**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

If you dip crap in fudge it may look like chocolate but it'll still taste like sh@#.
His work tonight was that of a desperate two bit player in a game that is absolutely beyond him. He's not a legit champion and never will be. His mic work is bland and absolutely that of a pissed off bratty 18 year old from a bad 90210 episode so I can't take him seriously. His ring work has improved but he freakin cut Khali tonight so he's a bit careless, i believe someone mentioned that already but it was worth repeating. The only thing that made me chuckle was him coming out as the Rock tonight and that more than likely is Vince saying, we better make this kid credible somehow before WM. You got SuperCena who can kick out of a tombstone piledriver, rko, gts, spear, pedigree, hogan legdrop, savage elbow, finger poke of doom and any other finisher out there, but somehow falls victim to the real world guy on a weekly basis. Vince is doing everything he can to make this guy credible because no one believes he is including all you Mizarks out there. The guy is weak. His title reign is weak. He is crap as champion and doesn't belong in the title picture. I don't care what nobody says. If the Rock wasn't involved with this scenario somehow, everybodies posts even with the surge of attacks on cena, would be about how mania's main event was gonna suck. Believe it.
The Miz is a Great Champ and I definately do not hate him! Last week on raw, I was a little dissappointed with the crowds reaction to him BUT this week, I take it that the crowd is starting to Hype up more on the Miz whether booing or cheering, yes?

Great Job!!! The Miz - I hope you are still holding the championship belt after Wrestlemania!!!!
[cL];2936733 said:
If you dip crap in fudge it may look like chocolate but it'll still taste like sh@#.
His work tonight was that of a desperate two bit player in a game that is absolutely beyond him. He's not a legit champion and never will be. His mic work is bland and absolutely that of a pissed off bratty 18 year old from a bad 90210 episode so I can't take him seriously. His ring work has improved but he freakin cut Khali tonight so he's a bit careless, i believe someone mentioned that already but it was worth repeating. The only thing that made me chuckle was him coming out as the Rock tonight and that more than likely is Vince saying, we better make this kid credible somehow before WM. You got SuperCena who can kick out of a tombstone piledriver, rko, gts, spear, pedigree, hogan legdrop, savage elbow, finger poke of doom and any other finisher out there, but somehow falls victim to the real world guy on a weekly basis. Vince is doing everything he can to make this guy credible because no one believes he is including all you Mizarks out there. The guy is weak. His title reign is weak. He is crap as champion and doesn't belong in the title picture. I don't care what nobody says. If the Rock wasn't involved with this scenario somehow, everybodies posts even with the surge of attacks on cena, would be about how mania's main event was gonna suck. Believe it.

meh ive hated miz since he started wrestling. he is just starting to get really over in my book. then again hating him is what got him over to start with.
[cL];2936733 said:
If you dip crap in fudge it may look like chocolate but it'll still taste like sh@#.
His work tonight was that of a desperate two bit player in a game that is absolutely beyond him. He's not a legit champion and never will be. His mic work is bland and absolutely that of a pissed off bratty 18 year old from a bad 90210 episode so I can't take him seriously. His ring work has improved but he freakin cut Khali tonight so he's a bit careless, i believe someone mentioned that already but it was worth repeating. The only thing that made me chuckle was him coming out as the Rock tonight and that more than likely is Vince saying, we better make this kid credible somehow before WM. You got SuperCena who can kick out of a tombstone piledriver, rko, gts, spear, pedigree, hogan legdrop, savage elbow, finger poke of doom and any other finisher out there, but somehow falls victim to the real world guy on a weekly basis. Vince is doing everything he can to make this guy credible because no one believes he is including all you Mizarks out there. The guy is weak. His title reign is weak. He is crap as champion and doesn't belong in the title picture. I don't care what nobody says. If the Rock wasn't involved with this scenario somehow, everybodies posts even with the surge of attacks on cena, would be about how mania's main event was gonna suck. Believe it.

no i cant lolz...he still has not impressed me and dont think he ever will. He CANT WRESTLE, and cuts mediocre promos. I really think you guys need to watch some old ppv's and matches from the 90s and early 2000's and then tell me what makes the miz so special...these were guys that knew how to wrestle and put on a show. Miz is a joke and will always be a joke in my eyes...

ESPECIALLY with that stupid ass 12yr old hair cut and ring attire..lookin like a damn little kid running around in his underwear just like he did on the real world smh
what does he have? he has a the fan's predisposition of being a reality tv star turned wrestler. which gives him instant heat. Same reason I hated him. he was a joke. and was only getting a push because of his status as a real world-er. we aren't in the 90s or the 00s so expecting to see the next Hall, austin, rock or jericho emerge from him isnt realistic. he is playing a character. his character is designed around your predisposition to hate him. It works.

no i cant lolz...he still has not impressed me and dont think he ever will. He CANT WRESTLE, and cuts mediocre promos. I really think you guys need to watch some old ppv's and matches from the 90s and early 2000's and then tell me what makes the miz so special...these were guys that knew how to wrestle and put on a show. Miz is a joke and will always be a joke in my eyes...

ESPECIALLY with that stupid ass 12yr old hair cut and ring attire..lookin like a damn little kid running around in his underwear just like he did on the real world smh

He can't wrestle? Mate, guys like Billy Gunn, X-Pac, they can't wrestle. Miz can wrestle just as good, if not better than John Cena and Randy Orton. The Miz can wrestle, its just his style is not suited to fans because it doesn't rely on routein like Hogan, Rock, Cena or Orton.

The last few weeks for The Miz have made him look great. A program with Jericho, with one face and one heel would work wonders for him.
No, I can't take The Miz seriously. I'm not a Miz hater and actually have been hoping he would become a great, but he wont. Yes, his in-ring work has improved, but it's still MEDIOCRE at best. Yes, mic work has improved, but it's still MEDIOCRE at best. The Miz is just mediocre. His title reign hasn't been impressive, and even if he retains at WM, which he wont, his title reign still wont be impressive. If it wasn't for The Rock being involved in the Miz/Cena storyline, I wouldn't give a rats ass about this match at 'Mania.

I really do hope The Miz improves and becomes a star, but I just can't see it happening.
Nope to me he's still horrible on the mic and average in the ring. He will always be a mid carder in my eyes. The WWE is entertainment. Hell I could look the other way if he was at least charismatic and entertaining in that aspect, but he's not.
[cL];2936733 said:
If you dip crap in fudge it may look like chocolate but it'll still taste like sh@#.
His work tonight was that of a desperate two bit player in a game that is absolutely beyond him. He's not a legit champion and never will be. His mic work is bland and absolutely that of a pissed off bratty 18 year old from a bad 90210 episode so I can't take him seriously. His ring work has improved but he freakin cut Khali tonight so he's a bit careless, i believe someone mentioned that already but it was worth repeating. The only thing that made me chuckle was him coming out as the Rock tonight and that more than likely is Vince saying, we better make this kid credible somehow before WM. You got SuperCena who can kick out of a tombstone piledriver, rko, gts, spear, pedigree, hogan legdrop, savage elbow, finger poke of doom and any other finisher out there, but somehow falls victim to the real world guy on a weekly basis. Vince is doing everything he can to make this guy credible because no one believes he is including all you Mizarks out there. The guy is weak. His title reign is weak. He is crap as champion and doesn't belong in the title picture. I don't care what nobody says. If the Rock wasn't involved with this scenario somehow, everybodies posts even with the surge of attacks on cena, would be about how mania's main event was gonna suck. Believe it.

You know what man, I think that your indictment on the Miz is completely unwarranted. Yea he was on the Real World back in the day...so the fuck what? If you can't see marked improvement from him youre just blinded by your hatred of reality TV. Everybody has to start out somewhere. The Rock, Austin, Bret Hart, John Cena, etc weren't instant superstars by any stretch of the imagination. All of them needed that one big angle to make them relevant and it takes a while for a superstar to find their character, perfect it, and then their careers take off. Seems to me that this is that angle for the Miz. You're prolly one of those people who bitches all the time about Cena coming out on top constantly and now that we're seeing someone lay him out week after week you say it's unbelievable and stupid. Haters gon' hate i guess...

And btw I'm pretty sure Khali's cut was caused by the broken part of the chair which if you watch, the Miz was trying to get the broken part off there but it was an awkward break point. More of an accidental thing than an act of carelessness.
[cL];2936733 said:
If you dip crap in fudge it may look like chocolate but it'll still taste like sh@#.
His work tonight was that of a desperate two bit player in a game that is absolutely beyond him. He's not a legit champion and never will be. His mic work is bland and absolutely that of a pissed off bratty 18 year old from a bad 90210 episode so I can't take him seriously. His ring work has improved but he freakin cut Khali tonight so he's a bit careless, i believe someone mentioned that already but it was worth repeating. The only thing that made me chuckle was him coming out as the Rock tonight and that more than likely is Vince saying, we better make this kid credible somehow before WM. You got SuperCena who can kick out of a tombstone piledriver, rko, gts, spear, pedigree, hogan legdrop, savage elbow, finger poke of doom and any other finisher out there, but somehow falls victim to the real world guy on a weekly basis. Vince is doing everything he can to make this guy credible because no one believes he is including all you Mizarks out there. The guy is weak. His title reign is weak. He is crap as champion and doesn't belong in the title picture. I don't care what nobody says. If the Rock wasn't involved with this scenario somehow, everybodies posts even with the surge of attacks on cena, would be about how mania's main event was gonna suck. Believe it.

i agree with everything said here.. I don't hate The Miz because he's heel, I literally despise Miz.. hated him ever since his debut.. he annoys the crap out of me every time he's on camera, him and his stupid horse faced smile he has.. I'm not a John Cena lover, but I don't hate him either... I seriously hope he takes the belt at WM
Miz actually looked somewhat tough this past Monday night, it was entertaining watching him on Raw for once. For the first time Miz looked like if he was genuinely mad because he tends to overact. Idk it might sound silly but with his hair slicked back he looked a bit more heelish because the faux hawk just makes him look stupid just saying. With that being said IMO Miz doesn't have the presence/look of a champ. His hair style, the way he walks like he has a stick up his ass etc... just doesn't make him intimidating at all. Unless he changes his look ill never take him seriously but that's just me.
I've always been a MizFit not a Mizark that's X-Pac as Mark Henry so get your faacts right j-bron before you make a redundant comment. Stone Cold was born after he convo w/ an ex wife, The Rock was done outta he got hatred when he started and turned to nation. Everybody has to start somewhere and The Miz' was at the bottom literally. From be the host to SD! to gettin verbal abuse from his peers for his Real World Exp. Mike Mizanin will end up a legend in the biz I guarantee that. Let me guess all you Miz haters just love Orton and think he's God don't ya. The Miz has improved greatly in the last 5-6 yrs
Everybody has to start out somewhere. The Rock, Austin, Bret Hart, John Cena, etc weren't instant superstars by any stretch of the imagination. All of them needed that one big angle to make them relevant and it takes a while for a superstar to find their character, perfect it, and then their careers take off.

None, (and the ROCK means NONE) of the aforementioned names was world champion while "needing that one big angle". They needed that one big angle, got it, then went on to BECOME world champion and all had credible reigns. They had great characters that they perfected in the mid and upper level cards and went on to become champions that mastered they're respective characters and crafts. The pity is they're trying (and failing miz-erably) at trying to do ALL of that at one freaking time.
I don't like Cena either, STILL don't like him, but I can take him more than I can deal with having to watch the mizhap week after week.

You're prolly one of those people who bitches all the time about Cena coming out on top constantly
you can't prove that.

and now that we're seeing someone lay him out week after week you say it's unbelievable and stupid. Haters gon' hate i guess...

here's the thing. the Miz sucks.
end quote.
[cL];2936950 said:
None, (and the ROCK means NONE) of the aforementioned names was world champion while "needing that one big angle". They needed that one big angle, got it, then went on to BECOME world champion and all had credible reigns.

yes, when wrestling depended on established wrestlers to carry the world title. back when the title reigns lasted at the least 3 ppvs. now a days you have people that get on a push, start rolling and are given the belt to see what they can do with it. del rio will beat edge and where the hell did he establish himself? Just ans instant straight to WM push since he has been there. who is the last champion to hold it a year? JBL....

now you have the miz as champion on raw and no champions on nitro.... :rolleyes:
[cL];2936950 said:
None, (and the ROCK means NONE) of the aforementioned names was world champion while "needing that one big angle". They needed that one big angle, got it, then went on to BECOME world champion and all had credible reigns. They had great characters that they perfected in the mid and upper level cards and went on to become champions that mastered they're respective characters and crafts. The pity is they're trying (and failing miz-erably) at trying to do ALL of that at one freaking time.
I don't like Cena either, STILL don't like him, but I can take him more than I can deal with having to watch the mizhap week after week.

you can't prove that.


here's the thing. the Miz sucks.
end quote.

So the timing may be a bit different but it doesn't change the fact that Miz is growing into his character more and more every week. The crowd reaction is finally starting to come for him and he's really getting over with this angle. Regardless of what you may think of him, just simply saying he sucks does nothing to get your point across and it seems to me that more people are getting behind him than not.
I don't like Miz and I probably never will, but with that being said I do see an improvement in his ring work, but his mic skill is not all that great to me. I mean at times he can be funny, but very rarely is that the case with me and the catchphrase of "Really?" that he stole from Sharon Osbourne isn't exactly a game changer either, but he is getting better with time I just still don't like him, but then again I can't stand Cena either, so if there was a way they could both come out of Wrestlemania without the belt that be great, but Miz better live up these sneak attacks now because in 20 days the belt is going back to Cena unfortunately!
First off for the person who said that Miz needs to be in a storyline with Jericho to really get him over, that wouldn't happen for the simple fact that Jericho isn't coming back anytime soon and if he did , Miz couldn't hang with Jericho in the ring or on the mic! The Miz will be a star though guys like it or not, but not because he's "awesome", but because he will be shoved down our throats like Cena was and yeah I hate to say it, but like Triple H was, until we like him or just tolerate his existance. Horse face smile lol whoever said that I like it!
I've loved The Miz since his debut in the WWE. Personally I think that people will just hate him because he is a heel. He has the talent and the image to be a great main event superstar. I just hope people start recognizing him for his pros and not his cons, which the only two is he is young and a heel. I always loved his matches and thought he put on a great show, now that he is champ though he is only improving.

You pointed out the BIGGEST problem that anyone with a level head has with guys like the Miz, and you didn't even realize it...

He is only improving? Are you freaking kidding me!!! A world champion should NEVER be "improving". Being a world champion means that you are the best. Being a world champion means that you are the top dog. A world title should be reserved for guys who are not "improving". What a joke! The WWE should have taken the time to build these guys up instead of "giving" unprepared rookies world title reigns to try to make "instant" superstars. Miz is not ready for being a world champion. Neither are half the guys on the roster...
Nope, still hate him, honestly baffles me that this guy is champion instead of being fired. For all the reasons we state every time this is discussed, bad in the ring, NOT all that great on the mic, just an annoying, abrasive person. There's a good way to be a heel, and then there's just actually being hated by everyone. WWE seems to have confused the two. "Oh look at the heat this guy gets, let's put the belt on him". He gets heat because most of us want him off of our TV screens, not because he is actually good at being a heel.
Miz has become a legit main eventer and I don't understand why so many of you fail to realize it. The kid is drawing heat like crazy (legit heel heat, contrary to what has been said in this thread), and is holding his own against Superman.

Miz is going to be around for a LONG time, and he's most likely going to spend the rest of his days at the top of the card. Get used to it...or stop watching. Who am I kidding? None of you will stop watching. You'll b*tch like a bunch of menstruating females, but you'll still watch the show...
He is only improving? Are you freaking kidding me!!! A world champion should NEVER be "improving". Being a world champion means that you are the best. Being a world champion means that you are the top dog. A world title should be reserved for guys who are not "improving". What a joke! The WWE should have taken the time to build these guys up instead of "giving" unprepared rookies world title reigns to try to make "instant" superstars. Miz is not ready for being a world champion. Neither are half the guys on the roster...

Of course you want your World Champion to improve. Are you trying to pull A Victory Road Hardy move (that's a long winded way of asking if you're high)? Yes, I will grant that you want your WC to be further along in their development, but you always want them to be improving and not remaining stagnant. Otherwise, what's the point? Show me any of the major champions (HHH, Michaels, Taker, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Batista, Mysterio etc) in the past decade who didn't strive to become better when they were champ? All of them did. No one that succeeds in this business rests on their laurels when they reach the top. They work their ass off to get better to stay on top.

Miz may not be ready in your opinion. But the fact that he's taking strides to become better while he's on top shows me that he deserves to be in that position even if he wasn't ready. He could have flamed out in spectacular fashion like Sheamus did during his run last year at the same time.
righttttt, i see people saying miz doesnt have the "look" to be a champ, cos he doesnt look intimidating at all. yeah...get real? imagine seeing someone his size in a bar, would you mess with him? no! you all would shit your pants and run if the miz came up to you and asked for a fight. like ive said before half of you are low lifes who'll live in a basement all your life, who think you know more than the professionals.
People aren't supposed to like the Miz. Hes not doing "turn the TV off" heat,(Michael Cole) hes garnering Hater heat, Which is his job. The fact that the IWC is hating a heel is just proof hes doing his job great.
These last couple weeks I've been seeing something in Miz, on par with Jericho's last heel run, thats made me think Miz is going to be around for a long time, in the main event, being an attention ****e, and Making people want to pay to see him get his ass kicked.
why are we taking the miz serious? because hes jumped cena from behind 3 weeks in a row? hes getting the upperhand now to make it seem like he has a chance at mania but as we all know, cena will win.

the coming out dressed up as rock was good..but take him serious? hell no he hasnt had one clean victory in his crappy title reign othe then against the old timer king and shitty morrison.

miz is awful.

Haha bitch seriously not all wrestling fans are scary lil cowards. Compared to other wrestlers Miz doesn't have the look or presence of a champ. You think grown men are going to say "Oh shit Miz looks like a tough s.o.b." I'm not saying Miz can't whoop ass if you (in general) ran into him on the street but we are talking about wrestling fool. Guys like Punk and Jericho they are not the biggest comapred to guys like Taker,Cena,HHH etc... ( we"re talking about wrestling a show making it clear). But guys like Punk and jericho act/carry themselfs(or maybe that's their real personality) like if they are the biggest and badest and people buy it because they are good at portraying it. Miz is not a good actor he overacts which makes it unbelievable. When he tells guys like Orton "I'm going to give you the worst beating of ur life" I don't buy it. I don't hate The Miz, he is young and he will be around for a long long time but he has to and most likely will improve.

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