Petty Partisanship


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
First off, yes, I did get this idea from watching the Daily Show last night. But it just struck me as so unbelievably stupid, that I simply had to start this thread.

After winning a hotly-contested, highly-publicized Senate race in Minnesota, freshman Sen. Al Franken quietly got his first piece of legislation passed via a Senate roll call vote.

The new legislation is an amendment to the FY2010 Defense Appropriations Bill that stops federal funding for defense contractors who use mandatory arbitration clauses to deny victims of assault the right to bring their case to court. It passed by a 68-30 margin with nine Republican votes. This amendment, in effect, puts an end to what could be called legalized rape.

In an interview with the Huffington Post shortly after the vote on Tuesday night, Franken elaborated on what prompted him to write the amendment:
The story came to my attention of Jamie Leigh Jones who, when she was 19, went to Iraq to work for [defense contractor] KBR and she was put in the barracks with 400 men and was sexually harassed. She complained. But they didn't do anything about it. [Then] she was drugged and gang raped and they locked her up in a shipping container. She tried to sue KBR and they said you have a mandatory arbitration clause in your contract. She tried to fight back and said this is ridiculous. She took it to court and they have been fighting her for three years.

This bill would make it so that anybody in business with the Department of the Defense can't do this. They can't have mandatory arbitration on issues like assault and battery.

Thus far, Sen. Franken has taken a low-key approach, staying out of the media spotlights. The passage of this amendment certainly did not bring the attention that it may deserve due to the ongoing debate about sending more troops to Afghanistan. It is, however, a clear victory for Franken and a sign that he is capable of effectively handling the transition from comedian/talk show host to Senator, with minimal fanfare. With the (somewhat) bipartisan support of the amendment, it may also suggest that Franken will not play the role of the "far-left liberal" that the right-wing media painted him as.
While the scope of Franken's amendment is limited, it may set a precedent for future reforms regarding defense contractors. Franken said, "One of the things I campaigned on is the fact that we haven't done oversight on our contractors. Part of the job of Congress is to do oversight which we really didn't do, especially from 2001 to 2007. It was actually almost criminal that we didn't do it on our contractors in Iraq because there was all this money that was wasted and lost on fraud and abuse. It was totally incompetent and it contributed to the collapse of [Iraq] because the reconstruction was done so wrong."

Now, luckily, the petty partisanship in question didn't prevent this legislation's success, because if it had, I would have simply been disgusted.

But, what happened in the Congress is still disgusting to me. Of the 30 votes against this bill (this ANTI-RAPE BILL!), all of them were Republicans. What does that tell me, besides the fact that every single one of them is a fucking moron? Partisanship has gone too damn far in this country. When it comes to a time where people are voting against bills to help rape victims simply because of the letter next to a Senator's name, well, I'm sorry, but we're all fucked. Our political system is dead if this is all we've devolved into, a petty partisan us vs. them mentality.

Anyone else as mortified and disgusted by these Republicans as I am?

Here's a link to the segment about this from last night's episode...
Hearing this sort of thing about the Republicans really does'nt surprise me. I'm just sorry you have to put up with them in power every few years.
I'll admit to being a very liberal minded person so that will obviously cloud my view, but it seems to me that Democrats vs Republicans boils down to common sense and decency vs idiocy and greed.
How can any right-minded person vote against this legislation? It was disgusting that these contracters had immunity in the first place it's like handing them a license to do what they like with no recriminations! How can that be right? What would they think if it was their daughter that was gang raped?
If there was any republican that sums them up it has to be Sarah Palin, everything about her totally disgusts me, and the idiots made her the vice-presidential nominee? Ha Ha what a joke she was, if she stands for eveything the republicans do then if I were a US citizen I would devote myself to stop them ever getting into power again.
This just shows what is wrong with the current party system in our country (a system that can work quite well). It isn't about the issues anymore, it's about going against the "other" party. Quite ridiculous really. Instead of bickering and name calling just so you can prove your side "right", why can't the Democrats and the Republicans get along long enough to stop fighting and actually do what is best for the country.
Why does this bill only deal with defense contractors? Would it be better to protect all women in all companies from being raped and then denied their right to sue?

It's only petty when the republicans don't do something the libs want.

Were was the complaining about partisian ship when the dems were accusing the rebulicans of wanting to "kill old people"? Or recently when a dem senator was on the floor of the senate and said the republicans healthcare plan was for old people to "die quickly"? huh any "outrage" from you libs when he said that? I didn't hear any.

You fucking libs will bash republicans for anything and yet your dem leaders are 100X worse and you don't care.
About five or six weeks ago, I watch Barack Obama give what I thought was a quite good (not perfect) plan on healthcare etc. which I'm sure all of the American posters and a large amount of the non American posters have heard about at least in passing. He spoke for about 40 minutes. Within five minutes of the speech ending, the Republican party was ready with a response. Now this tells me one thing above all others: the Republicans didn't care or listen to a word Obama was saying. That response was going to be against a majority of everything that he said no matter what. The whole idea of being for the people or whatever ended years if not decades ago and it's ridiculous. I'm now a registered Democrat after being a registered Republican (yes, I used to be an elephant). Due to a lot of things, I changed sides. Now, there are a good many issues I completely disagree wtih the Democrats on. There's also a good amount I agree with them on. I'm not going to be completely with or completely against either party though, which is exactly what most members of Congress aren't doing. They don't think anymore. They check a book to see what the Republican response is and make sure it's anti-Democrat. That's not representation. That's just being stubborn. Don't get me wrong: this isn't a Republican issue only. Democrats are often just as guilty as anyone on things like this. It's a ridiculous system.
The republicans were ready with a response because like all presidntial speeches it was released to the other party and the media BEFORE HAND. If someone disagrees with something they have the right, atleast for alittle while longer, to disagree and make their points heard and do it without being called RACIST.
The republicans were ready with a response because like all presidntial speeches it was released to the other party and the media BEFORE HAND. If someone disagrees with something they have the right, atleast for alittle while longer, to disagree and make their points heard and do it without being called RACIST.

But WHY? Why do we have to hear from the other party? Last I checked a Republican wasn't the President. They had their candidate in November and he lost, and he lost by a landslide. The Democrats control the White House at the moment, and like it or not the people that voted for the Republicans as well as the Republicans themselves have him for another three years minimum. If this is supposed to be about the people, which I seem to remember is what a member of Congress is supposed to do. All it does it make it seem as if we're already in a situation that's not going to work, and look what's happening: we're in a situation that's not going to work. No matter what is said, the other party is going to argue it. if they don't like it, get better candidates, but until then, let the leader of the country do what he's supposed to do: lead.
So, when a repub is in the white (should really change the name, it's kind of racist) house, it's ok for dims to respond and argue, but when a dim is pres the repubs should shutup and get in line. Welcome to amerika, if you don't agree with obuma, SHUT UP!!

Maybe the other party has some better ideas, wait! no, they're republicans they have no right to be heard.

Welcome to obamas' amerika!! If we don't like what you have to say, we'll try to destroy you. We kept Rush from buying the rams, we can shut you up to.

amerika, HELL NO!!!
So, when a repub is in the white (should really change the name, it's kind of racist) house, it's ok for dims to respond and argue, but when a dim is pres the repubs should shutup and get in line. Welcome to amerika, if you don't agree with obuma, SHUT UP!!

Maybe the other party has some better ideas, wait! no, they're republicans they have no right to be heard.

Welcome to obamas' amerika!! If we don't like what you have to say, we'll try to destroy you. We kept Rush from buying the rams, we can shut you up to.

amerika, HELL NO!!!

What is wrong with you, really? Did someone not love you enough as a child? You are just absurd. It's not about blindly following Obama or any president for that matter. It's about actually listening to his ideas, like healthcare, and actually working to try and improve the country. It's not about crying socialism as soon as the Democrats do anything with the economy, even if it may be helpful.

The point that was being made is that whoever the president is, be it Republican or Democrat, they are the leaders of our country and Congress should be working to try and actually listen to his ideas and do things that will help the country instead of disagreeing with everything he says just for the sake of disagreeing. It's ridiculous.

Also, stop with all the racist bullshit. No one has complained about racism in this thread, you are the one who brought it up.
Oh here we go again.

First of all, THE HOUSE IS FUCKING WHITE! It's not about race. The color of the house is white, hence the term WHITE HOUSE. If it was painted black it would be called the Black House.

Since apparently reading is too complicated, here you are.

Don't get me wrong: this isn't a Republican issue only. Democrats are often just as guilty as anyone on things like this. It's a ridiculous system.

Like I said, if you had been paying attention, everyone does this. You're calling out Democrats for something that is pure speculation, while Republicans, 30 of them, VOTED AGAINST RAPE VICTIM RIGHTS. Think about that: a woman was raped, and 30 members of the Senate, all Republicans, say she shouldn't be able to sue people that could be responsible? Oh yeah, that's certainly worse than public (not political) outcry against a man that's made racial comments about a football player and then wants to buy part of a team that's 70% black. I agree with you. Why should women that were raped have anything to say? They should be at home in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant and making supper for the breadwinner right? This whole Obama is holding people down is a fucking joke. The Republicans simply failed on the national level over the last eight years and now they're desperately fighting to keep from being wiped out.
Fine, if you lib a-holes would've treated bush with even a little respect,obama might get some from me. Funny you a-holes can't handle a little opposition without crying.

Who cried socialism? Is opposition not allowed anymore? Pelosi called the people who went to those town hall meeting nazi's, did anyone of you libs say that was bad? Of course not.

As far as changing the name of the white house, I heard a black comedian say that. I guess that was ok, he's black.
I don't think all non supporters of Obama are racist. However, talk show host calling Obama a Socialist and Nazi doesn't help matters. Partisanship doesn't help anyone. The President tries to be bi-partisan and is shot down every time. The man can't even go out to eat without being called a communist. Which is a nice way to not say the N word.

Bush received tons of criticism too but at least no one was forbidding their children to listen to him give a speech at their school. Our Fore Fathers didn't believe in Partisanship, why should we? It's sick to also see on the documentary "Outrage" on HBO, gay senators that oppose same sex marriage, safe sex laws, and anti hate crime laws. Most of them are Republicans, some are Democrats too though.

I think the majority of the Senate whether they be right or left, are more concerned about their party's reputation then passing a bill for the people. If Obama found a cure for AIDS most Republicans wouldn't vote for it. Most Democrats wouldn't vote either because even though they have the majority, they are afraid of what the Republicans will say about them.

I didn't agree with everything the Senate passed during Bush's term, but at least they passed something. Bush had the no bullshit mentality of "We are passing this whether you like it or not". Too bad Obama doesn't have the same mentality when it comes to Health Care. I don't think Obams is going to win the war with Republicans. I think him and the rest of the Democrats need to grow a backbone and say to hell with it, we will pass this bill whether you like it or not.
Why does this bill only deal with defense contractors? Would it be better to protect all women in all companies from being raped and then denied their right to sue?

It's only petty when the republicans don't do something the libs want.

Here we go, bringing partisanship into a thread that's about how petty it has become. Congratu-fucking-lations Big J, you've just become our case in point of petty partisanship.

Did I say all Republicans are wrong? Did I say the Republican Party is wrong? No, I talked specifically about every person who voted against this bill, ALL of whom just so happened to be Republicans. I don't care if they were fucking Hare Krishna Communists, anyone who opposes this bill is a heartless idiot who's more concerned with partisanship than the actual issues.

Were was the complaining about partisian ship when the dems were accusing the rebulicans of wanting to "kill old people"? Or recently when a dem senator was on the floor of the senate and said the republicans healthcare plan was for old people to "die quickly"? huh any "outrage" from you libs when he said that? I didn't hear any.

Were the Democrats trying to pass a fucking bill to shoot grandma in the face? No, they weren't. So until they do propose that bill, keep your partisan drivel to yourself.

You fucking libs will bash republicans for anything and yet your dem leaders are 100X worse and you don't care.

Once again, THANKS Big J for proving my fucking point. Are you really this stupid? You've gone ahead and shown us EXACTLY the petty partisanship that I speak of in the opening post.

Seriously, congratulations man, you've just managed to both make a gigantic ass out of yourself while simultaneously proving my point. Bravo, really.
Rape? was that in THIS thread?

The only person responsible for a woman getting raped, is THE GUY THAT RAPED HER. Not some company that employees them both. Isn't rape a criminal offense? Why would she want to sue a company that had NOTHING to do with raping her? Should you be sued because a woman was raped by one of your employees?

Victoms of rape deserve to be heard, I never said they didn't, but why hold a company responsible when they didn't have anything to do with it other than employ them both.

Xfear, you continue to make personal attack againest me and if I tell you were to go , you'll ban me.

I'll go sit in the corner and keep my drival to my self.
So, when a repub is in the white (should really change the name, it's kind of racist) house, it's ok for dims to respond and argue, but when a dim is pres the repubs should shutup and get in line. Welcome to amerika, if you don't agree with obuma, SHUT UP!!

Maybe the other party has some better ideas, wait! no, they're republicans they have no right to be heard.

Welcome to obamas' amerika!! If we don't like what you have to say, we'll try to destroy you. We kept Rush from buying the rams, we can shut you up to.

amerika, HELL NO!!!

This is really scary. If this guy is a U.S Citizen I am pretty frightened considering he is the exact type of person who would defend his party rather then American people or the President. It's sad when even Illegal Aliens that are denied in this country can at least spell AMERICA. Dude even a 5 year old can spell America. Your opinion is pointless.
Rape? was that in THIS thread?

The only person responsible for a woman getting raped, is THE GUY THAT RAPED HER. Not some company that employees them both. Isn't rape a criminal offense? Why would she want to sue a company that had NOTHING to do with raping her? Should you be sued because a woman was raped by one of your employees?

You've got to be fucking joking me. No, actually, I know you aren't, because you aren't that funny.

So, a company is now no longer responsible for the safety of their workers IN THE WORKPLACE? Really? You actually want to go ahead and make that statement? I know you're not very bright, but even you can't be that dumb.

Xfear, you continue to make personal attack againest me and if I tell you were to go , you'll ban me.

I'll go sit in the corner and keep my drival to my self.

You can call me an idiot all you'd like, I don't really care. Just don't go overboard, the flaming rules are relaxed here so long as you don't start throwing out slurs or something. Feel free to call me an idiot, I have no quarrel with that. So long as you know all of us right now are laughing at you.

And yes, please keep your drivel to yourself in that corner. While you're in that corner, maybe you can learn how to spell.
Partisanship getting in the way of "If you get raped at a company being funded by the DoD you can still sue for proper compensation" is outrageous. This isn't even a Democrat/Republican, how far can the Government regulate issue. This is an "Hey. This chick was raped, and she can't sue now because of something in her contract. Should we work with people who would put such a clause into their contracts?" issue. The government isn't telling them what they can and can not put into their contracts, they're telling them that if they put such a clause into a bill then the government won't work with them. Simple as. It's like when we boycott a company because they don't do (ACTION A) when we think they should.

As far as the partisanship that has pervaded our society...I was demonized in high school because I was a Democrat that believed Gay people were just as good as me and deserved the same rights. But that's just white flight Cabot, Arkansas. Little Rock isn't that bad...though that is an urbanized area.

It has gotten so bad these days people are shouting Socialism and Communist and "He's going to kill your children!" when Obama even takes a step toward anything. This is silly. We expressed outrage when Bush did something like..the PATRIOT Act, which cut deeply into our Freedom of Privacy. Or at No Child Left Behind, which is a massive pile of horse shit.

Tell me, what has Obama done that the Republicans couldn't work on him with and try to bring more to the center than it already was? Healthcare? I'm sorry, but after the entire Republican party goes on record saying that Obama wants to kill the old people, there's really no turning back.

How about bailouts? Oh...wait. They did go bi-partisan on that. Both parties filled it with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of pet projects.

The lesson? The Senate isn't working for us unless they get to get something in return. You'd think that the honor of representing us, working to make our lives better, and the excellent health insurance would be enough. know how it is.
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First off, yes, I did get this idea from watching the Daily Show last night. But it just struck me as so unbelievably stupid, that I simply had to start this thread.

Now, luckily, the petty partisanship in question didn't prevent this legislation's success, because if it had, I would have simply been disgusted.

But, what happened in the Congress is still disgusting to me. Of the 30 votes against this bill (this ANTI-RAPE BILL!), all of them were Republicans. What does that tell me, besides the fact that every single one of them is a fucking moron? Partisanship has gone too damn far in this country. When it comes to a time where people are voting against bills to help rape victims simply because of the letter next to a Senator's name, well, I'm sorry, but we're all fucked. Our political system is dead if this is all we've devolved into, a petty partisan us vs. them mentality.

Well, my friend, let's stop appealing to emotions and realize that there are other cases, beyond this one rape that this law applies to. It keeps the families of the contractors from suing the company if something bad happens to the people who CHOOSE to work in a war zone. Mandatory arbitration is in all employment contracts. I signed a contract that forces me to waive trial by jury in any complaint against the company I work for. It is a common clause.

Now, I personally think it is a fine law. I don't have a problem with it. What I do have a problem with is coming up.

Anyone else as mortified and disgusted by these Republicans as I am?

So, you write a thread complaining about petty partisanship, and then you throw in this line? What a hypocrite!!! Give me a break. You're acting like spending bill after spending bill that is going to tax people who make good money over half of what they make isn't partisan pandering too. Both sides do it. But, since it's in vogue for the young and idealistic to blame the right for every ill in society, you think it's OK, and you can get away with it. Awesome. Way to fall prey to PETTY PARTISANSHIP.

About five or six weeks ago, I watch Barack Obama give what I thought was a quite good (not perfect) plan on healthcare etc. which I'm sure all of the American posters and a large amount of the non American posters have heard about at least in passing. He spoke for about 40 minutes. Within five minutes of the speech ending, the Republican party was ready with a response.

They got a copy of the speech right before he goes on so that they can prepare a speech. Did you not notice that after everyone of Bush's State of the Union speeches, the left's response was ready immediately. It is a common courtesy that both parties extend to each other.

Now this tells me one thing above all others: the Republicans didn't care or listen to a word Obama was saying.


It tells me that they had already read everything he said more critically than the average American viewer analyzed the speech.

That response was going to be against a majority of everything that he said no matter what. The whole idea of being for the people or whatever ended years if not decades ago and it's ridiculous. I'm now a registered Democrat after being a registered Republican (yes, I used to be an elephant). Due to a lot of things, I changed sides. Now, there are a good many issues I completely disagree wtih the Democrats on. There's also a good amount I agree with them on. I'm not going to be completely with or completely against either party though, which is exactly what most members of Congress aren't doing.

I'm a registered Republican. I even volunteer for the party close to election times. I don't agree with everything they do, but I view the Democratic party as weak and unfocused. I think they are far more focused on staying any power than doing anything while they have it. They don't need a single Republican to pass any piece of legislation, yet they still can't get anything done. This is not the party I want in times of crisis. I think they have dropped the ball time and time again.

They don't think anymore. They check a book to see what the Republican response is and make sure it's anti-Democrat. That's not representation. That's just being stubborn. Don't get me wrong: this isn't a Republican issue only. Democrats are often just as guilty as anyone on things like this. It's a ridiculous system.

It doesn't have to be. Under Reagan, it was usually pretty easy to get consensus because he was a great negotiator. Now, both parties are more intent on beating each other than anything else. It's pathetic, but it started when Al Gore couldn't just settle for losing under the rules. It's a shame. I really liked Clinton, but it just tarnishes my feelings about his terms.

But WHY? Why do we have to hear from the other party? Last I checked a Republican wasn't the President. They had their candidate in November and he lost, and he lost by a landslide. The Democrats control the White House at the moment, and like it or not the people that voted for the Republicans as well as the Republicans themselves have him for another three years minimum. If this is supposed to be about the people, which I seem to remember is what a member of Congress is supposed to do.

A member of Congress is responsible to his district. District after district showed up in droves to protest national healthcare. I think Congress (including quite a few Southern Democrats) are acting very responsibly. The people who elected them have spoken up, and do not favor the plan, so they vow to vote against it. Seems about right to me.

All it does it make it seem as if we're already in a situation that's not going to work, and look what's happening: we're in a situation that's not going to work. No matter what is said, the other party is going to argue it. if they don't like it, get better candidates, but until then, let the leader of the country do what he's supposed to do: lead.

There is a difference between leading and trying to ramrod legislation down the throats of Americans without, a. reading the bill or b. gathering the will of the people. The people of America have spoken, and their voices should be heard, no matter who is in power.
So, you write a thread complaining about petty partisanship, and then you throw in this line? What a hypocrite!!! Give me a break.

Are you serious FTS? Tell me, who are the people that voted against this bill? Yep, every one of them were Republicans. Now, what should I call them, hmm? Anti-Democrats? They're Republicans. I referred to them as such. Explain to me what is partisan about referring to a group by that group's name? I said that their actions disgusted me, not that their party or ideals do. Quite the opposite of petty partisanship.

You're acting like spending bill after spending bill that is going to tax people who make good money over half of what they make isn't partisan pandering too. Both sides do it. But, since it's in vogue for the young and idealistic to blame the right for every ill in society, you think it's OK, and you can get away with it. Awesome. Way to fall prey to PETTY PARTISANSHIP.

Except, you know, not at all. I'm pretty sure referring to Republicans as Republicans isn't offensive. Last time I checked atleast. What would you like me to call them FTS?
Are you serious FTS? Tell me, who are the people that voted against this bill? Yep, every one of them were Republicans. Now, what should I call them, hmm? Anti-Democrats? They're Republicans. I referred to them as such. Explain to me what is partisan about referring to a group by that group's name? I said that their actions disgusted me, not that their party or ideals do. Quite the opposite of petty partisanship.

I get where you're going, but here's what I was saying. I mean that if you don't want to be partisan, phrase it differently. I mean, if I called national healthcare nothing but a partisan push for control over the American people to make the people dependent upon the government, therefore more likely to vote Democrat, you would be up in arms about it. I have never attempted to not be partisan. I do question the right, and sometimes I do agree with the left. But in the important issues, you know what side I am on. I think that making a thread to bitch about petty partisanship, and then being a partisan is a bit hypocritical. It's not a character indictment or anything. I'm just rejecting the premise. It's a debate technique. We're debating something.

Except, you know, not at all. I'm pretty sure referring to Republicans as Republicans isn't offensive. Last time I checked atleast. What would you like me to call them FTS?

All mighty Gods of the universe and protectors of our freedom. But since that's not going to happen, Republican works for me.
I get where you're going, but here's what I was saying. I mean that if you don't want to be partisan, phrase it differently.

How? They are Republicans, and their actions disgusted me, so I asked if anyone else was as disgusted by these Republicans (as in these specific people, not all Republicans) as I was. There was nothing petty or partisan about my phrasing mang.

I mean, if I called national healthcare nothing but a partisan push for control over the American people to make the people dependent upon the government, therefore more likely to vote Democrat, you would be up in arms about it.

Not really, you've said things much, much worse. :thumbsup:

I have never attempted to not be partisan. I do question the right, and sometimes I do agree with the left. But in the important issues, you know what side I am on. I think that making a thread to bitch about petty partisanship, and then being a partisan is a bit hypocritical. It's not a character indictment or anything. I'm just rejecting the premise. It's a debate technique. We're debating something.

...But I wasn't being petty, or partisan. You're doing a whole lot of conjecture here FTS. My original post was about how our modern political system has devolved into Republicans vs. Democrats on every single thing. It's no longer about the issues, it's about doing the opposite of whatever the other party wants. You'd agree with that assessment, wouldn't you? Well, right, nothing in my original post was about me opposing these Republicans for simply being Republicans. Their actions disgusted me, which is different.

And can we please stop pigeonholing me as this hippie liberal? I've criticized Obama on several things in his presidency thus far, I've supported Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, all kinds of people in my political life. The Democrats corruption disgusts me just as much as the Republicans' FTS.
How? They are Republicans, and their actions disgusted me, so I asked if anyone else was as disgusted by these Republicans (as in these specific people, not all Republicans) as I was. There was nothing petty or partisan about my phrasing mang.

First of all, I just want to say that up until just now, I thought Razor started this thread. I just smoked some killer Astroqueen, and I got completely lost in the forums. What I was saying was that you titled in Petty Partisanship and then blasted one party. I get it. I do the same thing all the time. It's kind of refreshing and a good way to blow off some steam. But, yeah, it is a little too much of a game sometimes. Like I said, I would have voted yes on the bill, but I do see the possible harms that could come of it due to events other than rape. I am a pro-business guy usually, and don't really favor changing the law for such a limited event. I do, however, not agree with the bill. I disagree with Al Franken being a Senator, but that's a whole other thread.

Not really, you've said things much, much worse. :thumbsup:

:lmao: Yeah, you too though. :lmao:

...But I wasn't being petty, or partisan. You're doing a whole lot of conjecture here FTS. My original post was about how our modern political system has devolved into Republicans vs. Democrats on every single thing. It's no longer about the issues, it's about doing the opposite of whatever the other party wants. You'd agree with that assessment, wouldn't you? Well, right, nothing in my original post was about me opposing these Republicans for simply being Republicans. Their actions disgusted me, which is different.

No, I get that. Like I said, I thought Razor posted this at first. I read his posts differently that yours. He puts everything out there, and you put tone into your writing. I usually read it once and then go back over it for the nuance. I get how you're saying that everything is a game. In my original response though, I did acknowledge this fact.

Me said:
Now, both parties are more intent on beating each other than anything else.

And can we please stop pigeonholing me as this hippie liberal? I've criticized Obama on several things in his presidency thus far, I've supported Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, all kinds of people in my political life. The Democrats corruption disgusts me just as much as the Republicans' FTS.

Man, I was being a dick. I apologize to you and to Razor, because I thought I was saying that to him.

Commie. :lmao:

I don't pigeonhole you. I don't mean to. Sometimes though, I do know exactly what you're going to say.

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