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Mike & Mitch's Magical Movie Madness (and some TV shows)

I almost bought the Blu-Ray collection, but I only have PS3, and not an actual Blu-Ray player. I know it's worth the money, but I'm holding out hope for Disney to re-release all the Star Wars films on DVD and Blu-Ray before the new movie comes out.

I still have Episodes 4-6 on VHS and The Phantom Menace (two actually, one regular VHS and a collector's edition VHS), and I still watch each tape every now and then. Got Attack Of The Clones on DVD as a birthday gift years ago, but I don't have Phantom Menace or Revenge Of The Sith on DVD. And truth be told, I don't want either one, because they're too expensive to buy online now.

Multiplex is doing an Iron Man marathon starting Thursday morning. Iron Man 1&2 followed by 3 at the midnight premiere for $30 with an intermission in-between each film. Thought about doing it, but I'd rather wait for the matinee of 3 by itself.

Why would you need a new collection from Disney? They've pretty much remastered all six as far as they possibly can. There's about as many extra features as they possibly could have crammed in there. I mean, a 9 disc collection of entirely blu-rays is a ridiculous amount of data. Also, why is your PS3 stopping you from owning the collection? PS3 plays Blu-ray discs.
Why would you need a new collection from Disney? They've pretty much remastered all six as far as they possibly can. There's about as many extra features as they possibly could have crammed in there. I mean, a 9 disc collection of entirely blu-rays is a ridiculous amount of data.

Unless I'm missing something, with the exception of the recent Blu-Ray set, DVDs for Star Wars are out of print. If you want to buy one now, you have to go to some place like Amazon or Ebay, and the prices are just ridiculous. I'm aware of the remastering, I just want a chance to buy the originals, Sith, and Menace at a reasonable price. That's why I brought up Disney, because I think they'll re-release the other Star Wars Movies to help promote the new film.

Also, why is your PS3 stopping you from owning the collection? PS3 plays Blu-ray discs.

Mainly stubbornness, HGR. Halloween II (the original, not Rob Zombie's mess of a film from 2009) is the only Bu-Ray disc I own. I always told myself, when I decide to buy an actual Blu-Ray player, I'll make the switch to Blu-Ray for good. I just don't feel like going through the hassle of selling off/trading my DVD collection to make room for Blu-Rays. And with the new movie coming out, who knows. Disney might actually release another Star Wars set on Blu-Ray and DVD. I know you said there's not enough room for more upgrades or remastering, but Star Wars is the king of re-releasing its movies. And I can't count the number of times they've re-released Scarface, E.T., and Jurassic Park.
Unless I'm missing something, with the exception of the recent Blu-Ray set, DVDs for Star Wars are out of print. If you want to buy one now, you have to go to some place like Amazon or Ebay, and the prices are just ridiculous. I'm aware of the remastering, I just want a chance to buy the originals, Sith, and Menace at a reasonable price. That's why I brought up Disney, because I think they'll re-release the other Star Wars Movies to help promote the new film.

Mainly stubbornness, HGR. Halloween II (the original, not Rob Zombie's mess of a film from 2009) is the only Bu-Ray disc I own. I always told myself, when I decide to buy an actual Blu-Ray player, I'll make the switch to Blu-Ray for good. I just don't feel like going through the hassle of selling off/trading my DVD collection to make room for Blu-Rays. And with the new movie coming out, who knows. Disney might actually release another Star Wars set on Blu-Ray and DVD. I know you said there's not enough room for more upgrades or remastering, but Star Wars is the king of re-releasing its movies. And I can't count the number of times they've re-released Scarface, E.T., and Jurassic Park.

I got rid of all my DVDs and upgraded to Blu-Ray. I just can't go back. DVD quality is like watching VHS circa 2004. Just get with the times man.
Lulz. I will make the switch someday, but not anytime soon, because I still have ten or more DVDs I have to watch. And most of them are still in the plastic. But yeah, I really want that Star Wars set, and the Tarantino box set that came out last year. Cool graphics, and an incredible collage for every Tarantino film (except Django of course).



Also, tentative plans for a Scream TV series are in the works. On one hand I'm excited because they won't do a Scream 5, but if the show actually happens, it'll air on MTV. Not the right channel for a Scream TV series, but Wes Craven is willing to direct, if he sees a good script (or scripts).
There's an internet remaster of the original, intact, unchanged Star Wars trilogy that you can download. Is that what you were talking about? Scrolling up to check seems a lot of effort.
There's an internet remaster of the original, intact, unchanged Star Wars trilogy that you can download. Is that what you were talking about? Scrolling up to check seems a lot of effort.

Well, no. Most of the conversation is about me being a mule, and refusing to make the switch to Blu-Ray. And I'm holding out hope Disney will re-release the Star Wars films, so I don't have to buy an overpriced set from Amazon or Ebay.

I've been too lazy and content with my VHS tapes, so I didn't know about the unchanged trilogy online. I'll have to look into that at some point.
I still can't adjust to seeing Jabba in A New Hope. Too weird and random, and not to mention it's probably the worst CG alteration I've seen in 4-6.

Somewhere else I read about the possibility of a resurrection for Ghost Rider or Blade films. Both franchises ended with terrible films, but I guess Wesley Snipes could use the boost of a mainstream movie. I still despise Blade Trinity, but the hurling of insults between Ryan Reynolds and Parker Posey almost saved it. "Cock juggling thunder cunt" is still the crowning achievement in Ryan Reynolds' career.
I just got done watching through the series on blu-ray. Here are a few notes, off the top of my head.

-Episode I wasn't as garbage this time around as I remembered it being. Maybe I was just excited to break open my box set. Visually, it's the worst of the six. Obviously it's more modern than the original trilogy (which still hold up, remastered!), so "technically" it's graphically "better". But in terms of general video quality, the CGI is awful. The scene were they first see the Gungans in the underwater city is just painstakingly bad. The CGI characters look like first draft renderings painted with water colors. It's just...bad. Also, Darth Maul is still wicked awesome, and died way too soon.

-Episode II continues to be the worst. Every single interaction between Anakin and Padme makes me want to hang myself. I'd rather watch Twilight for an example of a better relationship - it's that bad. George Lucas is a god awful writer. There's no reasoning behind contrived plot furthering that the two of them should be together. She's an older, distinguished former QUEEN and he's a spoiled brat who whines about everything and throws a fit when he doesn't get his way. There's not an attractive quality about him, aside from the fact that he used to be a cute slave boy she hasn't seen in ten years. Their relationship continues to be one of the worst things in the history of film.

-Episode III is gorgeous. Just a monument to visual achievement in film. It's ******ed the difference between Episode I and III. It's also the least annoying of the second trilogy. The fight scenes are cool, and the drama between the stupid couple is a bit more manageable. Somehow, Anakin becomes more endearing to me when he murders hundreds of children - his character is THAT bad as a good guy.

-The originally trilogy looks awesome remastered. George Lucas couldn't keep from inserting random CGI bits and audio clips into every other scene though. There's the Jabba scene on Tattoine that's been around since the 90's VHS remaster; always hated that. The biggest sin is that they added a few seconds of the infamous Vader "Nooooooo" to Return of the Jedi, when he throws the Emporer down a giant hole in the ground...that is there...for some reason.

You ever notice how many structural oddities are in Star Wars? Literally, all three movies, somebody gets fucked over by bad architecture. Death Star, blown up because they left a weak spot, advertised it to the rebels, and only sent like 4 fighters out to stop the fleet of rebel ships. ******ed. Luke loses his warm because they fight onto a ridiculous platform that, for whatever reason, is hundreds of feet in the air, hanging over nothing. And...for whatever reason again, when they break the glass leading to that area, it creates a vacuum? And that goes away as soon as they go outside? THird movie, the Death Star still blows up. Never understood how they kept its shields on a planet, and only guarded it with a small squad of challenged stormtroopers. There's the long tunnel to nowhere that Palpatine falls down.

Also...how the fuck did Vader die? From losing his hand? From a bit of electrical pulse going through him? Even though the lightning was clearly going into the air? The bastard got all his limbs cut off, and burnt alive by lava, and lived another 20 years to rule the galaxy. You're telling me he died that freaking easily? HOW ABOUT THAT SITH TRAINING TO KEEP YOURSELF FROM DYING!? HOW'S THAT GOING, YOU BIG METAL BITCH!?

It always bugs me that Leah says she remembers her "real mother" even though Padme dies in childbirth. It also bugs me that random Jedi apparently turn to nothing when they die, and others just dont. It made sense in the original trilogy - the Jedi evaporate, and the Sith do not. Simple. But uh...what about Qui Gon? What about the other hundreds of Jedi that die? There are way too many inconsistencies in the Star Wars universe.
Well, no. Most of the conversation is about me being a mule, and refusing to make the switch to Blu-Ray. And I'm holding out hope Disney will re-release the Star Wars films, so I don't have to buy an overpriced set from Amazon or Ebay.
I don't consider $80 overpriced for a 9-disc BR collection. Less than $10 a disc.
Also...how the fuck did Vader die? From losing his hand? From a bit of electrical pulse going through him? Even though the lightning was clearly going into the air? The bastard got all his limbs cut off, and burnt alive by lava, and lived another 20 years to rule the galaxy. You're telling me he died that freaking easily? HOW ABOUT THAT SITH TRAINING TO KEEP YOURSELF FROM DYING!? HOW'S THAT GOING, YOU BIG METAL BITCH!?

The suit was a life support system for him, he'd have died at the end of Ep 3 without it. That electrical pulse essentially just fucked up the suit.
-Episode II continues to be the worst. Every single interaction between Anakin and Padme makes me want to hang myself. I'd rather watch Twilight for an example of a better relationship - it's that bad. George Lucas is a god awful writer. There's no reasoning behind contrived plot furthering that the two of them should be together. She's an older, distinguished former QUEEN and he's a spoiled brat who whines about everything and throws a fit when he doesn't get his way. There's not an attractive quality about him, aside from the fact that he used to be a cute slave boy she hasn't seen in ten years. Their relationship continues to be one of the worst things in the history of film.

All this Star Wars talk forced me to go into the garage, and dig out my copy of Episode II from a box. First time I watched it in years, and I had turn it off after about twenty something minutes, because it's so fucking awful. I couldn't even make it to the part in Kamino, where Obi-Wan and Jango come face to face for the first time, they introduce Bobba as a kid, and the battle with Jango afterwards (my favorite parts of the movie). Hayden Christensen is beyond terrible, and the thought of watching the love story between him and Portman forced me to turn off the movie.

I don't consider $80 overpriced for a 9-disc BR collection. Less than $10 a disc.

I was talking about the DVDs, because since they're out of print, the sellers jack up the prices to ridiculous numbers. I guess I'll break out of the DVD world sooner than I thought and buy a Blu-Ray player soon enough, because $80 for the entire saga is a great deal.

Staying on the topic of Star Wars, Robot Chicken has the best Star Wars parodies. FAR better than anything from Family Guy, and it's not even close.
Dowds, If you ever pop in here again, they released the teaser poster for [REC] 4:

All this Star Wars talk forced me to go into the garage, and dig out my copy of Episode II from a box. First time I watched it in years, and I had turn it off after about twenty something minutes, because it's so fucking awful. I couldn't even make it to the part in Kamino, where Obi-Wan and Jango come face to face for the first time, they introduce Bobba as a kid, and the battle with Jango afterwards (my favorite parts of the movie). Hayden Christensen is beyond terrible, and the thought of watching the love story between him and Portman forced me to turn off the movie.

While I understand people disdain for the relationship between Padme and Anakin (because it's really cheesy and annoying), I can't understand peoples misunderstanding of their relationship. He's a young man who's infatuated with her. His over the top talk of love and doing anything for her is completely realistic in terms of infatuation. It's an over embellishment of real love and in fact not real love at all. If anything, its Padme's fault for not recognizing it and pushing him away. She only encourages him by being sucked in by it. His overexaggeration of all things emotional is a clear sign of someone susceptible to the dark side. Again, I see the annoyance in this relationship, but find it very realistic in terms of the Jedi/Sith world.
While I understand people disdain for the relationship between Padme and Anakin (because it's really cheesy and annoying), I can't understand peoples misunderstanding of their relationship. He's a young man who's infatuated with her. His over the top talk of love and doing anything for her is completely realistic in terms of infatuation. It's an over embellishment of real love and in fact not real love at all. If anything, its Padme's fault for not recognizing it and pushing him away. She only encourages him by being sucked in by it. His overexaggeration of all things emotional is a clear sign of someone susceptible to the dark side. Again, I see the annoyance in this relationship, but find it very realistic in terms of the Jedi/Sith world.

The bolded part is what gets me every time, but I completely understand where you're coming from.

Unsure whether I should buy the Wrestlemania 29 set this Tuesday. Weird, because I usually buy it without having to think twice about it.

Taking some steps towards building my Blu-Ray collection this week with purchasing Terror Train (already have the DVD), They Live, and Escape From New York. Long way to go.
These past 2 days I've watched The Master, Zero Dark Thirty, Identity Thief, Maniac, Silver Linings Playbook and Spring Breakers. I need to develop some sort of social life.
Haven't been to the theaters in two weeks. That's like a record for me. I dunno. Nothing out there really interests me. Passing on The Bling Ring and White House Down, but I'm sort of tempted to take a chance on The Heat this week.

Just enjoying another one of my watching random shit at home phases right now.
I recently finished the first season of Girls. Honestly, I enjoyed the shit out of it. Lena Dunham can be obnoxious as fuck, but Adam Driver compliments her just enough that it makes her tolerable. Also, Zosia Mamet is fine as hell.
Haven't been to the theaters in two weeks. That's like a record for me. I dunno. Nothing out there really interests me. Passing on The Bling Ring and White House Down, but I'm sort of tempted to take a chance on The Heat this week.

Just enjoying another one of my watching random shit at home phases right now.

World War Z was good enough. I'm tempted to check out The Bling Ring, but White House Down does nothing for me. I thought the trailer for The Heat made it look pretty decent, much to my surprise. Melissa McCarthy is funny as shit, and I kind of want to see Sandra Bullock call someone a mother fucker. I like it when strong-jawed brunette women yell at me.
Haven't been to the theaters in two weeks. That's like a record for me. I dunno. Nothing out there really interests me. Passing on The Bling Ring and White House Down, but I'm sort of tempted to take a chance on The Heat this week.

Just enjoying another one of my watching random shit at home phases right now.

I don't know how anyone can think The Heat looks good whatsoever. To each their own I guess.

Not even tempted by Monsters University? I heard it was really good.
Monsters University looks like tons of fun. I'll hopefully be catching it when it's in my local cinema.
These past 2 days I've watched The Master, Zero Dark Thirty, Identity Thief, Maniac, Silver Linings Playbook and Spring Breakers. I need to develop some sort of social life.

I just saw The Maniac...that shit was off the hook good. I told Mitch that I wouldn't be interested in it if it wasn't anywhere near as sleazy and depraved as the original, and I am happy to say that Maniac 2013 exceeded my expectations in both departments.
I just saw The Maniac...that shit was off the hook good. I told Mitch that I wouldn't be interested in it if it wasn't anywhere near as sleazy and depraved as the original, and I am happy to say that Maniac 2013 exceeded my expectations in both departments.

I usually stay away from anything involving Elijah Wood since I can't stand him, but I glad I gave it a go. A very intense and very nasty movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

2 more movies for today; Movie 43 and Olympus Has Fallen. Movie 43 is fucking awful, I have no idea what they were thinking when they made it. Olympus Has Fallen was pretty sweet if I'm honest, lots of exciting action and more bloody than I had imagined.

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