**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

why are we taking the miz serious? because hes jumped cena from behind 3 weeks in a row? hes getting the upperhand now to make it seem like he has a chance at mania but as we all know, cena will win.

the coming out dressed up as rock was good..but take him serious? hell no he hasnt had one clean victory in his crappy title reign othe then against the old timer king and shitty morrison.

miz is awful.

Heel champions aren't supposed to rack up a ton of "clean" wins. In fact, they're often times supposed to appear cowardly and beatable.

Oh yeah, Morrison isn't so shitty either. He and Miz will likely be two of the biggest stars in the WWE in the future. Out of curiosity, are there any current wrestlers you actually like? I'd almost bet most of the people you'll list are either old, IWC sweethearts or indie guys...
no no no no ill play a miz promo for u

Really Really Really

insert diss on any opponent


NOTE I laughed when the fudgeminer (Cole) got callled a rat bastard

and the jizz will never be credeble hoping he get canned along with cole and bring back jr please
The Miz has improved greatly in the past year. I dont get why everyone is hating. His mic work is good and always improving and his ring work has improved alot. Leading up to Mania he is getting some good wins to make him look more credible. I believe he is going to have a great Mania this year.
Now personally, I have been a fan of the Miz for some time now and I have loved his reign as champion. Especially recently. His attacks on Cena have been well planned, calculating, and very well done in my opinion. He's definitely got the momentum heading into Wrestlemania so far, which is different since the challenger typically heads into Wrestlemania looking unstoppable. I also laughed my ass off when he came out as the Rock tonight!

Now my question is for all the Miz haters out there. Has he won you over enough to be seen as a credible champion? He seems to get better with his promos and timing everytime I see him. I realize he still has a lot of work to do and he's still new to the main event scene but it seems like the WWE is doing a great job in building him up to be the next huge breakthrough star.


I have always thought the Miz was just okay, I see the potential in the guy to be good, IDK if he will be great, but I have always believed that he would be good & a decent draw. Now w/that being said NO I still don't think of him as a credible champion. He has improved over the weeks but it is a very slow progression & somebody on his level shouldn't be main eventing Wrestlemania. WWE shouldn't have to bring in a retired legend in The Rock to bring the interest value up to the Main Event, this alone proves that he shouldn't be in the main event. Cause if Rock wasn't apart of the storyline noone would care about this match cause every1 is pretty damn sure Miz isn't winning which is a shame cause I'm tired of Cena also :disappointed:

Now if it was up to me he would have never won the belt in the 1st place & the main event at Mania would have been Orton/Cena/CM Punk triple threat or Orton Vs Edge seeing as there was rumors about the belts coming togather again. Now these guys can headline mania w/out the help of The Rock. I would have put the Miz in a high profile #1 contenders match w/John Morrison, they could have put on one hell of a match at Mania & having them feud w/each other in upper midcard would have gave both of them a chance to improve at a good pace. Instead there tryn to force the Miz to look like a main eventer & there pretty much doing nothing w/Morrison at Mania cause the tag match that was set up at this past raw is looking pretty luckluster.
No momentum? He has had the upper hand on Cena every single week. You don't need good mic skills to be a good wrestler. But he does have good mic skills. Plus he is an amazingly talented wrestler. I've been a fan of his since his debut. He is one of the reasons I started watching WWE again at Royal Rumble after my year long hiatus (I still watch majority of the pay per views during that hiatus). Him as champ is a good thing and he is dominating Cena. As he said who cares about The Rock, he isn't going to be wrestling and he should know his place. First when he verbally destroyed Cena and The Rock after attacking Cena, which was the third time he got the upper hand. Then twice this week he outplayed Cena and The Rock, still can't get over the "You like to make little kids cry". The Miz has the ENTIRE AMOUNT OF MOMENTUM going into this match.

But this is what I think is bad, Cena has only ever lost once at Wrestlemania, and that was in a Triple Threat. He has never lost a singles match at the grandest stage of all. I think that despite The Miz's momentum, it will be Super Cena pulling out with the victory. Which isn't completely bad, but I'd still rather The Miz retain his title. This match looks like it will be the greatest match of the night because it has THREE AMAZING WRESTLERS INVOLVED IN IT!

EDIT: It's usually the competitor with the momentum going into the match at Wrestlemania. But clearly The Miz has it all, which is something strange to see, because the number contender is usually the momentum filled behemoth. Also I don't see why all of you think that Cena has all the momentum, he has only gotten one hit off on The Miz and that was THIS WEEK, only took him FIVE WEEKS. The Rock momentum? What the fuck are you all smoking? HE ISN'T EVEN IN THE MATCH!
Please, just because WWE books him to look a little stronger for the first time in his 3 month or so title reign, we are supposed to make him out to be some big threat that he is not. I dont care that he got the upper hand on Cena 3 or whatever # of times, Cena could easily just squash him in 3 minutes at Mania and make all of that look like nothing. Miz hasn't done anything in my book to solidify himself as a legit main event star or champion for that matter. It is an embarrassment that he actually carries the belt when he did so little to get it in the first place. I cant remember at any one of the Miz's entire career where I thought, "wow, this guy has some talent." If the WWE were to make a dvd on Miz best matches, they would probably be able to find only about two matches they could put on the disc. You dont have to be a great wrestler to be champ but still you should be solid enough that you actually have memorable performances. Miz just dosent know how to work the crowd into his match, like the top heel champs of the past have. His mic skills that are apparent reason for his success, have got to be the most overrated in the biz today. I know why WWE loves this guy. He is the epitome of the PG heel. His promos are weak, childish and sophomoric. He is not polished and sharp on the mic, if anything he tries way too hard. He overacts and comes off as scripted. If you are a Jericho fan you should see right through him. Dont you see how much of Y2J's mic work he steals. The low tone, squinty eyed suit wearing Y2J of the last few years, thats pretty much a Miz promo in a nutshell, except he sucks at it and then says he is awesome at the end.

No, I wont take Miz seriously because my patience with him being champ is too thin. This bullsh*t reign of mediocrity was a mistake and has gone on way too long. It's too late after months of crap with two garbage feuds with Orton and Lawler for him to turn it around. The fact that a so called "improving wrestler" is headlining mania is a joke in itself. Mania is supposed to be the best vs the best. So now we should sneaky champs headline the biggest show of the year. Pathetic. Name me one good successful sneaky champ. Miz is a paper and no matter whether he wins or loses, no one will care because people will still be more concerned with Rock vs Cena. Yeah, nobody wants to see Rock vs Miz. The fact that Rock is back should show you how little faith WWE has in Miz drawing ability. TLC and rumbles buyrates both went down this year. I know Edge and Cena can draw but the Miz has yet to prove he can. The guy is mediocre, he dosent even get much heat. Punk is easily the top heel on the show, and Cole's heat makes Miz look like whimper. Miz dosent deserve to wearing that belt, considering the mediocrity he has put out his entire career. WWE just chose him because he has an outlet his past to promote the WWE. I dont care that he can make appearances it inst doing anything to make him a better wrestler or more entertaining in the ring. He inst awesome, he just sucks.
I think that the entire title reign of the Miz has been overshadowed. If you have to pile on Michael Cole, Alex Riley, and eventually have to throw in someone like the Rock to make your feud interesting you've already indicated that he can't do it solo.

Yes he's done a lot more promo work, and worked harder as a performer in the ring. Yes he gets plenty of heel heat from the audience. But who has he legitimately beaten in the main event? most of his early reign was fluke wins over Orton, and Cena was barely in the picture at the time. Yes, he's gotten wins over Morrison and Bryan, but neither of them are completely over in the main event and neither were enough of a feud to build on pushing Miz as a true threat. And they were the few times where Riley hadn't been a huge factor in the match.

I know what heel champions are supposed to look like, even cowardly ones. But even they are supposed to get legit wins once in a while, to keep people thinking they actually deserve to have the strap. It's part of the reason people bought that with Flair despite the Horsemen. This puts me in the mind of Jericho's unfortunate Undisputed title reign that buried him the moment a huge face beat him at Wrestlemania in HHH, or precisely the same pattern a few years later with JBL being beaten at WM by an soon to be uber face in John Cena.

You don't take this long to get him over his opponents. some of those Orton wins should have helped him become an actual threat, however beatable for staying in the main event. But none of them did. Actually they've essentially done the same with Sheamus, and now he's US champion after getting beaten over and over again. He hasn't has a main event match since getting beaten by Orton in HITC. This is the road I see Miz going down after he loses the strap if they're not careful.

Had they built this properly, or let Miz build himself longer in the mid card, this wouldn't be an issue. But suddenly letting him just attack Cena in the middle this Cena/Miz/Rock feud isn't helping as much as one would think. It's too late in the game for us to accept this at face value even being on the road to WM.

I've said before he's doing the level best he can to get over and is working very hard at it, so I'm not knocking him or saying i hate him. I just think CM Punk would have been far better in this position. He a more credible main event heel, and has great heat and better promos even without the Nexus. Miz is coming off like a second rate JBL, and as I recall, Cena beat JBL pretty convinvcingly. So I don't believe that he'll lose at Wrestlemania.

And it takes me completely out of the match before it happens if I can't accept him a a real threat.
Whoever said Miz gets more heat than Punk most have hearing problems. At no point throughout the last year has the Miz ever been the top heel in terms of heat. In the summer when WWE decided to give him the mitb, Barrett was garnering a much more intense crowd reaction than Miz has his entire title reign, and he was a so called "rookie." Now since Miz has been main-eventing, Punk is easily the top heel on the show. The crowd reacts much more to what punk does than Miz. Punk is gold on the mic and makes Miz's promos look like something a highschool junior could have written. Punk is without question the top star of the show but im guessing because he isnt a product of the WWE system or cant get TMZ on speed dial, WWE will never let him be as big a star as he could and can be. Didnt you notice how Cena was feuding with Nexus for months, then Punk comes in a says he will show the world who Cena really is. Before we really got a chance to see that feud develop and become something, WWE drops it almost immediately just go with their "plans" of having Cena face Miz, to try and get Miz over. I'm sorry ? Im sorry isnt Mania supposed to be the best of the best. Punk was the top heel and was about to become even bigger and you take away his spot for a guy who's feud with Orton was terrible and boring television. Instead of making him look like a legit threat heading into mania, they have him feud against a 60 year old man. Embarrassing. Punk actually made the royal rumble and elimination chamber matches more entertaining because of his presence. Miz is must-not see tv. He is a heel unlike Punk that makes you want to change the channel. He looks weak, is built to be weak. He has no legit chance in any match against the top stars. His matches are always mediocre. Miz only has success in WWE because of his connections. He does not work hard in the ring, otherwise we would be commending him for his great matches, which he never has. Instead of ripping off Jericho's style, maybe Miz should be original. Maybe punk should be smart in his promos. Getting the upperhand is not impressive, constant sneak attacks are weak and it looks like WWE is setting him up to lose.
People on these forums seem to forget that this is ENTERTAINMENT and a SHOW. WHO CARES if you don't like him or can't stand him. what he is doing has been entertaining and is building good hype for WrestleMania. And if you really think you know more then the pro's, how about you all lace up your boots and try and hang in the ring with the Miz - he will put all you sucker's in your place. don't hate on someone who is trying their best to entertain you and give you a show every week of his life. have and show some respect for what he is doing regardless if you think he is "ready" or not, coz obviously, Vince and the rest of us DON'T REALLY CARE. we just want to watch the program and see what happens.

That is all. Peace. God bless. and guys, don't take things to seriously, its ENTERTAINMENT

Finally... :banghead: What? :banghead: Awesome!!!!


The Miz is shit? The Miz is horrible on the mic and can't wrestle?

:banghead: WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE!!!! Take a Picture of TNA for me right now.... The insta train Wreck known as Jeff Hardy. Has been world Champion in TNA and WWE. Insanely over with the crowd. That's it. He is a decent worker (when he wants to be) a great spot monkey. And with out a doubt THE worst Person to ever hold a Major Title and still be that horrible on the mic...

But Miz is an Over Heel... But people are talking about how HE is shit... Why because he came from a reality TV background? Stone Cold Steve Austin was used in tag teams and jobbed HHH was a blue blooded aristocrat, and The Rock was a happy Ultimate warrior/Tatanka Clone going by the Name Rocky Miavia. WHO CARES. IF he started getting a character over on a reality show... And yeah No one cuts promo's as good as they did in the mid-late 90's you don't have that strong a talent pool things are not handled the same way. And the writing is WAY different. That's not all the workers faults.

But hey as long as you hate equally and don't think the Miz is a horrible Champ while thinking Jeff Hardy is gods gift to wresting... Then I won't go :wtf:
:banghead: HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! :lmao:
its the first time he actually entertained me last night on raw hes ok but i just cant buy into the fact hes the champ it just seems ridiculous hes got midcarder written all over him i think he looks a bit out of place next to guys like cena and the rock he proved last night he can be fun to watch but even though hes got the belt i just dont see him as a headliner not yet at least
Can the miz haters take him seriously now? hahahahahaha. can the miz marks get over him now is the real question. the road to wrestlemaina has been all rock and cena. the miz is an after thought. he has been booked great, but when it comes time for him to wrestle, he wrestles about as good as batista without the size. pure and simple, im not a miz hater because i chose to be, im a miz hater because the miz sucks, but he gets some marks to like him because they dont know what real wrestling and promos are because they started watching the wwe in the past five years. once he does something impressive, ill like him. until then, he is a waste of wrestlemania space, on any part of the card, let alone the main event.
Tonight's attack on Cena did make Miz look good,mainly because of how brutal the attack was,BUT he's still not a legit champion and he's still not a very good talker on the mic,regardless of how many people claim otherwise.It doesn't make sense for people to buy into Miz's scripted drivel but not Cena's scripted drivel.Miz's promos are the equivalent of Cena's 5 moves of doom.

From what I see,he gets his ass kicked for most of the match,then Alex Riley or Michael Cole interfere and he sneaks in a Skull Crushing Finale.It does not make him legit by any means.

Maybe it's the WWE's fault for not giving him a clean win,but Jesus,he got his ass kicked by The Great Khali before Riley interfered.All the kids think of Khali as that joke character who hosts the Kiss Cam,and everyone in the IWC has established the fact that Khali sucks as a wrestler,so it doesn't make Miz legitimate at all.It didn't make him a legit WWE champion when he's been fighting mid-carders every week prior to the Elimination Chamber.It didn't make him legit when he needed Cole to interfere twice in his title matches against Jerry Lawler.Miz is on the same level as Cole in my opinion.2 loudmouths who get cheap shots in and the only reason they're heels is because everyone wants to see them get their ass kicked.You can put anyone in Miz's position and they'll get the same heat.For example,Michael Cole.

Granted,Miz has shown a mean streak in him since Cena won the Chamber match,but it doesn't legitimize him as a main eventer in my eyes.Not when he's unwilling to confront Cena face-to-face.Not when Cena and The Rock look like they can beat The Miz into butternut squash soup in a one-on-one situation.I mean,what's he going to do at Wrestlemania?Pretend not to show up,then run in from the crowd and sneak attack Cena,hit him with a chair or the title belt before the bell rings,hit the Skull Crushing Finale after the bell rings and then pin him?How's that for a Wrestlemania main event?Rough up Cena if you must,but make it seem like he's weakening Cena before Wrestlemania.Sneaking up on Cena for 3 weeks in a row really doesn't prove anything except that Miz is a rat.

Miz would be a great champion if the WWE were transitioning mid-carders like Morrison and Ziggler to main eventers.Don't put the title belt on him and make him face Orton and Cena,because he is nowhere near their level yet.It just makes the title look cheap.You mean to tell me that The Miz is the best wrestler in a locker room filled with Orton and Cena and Punk,hell,even Sheamus,Ziggler and Morrison?You mean to tell me he's better than Triple H?Because that's what being WWE Champion means,it means you're the best in the business.With Miz,the title belt is just an accessory to make him relevant.His gimmick is that of someone who has something that nobody thinks he deserves.Get the title away from him and he becomes irrelevant.The bad thing about him is that he can't win a match cleanly because nobody thinks he's better than anyone.It's not because he's smaller than the other wrestlers.I can totally buy CM Punk and John Morrison as WWE Champions,because they have the skill to actually beat a guy.Miz doesn't have the skill and his "intensity" stems from being pissed off that he's not in the spotlight.Lame.I think anyone can look good when they're slamming a steel chair into another guy's back,but for someone to be taken seriously he needs to look like he can go toe to toe with anyone and come out victorious.Until Miz does that,he won't be legit in a lot of people's eyes.

Funnily enough,I just summed up The Miz's whole gimmick.He can't win matches cleanly and he doesn't look like a champion,so nobody gives him any respect.He's pissed off that nobody respects him even though he's a champion,so he whines about it every week and then sneak attacks his opponents,then goes on next week to brag about the sneak attack and how it makes him better than his opponent,which makes everyone respect him less.Then the cycle continues.
No...Are you serious??? When I saw him beat up The Great Khali with a chair after looking like a little whimp in the Vice Grip and having to get saved by a guy who is supposed to be fired...where am i supposed to be impressed??? The whole part about being credible is believing that he can win matches by himself. I feel like I'm going to watch the whole Miz/Cena Mania match waiting for someone to interfere. What good is predictability???
Miz(erable) is David Arquette v 2.0. He is a reality/entertain douche who came in and thought wrestling was easy. Now, I will give the guy credit for being able to match Cena in ****ing himself to the company (hey, everyone has to make a living), but like Cena, that doesn't make him believable on the mic or remotely good in the ring. If I want to watch bad acting and a man in his late 20's with a 18yr haircut, I'll watch the OC or 90210.

It's a measure of how desperate Vince must have been in realising even in a match against Cena for the WWE title Mizanin would bomb that he went out spent however millions of dollars it was to get the Rock to come back after 7yrs to be incerted, no idea exactly how, into this match. They tried the Flair esc cowardly heel champ idea, but Mizanin lacks both the in and out ring skills to do even that. They've tried the whole angle with Cole and Lawyer which has just been a train wreck. At some point, as with Billy Gunn, Christian etc ( who were better), creative has to realise he is just not main event level - OK at tag level perhaps, but not on their own.

This would not be so painful, if he wasn't give so much time to be exposed for all his short comings. Cena v Miz at WM is as easy to predict as HBK v Flair - even with Rock involved (that just means more people will watch a bad match) - and a world title match at WM should never, EVER, be stone cold prediction. The only saving grace, is that will hopefully let creative move him down the ladder to hopefully fued with Morrison properly which would be entertaining.

In the end, you can't have a company being headed by a bad actor and worse ring worker of this standard. Regardless of how much backstage ass he kisses. One final point: this is nothing to do with him being a heel - Del Rio, Clay and Punk are all doing great jobs as heels, while Morrison is dying out there trying to be a face, much like MVP did. Some people do play one side better than the other, really great guys play both well or as tweeners, people of David Arquette v 2.0 standard, play neither well at all. PV
I have mixed feelings on Miz. On one side, I was entertained when the Miz started being "the voice of the IWC" with his Cena rants, but he's a terrible, although improved, wrestler. He's boring on the mic, and not like the way Jericho was boring to piss people off, he's just boring, and honestly...I liked the Miz best when he was with JoMo. I don't buy Miz as champ because he doesn't look like a world champ. My wife thinks she can take Miz. That's messed up. But, give it time...if they use him like the NWA used Flair, Miz stands a chance. Hasn't he held the belt longer then Sheamus already?

And on a side note, I too thought his faux hawk makes him look stupid. The slicked back look works better in my opinion.
Surprised that some guys here are saying that the Miz can't wrestle. The Wrestling Observer didn't give him the Most Improved award for 2 years straight for nothing. The Miz CAN wrestle, and yeah he can wrestle better than many other of your main eventers like cena, who really can't wrestle. If Miz shouldn't be in the main event scene due to wrestling skills, then they need to be removed from it first since they are worse than him in the ring.
I know he is a heel, but, he always attacks from behind, or with help. I mean, I know thats what heels do, but, still, at least one time, can he take out Cena with no help, or face to face.

All he does is pucker up, rub his belt, like Dr Evil did his cat in the Austin Powers movies, say Really?, and hes awesome.

Personally, I dont care for Miz, but, he is one of the top heels right now.

Im just sick of the same thing week after week, sneak attack, pissed off look on his face, and to top it off, hes the Miz, and hes awesome....ugh
Okay this is ridiculous and I'll tell you why. There is a saying, "there is no such thing as bad publicity". Basically, if we are talking about the Miz, he is doing his job.

The man is getting heat, and getting it good. If he was really giving you Miz haters "turn off the tv" heat, you wouldn't jump onto a thread to talk about him. Some of you haters have even said you can't wait for Cena to take the strap from him and "I hate Cena". Guess what? THATS WHAT A HEEL IS SUPPOSED TO BE! Who else would they put Cena that has you all wanting Cena to win? Orton? probably not. Punk? I'm sure no. Wade Barrett? ok maybe, but only cuz he's so green they wouldn't have even put him in the ME at mania. The truth is we are all on here talking about the Miz, good or bad, thats what his job is. As far as promo's, most of us can agree he is good. Those who want to complain are just reaching. I guess they want more John Morrisson on the mic (who I love don't get me wrong, but lets be real).
As for the wrestling? Come on, we can all agree he is not the best wrestler to ever hold the title, but was Hulk Hogan? skill wise anyway? definitely not? Again, I LOVE Hogan, but lets be real. He's even said himself he's not the best technical wrestler. In fact some of the greatest ever didn't hold the belt as often. HBK was what, a 4 time champ? maybe 5 time? (don't feel like looking it up) in his 25 years or so in WWE. And we can all agree he is near the top in everything he does.
Yes, The Rock was better, Austin was better. Its not the 1990's anymore. Its a different product. In some ways better, in some ways worse, but totally different.
And seriously, when Orton won his FIRST title, did we REALLY buy it? ahem... REALLY? REALLY? and look at orton now... thats all I'm saying.
when i think about the miz. he suck,he a idiot,a jackass,he can't win on his own. he need help to save his sorry ass.
and michael cole. he the biggest asshole i ever see.
he so fool of himself. it not funny.
he think he the voice of raw. what he been smoking.
as far i'm concern he and the miz. need to be in a cage
let me change that a hell in a cell. to get their ass-kick so badly
so don't need to see them anymore on raw or smackdown.

they are not helping raw they are hurting it.
who idea to give him the wwe title in the first place talking about the miz
back to michael cole he so far up the miz's ass. he can't see the light of day
i been watching wrestling for a very long time back when bob backlund was champion at that time. i see every wrestllemania ever since 1985.
and this year wrestlemania i believe will top the most.not all time but up their.

who hate john cena i don't. he had done so much in the ring and outside the ring. i like the rock too. but latly the rock been talking trash about cena.
if the rock want to do somthing about it just get in the ring with cena and see if he can whip his butt.if he can beat up cena. he prove it. but right now the rock had not prove nothing to me at this point. the rock is all talk then get in the ring with cena and do something about it face to face man to man.
Personally I like the miz, he has a good gimmick he has good promo skills and his dedication for the business and desire to keep improving is impresive BUT I don't think he is a CREDIBLE wwe champion.....a us champion,yes but not wwe champ, besides when I look at the miz I think how in the blue hell did this guy beat orton 3 times? Or how is he going to beat cena? Or what if hhh comes after him, he'll get killed! And althought he is constantly improving his ring skills he hasn't had a classic match which is a requirement every world champion should have IMO
The main reason I can't take him seriously is because he still strikes me as someone imitating being a 'Superstar' rather than becoming one in his own right. There's just something quite formulaic about him, like he has a checklist of attributes he needs to tick off to come across as a wrestler instead of being convincing in his own right.

Wasn't one of the main reasons he got the belt because of the publicity he was garnering for WWE? Great, if that's the case, transfer him to the PR department, but don't ask me to take him seriously. He made money for Vince from his mouth, not from his in-ring skills, so there's no reason I should take him seriously as a competitor when he seems to have been given the belt for his extra-curricular activities.

As far as the 'Entertainment/Wrestling' argument goes, both words feature in WWE, so there should be a sufficient mix of both at a good quality. To me, just now they don't have that balance.
I'd say that most of the Miz haters are still going to hate him no matter what. The Miz isn't a darling of probably a good sized majority of the internet wrestling crowd and it's unlikely that he ever will be. But that's how the mop flops, it's the same with any other wrestler. Some like the guy and some don't.

I'm a fan of the guy and I've liked him for quite a while. Personally, I find a lot of the reasons for not liking him laughable. The whole "he can't wrestle" argument is a tired cliche` that's become as much of a crutch for Miz haters as Cena's "Five Moves of Doom" is for Cena haters. He doesn't flip and flop around all over the ring like a coked up squirrel so if that's what you have to have in order to say a guy can't wrestle, then maybe Miz isn't the problem. As for the "he can't talk" arguments, they're even weaker and more hackneyed than the wrestling argument. I mean sure, he doesn't scream out the world asshole every 10 seconds but why should he? He's over with fans and you'd have to be both blind and deaf not to see it.

It's one thing to just not be into The Miz, every wrestler can't be "liked" by everyone. But to try and say the guy has no talent is a completely baseless stance as is criticism of his title reign. The Miz has generated interest in the WWE Championship scene at a level that hasn't been there in quite a long time. He has fans interested in what he does, whether they like him or dislike him, and what he's involved in. That's exactly what a World Champion is supposed to do and Miz has done it extremely well.
To sum up the opening question NO. Has he improved yes he has. My problem is he might draw heat but no one sees him as a threat. They are trying to make him seem like a legit threat by using the old lets attack the face from behind, like they have done with edge and Orton to Cena, but i think the majority of people don't see him as that threat due to him always getting help from Alex Riley. If he had done this on his own from the begining like he did last night (I know Riley saved him from Khali) I think he would be taken as a stronger heel. This is the reason the Rock has been infused into this storyline is to make it more interesting because we were bored with the Miz.

His promos are slow, and boring. He needs more edge less angry. He needs a few more clean wins to someone other than Lawler. I like the kid as a mid card guy. To me he is suited for that area just like Steamboat was.

Now to his credit I went to class one night and they had us put on the Hello my name stickers and i had to put the IM Awesome on it.
I thought The Miz looked AMAZING last night. They've done a decent job making him look like a credible champion lately (which was originally my one complaint with him). And I think it's fairly obvious that despite what everyone predicted, The Miz is the biggest benefactor in having The Rock involved in this angle. Miz has SERIOUSLY stepped up his mic work since being involved with The Rock. He's actually showing emotion in his promos instead of them looking very scripted. He's way more into it and actually reading the crowd and playing them up in big ways.

I dunno. I've always been a "Mizark" but I feel like lately he's making it hard to hate him if you just let go of your preconceived notions of him.

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