.
People who are late, especially those who don't even ring you to tell you, or don't have a reason better than "I slept through my alarm". There is no real reason you should be late more than once to meeting me somewhere that at least 3 buses take you directly to from your house. If I can be there when I have to organise 2 children prior to the meeting, you can get your ass out of bed 10 minutes earlier. I'd break up with a boyfriend over this, and I've had huge fights with friends over it. Seriously, if you WANT me to hate you, feel free to be late.

Also, people who use vague terms such as 'later' in reference to meetings. Does it look like I want to spend the next few hours waiting around for you? Tell me a time and stick to it! It's really not that difficult, I do it all the time. And when later is so late you've got bored of waiting and no longer want to see them, well that just causes more problems.

Girls who think it's okay to flirt with guys who they know have a girlfriend. I mean, really now, it's like they're asking me to slowly poke their eyes out. Oi, ****, find someone else. I'm bored now, but I'll write more later. I'm an easy person to annoy.
Probably one thing that sets me off more than anything, is when one of my friends takes my hat off the top of my head, unless it is a female. I don't know why, but when I have my hat on my head, and someone just takes it off for no reason, or even to just jokingly run around with it, I start getting pissed. It's like, if you want to see my hat, just fucking ask and I'll give it to you. Or once, when I was in high school, my friend took my hat and threw it on the ground. So I punched him in the arm and started bitching him out.

And this may not be a petty thing, but anytime anyone says something negative about my mom, even in jest, I get so pissed. You want to set me over the edge, say something bad about my mom. I'll either bitch you out, or knock you out. My current stepmom and my dad's first ex-wife (not my mom, my mom was second wife) were talking shit about her on Father's Day while I was in the other room, I told my dad about it, and if it continued I'd say something. Well, it did, so I told them off and called them both bitches. It was a quiet ride home from my grandma's house that day. :lmao:
David, I have to agree with you on the hat thing, if it's on my head and someone takes it off, man I get so pissed off, I do not find it funny at all and I've more than once decked a friend over it. I really don't know why it bothers it me so much, but man you don't touch my hat if I am wearing it. Now if I am not, I don't care, but I hate it when people take it off of my head.

Another thing that really pisses me off is people who block the aisles in stores with their carts and glare at you when you kindly ask them to move their cart so you can go by. Man one time these two ladies with their carts side by side blocking the aisle where standing there chatting away, oblivious to the fact people wanted by. So I come up to them and kindly ask them to move so I can get down the aisle, they just looked at me and turned their noses up. I again asked them to move their carts, this time a little more stern and forcefully. They glared and said "Can't you go down another aisle and come in from the other direction?" So I responded, "you fucking bitches better move your fucking carts, before I smack your fucking skulls together!" They moved their carts, I got my Cap N' Crunch. Man does that bother me though.

One more thing that really grates on my nerves, are the fucktards that can't read and take a full shopping cart to a express lane that is 12 or 20 or even 10 items or less, because most of the time the cashier won't say anything, they aren't happy, but they won't tell them go to another lane. Man that sets me off, I'll ask them too if they can read, because obviously they can't count. Man I get some looks, but usually they move to another lane.
People who are late, especially those who don't even ring you to tell you, or don't have a reason better than "I slept through my alarm". There is no real reason you should be late more than once to meeting me somewhere that at least 3 buses take you directly to from your house. If I can be there when I have to organise 2 children prior to the meeting, you can get your ass out of bed 10 minutes earlier. I'd break up with a boyfriend over this, and I've had huge fights with friends over it. Seriously, if you WANT me to hate you, feel free to be late.

Also, people who use vague terms such as 'later' in reference to meetings. Does it look like I want to spend the next few hours waiting around for you? Tell me a time and stick to it! It's really not that difficult, I do it all the time. And when later is so late you've got bored of waiting and no longer want to see them, well that just causes more problems.

Girls who think it's okay to flirt with guys who they know have a girlfriend. I mean, really now, it's like they're asking me to slowly poke their eyes out. Oi, ****, find someone else. I'm bored now, but I'll write more later. I'm an easy person to annoy.


I fucking hate it so much when people say they will be some place at a certain time and then show up an hour later with a frozen pop from the gas station. My friends do this to me all the time and I am usually on a tight schedule so suddenly I become late because of them or I just say fuck it and they get pissed at me for not being able to hang out. It is such shit, with today's technology they can at least text me saying "oh hey I won't be at your house for another hour," but apparently that is to fucking difficult.
For the most part, little things don't bother me at all. However, I really don't like people standing like right over my shoulder when I'm in a seated position, especially when I'm eating or reading. That's really like my only thing, and it's kind of weird, but it pisses me off. I usually just kind of hold my breath and count to ten when it happens because I know that most people won't be aware that it bothers me. I don't even know why it bothers me.

Things like being late aren't a big deal because I can usually find something else to do.
I have several things that piss me off. Seriously, a lot of people on these forums tend to think I'm a happy-go-lucky, light hearted fellow, with next to no anger in me. This couldn't be further from the truth, honestly.

One thing is when people use poor grammar. Really, how hard is it to pay attention in grade school? If you want to convey the fact you just had a thought pop in your head, don't say "ideal". It's pronounced "idea"!!! Also, if you can't think of a word, it's okay, you can admit it. Don't just make words up. You're not Don King or Al Sharpton. Don't try doing what they do, 'kay?

Second in this mini-rant is quiet simple. I work at a local pizza place for one of my jobs. If you call in an order, do us a favor, and have it written down. There's almost nothing more annoying than the jackasses who call in an order, and either pass the phone around the room or yell back and forth asking whoever is present if they want something, and what it is. It's not that much to ask, is it?! It makes my job easier, and gets your order done faster. Same concept applies to the idiots who stand there in a bar, asking what brands of place carries, then starts listing beers that the server didn't mention.

The last one I'll discuss is kind of risque, so I'll be brief. Say I'm at a "gentlemens club", in the private room. I just took advantage of a promo, like two dances and a t-shirt for the price of one dance. You would expect the dances to last two full songs, no? Well, friends, that's not always the case. Something that should take roughly ten minutes, can take as few as five, because the DJ will decide to cut the songs off at the beginning of the second verse. This isn't so much a pet peeve, or even angering, as it is an inconvenience to me. And I can't stand inconveniences. If I wanted to deal with that, I'd stay in the main seating area.
People who touch my instruments, I hate it when people come around and hang around in our rumpus room, I leave only to hear the crashing sounds of someone attacking the drum or someone turning up an amp trying to blow something up.

Of course, they arent that minor as I think most people find people who do that very very annoying. But I even get annoyed when someone who knows what they are doing just gets up and takes one of my guitars out of its case and starts playing. As most tend to be, I am really protective about those instruments and hate it when people dont take care of them. I find I get peeved about this often as most people dont even bother asking, they see a guitar they pick it up and try to show off. I own a Sitar and my brother plays Violin, it seems those are the two instruments that people love to oggle at and try to work, try to play like its that easy. You get people who break violins because they press against it so hard. I keep the Sitar where people cant find it and for that matter not many people even know about it.

So I guess that is the thing that really gets to me, and I am sure all people here who own an instrument can understand how annoying it is when people do this.

I also hate big group chats on msn, it should really ask you if you want to join, rather then just throw you in a group of people you dont know or care about.
Here's one thing that really pisses me off. People who tell me I need to calm down when I'm just reacting to what someone who's WAY more pissed off that me has said or done. So because I react to something, which is what any other human being would do, I'M the one in the wrong now? How is that fucking fair? If you want to get pissed off at someone, get pissed at the one who started the act in the first place! How am I suddenly at fault for responding to his idiotic actions? This is something that happens mainly around my house, usually when I get pissed at my brother for some stupid shit he's done.

You know what? People telling me to calm down in general just pisses me off. Where do these people get off, telling me what mood I need to be in? They don't get to decide for me! If I want to be pissed off, I have the fucking right to be pissed off! And it gets especially annoying when they tell me to calm down when I'm ALREADY CALM! Mainly because I start to get pissed that these assholes are telling me to feel something I'm already feeling, and by the time I'm sufficiently pissed, I've pretty much proved their point.

Bottom line: If you don't want to deal with someone when they're pissed, fucking leave. Let them be pissed. You telling them to cool it could only make them angrier.
Let me preface this by saying that I love walking; nothing beats going for a 4 or 5 mile stroll while listening to my iPod and daydreaming. With that said, I fucking HATE it when people park their car in their driveway so that half of it hangs over the sidewalk. While it's not that much effort to swing onto the road and walk around it, it's the principle of the matter that bothers me. We, not just YOU, pay for those sidewalks through taxes. The sidewalk is not yours to decide what to do with; it is meant for walking, not for the fifth fucking car (or the second gas guzzling Ford F-1050) that you have absolutely no need for.

In general, nothing pisses me off more than when people treat public space as if it's private.
I'm with the guy who said the door situation. That just pisses me the hell off. I once was going into a mall and this girl was behind me on her cell phone. I held the door for her and insted of saying thanks of even ignoring me she stops talking, looks at me and goes "you are not getting anything for doing this you know?" I couldn't believe what just happened. Apparantly schivelry (sp?) is dead. I was so shocked that I forgot what I went there for.

But My BIGGEST issue are jackasses that talk during the movie. I don't mind a quiet whisper to your friends on occasion but for fucks sake stop talking during the movie. If you want to spend 10 bucks a person to talk then that's fine but I don't want to listen to it. I took my fiance to see New Moon when it came out and she was excited but there was this group of about 15 teenage girls who wouldn't shut up. And we were are far from them as possible and could hear every words they said. And they were not even talking about the movie! I finally gave up and got a manager but the guy told me that he wasn't going to do anything since the theater didn't make much money and he wasn't going to kick out their customers. So I demanded my money back for the tickets, the food and everything and left.
People have a tendency to think that just because you're like them, you're one of them. People do that to me and I go off on them. Saying stuff like "oh, you're a teenager. That means you're always talking on your phone, not caring about family, slacking off and never listening to any one." I'm never one to follow the flow of things. People assume I'm like everybody else without realizing I'm not "everyone".
One thing that irritates me on these forums is when people start a new thread, possibly for their first time, apologizing about the fact that the thread may have been done before and saying you can move it if it has. I don't really know why, but this gets right on my last nerve.

If you are so concerned that the thread has been started before, don't start it! Or take a few moments to check to see if it has been done before; if it has, don't start it, if it hasn't, you're good. Plus, if by chance it has been done before, who cares? The mods will close it or move it or whatever, no big deal.

It's no big deal, but on any given day, if you look at the new threads, there must be a dozen posts that start with "well I'm not sure if this thread has been done before or not, oh well, you can move it if it has."
I work at a supermarket so here are my annoyances about that.

I've gotten customers who, when I ask for paper or plastic DO NOT GIVE ME AN ANSWER so I assume that it's plastic. Then they have the nerve to say ooooo I wanted paper. Here's the official policy on all stores. THEY WILL NOT GIVE YOU PAPER UNLESS YOU ASK FOR IT. It costs 5 cents a bag so you can imagine the costs.

There's another thing that really annoys me. When I'm on register and I get someone who puts the hand basket on the belt, they expect me to unload their groceries for them. THAT IS NOT MY JOB. My job is to ring you up. not unload your food for you. that job is if I had a bagger on my register.

I'm somewhat of an ordered person so a lot of things tend to annoy me but whatever such is life right?
I don't really get annoyed by little things, I've got a pretty long fuse and it takes a lot for me to really lose my temper. Having said that though, on my bad days it's just generally a good idea to avoid me because I'll find fault with something eventually. Anyway...

1. Being Ignored

Don't do it, seriously. If you really want to anger me, try and walk away from me when I'm talking to you. Not only do I hold a grudge but I'll make you pay for it eventually.
This also covers people who ask for my advice, then don't follow it and expect me to provide a shoulder to cry on, which I will grudgingly do.

2. If You Make A Plan, You Better Stick To It

My dad has found this out to his cost. Long story short, we made plans which involved him picking me up, he didn't turn up or ring which lead to me sitting around the house all day waiting. When we spoke next I gave him such a tongue lashing that he still hasn't forgotten it a year later.

3. Get Out Of My Kitchen!

If I had a catchphrase this would probably be it. When I'm cooking, I do not want you around, you are a distraction, you are getting in my way and if you touch my fucking sauce again I'm going to chop your fucking hands off!

4. Excuse me, what was that?

Pensioners. Bunch of self-righteous fuckers. Do you not understand that when I give up my seat for you on the bus, it's me being charitable? I don't have to do it. So when once in a while I choose to keep my seat because, oh I don't know, because I've got a bad back or I'm exhausted, I do not want to hear your Daily Mail inspired rant on how "Kids have got no respect these days, tut, they're all drug dealing thugs, tut I'm old you know!" Tut tut fucking tut. You're not helping your cause, because all I'm thinking is "Well fuck you too, I won't bother next time either"

There are probably more I've forgotten.
I agree with Zero on the whole "calm down" crap. I like getting into sports debates. Most of the time I'm really calm and chill. They are points where I can get my friends crazy trying to argue me. And sometimes when they do I get louder back. And that when I hear calm down its just sports. WTF ME!?! I'm responding to someone yet I need to chill?

One other thing that bugs the shit out of me is people who wait til the last minute to change lanes, or doesn't want to waitlike everyone else and just goes to the front until they have to be let in because they forced themselves in. I hate that crap. We all wait our turn but yet you think that your special enough to just cut in front of all of us? F that!
The whole "thank you" thing pisses me off the most. Two fucking words use them, combine it to just "thanks" if your that lazy.

Other than that, I hate when people take their kids to a restaurant and let them run around. I come to the place to get something to eat and enjoy my meal and I got some three year old kid walking up to my table and staring at me, while his parents smile at him from across the room.
More often than not these kids have my next pet peeve plastered under their nose. A snotty nose is just the most disgusting thing to me, is it that hard to wipe a kids face? I have nephews that I watch once in a while and it dose not seem that hard to wipe their face.
My final, but far from last one is people who do not shower. I understand if you just got off of work or your leaving the gym,or forgot to put on deodorant, but I am talking about the people who smell like b.o first thing in the morning and progressively smell worse as the day goes on. I live with a 13 year old and he dose not seem to have a problem taking a shower everyday, why is it so hard for people in their late teens and some grown people to bathe properly? On days when I do not put on any deodorant I make sure to go into the restroom and wash my arm pits, I get a few looks while I am doing it, but a quick explanation and that is it. I would rather a look for washing my self than one for smelling like ass.
Minor things eh? Let's see. Most of them are work-related. I work fast-food. Wendy's to be exact. We're open late of course, 1AM. 2AM on Friday&Saturday. Lots of the people who are stoned out of their mind, intoxicated, or just altogether ignorant come out to our store late at night. Separate orders can bother me. Orders like this: "Hey, yeah. We have 2 separate orders.' 'Go ahead with your first order.' 'I'd like a 5pc. chicken nugget, that's all." That really irks me, like.. you couldn't just fucking add it onto the second order? Then the second order would be like a Spicy Chicken Combo. Something just ridiculous like that. People who sit at the menu for like.. 5 minutes. Trying to figure out what to eat. It's Wendy's. They've had the same shit for years. Also people who come at like 12:59 when we're closing and then complain that the fries aren't piping hot. Or they order a ridiculous amount of food. Rude people too. Examples of rudeness can be snatching the bag out of my hand, or just ********edness in general. Trashing the dining room is also a bad thing.. Yeah, I got out of hand there. Don't work fast food unless you have to.
The thing that sets me off and annoys me probably more than anything else is when girls complain about how they want a nice guy, then rant endlessly about it to a good friend of theirs (usually this friend is a nice guy himself) and then they refuse to give him a chance when they KNOW he's the kind of guy they claim to want.

I've been in that situation many times. A girl I like is upset that she can't find a nice guy and rants to me about it, but then I show interest and she doesn't give me a chance.... only to end up with some jerk again, and then rants to me about it again. The cycle repeats. This has happened to me many times and I can't stand it.

Why would they claim to want a nice guy so much if they are so concerned about "ruining the friendship"? Lots of people remain friends with people they have dated, I try to. That's the thing that annoys me the most because they aren't being honest with themselves if they complain about wanting a nice guy yet won't give a chance to one when he's sitting right in front of her showing interest and being a good friend by listening to all the rants about the jerks she does give a chance to.
The thing that sets me off and annoys me probably more than anything else is when girls complain about how they want a nice guy, then rant endlessly about it to a good friend of theirs (usually this friend is a nice guy himself) and then they refuse to give him a chance when they KNOW he's the kind of guy they claim to want.
I'm with ya %100. A few years ago I had this huge crush ont his girl. She was gorgeous, sweet, fun and we got along better than any of our friends. We had our arguments but they always got resolved within a day and we pretended it never happened. I showed my interest including being the ONLY person to agknowledge it was her birthday. I took her to lunch got her flowers and the stuff a good friend/boyfriend would. She dated all these loser and especially the emo kids who were more into themselves and their looks than her and she bitched to all of her friends (me inlcuded) until one of our friends told her to date me. I was interested and was the nice "perfect for her" guy and her only reaction was "I would but he's so nice that if we date it's gonna ruin everything. How is my question? We've proven that we hardly ever fight and are damn near a match made in heaven. But she didn't, I moved on found the girl who is now my fiance and last I heard she became the typical early 20 alcoholic **** that gets passed around at parties.
I used to work at Little Caesar's and there was this guy with a terrible stuttering problem who would come in there every night at 5 minutes to closing and order one order of Crazy Bread that had been cooked longer. It normally took the bread about 6 minutes before buttering and putting cheese on it. Well if it was to dark then he wanted you to start over and that is a pain in the ass. Basically what I am getting at is people who order food right before closing, usually after you have cleaned up.

I also hate when you are watching a DVD and you are really into it, and it does that little skip thing. You are really into the movie and it drags you right into being pissed.
The thing that sets me off and annoys me probably more than anything else is when girls complain about how they want a nice guy, then rant endlessly about it to a good friend of theirs (usually this friend is a nice guy himself) and then they refuse to give him a chance when they KNOW he's the kind of guy they claim to want.

I've been in that situation many times. A girl I like is upset that she can't find a nice guy and rants to me about it, but then I show interest and she doesn't give me a chance.... only to end up with some jerk again, and then rants to me about it again. The cycle repeats. This has happened to me many times and I can't stand it.

Why would they claim to want a nice guy so much if they are so concerned about "ruining the friendship"? Lots of people remain friends with people they have dated, I try to. That's the thing that annoys me the most because they aren't being honest with themselves if they complain about wanting a nice guy yet won't give a chance to one when he's sitting right in front of her showing interest and being a good friend by listening to all the rants about the jerks she does give a chance to.

1,000 times this. I have ranted about this subject to my friends so many fucking times. It is so god damn annoying! It always ends up being one girl that I have a thing for too. She'll know that I have a thing for her (asked to go out on a date or just told her we should go out) and yet continue going on about how she is looking for a nice guy, how her previous boyfriend was an ass...blah blah fucking blah. Somewhere in that conversation she also says how nice a guy I am. I sit there just flabbergasted, thinking what the fucking fuck?!?! Then she gets into a relationship with some fucking cocksnot and I basically say piss off.

Loveless made the remark about making plans and sticking to them. Again, couldn't agree more. One of my former best friends was notorious at fucking this up. I'll mention a few occasions. These may be a little long winded.

One, UFC had come to the Allstate Arena, and we were thinking about going. It was also his birthday. So he worked there and said he could get me in. At the time I was carless, so I called trying to find out what was going on, said he would come get me in like an hour. Didn't show, and I called him up again, no answer. I didn't care about not going to UFC, it would've been phenomenal, but whatever. Fucker ended up ditching me, someone he considered like a brother, to go party. I realize it was his birthday and shit, but he could have just said he couldn't get me, and it would've been fine, just some common fucking courtesy please.

Second, we made plans to see Max Payne on opening night, and I had invited my friend Tina, who I was going to try and get with that night. Again, carless, so he was my ride. Motherfucker calls me literally a half hour before we were supposed to leave, and says he has to help his dad with something, which I later found out was a flat out lie, he ended up going to meet up with his 15 year old girlfriend, he was 20. So I got cockblocked that night, as no one else wanted to see it, because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants for what, 2-3 hours? Where is that fucking Pedobear logo?
This may not count as "minor", but...

Unprofessionalism, and Rude Customers
Seriously, when I go to a store, I am a customer. I will treat you with respect and a smile, so I expect you to do the same for me. I don't mean you have to be in a suit, but don't get all huffy if I ask you where something is, or if you have this product. I understand that it's hard and that you may have had to answer that question a million times before, but I'm not going to be rude to you, so don't be rude to me.

This includes: Answering in a nasty tone of voice, rolling your eyes, pointing violently.

This extends to treatment in other places such as restaurants. I don't care if your boyfriend broke up with you or whatever. You are at a job. You are expected to act that way.

Also, I hate people who are rude to perfectly cooperative shopkeepers and cashiers. If they're not being rude to you, there is no reason to be rude to them. It's not their fault Nintendo doesn't make videogames for the PS2, or they're out of Scruffy Detective's Extra Long Trenchcoats! People who work in shops have hard jobs...don't make them any more difficult.

So I guess what pisses me off is lack of respect towards another individual. Both of these things get you added to my shit list quickly.

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