**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

It's interesting how many of the people who bash on the Miz are the same ones who praise Daniel Bryan. Yes, Bryan's a better in-ring performer, but The Miz is bigger physically (which doesn't matter, yet a lot of people keep bringing up his physical stature), plus he actually has mic skills and charisma.

I'm happy that the WWE is doing something different, pushing younger guys instead of giving us Cena vs. Orton for the billionth time. Things feel fresh right now, which isn't something you can usually say about the WWE. The Miz is the WWE Champion heading into the biggest PPV of the year, and Alberto Del Rio is probably going to win the World Heavyweight Title even though he's only been in the company for a few months. Both wrestlers have a ton of potential and very bright futures.

Reading different threads on this forum, many of the posters sound very young and juvenile. We have too many middle schoolers who don't know the history of wrestling and take it all way too seriously. Apparently you guys don't realize that this is sports entertainment. It's not real. This is not the UFC. It doesn't matter if the Miz would probably get his ass kicked by Cena in real life. If we were going for realism, Big Show and Mark Henry would proababy hold onto the belts all year long. Is that what we want?

This is 2011. No longer do we have to have huge, gigantic, muscle-bound freaks as the champions to try to make it "believable." A guy like the Ultimate Warrior was given the world heavyweight championship because of the size of his muscles, even though he couldn't wrestle worth a damn. During Warrior's reign, Bret Hart was wrestling on the undercard, putting on the best matches night in and night out, yet he wasn't considered "big" enough to main event. The same goes for HBK. Many people considered him to be too skinny to be champion, yet both of those guys are two of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

The Miz is just as big, physically, as either of those guys. It's not like we're talking about Spike Dudley here. The Miz is one of the better mic-workers in the company right now. Maybe that's more a testament to how few of the current wrestlers can deliver a good promo, but regardless, Miz is one of the best they have. This isn't even debatable.

As far as in-ring skills, The Miz is good, but he still has a lot of room for improvement. There are wrestlers in the company right now who are much better than him in the ring, but they're usually guys like John Morrison who have no mic skills or charisma whatsoever, two of the most important ingredients in a main eventer.

With two world championships in one company, the belts are devalued and no longer hold the same amount of prestige as in the past. This is why we now see guys like Sheamus and Jack Swagger win the belt so early on. The days of "paying your dues" are pretty much over. With that said, The Miz has been around for awhile, steadily working his way up. Like many superstars in the past, he got his start in the tag-team divison (and his last reigns as tag-team champion were pretty much the last time the belts felt relevant). He then moved onto a singles career, winning the U.S. belt. He held onto the MITB briefcase longer than we've seen with some of the past winners. Miz teased cashing it in multiple times, and when he finally did, it was one of the best moments on RAW all of last year. Instead of getting a cheap win like CM Punk and some of the other MITB winners of the past, the Miz actually had to wrestle for a few minutes instead of just running in and doing his finisher. It looked like Orton was going to win that match, actually, but the Miz pulled it off. That was the best MITB cash-in we've had so far. And instead of dropping the belt two months later, the Miz has held onto it for a few months, and is now main eventing Wrestlemania, the Superbowl of wrestling.

The claims of Miz being a "weak champion" are ridiculous. You people complain that he needs help to win his matches, that he attacks people from behind, etc. That's the POINT!!!! That's his role. He doesn't have the makeup to be the big, bad dominant heel that beats the crap out of everyone. He's the cowardly heel that doesn't whatever it takes to keep the belt, whether that's cheating, losing by DQ, or involving his "friends." That's the way champions like him have always been booked. Fans aren't supposed to like it. Again, that's the whole freakin' point.

Personally, I don't like some of the things they've done with the Miz during the current build-up to WM. Instead of being the Miz that we've seen for the past several months, they're trying to make him seem more like a badass, leaving Cena beaten and bruised week after week. I prefer the Miz that runs away through the crowd and just sneaks in an attack every now and then. I think that role suits him much better. He doesn't have to go into WM looking like a credible threat. He's supposed to get his ass kicked yet find a way to win thanks to classic heel sneakiness. THAT'S what makes him a threat.
Reading different threads on this forum, many of the posters sound very young and juvenile. We have too many middle schoolers who don't know the history of wrestling and take it all way too seriously. Apparently you guys don't realize that this is sports entertainment. It's not real. This is not the UFC. It doesn't matter if the Miz would probably get his ass kicked by Cena in real life. If we were going for realism, Big Show and Mark Henry would proababy hold onto the belts all year long. Is that what we want?

Actually, I would pick Vladimir Koslov and Jack Swagger to hold the belts all year long if this were real. Prudius (Koslov) is a Sambo (Russian BJJ) Openweight Champ and versed in other martial arts as well like kickboxing and Judo.

Hager (Swagger) probably has the best wrestling pedigree currently on the roster.

Just my two cents, but I agree with all the points you made about this not being real and something fresh. If it were Cena-Orton again, I'd probably just give up and not even watch Mania.
Hey, guess what? The Miz is the WWE Champion... you wanna know why?

Because he's the Miz... and he's aaaaaaaawesooooooooome.

You guys can hate all you want, but you sound like a bunch of fucking morons.

You're all right, let's give Orton the belt back, then he can wrestle HHH or Cena for another year. God knows they're the only ones you crybabies can handle seeing with the strap.

I mean, how stupid is the WWE for trying to push a charismatic, young superstar into a feud with the biggest draw they have.... while making him look brutal and actually a credible threat?

That's dumb. I hope Orton somehow wins MITB and cashes in to start a new feud with Cena.

Miz is here to stay, like it or not and he will continue to grow and eventually become, undoubtedly, the top draw of the WWE.

Sorry about your lives.
Not every wrestler who holds the Title needs to be a Legend or type of Wreslter we have never seen before.

I dont know what happen to wrestling fans now-a-days. Every match seems to have to have epic match ups and insane finishes EVERY TIME. A character has to build and build and build. You cant simply expect every new wrestler coming out to be Austin or The Rock. Its insane.

The Miz IS good. People hate him.
[cL];2938831 said:
you say tomato...

this is the thing. he sucks. and whether or not I hate him for the same reasons a casual fans hates him or not, he STILL sucks.
Casual fans hate him because of his character. I am not a casual fan.
I hate him him because:
I could go on, but my pizza's getting cold

The Casual fan hates him cause he sucks...the IWC hates him because he's unworthy.

1) How's he overrated? I don't anybody calling him the greatest of all time or anything, he's just WWE Champion. He's much more "deserving" then guy's like Morrison, who can't improve over a substantial amount of time. The Miz improved on everthing he had, whether work eithic, in ring skill's, or mic skill's.

2) Really? He's been in the business for a good 6 year's. I can't see how that's underdeveloped.

3) Why not? He's a great heel worker and he's great on the mic. How is he not a "true superstar?"

4) Yes he is. He's been ready since 2010. He's got load's of charisma, mic skill,s his in ring skill's are good. What more can you ask from a guy? Sure, he's not a untalented ninja like Morrison, but Miz is definately ready for the main event. Morrison's lucky to have a job.

5) You kidding right?

6) Ring noobie? He's been wrestling for 5 year's before he became WWE Champion. And, botch master? The hell are you talking about? When the last time he botched something, 2007?

7) :lol: Now that's taking it a bit to far.

8) Terrrible look? So I guess guy's like Jericho, Benoit, Michael's and Bret Hart had terribe look's as well? Is that what your implying?

9) No crediblity? He's beaten Orton, and a Hall of Famer. He's beat down Cena for the last 3 week's.

10) Atleast he's got only one and not 35 like some other superstar who's famous for an eyebrow.

The Miz is where he should be. He may not be a in-ring technician or a indy darling. But, so wasn't Hogan, Warrior, Austin, Rock, HBK, Triple H, Big Show, Macho Man, Brock Lesner, John Cena, Rey Mysterio. But they were all multiple time WWE Champion's.

"He unworthy?" That's it! Every Miz hater say's the same thing's. "He's unworthy, underdeveloped, he's should'nt be champion, he's to small, he can't wrestle!"

A guy who work's hard and strives to improve (which the Miz did) deserves a top spot in the company. The guy was jobbing to the freakin' Booggyman on Velocity in 2007! Look where he is now, WWE Champion. He did'nt whine, complain, rant, or get fired. He stuck with the same company and worked on everything he has, but somehow he's unworthy? Give me a break!

The Miz is charismatic, but also a great heel worker. He's know's how to work a crowd, he to make them hate him. He in ring skill's is very much improving since becoming WWE Champion back in November. He deserves to hang with the top dog's, to be in the main event of Wrestlemania, and to be WWE Champion.

The Miz will be one of the key player's for the next decade of the WWE.

This is just not to cL, but to everbody who hates the Miz. I you don't think he is undeserving, unworthy, to small, terrible on the mic, bad in the ring. I only got one thing to say: :disappointed: Some of you people disappoint me.
hello every ima start saying i hate the miz so im sorta biased.

Here is why i think the miz isnt Champ Material

1. he has no in ring skills compared to even khali yes i said it let the red rep comense

2.his finisher is lame its basically a side Russian leg sweep but going forward just look at it

3. his mic skills are more repetitive then hogan of the hogan years its really.really.reall. Im the miz and im u know the rest i refuse to finish that

4. he doesnt have the look jomo has a better look then him and imho better mic skills just my opinion

5.this is the last one he makes me want to turn the tv off when he comes on screen im dead serious

and since i know u all love him im not even gunna ask for your opinion unless u want to cause i plan on atleast 10 red reps min. from the mizarks so let the hate comense and remember miz is awful
It became crystal clear, Monday Night, that The Miz is an afterthought to the fans, and comes off as insignificant in this Rock/Cena issue. Nobody wanted to see him there, nobody cared about what he had to say, and he interrupted what everyone wanted to see.

In the ring with ROCKY, Miz just cannot stack up. He did not look like a "star" he just looked like "another guy", like a loud annoying small dog, in this feud if WWE is smart they'll get him the hell out of it before his credibility continues to sink
Ya, i agree, Rock and Cena got huge reactions, Miz....not really. Thats just how it goes sometimes, i think Miz has done well in his promos with Cena, but then again Cena makes everyone have a good promo. Cena and Rock are gods in WWE history so its understandable that miz has gotten lost in the shuffle. But he HAS gotten lost in the shuffle, people cared more for Cena vs Rock then ppl care for Cena vs Miz...which is a little bad for mania, but the match will be good so at least the build up was succesfull, and will hopefully cause creative to go forward with a Rock vs Cena storyline
Good I love this thread because I completely agree. I was really into Cena/Rock. Cena saying he was 'one of the millions' and all that. It was awesome. I'm really worried Miz is going to win at 'Mania and Cena will enter a feud with Rock not over the title. Perfect world: Cena beats Miz and Rock/Cena feud over the belt til SummerSlam. Lets get some long title runs with great champions.

Then again, I highly highly doubt Rock is back to wrestle any more than 3 matches - if that at all.
I knooooooooooooooooooooow.

It's almost as if The Miz hasn't been pushed up peoples asses like WWE have Cena for the past seven years. It's almost as if The Miz has only been WWE Champion, in his first reign for over, what? Five months. It's almost as if WWE are using this to get The Miz into the picture, have him retain at Wrestlemania which will get him noticed due to how much exposure the Cena/Rock feud has got.

Wait... No, sorry, all of that is correct. Stop over-exaggerating. Miz is growing and improving weekly, of course he won't be seen as a big name in a feud with one of the greatest in WWE's history and the current face of the company. Christ.
The Miz is definitely getting a raw deal here in terms of fan response. He is in the ring with the top WWE guy of the last 7-8 years. Whether you like Cena or not, he is the main guy of the company, the face of the WWE and he has been for years. He is also in the ring with the Rock, the most electrifying man...... you know all the catchphrases. One of the top guys in recent WWE history. So of course Miz looks a little out of place and a little outmatched, how could he not?

If anyone else was in his situation they would be faced with the exact same problem. If the current WWE champion was Orton, or Punk, or really pretty much anyone else, he would be the odd man out in this scenario because the Rock and Cena is epic and historic.

It will be interesting to see how they proceed on Sunday. If the Miz jobs out to both of these guys, his push stalls considerably. But if the WWE are really high on Miz and can give him a Jericho-ish push here and out him over both guys, he gets a significant boost. Time will tell I guess.
Rock and Cena were having an amazing promo. Cena really killed and I must say The Rock has brought something out of Cena that has impressed the hell outta me the past two months. Great stuff.. and I'm a Miz mark. However, it must be admitted that Miz was an afterthought at least this week. But its probable that the person to get the last laugh before a PPV is the one to lose, so its not a given that Cena will walk out of Mania as champion. I'm admittedly uncertain, though I have a pretty good average as far as predictions go. I think Rock's entire involvement in the Road to Wrestlemania was to make Cena come out looking better than ever. Because Cena, aside from being owned by Miz, had been golden on the mic.
To be on topic though... they didn't give Miz enough to work with. Whether it be what they wrote for him to say, and having much time to say enough to look good. I guess they couldn't have all three guys saying anything prolific on the same show. Miz was an afterthought, but expect him to come back at Mania with a vengeance.
I knooooooooooooooooooooow.

It's almost as if The Miz hasn't been pushed up peoples asses like WWE have Cena for the past seven years. It's almost as if The Miz has only been WWE Champion, in his first reign for over, what? Five months. It's almost as if WWE are using this to get The Miz into the picture, have him retain at Wrestlemania which will get him noticed due to how much exposure the Cena/Rock feud has got.

Wait... No, sorry, all of that is correct. Stop over-exaggerating. Miz is growing and improving weekly, of course he won't be seen as a big name in a feud with one of the greatest in WWE's history and the current face of the company. Christ.


Come back in 7 years, after the Miz has been shoved down our throats that long, and let's see what sort of reaction he gets then. It's unfair to compare Miz to either Rock or Cena at this point in his young career.

That said, this Cena hater marked out when he FU'd the Rock. It was good to see him shed his kiddie-hero image, if but for a few seconds.
On Raw he got treated as an afterthought, however the overall picture, I see him remaining a major player in the WWE. Think about it, most of us know (or can assume really hard) that Miz will retain by some form or fashion at WM27. I hope before that all goes down though, he is able to hold his own in the ring. In the end WM is about the performance in the ring. No promos, no games, just ring performance. So with all of the talking going on, if the Miz can deliver, he will be alot more than an afterthought.
Of course The Miz is an afterthought. He's simply not good enough to be in the position he has been put in. The Rock and Cena are in a whole different league than The Miz, and it has been painfully obvious. The feud between The Rock and Cena has been so hot that it really didn't need to have the WWE Championship involved, especially when it is being held by a mid-carder.

Make no mistake, this entire angle is all about The Rock and Cena. Whether The Miz retains or loses the title is completely irrelevant. It's kind of a shame that the title is taking a backseat at Mania. But it is what it is, and the WWE has done well to make do with the weak champion they have. The worst part is likely going to be the match itself. I don't think that Cena is good enough in the ring to pull a decent match out of The Miz. With any luck it will be kept mercifully short, and will peak with The Rock's involvement.
I wouldnt say the miz is an afterthought. The guy is still the wwe champion and that really gives him enough leverage to be in the ring with those two. Definitely he was outshined by the other two but I think his promo made him look like the real deal. I personally thinks he has better mic work than cena.

At the end of the day the miz is still getting some rub from these two feuding.
In this whole Rock/Cena/Miz triangle, do not be surprised if MIZ ends up being the biggest winner in all of this. I am on board with there is no way in hell Cena will win on Sunday. He definitely will lose to Miz due to being "distracted" by the Rock or more likely Rock interference. So lets take what that is worth, Miz beats Cena at WrestleMania. Thats huge for Miz because the promos he will cut after that will be no pun intended, awesome. Now there was a story I believe on Wrestlezone that said WWE would like to do Rock/Miz, and then Rock/Cena. If that plays out, Miz definitely beats the Rock due to Cena. So now Miz in lets say about 6 months give or take, will have defeated The Rock, and John Cena. Cena and Rock can go headline SummerSlam, and Miz can defend and now realistically retail against either JoMo, someone from the draft or even HHH. It's my opinion, I know I'll probably get killed for it, but lets see how it all plays out starting on Sunday.
I knooooooooooooooooooooow.

It's almost as if The Miz hasn't been pushed up peoples asses like WWE have Cena for the past seven years. It's almost as if The Miz has only been WWE Champion, in his first reign for over, what? Five months. It's almost as if WWE are using this to get The Miz into the picture, have him retain at Wrestlemania which will get him noticed due to how much exposure the Cena/Rock feud has got.

Wait... No, sorry, all of that is correct. Stop over-exaggerating. Miz is growing and improving weekly, of course he won't be seen as a big name in a feud with one of the greatest in WWE's history and the current face of the company. Christ.

^^^ I'll second that ^^^

Miz hasn't been a main event player nearly long enough to be fairly compared to the two that were in the ring last night. Everyone knows this feud is ultimately about Cena and the Rock, yet there Miz is every week, getting treated like an afterthought, and every week doing everything he can to prove that's a big mistake on everyone's part.

Give the young guy a chance, neither Rock nor Cena were ever "instantly" legends.
Miz should be competing at the IC level with Daniel Brian while Sheamus should still be at the World Title level. Miz just isn't polished enough for where he is and it showed last night when up against the big boys. Cena has been selling the heck out of Miz. But with the Rocks presence, it just isn't working.
it does not matter how much charisma the miz has, or how much he has improved. he did not belong in that ring with the rick and john cena. the rock WAS the face the company and cena IS the face of the company. the miz is just another champion, nothing special. it doesnt matter how 'good' the miz is, the reason he didnt belong there was because he hasnt been there long enough, kind of like how it was weird for barrett to be in the segment with roddy piper and cena
I question the intent of this program.

If the goal was to add to the WWE Championship match, I would definitely say that has failed.

Folks care more about the Rock and Cena than the Championship at this point. I feel that's a mistake on the WWE's part.

Some guys need the rub that comes with the championship - like the Miz. Guys who have established themselves to the level of the Rock and Cena don't.

This whole thing makes me think of Miz as the little brother, sticking his nose in while the big brothers argue, saying 'Look at me! Look at me! Someobody pay attention to me too!"

I can see the Miz retaining because of the Rock's interference against Cena, and continuing to be an afterthought while everyone focuses on what happens next between the Rock and Cena.

Not where you want your champion to be...
Of course The Miz is an afterthought. He's simply not good enough to be in the position he has been put in. The Rock and Cena are in a whole different league than The Miz, and it has been painfully obvious. The feud between The Rock and Cena has been so hot that it really didn't need to have the WWE Championship involved, especially when it is being held by a mid-carder.

Make no mistake, this entire angle is all about The Rock and Cena. Whether The Miz retains or loses the title is completely irrelevant. It's kind of a shame that the title is taking a backseat at Mania. But it is what it is, and the WWE has done well to make do with the weak champion they have. The worst part is likely going to be the match itself. I don't think that Cena is good enough in the ring to pull a decent match out of The Miz. With any luck it will be kept mercifully short, and will peak with The Rock's involvement.

Miz is not an afterthought. He's the new kid on the block. Four the past five weeks he's owned Cena on the mic and added the neccesary hype for this match. Idk why people think they are the biggest wrestling genuises on the planet with their "ideas" of what a champion should be. Miz is the second biggest star in wwe as far as media recognition and what he does for the company. Of course when you work your ass off you get rewarded and he has with a lengthy run as the WWE champion. Who would you rather be in this spot? Morrison? He cant sow an interesting sentence on the mic let alone be relevant in the ring with cena/rock. Sheamus? Swagger? they arent over enough and dont have any star power. CM Punk? He's only big in the wrestling world and nowhere else. WWE is going towards the media icon company so wouldnt it make sense to have the 3 biggest media draws in the last 15 years in the same match. At least Miz can cut a promo and at least he isnt shying away from the spotlight. Have you people ever thought that he's purposely booked in this fued as an afterthought? Like Orton was the weak link at WM 24 and still walked out champion? People act like Miz was on the midcard for 4 weeks and then became champion. Now he was on the midcard for 4 years as multiple time tag champion and multiple time mid card champion before winning the big one. So Miz is going to be in the ME scene for years to come. You marks were screaming for a change in the ME scene forever and now that they're adding new stars to it they arent doing it right. Sheamus is an afterthought, Miz is an afterthought, swagger is an afterthought...all men who can cut promos and carry a decent match. but Morrison the spot monkey with no mic skills and daniel bryan the most boring man on the mic since chris benoit aren't getting their far shots? Please establish legitimate reasons Miz isnt over? Because the audiences in attendance for the past few years have been notorious for small pops or no heat because 50% of the crowd is parents that dont watch wrestling and dont know who's bad or good they just know they hate John cena. the other 50% are under the age of 12 and only cheer john cena. so its hard for wrestlers to generate huge pops and massive heat nowadays...it's not just The Miz. And if you think Miz is so horrible, go to a wrestling school, train up, get a contract with WWE and do better.
The Miz was the turd in the punchbowl Monday night. No one wanted to see him out there, in fact most people were dreading his entrance. But we all knew he'd be out there eventually, considering they'd been hyping the segment all night. But he really had no place there. The entire storyline has been about Cena & The Rock, & The Miz has always been the 3rd wheel. Then when he comes out, all he can say is "Really?" 4 times. I groaned as soon as he said it. They should've found a way to have Cena vs Rock & Miz vs Morrison as separate matches. Really though, I was just happy WWE got through the show without a homophobic slur being said by someone.
I knooooooooooooooooooooow.

It's almost as if The Miz hasn't been pushed up peoples asses like WWE have Cena for the past seven years. It's almost as if The Miz has only been WWE Champion, in his first reign for over, what? Five months. It's almost as if WWE are using this to get The Miz into the picture, have him retain at Wrestlemania which will get him noticed due to how much exposure the Cena/Rock feud has got.

Wait... No, sorry, all of that is correct. Stop over-exaggerating. Miz is growing and improving weekly, of course he won't be seen as a big name in a feud with one of the greatest in WWE's history and the current face of the company. Christ.

This. Based on how Raw was booked last night, I am now 100% certain that Miz will be walking out the heavyweight champion and standing tall over both Cena and Rock. The WWE machine is clearly firmly behind Miz as the future of their company and what better way to put him to the next level than this? You may not take Miz seriously now but you will after Wrestlemania. Then again, you should already be taking Miz seriously based on the way he's been being booked for the last month. If you don't already, you probably never will. And that's your problem.
I was there. The Pop for the Rock was amazing....the pop for John Cena was good though it was met with a lot more BOOOs....and then the Jiz came out. The heat was good, but most people around me were screaming for the fool to get out of the ring. When the Rock starting beating him down, the crowd went nuts.
The Miz IS an afterthought...has BEEN an afterthought....will BE an afterthought until, he's not a thought at all.

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