**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

He hasn't done anything to earn my respect.
He's overrated on the mic and a pretty boring champion. Maybe it's his booking or maybe he's just not that good. He still has a lot of improvement.

I remember when people were upset Miz wasn't pushed, and got his ass kicked by Cena 2 years ago.

Miz is fine, he just needs to be placed better on TV.

I could make a case for any star being overrated quite frankly.
I remember when people were upset Miz wasn't pushed, and got his ass kicked by Cena 2 years ago.

Miz is fine, he just needs to be placed better on TV.

I could make a case for any star being overrated quite frankly.

Every big star in the WWE is usually good at one thing and bad at another. IE good on the mic, but sub par in the ring. The Miz is awful at BOTH. He is terrible and a mid-carder for life. It was interesting at first, but it's clear as day that people have grown tired of him. He's not a main eventer in my eyes and just because he holds the title doesn't make him watchable.
No, its definitely his booking. He was allowed to be more free and natural tonight and from what I'm reading, fans are lapping it up.

Its when he's hidden behind Cole and Riley that it hurts The Miz. When's he allowed to flow he is great on the mic and able to get reactions.
The fact Miz went from future endeavored Awful to Main Event awesome in 2 years of hard work, and dedicated is respectable. Go watch him on ECW (without Jomo) He was truly below jobber status.
The guy who ran in the ring got more of a response than the Miz. It's still hard to believe he is champ. Having said that, if you are going to put the title in him, than let him have more of a role.

Are you and I watching a different show? I think The Miz got a nice little reaction tonight. In fact, seeing as how some of the people cheered for Cena but there also was a Rocky crowd that didn't like Cena either, I heard CHEERS for The Miz. Maybe you didn't; but I did.
The Miz continues to prove that he is no better than the other heels on RAW and is yet getting treated like a god and getting his e-shaft sucked by everyone in the IWC. The promo was nothing special at ALL and that's putting it nicely. OH MY GOD HE SAID ASS! WOW THIS IS AWESOME! No thanks, I have more taste and class to appreciate a promo just because he swore. People only like it for that and the fact that it was mostly about the Rock. He shouldn't be there. He's boring.
it was an above average promo.
but thats not saying much.
its not as good as cena's rap from a few weeks ago
and it doesnt hold a candle to the rock's promos

was it good? yeah.
was it great? not even close.

just my 2 cents though.
I have to disagree. Miz's promo this week gave his momentum a definite boost. Given the situation, with everyone paying more attention to Rock vs Cena- the way they played Miz on Raw was perfect. Have him no where on the show, then show up out of no where at the end and put Cena and Rock on notice. His promo wasn't as hot as the other two, but fuck, considering who he's up against can we really blame him for that?
He hit a money promo this week, and because it's not as good as Cena's or the Rock's some people have to get their panties in a wad. And don't worry about his momentum going in- By the time the show starts, Miz will be shining.
The Miz continues to prove that he is no better than the other heels on RAW and is yet getting treated like a god and getting his e-shaft sucked by everyone in the IWC. The promo was nothing special at ALL and that's putting it nicely. OH MY GOD HE SAID ASS! WOW THIS IS AWESOME! No thanks, I have more taste and class to appreciate a promo just because he swore. People only like it for that and the fact that it was mostly about the Rock. He shouldn't be there. He's boring.
I know you hate Miz but my gosh give the guy a little credit at least. He delivered a perfect promo where he pushed himself into the Rock/Cena feud by mocking the Rock and actually made the face of the company look a little stupid. Miz USED Cena to get THE ROCK'S attention. If you don't think that's not better than any thing the other heels have done in the past few months then I seriously don't know what you're thinking. After that, you still don't think Miz is better than Sheamus/ Ted DiBiase/ New Nexus(apart from CM Punk) or any oother heel on Raw?!

Miz is on fire. Each week he looks better and more Champion-like and is arguably better than CM Punk or definitly at least on par.
I actually cannot stand the Miz. His "I'm awesome" schtick is just annoying to me. I actually dislike the Rock drawing out his "millions..." as well. I can't explain it, it's a pet peeve. I know some will love it. I just don't. As an academic I encourage my students to get straight to the point and not to draw things out so that people lose interest.

With that said, I was actually impressed with the Miz last night. Which, coming from me, is saying quite a bit. For anyone in here that posts in the MMA section reading this, I hate the Miz more than I hate Tito Ortiz.

I thought that the Miz attacking Cena, interjecting himself in to the middle of this Rock/Cena feud, pointing out what many of you have been saying "hey, I'm tired of being ignored when I'm the champ," and using the Rock's signature move to upstage them both, answers pretty much everyone's complaints.

Y'all are saying he's being ignored heading in to WrestleMania, yet the writing staff addressed that last night.

People are pointing out that he's the champion, but that's being overlooked in favor of Cena/Rock. Once again, something the writing staff addressed last night.

People have pointed out that the Rock has yet to even acknowledge the champ, once again, Miz used the Rock's signature move to DRAW attention to himself.

I was pleasantly surprised that all of those concerns got addressed in one spot and that the Miz, very comically, "pulled off" one of the most iconic FMOD in the business. He did it with an arrogance and indifference to how the move was done. Which, I believe, suits his character just fine.
Wow.. I guess everthing is subjective. On other sites, Miz is being praised for how truly "awesome" he is...

Someone says Cena is boring and yet others say he is the best in ring storyteller today...

As I don't like anyone in this feud I have to say that I think the feud's a dud and that it should have been the two mega powers Cena vs. Orton the hwole time, buit that time is past and we have to concentrate on a Rock feud where he wont get in the ring.. maybe we should call him PAC MAN Jones...
Miz is on fire. Each week he looks better and more Champion-like and is arguably better than CM Punk or definitly at least on par.

To even suggest The Miz is close to or better than CM Punk is insane.

I like The Miz, and he did great tonight, but he is no way shape or form better than Punk.

Punk works the mic as good an anyone. much better than Miz, and is a much better wrestler.
i just hope the MiZ follows the same carear path as Kane and doesn't see the WWE title for another 12 years, or even better never again. He is the model of what a mid-carder should be,Throw him a tag-title 1 time every 3 years. a US or IC title 1 time every2 years and even that will be more than he probably deserves

!!just my opinion!!
The Miz's promo was great. It's no longer between the Yabba Dabba Bitch and the Rock, but between the YBD, The Rock, and THE MIZ. Miz got all the attention he needed from that. He stole the Rock's catch phrase right after listing everything about the Rock that made the Rock himself, and then chained it into his own catch phrase, pausing in the middle to deliver a SKF and a people's elbow.

You guys can hate all you want, but the Miz did great last night.
The fact of the matter is that this is The Rock's angle. He has been so utterly dominant in it, despite only being live the one time, that he is in complete control. John Cena has remained relevant only because The Rock has kept him relevant. John Cena had one of the best promos he's down in years (followed up by a mediocre one unfortunately) and he still looks little league compared to The Rock.

The Miz has yet to become relevant. His relevance to the angle will only happen once The Rock acknowledges him, and the two have a war of words. Regardless of what The Miz or John Cena does, The Miz will not be a relevant part of the angle until The Rock invites him. Don't get me wrong, he will, it would be idiotic not to, but it just shows how much this storyline belongs to The Rock, and the massive divide in quality mic skills between the participants.

The second part of the problem is that they have to work to make The Miz look like he has a chance in hell of beating Cena. He got the better of the man two weeks in a row, which is a good start, and needs to be built on. They really need to show that he is getting to Cena, that Cena can't afford to concentrate on The Rock and that he needs to pay attention to The Miz. It's a tough case to build though, since The Miz is such a weak looking champion, and it's hard to picture a scenario where the freakishly strong Cena simply couldn't rip the doughy Miz apart limb from limb.
IMO, not only does the Miz look weak on the mic compared to the Rock and Cena, but he looks weak in the ring in general. I can't recall a match of his where he won on his own. Everytime I see him win, it's always by help from A Ri, or someone else. I understand that's how heels are supposed to be, but how can you be considered any type of credible champion or threat if someone always has to help you win?
To even suggest The Miz is close to or better than CM Punk is insane.

I like The Miz, and he did great tonight, but he is no way shape or form better than Punk.

Punk works the mic as good an anyone. much better than Miz, and is a much better wrestler.
In the past few months Miz has, ARGUABLY, gotten more heat than Punk has. He delivered an insanely good promo to end Raw the last night which matched Punk's promo on Cena before he joined Nexus, imo

As for wrestling then yes Punk is better but Miz is improving. He showed more techincal moves against the Corre, put on a solid match with the King and had a couple of decent bouts against Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan.

Its all about opinion and lately Miz has matched Punk in many areas
Did the WWE really expect Miz to be able to compete with Rocky and Cena in Mic Skils?The Miz can be entertaining but theres no way in hell he can keep up with the mic skills of The Rock and John Cena.:disappointed:

Unfortunately WWE threw their champion in with the sharks and he got eaten.:disappointed:
i dislike the miz, and im disliking him even more since he became champ, he always has help to some extent (which makes sence cause alone (or with someone) he sucks), he takes cheap shots (what he did to cena in recent weeks has proved this) and he is just a dreadful in-ring performer in general, he def isnt ready for main event status and he isnt world champ matterial, ill be honest, he shouldnt be in the wwe. (this is my opinion i would like to ask people to not blast me for it please and thanks).
To be honest, I have changed the way I think about The Miz lately. However, I do feel as though he is the Champion with the least momentum heading into WrestleMania and the only people who we can blame for that is the WWE for making their Champion look like a fool with the weak booking.

Here's the thing. A couple of months ago, I was the same as the OP of this thread. I honestly thought that The Miz had no momentum and that really annoyed me. Not least because it means that the WrestleMania main event is going to be one of the most predictable main events in WrestleMania history, especially with John Cena as his opponent. When you think about it though, you have to blame the booking of the WWE and how they have treated The Miz over his Championship reign. Every second win is coming through Alex Riley and that cannot be a good thing for the Champion. In fact, I think the only time I have actually seen him win cleanly was against Jerry Lawler. To me, that is just unacceptable for a WWE Champion. This time last year, Batista was looking like an absolute beast and Cena looked like the only man on the planet who would be able to bets him and that is why their feud worked. The Miz, for me, is heading into WrestleMania as the rank underdog and that is only to the detriment of the event and his credibility.

Still, it has to be said that the problem is not as bad as it once was. The WWE seems to have realised that The Miz was looking weaker and weaker as the matches rolled by and look to have actually realised that they cannot build a WrestleMania main event on that premise. They need to make The Miz look like a Champion in the remaining weeks until WrestleMania and if they can do that, then the match might actually be worth watching. If they are trying to get the match over as The Miz will do anything to win, like they have since his reign started, then they will soon realise that the fans are not going to buy it and it has the potential to be one of the worst main events of WrestleMania in history.
Now personally, I have been a fan of the Miz for some time now and I have loved his reign as champion. Especially recently. His attacks on Cena have been well planned, calculating, and very well done in my opinion. He's definitely got the momentum heading into Wrestlemania so far, which is different since the challenger typically heads into Wrestlemania looking unstoppable. I also laughed my ass off when he came out as the Rock tonight!

Now my question is for all the Miz haters out there. Has he won you over enough to be seen as a credible champion? He seems to get better with his promos and timing everytime I see him. I realize he still has a lot of work to do and he's still new to the main event scene but it seems like the WWE is doing a great job in building him up to be the next huge breakthrough star.

I can take him seriously yes, Im impressed.
Although tonight he did cut Khali and John Cena >.>
Seemed kind of careless...
However I don't see him as a credible champ although I see him as a credible main eventer maybe WM will change my mind on the first thing
I've loved The Miz since his debut in the WWE. Personally I think that people will just hate him because he is a heel. He has the talent and the image to be a great main event superstar. I just hope people start recognizing him for his pros and not his cons, which the only two is he is young and a heel. I always loved his matches and thought he put on a great show, now that he is champ though he is only improving.
Maybe it's just me, but Miz seems better both in the ring and on the mic when his character has a chip on his shoulders from people not respecting him enough, or whatever else like that. When he became U.S. Champion last year, and the events/promos immediately before and after that (I think he beat MVP?) he was good. When he became Heavyweight Champion, same thing. All the stuff with Jerry Lawler made the character stale, I think, but since Rock basically focused his attention to Cena and brushed Miz off, he upped all levels of his game, and is looking real strong since he won the title (maybe even for the first time since winning it).
I agree with all of you guys. I just think this whole angle with Cena/Rocky/Miz has the Miz coming out on top more often than not. He may not retain the title at WM (I hope he does) but this seems to be one of those storylines that you look back on years later and say "this is what made this guy a star". Similar to the SCSA/Bret Hart etc.

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