Minor, Petty Things That Set You Off

Oh and two more things..... Girls who call you a "creeper" for asking them out, does asking if they wanna go a football game with me make me a fucking creeper? Fuck no it doesn't, I'm not peeking through your window while you're getting dressed, I'm asking you a simple question. Fucking bitches dude.

The other is people who don't know how to smoke, to the jackass that nobody knows who torches my last bowl when I'm generous enough to even pass it to him, fuck you, I should break your neck. And I'm not strict on the puff puff pass rule, but when you take 6 or more hits you're crossing the fucking line. Another blunt etiquette rule, don't sit there and talk, or text when you're smoking, that's a fucking waste of weed and time, plus the next person up is getting fucking jew'd out of their time with the L.

Good point dude, that pisses me off to no end. The mother fuckers that think they have the smallest ammount of breath left in their lungs set and take 20 more small puffs outta the bowl to show off they're cool. I don't give a fuck if you can take a quarter of smoke in at a time. Get your puffs and pass it my way.

I got two buddies who are the exact opposets of the smoking trend one is an old school smoker, If you break the 2 rule your done. You won't get it passed any more. Then the other takes like 20 puffs outta it and then passes me a cash and calls green. I'm like what the fuck? Its bullshit I tell yah.

Another thing, fake people. Last year your fucking prep blah whatever. This year your trying to talk metal or whatever to me? Piss off, I don't care what you wear or lisiten to. I've been doing this for my whole life. I don't need people to tell me what to wear or what to do.

One last thing, People who make a great change in life. They graduate outta school or whatnot and start to make something of their life. Then completly change back to what they were in highschool.

This sort of comes from my ex girlfriend. Her boyfriend that she was with for 2 years got her on the right track. I thanked him for that, she hung out with the emo kids and shit. Downright to be simple she was depressing. He got her losing weight and outta the emo stage and a job and on the right path. She had some pretty cool friends through him.

Well they broke up and we started going out. She started changing, I told her that her weight wasn't an issue with me. She was a little bit chubby, but I'ma big dude so It dosen't matter that much to me. Well she wanted to get her lip pierced and eyebrow done. I've had them both done and have my ears gagued, so I felt like it would be hypocritical of me to say no. So I let her get that done.

So abit later shes all fucking emo again and doing nothing, she allmost lost her job because of this new tool she is dating. Basically what I'm saying is I hate people that have to be with the trends. They can't be happy with what they really are. Shes smart, nice, her family is loving, but she thinks the whole world is shit and out to get her.
1.) Grammar on the internet... Actually. Grammar period. It angers me when people spell things phonetically.. You are the reason our language is in decline! YOU are the reason our literacy rate is going down, down, down and YOU should be beaten with the grammar stick repeatedly.

2.) Car rides. I give my friends car rides EVERYWHERE. They always call me, I always give them a ride. Most of the time, I get any gas money out of it and all of the time I feel used.

3.) Blunts. I have a friend who'll seriously roll the blunt, get it rolling and take five or six puffs "getting it going." No sir, you pass that fucking blunt my way and if I helped contribute, then im getting five or six puffs myself. Just fair.

4.) People who look down on marijuana smokers all the while, go out to the bar and get drunk having a GREAT time. Facts for you buddy, alcohol is worse and you are a hypocrite for bashing marijuana while doing WORSE drugs.

5.) People who go to fast on the road. There is no need to speed whatsoever, definitely no reason to go 20 or 30 over just to pass me when im already going a few over the speed limit. Pisses me off to no extent... Even more when it is snowing and they tail gate me!

One year, I was doing 35 on the highway... It was snowing, just a complete white-out, could not see a damned thing. I thought 35 was pushing it and I was in my old big ass mini-van because I was sloshing all over the road, so I slowed down.

Then comes this dumb mother fucker in his Saturn, had to of been going 40 or 50, losses control, swerves into my lane and slams against the rail on a bridge close to my home... It overlooks the Mississippi River. In actuality, that mother fucker is lucky to be alive and not go straight in.

6.) People have room to change. Judging me for changing, a.k.a growing up is ridiculous. I have a son and my girlfriend and I have been together for three years. We are engaged.

Point is, i've lost some friends simply because I don't go out and party every night like I used to. I take care of my son, who is more important then going out, getting drunk and stoned. If people can't realize this, then fuck off. I still smoke pot, but you know what... My son is wayyy more important.
Assholes that try and look like tough guys in the most pedestrian of situations.

Like last night, i'm in this club on a student night, so the place was heaving, so in order to get from one spot to another, you're having to squeeze through people to get there.

Of course some ********s decide not to bother moving, so you have to kind of push them slightly in order to get past, and they turn around and shove you as if to start a fight.

Well last night 3 guys decided they weren't going to move, so as i tried to squeeze past them, one of them actually shoved me. Utterly pointless as there was no room to move, so i didn't even budge, but i did shove the twat right back, and then all three of them are trying to shove me. All i'm trying to do is get to the toilet. I stand there and say 'Is one of you actually gonna step up or are you just going to keep pushing me like a bunch of fuckin' *****es?' and they shouted something back and turned away.

Dickless *****.

Then, we're at a burger van at the end of the night, and some guys ordering something, and as a joke this other guy was just shouting 'medium donner' everytime this guy went to order.

We then get 'Fuck off cunt or i'll smash your face in' about 4 or 5 times in the course of 3 minutes, and then the guy who was making all the threats, continues making threats as he's getting in his taxi cab to leave. His mate is still stood there, and the guy who was joking around says 'What a prick. Is he your mate' and the other guy says 'yeah, so don't be calling him a prick' to which the joker said 'i just did mush' and the friend just stood there gawping at him.

I turn to the friend and say 'best smash him mate. Both of you have threatened him now and neither of you have done shit. If you wanna maintain any semblence of manhood, you best deck him one.' and he just stood there and continued gawping.

I'm blind drunk at this point, so i'm not doing anything to help the situation, and ordinarily i'd have said nothing to anyone and just watched them flexing their 'muscles' at one another.

It just irks me when people give it all the mouth and then do absolutely nothing.

Another time i was at a friends party which was being held in a pub. I'm chatting to an old school friend and his cousin comes over and decides he's going to make an impact by just ripping into me, some guy he's never met.

So he tries to mock and i throw it all back in his face, to the point that not even his cousin is sticking up for him and is laughing at my insults and not even acknowledging his. So he gets all uppetty about it, leans in and says 'i know you think you're funny mate, but keep it up and i'll fuckin deck you.'

So i'm thinking:-

A) I've got roughly 10 to 12 mates in the pub who'd be more than willing to back me up, and you've got 1.

B) I've got 2 bottles in my hands, he's got nothing.

C) This guy looks like a waste of space pussy anyway.

So i say 'you're choices are either throw a punch or just stay out of my way.' and he walked off.

Totally ruined a perfectly amicable conversation, only to make himself look like a total pussy.
I hate when I open a door for someone and they just keep walking. I didn't have to do you a favor, I could just be a douche like you, but instead I decide to be nice and hold the door for you, and I can't even get so much as a thank you? I get mouthy with people who don't acknowledge my kindness.

I hate it when people spell things wrong and when they use bad grammar. We're adults, we graduated High School, some went to College, and you can't even decide which way to spell your?

I mean really, stupid people as a whole just piss me off. Like annoying people. So I'm in this movie theater with my girlfriend, and this group of black kids are talking the whole time, yelling, sounding stupid (They is gonna get you, you best be movin' out dat house!) So when I tell them to stop talking, they're offended and say they have every right to talk and that I'm being a racist. Now, it's clear I wasn't being racist, I'm just pissed that these morons are talking the whole time when I'm trying to enjoy a good movie, and I'm also obviously part black, I mean, I have medium toned skin and dreadlocks. So they start talking even louder, pretty much daring me to shut them up. So I did. I went and told the manager that if these kids don't leave then I'm going to kick all their asses (they were around 16). So he makes them leave, and I get to enjoy my movie without dumbass people talking the whole time. Those are just a few of many things that really piss me off.
Thing i hate is people trying to Change me it is MY LIFE not yours if i cared what you think i would ask but i didnt so kindly go away

Another thing i hate is people that Randomly for some reason change their views looks or whatever to impress or try to get noticed by their Crush if someone had a crush on me and did this i wouldnt llike it dont change yourself for me i mean sure if its something Small like waking up earlier then sure but if you hear i like Blondes dont dye your hair Blonde
Also i hate People that if you are dating them they act diff infront of you and freinds and alone or feel like they need to change all of a sudden if i wanted you to be Change alot and act different why would i date you i would be dating YOU Not your best freind not my freinds not some Anaroxic **** or a movie star but YOU ii would be dating YOU and i want You to be yourselves
I can't stand when people lie. If you can not tell the truth do not talk to me. I hate this most of all. Trust is something I take serious and if I catch you lying to me I most likely wont ever trust you. My girlfriends son knows that I might get pissed off over things, but I let him know that I appreciate him being honest with me, and he has always been honest and open with both me and his mom.
I really hate when someone is lying and you're telling the truth and no one believes you, they lean towards the liars side.

Another one I thought of while typing that last one is, people who think I am a racist just because I am white. Don't come up to me and say stupid shit like, "that's mighty white of ya", or call someone a racist name around me. I fucking hate that shit and I will let you know. It is fucking 2010, there is no need for that ignorant shit in this day and age. I know first hand what it is like having to explain to a young kid that it is not his fault that his skin is darker than other kids, and if anything it makes him a better person for not letting them know that they are getting to him.
A couple more things I noticed today that just aggravated the hell out of me.

Don't you hate it when your driving down to your local shopping mall and your driving through the parking lots to find some place to park, preferably some where close to the mall entrance. Then you see that one potential spot but you can't have it because the moron parked there is taking up both spaces. God that irritates me beyond words. There are lines in the pavement for a damn reason asshole! Park in between the lines not over them.

I also hate people who cross the street at a stop light when its not their time to cross! Seriously, this bitch of a lady started crossing the street and then the light turned green and we had to wait for her to cross...which shouldn't be to bad but my god she was taking her sweet ass time.

Another thing that really bothers me is people who when they see the stop lights turn yellow speed up thinking they could beat it before it turns red. Which half the time they never beat it. Yellow means slow down nut sack not fucking speed up. Its especially bad in the winter when the roads are icy. Then people wonder why they get into accidents.

Yes, all this happened while driving to future shop to pick up a gift for Christmas. People go bonkers this time of year.
As of late I've actually grown to realize how much it annoys me when I'm waiting for a person to respond to something I wrote to them (It can be MSN or any other common conversation) while I can see them, or know that they're replying to something someone else said, and continue to do it without showing any signs of returning to my message / comment.

Not sure exactly why. I used to be fairly patient with things like this. But I guess I'm not patient about it anymore, mostly because there's a god damn reason why I'm talking to them, no need to divide their attention towards something else, only to spend 5 minutes before they return to replying to what I've said.

Yep, a minor and petty thing. But annoys the hell out of me.
I get pissed when people asked dumbass questions that dont need an answer or even deserve an answer. An example who would be(less than 5 minutes ago) My friend asked me"Do you hate how i eat chips? Should i do it in one bite or two?" I DONT FUCKING CARE! I just looked at him and asked if he was fucking stupid and he continued to stare blankly at me, and then asked AGAIN.

I hate when people stare at m when im doing something. anything. If im working on my car, they stay by the window and just stare at me. I feel like its silent fucking judgment on their part. Or worse than that, in the same situation(watching me do anything) they feel the need to add their 2 cents like they know what the fuck they are talking about when they clearly dont. I mean i dont care if you know some stuff about what im doing, then ill listen, but if you have zero fucking knowledge about it... SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I hate when the whole day has been slow and i finally decide to do something( play a video game or get on the computer) and then all of a sudden, non important shit becomes a priority or someone starts bugging you about something just as you start.

I hate when someone says they will be there FOR SURE... and never show up. I hate being ditched. Its like the top two in pissing me off. Its not fucking hard to let me know something came up or even that you dont want to hang out or eve that you simply forgot. I honestly wouldnt get mad if you told me, but dont just let me sit there for 6 HOURS(you ****e) and then not say anything to me.

GOD that felt good to get off my chest.

Great thread.
I have since found the one thing that annoys me more than anything, when somebody asks me why I am wound up when I am perfectly fine. Whether it be a friend or family member who is asking, my god it is annying. I suppose its not so much the initial question, but its when you replyperfectly normal and tell them you are fine and then they still say that I'm wound up, when I'm 100% fine, that gets my goat!!!!!
I have a lot of things I could name.

One thing that really gets on my nerves are parents who don't let there kid do anything and are always babying them. I'm 15 years old and I like going out, going to the mall, going out to eat, to the movies, just chilling with friends but one of my friends parents never let him do anything and it pisses me off so much.

Another one is when I work and help someone out and never get a thank you. One of my grandpaws is very old fashioned and lives on a farm. He is very smart and works very hard but is 70 years old and needs help. I used to help him a lot but he never once said thank you so I stopped helping. My dad helps sometimes but I never do.

I also hate it when parents have kids they can't raise. Parents who never know where there children are and who would just drop them off on complete strangers.

Something I hate that happens to me sometimes is getting lied to. This has to do wth the parents not letting there kids do anything subject. My cousin and I are best friends and we hang out a lot. We usually have to at his house because his mom always tells me he can come to my house but lies and then don't let him. SHe never lets him go out and hang out or anything but she will say he can and lie, when it comes time to do something she will make up an excuse and tell him no. It's like she don't want him out of his sight. I am just thinking "Damn, bitch he isn't going to be in your sight forever."

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