Minor, Petty Things That Set You Off

The thing that sets me off and annoys me probably more than anything else is when girls complain about how they want a nice guy, then rant endlessly about it to a good friend of theirs (usually this friend is a nice guy himself) and then they refuse to give him a chance when they KNOW he's the kind of guy they claim to want.

I've been in that situation many times. A girl I like is upset that she can't find a nice guy and rants to me about it, but then I show interest and she doesn't give me a chance.... only to end up with some jerk again, and then rants to me about it again. The cycle repeats. This has happened to me many times and I can't stand it.

Why would they claim to want a nice guy so much if they are so concerned about "ruining the friendship"? Lots of people remain friends with people they have dated, I try to. That's the thing that annoys me the most because they aren't being honest with themselves if they complain about wanting a nice guy yet won't give a chance to one when he's sitting right in front of her showing interest and being a good friend by listening to all the rants about the jerks she does give a chance to.

I can feel my blood boiling just reading this. I think most guys that aren't ********s have experienced this and it boils down to this simple fact

Women don't want nice guys

Seriously, regardless of what they tell you, they're lying and I'm not entirely sure why they do it. I think it might be a form of denial that allows them to have short-term relationships without being labelled a slag and then, as an added bonus, it gives them something extra to complain about when it all goes tits up, because that was their intention from the start.
It's actually a typically male attitude of "Fuck around with the bad ones because they're easier to get rid of and they won't get hurt". The difference is men are at least honest about it and don't pretend that we're looking for a commitment when we're not.
The good news is that once they hit 30 things change, they stop fucking around and actually settle down with the good guys. You've just got to be patient.
The thing that sets me off and annoys me probably more than anything else is when girls complain about how they want a nice guy, then rant endlessly about it to a good friend of theirs (usually this friend is a nice guy himself) and then they refuse to give him a chance when they KNOW he's the kind of guy they claim to want.

I've been in that situation many times. A girl I like is upset that she can't find a nice guy and rants to me about it, but then I show interest and she doesn't give me a chance.... only to end up with some jerk again, and then rants to me about it again. The cycle repeats. This has happened to me many times and I can't stand it.

Why would they claim to want a nice guy so much if they are so concerned about "ruining the friendship"? Lots of people remain friends with people they have dated, I try to. That's the thing that annoys me the most because they aren't being honest with themselves if they complain about wanting a nice guy yet won't give a chance to one when he's sitting right in front of her showing interest and being a good friend by listening to all the rants about the jerks she does give a chance to.

Good Lord almighty, truer words have not been spoken. I am with you 10000 percent on this.

My best friend is this one girl I've known for almost three years now. I've shown romantic interests in her, and she knows this. She brushed me off, saying that "I'm like a brother to her". I'm fine with this, and we're still friends.

But what boggles my mind is that I treat her in the best way I possibly can, and she seems to show romantic interest in all of her friends EXCEPT me! And a good portion of them treat her like shit! Her first boyfriend kept disappearing randomly for months on end. Her current one is just a dumbass. She showed interest in one guy who has the emotional capacity of a five-year old, and another who pretty much cut off all contact with her when HIS girlfriend didn't like her. And yet, despite me being there for her in all of these incidents, no interest in me.

I really hope my patience with her is worth it. I really do.
I cannot stand people who are rude. Nay, it is much deeper than that and my hatred knows no bounds for people who lack simple courtesy skills and people who are rude for the sheer hell of it.

I work a lot with the public and the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is people who do not, in fact cannot, say please and thank you. I don't want to treat them like children but that was just good fucking courtesy when I was taught manners. Most of the time, people are pleasant but I still get the odd person who is irate at the price of something, or is angry because of the way something has been dealt with. That is fine. However, people who lack the sheer manners to say please and thank you are the world's worst, in my opinion.

I shall give you an example. I was working on a customer service desk last night and I was dealing with a problem customer. They entered the store and being that the customer service desk is the closest desk to the door, immediately started a verbal tirade as to why he had been given a ticket. Just to let you know, we do not deal with the tickets, it is an independent company who patrol our car-park. However, this guy was returning a treadmill and although it was heavy, there was no need to park in the disabled bay. He got a ticket as he brought in the treadmill and the person who deals with the tickets was gone. I gave him as much help as possible. I gave him the details of the company, some information about how to appeal and helped him to the car with the trolley he had been using to bring in the treadmill.

After this, I expected him to be in a better mood but as he got in his car and I returned the trolley, he shouted to me that I was a "fucking cunt". Now, I am not saying that I am not. However, the fact that I had just helped you way more than I needed to and it was your own idiocy that got you into the situation, that was helping no one. People don't realise that just because you are working as a customer service rep, your feeling can be hurt too. Shouting that does him no favours and just shows that people just generally like to be assholes.

That is what pisses me off.
People who tailgate, especially if they have a P.O.S. hoop d. I just dropped my girlfriend off at her car because we left it at the bar last night and I head back home, I get on the highway doing like 70, the speed limit is 65, and this mini van thats missing it's entire front grill and bumper comes flying up on my ass. The thing that pisses me off more than the tailgating, which is annoying enough, is the fact that I already know they can't drive, have bad insurance, or at least have bad luck. You would think they would learn their lesson on how to drive after they fucked up their car the first time.
Good Lord almighty, truer words have not been spoken. I am with you 10000 percent on this.

My best friend is this one girl I've known for almost three years now. I've shown romantic interests in her, and she knows this. She brushed me off, saying that "I'm like a brother to her". I'm fine with this, and we're still friends.

But what boggles my mind is that I treat her in the best way I possibly can, and she seems to show romantic interest in all of her friends EXCEPT me!

Anyone remember the movie "Just Friends"? Probably not but I'll reference it for this situation anyway, because it's dead on. Ryan Reynolds plays the role of a fat sort of weird kid and is friends with Amy Smart's character. He wants it to be more, and Amy Smart's character (who is ****ish) is not really interested in him in that way. She also thinks of the grotesque Reynolds character as being "like a brother".

Sounds like you got a "friend zone" situation here, bro.

But what I really can't stand is when someone starts with you on a forum to make up for a shortcoming of theirs. It's confusing as to why this person has a problem with you, especially when you make it a point to not get involved with what this person posts. Yet, this person decides to single you out, because of the perception that you slighted them somehow. He then decides to passive-aggressively attack you, while putting his shot in on you in WHITE TEXT so you won't be able to notice it right away.

This is when you know you have a real winner on your hands, by the way. The person will attack you, but he won't commit to it. Instead of settling the issue privately, he'll fire the first shot, which wouldn't have been seen to begin with unless somebody quoted the post.

Then, when you try to alleviate the situation and kind of make a response like, "Is this guy joking with me?"... it becomes quite clear he isn't. I don't like getting involved with flame wars on forums. I also don't like when people decide they have a gigantic penis online and try to call the shots on you. Deep down, you know this person doesn't have anything close to a gigantic penis, and you know that this person has never had anything close to a position of power before in their lives, so they project their frustrations on you over something innocuous.

I hate the Internet Tough Guy persona people create for themselves online, because they're incapable of being a tough guy in real life. People who play the role of Internet Tough Guy usually get pushed around, and they have pent up frustrations so they'll go ahead and start trying to go after people who are relatively well-liked. Why can't you be yourself on a forum? People seem to like the Internet Tough Guy persona and they identify with it. They dream to be empowered and do and say things they never would do if they weren't behind a keyboard. Luckily, people like that usually don't last long on forums.
Lastly, if someone has a chronic deep cough or something, and they're in somewhere like a movie theater or a classroom, I get extremely pissed. Now I get to sit through two hours of someone who should have stayed home coughing their brains out, great.

Right here. Stay the fuck home if you are sick. It's as simple as that. If you're in class or working or shopping or doing ANYTHING in the public whilst you have a deep chronic cough and are hacking your disease all over everything you come close to, please stay home. It's not like I'm a germaphobe or anything, but I just think it's immensely rude to come to a movie or a class and be distracting everyone with a big phlegm filled cough or snorting your runny nose. Not only is it unpleasant, but there's usually a chance of catching whatever you have. It's disgusting, and no one needs to see Alice In Wonderland that fucking badly to need to make everyone else in the vicinity sick as a result.
My biggest annoyance is ignorance. I hate nothing more than when I know that I am 100% correct (and I usually am. I'm much smarter than most of the people around me.) and I spend my time arguing with someone who completely ignores my argument, reiterates the same tired argument that I've already debunked, and just has a completely closed mind. I'm right, you're wrong. Now shut up, bitch, and make me a sandwich.

I'm sassy tonight.
Lateness is a big one for me, if you say you are going to meet me at 10 am, be there at 10 fucking am. Whenever I would hang out with mates I would tell them half an hour before the time I really wanted them to be there and it would work out ok, but that's beside the point, you should be able to organise a time you want and if people say ok they should mean ok.

Also when people interupt me when I am talking really grinds my gears, if I start talking and after I say a few words someone butts in with something else and doesn't say sorry.

Also, if someone doesn't say please or thank you when I do something or get something for someone. It's just rude, especially if I'm doing something important and I'm busy.
I can't stand people who deliberately try to piss me off. About a year ago at the job I still work at, I was involved in a very, very heated and nasty verbal fight with one of my female co-workers. I'm the type of person who usually sticks to himself, and doesn't bother anyone, and some people feel the need to start shit with me just because of that. Anyway, we were working freight in the paint isle(I work on a stocking crew) and for some reason she feels the need to call me out on being a "pussy" in front of my other co-workers. For some reason everyone was ripping on me this day, but most of it was all in good fun, but this female co-worker was the only who felt the need to mess with me after a while. I really, really tried to ignore her, but she just had to keep pushing it. After a while, she started kicking this empty box at me, and this is what made me snap. We got into a very nasty argument filled with lots of profanity, and this all happened in front of customers. Some of them were laughing, and others were in shock.

Surprisingly, none of the customers complained about this incident, and our explosive fight never was mentioned to any of the managers. After this whole thing was over, she actually tried to make me out to be the asshole in all of this! Yeah, that's right, after she spent a good 6 hours trying to piss me off, she actually tried to spin the whole thing, and make me out to be the bad guy.I made sure to stay away from her after the fight because even in the days after it was over, she was STILL trying to get me fired up again. About 2 weeks after this happened, she was fired for some other stuff she had been doing. Everyone thought I was happy she was gone, but I wasn't. I actually wished we could've talked about the whole thing because before that argument, we were actually good friends.

If someone pisses me off during a conversation or debate, then I won't hold a grudge against the person because stuff like that usually happens when you disagree with someone about something. Especially if it's about something you care about or feel real deeply about, but I absolutely can not stand people who feel the need to go out of their way to piss other people off just for their own amusement. This is something that definitely sets me off.
Just to add on to the whole movie theater topic:

Last night I went to go see Hot Tub Time Machine (which is hysterical, by the way), and the couple in front of us decided to bring their baby and their young son. For the first 20 minutes, I got to sit through a crying baby and a kid going, "I WANT TO SEE SOMETHING ELSE DADDY!". Someone actually went to complain and they wound up leaving.

That brings me to this: Normally I'd say get a babysitter, but I realize with the economy the way it is, plus it being hard to find a responsible/normal babysitter, that's sometimes an impossibility. However, if you really need to make a date night and take your kids out, why take them to a raunchy R-rated comedy? There's other options like Alice in Wonderland and How To Train Your Dragon out there that are more family friendly.
Here's one thing that really pisses me off. People who tell me I need to calm down when I'm just reacting to what someone who's WAY more pissed off that me has said or done. So because I react to something, which is what any other human being would do, I'M the one in the wrong now? How is that fucking fair? If you want to get pissed off at someone, get pissed at the one who started the act in the first place! How am I suddenly at fault for responding to his idiotic actions? This is something that happens mainly around my house, usually when I get pissed at my brother for some stupid shit he's done.

You know what? People telling me to calm down in general just pisses me off. Where do these people get off, telling me what mood I need to be in? They don't get to decide for me! If I want to be pissed off, I have the fucking right to be pissed off! And it gets especially annoying when they tell me to calm down when I'm ALREADY CALM! Mainly because I start to get pissed that these assholes are telling me to feel something I'm already feeling, and by the time I'm sufficiently pissed, I've pretty much proved their point.

Bottom line: If you don't want to deal with someone when they're pissed, fucking leave. Let them be pissed. You telling them to cool it could only make them angrier.

I agree 100%, one of my best friends is at times, for lack of a better term a twat. When he is in one of his moods he will take the piss out of people, out them down and constantly make out that he is better than them. And when he is in one of these moods if you are having a conversation he will say things that are very close to the bone, then if I say something back, even if its to try and diffuse the situation, he will then utter the words that make me wanna kill him, he tells me to calm down and tries to put it on me.

A few of us went away for the weekend and he said something to me (not repeating it) whilst we were all eating dinner that really pissed me off, the angriest I have been for a long long time. But because we were in public I bit my lip, but I wanted to knock him the fuck out.
Wow, where do I start...this may seem quite petty to some, but it bugs the hell out of me and quite a few other people I know: People who eat with their mouths wide open. No I do not want to see your food in your mouth getting chewed up in front of me, and worst of all I don't want to hear you eat. That frigging chomping noise people make when they eat like this is probably the most irritating sound in the world to me. My folks both do this (although they deny it), so mealtimes were a real chore at times as a kid. I'm married now, and thankfully the Mrs hates it as much as I do!

As plenty of people have said on here, a basic lack of manners gets to me too. I work in customer services - Now if I am at a restaurant or shop or whatever and I need something, I start off with "could I have.." or "i'd like.." - you get the picture. The number of people in my job who just ring up and say "I want..." pisses me off. It may sound minor, but I'm sure I was always told as a child to ask for things politely, not demand them. People not saying "please" and "thank you" is annoying too, especially with the afore-mentioned holding the door open, and offering your seat on the metro/bus. A bit controversial, but I find that a lot of elderly and/or disabled people feel as if they have somehow earned the right to act like pricks to everyone, simply because they are old and/or disabled. In my line of work, the rudest customers without a shadow of a doubt fall into these categories.

I think manners has a hell of a lot to do with upbringing. Which leads me to my final pet hate, and that's parents who let their kids do whatever the hell they like in public. I was at a Zoo this year. We went into the nocturnal animals enclosure and there was a sign saying something like "Please keep noise to a minimum in this part of the Zoo as these animals are very sensitive and will be frightened away". The next thing we know, a mother and father walk in with a group of kids, about 5-7 years old I guess. They ran about, shouting at the top of their voices, going up to the glass enclosures and tapping and pounding on them. It was so annoying that I would have happily dumped them into the crocodile enclosure. What was worse was that the parents made absolutely no effort to quieten them down - not so much as a "sssh". As ill mannered as the kids were, how can you blame them if their folks don't say anything to them? Wouldn't surprise me if they grow up to be the kind of people who don't say thanks when you give way or hold a door open, eat with their mouths open and turn up late for everything!
I don't really get annoyed by little things, I've got a pretty long fuse and it takes a lot for me to really lose my temper. Having said that though, on my bad days it's just generally a good idea to avoid me because I'll find fault with something eventually. Anyway...

1. Being Ignored

Don't do it, seriously. If you really want to anger me, try and walk away from me when I'm talking to you. Not only do I hold a grudge but I'll make you pay for it eventually.
This also covers people who ask for my advice, then don't follow it and expect me to provide a shoulder to cry on, which I will grudgingly do.

I can't agree more with this. I especially get enraged when waiters/waitresses or sales people or do this. I mean really, your income is dependent on how you treat me and you want to ignore me...fuck you!

I hate when people chew gum loudly. I get it, you are enjoying the gum. You don't have to chew like a cow grazing. Also snapping gum like a lady of the night is just annoying.

I hate when people ask me at the gym if I am done with a machine. When I am done with the fucking machine I will clean it off and walk away.

I hate when my boss calls me dear, sweetie, or honey. Don't patronize me with cute little nicknames.

Finally I hate when people mention that my hair is thinning out and I'm beginning to go bald. Really, no shit...I'm balding. Well thank you for bringing that to my attention. It's not something that I have noticed at all, every morning when I look in the mirror. Use some common sense assholes! :banghead:
-someone/anyone who's not serious about school
can't tell you how much this pisses me off. its the kind of people who come to school and don't do shit except talk and piss off the teacher. they spent years of their lives and most of their time on a daily basis making up lessons and what to they get? immature teenagers who aren't smart enough to know how to shut the hell up.
and then those same people start bitching about "i hate this school" blah blah blah THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE!? if you dont want to be at school then drop out or transfer, very simple.

-when i'm watching TV and someone just comes in the room and starts watching with you
its like someone hovering over your shoulder when your reading a book and trying to see what your reading. it just plain rude to me if you don't at least ask if you can watch too. "hey, can i watch?" 4 words is that too hard to say?
When someone annoys me.I dont mean like talk,I'm a pretty talkative guy but if I stop talking after a while and you keep going and dont realise I stopped talking its probally because im not it the mood.My closest friends know this but somehow its always the people i hardly talk to who keep annoying me.Its okay if its a hello and small chat but a full convo when im doing something pisses me off.

And when you shout(like but food for them) someone once and then they always expect you to or always take your food.Its like honestly I bought my own fucking food to eat myself not to give to you.

And probally people who just screw shit up all the time.I have these group of kids in my english class and im surprised they havent been moved to english com(the english for people who get D's in normal english)since they got D's and E's all year and every fucking lesson they do nothing and do jack all and stay in the classroom fucking pissing everyone off.

People who are late or confirm they are coming but dont.Last week me and my friends usually join up for a game of rugby and we all agreed to 2pm.3 people showed up.3 fucking people out of 12.We all called our mates and they were like yea cant come.I was like then why the fuck didnt you tell us you fucking lazy shit.

And when your in a heated arguement and it looks like its going into a fight and everyones ready for it like all your mates are ready to jump in for you and everything and someone who no one wants to beat up cuz its sad(most likely a little kid or someone)jumps in and tells you to stop.Honestly its like Get the Fuck Out of my way you little prick.I just hate little kids altogether I guess since i went to a movie once.Predators the new one and some ****** brings their 3 i swear 4 year old kids.And they wouldnt shut up.Eventually someone yelled out shut the fuck up you little ***** and the parent got them and left.
just thought of another one
when i'm sort of already in a not-so-good mood and i'm eating something like a cheeseburger or something and people jokingly call me fat.
i don't care if it was a joke i just want to eat my fucking food without any stupid comments.
People who lack manners piss me off too no end. I don't know what it is with people these days, but everybody seems to have forgotten simple things that are usually thought of as common courtesy. If I'm right the fuck behind you while walking into a store, hold the door open for me, and if I hold the door open for you (which I always do) then say thank you, or gimme a little hand wave for chrissakes.

People who ignore other people piss me off as well, one time I was stuck on the west side of town (I live on the east) and didn't have a cell phone at the time. 3 different people walked by, and I walked up to each of them and said "Sir (or ma'am, one was a girl), do you mind if I borrow your phone?" And all 3 of 'em walked away without saying a damn thing, one of them didn't even look at me. The fuck is that?

And people at school, who don't shut the fuck up also angers me. When you're sitting there jabbering about something I could care less about, and my response for the past 5 minutes has been "yea...." then I obviously don't give a shit what you have to say, I'm trying to listen to what the teacher says, I don't care about your stupid drug experiences, the fight that happened, or that party on Friday, if I wanted to fucking know, I'd ask about it.

Fucking christ....
Oh and two more things..... Girls who call you a "creeper" for asking them out, does asking if they wanna go a football game with me make me a fucking creeper? Fuck no it doesn't, I'm not peeking through your window while you're getting dressed, I'm asking you a simple question. Fucking bitches dude.

The other is people who don't know how to smoke, to the jackass that nobody knows who torches my last bowl when I'm generous enough to even pass it to him, fuck you, I should break your neck. And I'm not strict on the puff puff pass rule, but when you take 6 or more hits you're crossing the fucking line. Another blunt etiquette rule, don't sit there and talk, or text when you're smoking, that's a fucking waste of weed and time, plus the next person up is getting fucking jew'd out of their time with the L.
I freaking hate rude waiters/waitresses. It was how I earned my way through college and grad school, so I learned to suck it up, even if I disliked the look or the attitude of the people I was waiting on.

Recently, my friends, wife and I went to a local bar for a PPV recently, and the waitress looked at us, sighed, and said "Are you gonna be here all night?' When we said "yes" she shook her head, swore under her breath, and came back with our drinks and for our order about a half hour later. Our bill was pretty high, and because of my past experience as a waiter, I usually tip well. I didn't that night.

I should know that everyone has a bad night, but it still pisses me off for some reason when its projected onto me. I probably did the same damn thing when I was doing it, so I should probably be more patient, but Im not. If I even sense they have an attitude with me, I get one right back.
Hell, mine might be the most minor thing ever...my girlfriend is addicted to Werthers candies, and she leaves the empty wrappers all over the floor...It irritates me SO MUCH, and I have no idea why. I mean, they're fucking candy wrappers, what right do I have to get so pissed off for? And yet, I do.
I hate restaurants that automatically place a service charge, or "tip" on the recepit and the end of the meal. I mean how fucking rude is that?!

IF and only IF I think your service to me has been good then I will leave you a tip, and to be honest I usually do. Probably more often than I should, I feel a bit rude if I dont...but to basically tell me to do it fucks me right off. How fucking dare you!! Its my money and to expect me to pay more than the meal costs is wrong, rude and unfair.

So if I get this on the bill now, I dont pay it. If I think the waiter/waitress provides me good service I will give them a tip personally, but if a restaurant thinks it can charge me extra without me agreeing to it then they can kiss my fucking ass
Here's a few things that set me the F off...

1. If I'm in a pissy ass mood and tell people I want to be left alone and don't want to talk, then leave the freaking room, don't move 3 feet away from me. Chances are, the closer you are, the better the chance I will probably hit you with an upper cut and then hit you with an RKO until I'm de-compressed. When I say I need to be left alone, I mean leave the damn room, or the immediate 50 foot area, like a TRO being placed on your ass until I physically seek you out and say I'm cool again.

2. Girls who are always like "I'm fat" and are probably the skinniest girls out of all their friends. Okay, I'm curvy, I don't care, and I'm loving my curves. But when someone who is only 100 pounds and I see you eating like 2 pieces of lettuce and drinking water and that's your only meal the whole day, that will make me so freaking angry, and then they proceed to tell me what's wrong with MY body?! Let's not get you started on me until you fix yourself honey, because obviously, I'm eating right, I've got my square meals taken care of. I've got no complaints with my body. I'm not the one depleting myself of my cravings. That crap is for gerbils and rats.

3. People who tell me its not ladylike for my hobbies. I'm into wrestling, and tattoos. So what , I have sleeves, and interesting artwork. I've been into wrestling since I was little. My dad let me rough-house when I was little. I loved dressing up like Cowboy Bob Orton, or Junkyard Dog. I like different things, okay? I really don't care what other girls think if its not prim or proper that I will stand up and shout my lungs out, or when its hot outside wear my tattoos with pride. I paid my money for my ink, I sure as hell will wear them with pride. I've had admirers and people look at me in disgust, either way, I don't really care. I know they just don't know the REAL me, and they can kiss my behind. I've worked with children before, I can still care for people, no one really knows me unless they take the time to get to know me, don't give me that look like "Eww..." and people can say they haven't done it, but yes they have, and I've caught them doing that to me.

4. People who THINK they know what you're going through with medical conditions. I suffer from PCOS. (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.) Basically my system will at random times have clusters of cysts growing in my body around, certain female areas. Needless to say, it can be VERY painful, and has required me to have surgery many times. Then I have people I am acquainted with who go on to say "Oh...its just like having 'the time of the month cramps'' I usually will want to smart off and smack them, or tell them "Yeah..unless you like having items the size of watermelons grow and cause you discomfort and twist your organs. Then yeah...its the same freaking thing you idiot." People like that just tick me off and make me want to haul off.
When douchebags decide to congregate in narrow paasage ways taking up all the fuckin space so no one can get through. 90% of the time there's a perfectly open space to go and stand and chat in, but noooooo these assholes what to do it in corridors or right in front of the ticket gate at a train station.

Or even worse, when you're on a train, and you pull up to the station, and 50 dick heads try all cram up against the door at once because they're desperate to get a seat before anyone else. WE'VE GOTTA GET OFF FIRST YOU SELFISH *****!

And mannerless losers behind counters and tills. I'm civil enough to say please and thank you to you, you can at least extend the same courtesy. But then again, customers do the EXACT same thing to me. The majority of people are just rude.
I fucking hate when people text me back with "K", and then fuck all else.

We were having a conversation asshole, just because you may not have agreed with the last thing I said, dont just mug me off with a "K", it winds me the fuck up and makes me want to slap you
The thing that sets me off and annoys me probably more than anything else is when girls complain about how they want a nice guy, then rant endlessly about it to a good friend of theirs (usually this friend is a nice guy himself) and then they refuse to give him a chance when they KNOW he's the kind of guy they claim to want.

I've been in that situation many times. A girl I like is upset that she can't find a nice guy and rants to me about it, but then I show interest and she doesn't give me a chance.... only to end up with some jerk again, and then rants to me about it again. The cycle repeats. This has happened to me many times and I can't stand it.

Why would they claim to want a nice guy so much if they are so concerned about "ruining the friendship"? Lots of people remain friends with people they have dated, I try to. That's the thing that annoys me the most because they aren't being honest with themselves if they complain about wanting a nice guy yet won't give a chance to one when he's sitting right in front of her showing interest and being a good friend by listening to all the rants about the jerks she does give a chance to.

If I had a Nickel...

I think to, me its just how women function. Whether or not their full of denial or plain just to naive is some what irrelevant. Women, I find are complex creatures. Everything has a specific nature and a specific agenda. They think they know what they want but in reality they have no clue. Men are simple. We know exactly what we want, there's usually no two ways about it. Were to simple minded for our own good. This is why we fail to understand lol. But I'll agree with you on this though.

As for me. I cant stand being interrupted. I blows my socks off when I'm in the middle of a conversation with somebody only to hear HEY GUY,GUESS WHAT!HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT BLAH BLAH BLAH. Then they realize they've interrupted you and apologize..then they do it again! SO ANYWAY GUYS I WAS THINKIN.....only to be shut down....IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR THINKING!! Its annoying and above rude.

Another thing that sends me into a rage is when people act like someone there not. How many times I've been to a party or get together with friends and have that one person act completely different than they normally would in order for it to seem like their fitting in. Its vexing to know that they just cant be themselves in front of random people and if they can't handle the kind of person you are or they hate your for it then well,simply put it, fuck them. You don't need to conform yourself to somebodys liking. If they can't accept you for who you are then find other friends or hang out with different people. I've seen good people go down this route and turn up in some horrible places.

Also I hate people who don't talk like human beings. I hate most slangs I hate the way people talk while texting. Its as if they were beat on the head with a stupid club. Some times its unbearable. Sentences such as. u r kool, y dont u cum over 2 my place coz omgz it wuld b fun lmaotjgtbgfrgg or what ever they decide to add to it to make it seem like their dying of laughter. I've actually heard people say shit like lol or omg in real time conversations and I have to say it makes you sound like a ******ed dumbass with no grasp over the English language. Go back to grade school.

I'm finished..for now.

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