Mike & Mitch's Magical Movie Madness (and some TV shows)


WE'RE THE MILLER. It's really just your average formula comedy. Ron Swanson provides a few laughs. I like Jennifer Aniston, but only as a huge FRIENDS fan. Still not sure Ed Helms know how to not be Andy. Meh. My friend really loves this movie, and what's weird is he's super picky and very pretentious. I have no clue why this movie appeals to him so much.

UP ON POPPY HILL. Solid. Really, really solid. Proof that Studio Ghibli has a shot at remaining culturally relevant sans Hayao Miyazaki. I love when they make movies without any real conflict. Not quite the quality of their mega hits, but still quite enjoyable.

NOW YOU SEE ME. I enjoyed it. Funny, slightly dramatic, pretty clever. Jesse Eisenberg is Jesse Eisenberg. He's like the more dramatic Michael Cera. Not sure if he can act outside his type-cast, but he's really good at what he does. Love Woody Harolson. Not sure I enjoyed the ending. Mark Ruffalo always looks like he's taking a giant, painful dump.

THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE. I wanted this to be good. Steve Carrell is great, but he has no chemistry with Steve Buscemi. Their scenes togethe are painful. Their scenes apart are pretty decent. Olivia Wilde is wonderful, as per usual. It's just the two of the lead actors that can't quite fit together well - It's actually kind of sad. There's a few laughs to be had, but I wouldn't recommend it to anybody, unless you pick up for cheap on Redbox, or it goes up on Netflix.

THE WORLD'S END. One of the best movies of the year so fun. So, so funny. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost pull no punches. They take risks with their movies, and do ridiculous things for the sake of telling the story they want to tell. Pretty much the whole Hot Fuzz camp is back too, which is great. It's Pegg and Frost that make the film though, once again. Love their knack for dystopian endings.

PAIN & GAIN. I liked this movie...I think. Marky Mark and The Rock showed depth I didn't think they had. Michael Bay made a serious movie without 10 tons of explosives; I was in shock. So going in with those kind of standards, I was quite impressed. That being said, I'm not sure they accomplished what they set out to, unless what they wanted to accomplish was me being physically uncomfortahle for a good part of the film. It was supposed to be satirical at the beginning, but came off serious. I think you were supposed to be laughing at all the characters from the start, and then watch them slowly go bad as the movie broke down into being a serious drama. Which it did...but I just wasn't aware there was satire going on for about 15 minutes at the start. Maybe I wasn't paying good enough attention. The Rock was great. His best movie yet, I think.
I'm wondering if I should take a chance on Riddick, while it's still in theaters. And although they gave away 85% of the plot in the trailers and TV spots, I still have an urge to watch Prisoners also. And Don Jon is coming out this Friday. Choices.
I'm wondering if I should take a chance on Riddick, while it's still in theaters. And although they gave away 85% of the plot in the trailers and TV spots, I still have an urge to watch Prisoners also. And Don Jon is coming out this Friday. Choices.

I've read some good things about Prisoners. I'm just unsure about the run time since it's about 150 minutes or so.

Anybody watched Orphan Black at all? I'm two episodes in and I'm really enjoying the show. It's quite a cool premise and the lead is quite talented. I'm looking forward to watching the rest.
I've read some good things about Prisoners. I'm just unsure about the run time since it's about 150 minutes or so.

The runtime doesn't bother me as much as the trailers. It's like they give away the entire movie in under three minutes, and because of my frequent trips to the cinema, I've probably seen it six or seven times.

Looking forward to the season finale of Ray Donovan tonight. I have a feeling James Woods won't make it to the end, and I hope I'm wrong, because Sully is the most entertaining character on the show.

Also, I ran across this article, where Stephen King complains about Kubrick's Shining (again). You have to watch the video for The Shining stuff, it's not in the article. King starts talking about The Shining at 2:10.


And as always, King makes valid points, and he's right about the differences between the Wendy in the book and the Wendy (Duvall) in the film. But he loses my support, when he calls Wendy "one of the most misogynistic characters ever put on film." Yeah, that's bullshit.

So in the end, King just sounds whiny and bitter (as always). I don't know the man, but if I had to guess, I'd say the legacy of Kubrick's Shining still bothers King 'till this day. Kubrick's Shining is still praised as one of the all-time great horror films, a timeless classic, and you have plenty of arguments out there for people, who believe the movie is better than book. Personally, I still believe both the book and the movie are equally great in their own rights. It just bothers me, when King tries to dismiss Kubrick's Shining as some train wreck failure. Curious to see his reaction to the upcoming Carrie remake.
Mitch saw City Of Bones?

That guy will watch anything just so he can enjoy the privilege of writing a few generic paragraphs about it on a wrestling forum, eh?
Oh, I've done worse than City Of Bones by watching Movie 43 and The Last Exorcism II this year, knowing both would be shit.
Thats ok, I watched Pawn Shop Chronicles knowing it would be crap. But when you hear 'pyramid of ladies' you get a much different picture than reality.

Elijah Wood is a sick bastard.
There was a time, when I vowed to write a review for every Halloween, Friday The 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, and everything else, but not so much anymore. It's just a hobby to pass the time, and well, I have a lot of free time on my hands. But when I start writing encyclopedias like Silent Night 5 or Hostel II, then I know it's time take little breaks every now and then.
Daron Acemoğlu;4630923 said:
My God you are fucking terrible. I'm going to create a thread where I just tether my name to someone else's and get recognition based off of his work.

OH I'm sorry, am I not able to post two sentences stating my excitement for my favorite show, on a thread I can do whatever the fuck I want in? Maybe I just wanted to yell "BREAKING BAD!" You're really stretching for insults Dingle.
I have yet to watch Movie 43, but I have also yet to hear a single redeeming quality about it.

The iBabe (don't want to spoil anything for you) short with Richard Gere and Kate Bosworth wasn't too bad. Everything else was cringeworthy and a chore to sit through.
I finally got around to watching the original Carrie. Such an awesome movie, I'm quite nervous to watch the new one now though.
Contemplating an at home viewing for the Carrie remake. I wasn't a big fan of the full trailers (teaser was great) and TV spots, and the lukewarm feedback is only confirming my suspicions of an unnecessary and forgettable remake.

Plus, there's a lot of stuff I haven't seen yet. Escape Plan, The Counselor, Bad Grandpa, Captain Phillips, Machete Kills, Prisoners, and Ender's Game is coming out this Friday. Far more excited for those films than the Carrie remake. Although, I finally got another free movie ticket through this rewards program at the theater I frequent, so I guess I could use the free ticket on Carrie, but I'm leaning towards Machete Kills.
Yeah, reading tdigs review of it didn't get me excited for it at all. Those other movies do sound more appealing, though I think Ender's Game looks awful.
I finally got around to watching the original Carrie. Such an awesome movie, I'm quite nervous to watch the new one now though.

It' worth seeing, if nothing more than for the changes between the original and the remake. It stays mostly faithful to the original, but there are some subtle changes that I could see appealing to some, and being a turn-off to others.
Yeah, reading tdigs review of it didn't get me excited for it at all. Those other movies do sound more appealing, though I think Ender's Game looks awful.

Tdigs review confirmed a lot of my worst fears about the Carrie remake, but I might give it a try on a $6.00 Tuesday. I don't have big expectations for Ender's Game, but I still want to see it for Harrison Ford. Although, I'm skipping over the old guys version of The Hangover (Last Vegas).

Used the free ticket on Machete Kills a few hours ago, and it bored me for the most part.
Used the free ticket on Machete Kills a few hours ago, and it bored me for the most part.

How was Mel Gibson in it? I'll probably give it a watch once it's available to rent or something. Amber Heard being hot is not enough to get me to watch it in cinemas.
Mel is good for a few laughs as the maniacal tyrant, but I was expecting more out of him. And yeah, I would probably wait for a rental on Machete Kills, not worth the trip to a theater. As far as eye candy goes, I love Amber Heard as much as anybody, but she's upstaged in this one by Alexa Vega.
How could I forget her, she looks stunning in it. I do find it slightly creepy though since Rodriguez has known her since such a young age...
Also, I watched Trance and The Conjuring this evening. Trance was pretty good with an ending I didn't see coming. The Conjuring was great albeit not very scary. It's a shame that James Wan is stepping away from the horror genre.

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