**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

anyone remember how shit christian was for a long time before he finally turned the corner and became captain charisma?

miz reminds me not necessarily of christian, but definately of that kind of development.

miz wins at wm btw.
See now whats happening is, you guys are finally seeing what ive been saying for MONTHS about the miz. HE'S NOT THAT GOOD AT ALL!!!!!!!! And he's being exposed when put up against the likes of cena and the rock.

In all honesty, the rock came back and basically challenged miz and cena to up their game, big time. Cena been able to rise to the occasion, miz has not. Its now CLEAR that the miz really has no business being champion. He is clearly being out classed and out shined in this feud with the rock and cena. Hell the rock doesnt even bother mentioning the miz's name. smh....his mic skills are limited and he CANNOT wrestle and its all being exposed now that hes being put up against the big dogs, and you ppl dare to be surprised??? come on now ppl

THANK YOU!!!! I've been saying the same thing! All these people have been kissing the miz's ass and talking about how great he is but when you put him in the ring with REAL headliners like Cena and Rock no one gives the 1st SHIT about him and unfortunately he took the WWE title down with him!
I also like the Miz but he is being outpaced. The Rock is legendary and Cena has stepped up since the WWE is letting him have more freedom on the Mic. The Miz cannot compare. I liked The Miz as champ, but he really sucks on the Mic compared to Rock and Cena, and he is no where near good in the Ring. I mean, I hate Cena. He can only do like the same 4 moves, but at least he does it with energy and makes it look good. Miz just punches and kicks and once every month he does a suplex on someone. Meh. I was behind this guy but now it is time to step up or get burried. I guess we will see at WM wont we?

Perhaps the Miz will beat Cena clean.... call out The Rock... beat Rocky clean... and really back up his words. I really hope the WWE does not propel him to that level unless they are truly sure he is ready.
I guess I look at a good promo as; did it do it's job? The IWC seems compelled to compare to the past everything they see from entrances, promos, and in ring capability. This often sets them up for a let down. Everbyody enjoys different styles with promos. The Rock entertains people because he is funny and quick on his feet. I personally prefer the styles of HHH, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, and lately The Miz. You know what all of these wrestlers have that makes them great to me? Intelligence.

To me my all time favorite on the mic is HHH. He had/has the ability to generate amazing heat to any feud at any time. When he told Booker T "People like you don't get to be World Champion." you could almost see "real" hatred in Booker T's face. All of the aforementioned wrestlers listed above entertain me because they can speak coherently and convey their point in a way that gets the job done.

When I look at The Miz wearing a suit speaking like an adult to a man who is in his mid thirties dressed like a thirteen year old making potty jokes. The Winner = Miz. I don't know how much the WWE is going to be able to get out of the Miz as the champ seeing as how most fans are not into him. I appreciate his efforts under alot of pressure going into a big event with two names that significantly overshadow him.

To make a long story short. Stop the constant comparing because the promos cut by The Miz are doing their job. It is apples and oranges and if you think the Rock would bury The Miz or Cena in an in ring promo. You may be surprised.
So let me get this straight. It's wrong for a heel to cheat or interfere in matches. It's wrong to use catchphrases. It's wrong for a heel to brag about himself. What? And this stuff makes Miz suck? That's it? It can't be because he has to be carried by more experienced wrestlers in the ring? It can't be because Alex Riley was riding his coattail? It can't be because his moveset is limited and hard to adapt to different situations? How about you people start using that thing within the inside of your skulls and find actual points to argue about. "He uses the same old catchphrase". So does The Rock after 13 years, but nobody seems to bitch about that. Believe or not, heels can have hooks in their promos too, ya know? "He wears a suit". So? I always wonder what dumbass goes in a suit to a sporting event, but it's obvious that the dumbass in question is Mr. Wrestler. Batista would wear suits, face or heel. So did Ric Flair. Triple H, Chris Jericho. Exactly why is this an issue? Because he doesn't dress like the frat boy people thought he was? "He can't win a match without cheating and interferes in matches". He's a heel. He's supposed to do that. I suppose next we'll bitch about how Kofi Kingston has no attitude and should be more aggressive.

The Miz is the most solid heel in WWE to build from the bottom up this damn millenium. CM Punk? Indy raised. Edge? 1998. Triple H? WCW born. The Miz is WWE's most well build character since John Cena himself. yeah, I said it. He's more well built than Randy Orton. Why? Because he doesn't have a blemished face run or a World title that he won just to be relegated to the mid card afterwards. The Miz may not be gold in the ring, and he may still need some polishing with his promo tactics, but he is an all-around guy. Very well built and very nicely done. But ya know. We gotta bitch about something, don't we? Or else we're useless.
anyone remember how shit christian was for a long time before he finally turned the corner and became captain charisma?

miz reminds me not necessarily of christian, but definately of that kind of development.

miz wins at wm btw.

...Never compare Miz and Christian again.

I hate Miz as champion. To say that I'm dissappointed is me being nice. CM Punk's first title reign was better than this. Miz is a weak champion to be honest. He has Cole verbally blowing him every week and Alex Riley is just plain unnecessary. I thought his title reign would be great, but boy was I wrong. And even though I love heels, the fact that when he attacks someone and looks all demented and shit makes it even more lame. Miz isn't a great champion. And I actually hope Miz loses at Mania(which could get the Rock and him having matches).
I read through most of these posts, but not all, so bear with me if this has been said.

Everyone is complaining that the Miz is getting buried beneath all the hype around The Rock and Cena. Has anyone given any thought to the idea that this is the exact point? That The Miz uses this as "motivation" to show the world, on the grandest stage of them all, that he belongs? And what better way then beating Cena, 1 on 1, at Wrestlemania?

What better way to grow his heel character than to have him virtually ignored as an afterthought leading up to WM, have him win, and then ride that into the summer. He would be coming out screaming "None of you thought I belonged! It was all about Cena and The Rock! Where are they now? Cena is home licking his wounds and The Rock is back in Hollywood getting ready to make another crappy kid's movie! I'm the champ. I'm the face of this company. I'M THE MIZ, AND I'M.......AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I don't understand why people here are even talking about Cena. But since you do, I'll make a quick recap of how I see him:
Cena is a guy with the potential to have an entertaining character, with an edge, and that is his "Rapper" gimmick. However, since he's Vince's good and loyal (yabba dabba).. company guy.. he supported his idea of going PG (I even remember reading somewhere he was the one that advised it to him, though this might be just a rumor), and became the face of the PG era. Since then, his character became a corny, self repeating "Super-Cena". God, this character of his is unwatchable by anybody over the (mental) age of 12, 13 at max. He sure has the potential to be interesting, entertaining and more or less realistic, but he'll never do it as long as Vince supports PG TV. The Rock made him up his game a bit to what it used to be, but once Rocky is gone, Cena is gonna go back to being the big fat bawl of fruity pebbles that he was ever since WWE went PG.
Now that I said everything I think about Cena here, time to switch to the topics which are actually relevant to this thread.

Miz looks horrible. Really? Really???
Well, the answer is - partially.
Lets start with realizing the situation the Miz is at - We have a verbal feud between SuperCena, who has the legacy of being a fucking unbeatable superstar in the last 6/5 years, and betwen The Rock, The Great One, The most electrifying man in ALLLL of ENTERTAINMENT... And the face of the company before Cena (along with Stone Cold). In the same time, Cena and Miz are having a physical championship feud.
Do you expect the Miz to look better than The Rock? In his first title reign?
Newsflash for you - at this "legendary" feud, the draw of each character is measured first and foremost by his legacy. The Rock has had numerous number of achievements, he's a solidified Superstar, and he has the reputation of a real Super-face. Same can be said about Cena, though his standing of "entertaining" is mainly with the children. That's why, as long as the above two do good enough promos, they'd get twice the pop as Miz would for promos of the same quality.
For example, the Miz had cut a pretty impressive and very intelligent promo this Raw, which might not have been filled with as much energy the Rock's, but surely was entertaining if you actually listened to the words. It conveyed a few messages and promises, that you people will probably look back at and remember before this this is over.
Than Cena came out, and cut one of his usual piece of CRAP promos. Hell, I actually think the one joke from Alex Raily was better than everything Cena said, combined.
And in the end - The Rock. Well, he certainly had the energy in his words, and was a little funny, but 70% of his pop were respect pops for him, The Rock, not his promo - since the promo was a pretty mediocure one, with only a few exciting spots, and some spots which just didn't flow with the rest of the promo. His triple "I bring it" crawd chant already starts to look a bit washed up - hope he doesn't do it again until there actually is some historic spot to use it in, or else it'd lose its "it".
Anyhow, out of the promos themselves, I'd actually have to give Miz the price for the best promo today. The only reason he looked weak is because, as I said before, The Rock and Cena have just too large legacies for someone as new to the main event as Miz to handle.
On the bright side for the Miz, I hope they let him have some real historic moment this Wrestlemania, which would solidify him as a new top heel in the company, like Orton was in his Age. Come on Vince, I'm counting on you to make this happen!
If the last few RAWs proved anything, it proved that The Miz is nowhere close to The Rock or John Cena in the promo department.

In fact, no one is.

No one except maybe Punk can go head to head with either of them.

Miz is lost in this whole thing, he looks out of place and he hasn't had enough time to develop.

I like him too, but he's so overrated on this forum it's crazy.

As for the match itself, hopefully Cena can carry him to a great match 'cause Miz isn't capable of that I think.

I'm intrigued by it though. to see a new guy with Cena at 'Mania.
Hey "smart" guy
You are aware the Miz wrestled Indys for 3 years right?

How the hell does Miz look bad again? HE'S THE CHAMP! and he became the first to post in show pics on twitter....he's a trailblazer

Source please?

Miz spent time in Tough Enough, then OVW,(Which is a training program WWE controlled) not once has he placed a foot in a indie ring, but if you consider FCW and OVW indie programs... You are a very confused person.

Oh and a side note. Miz takes a few pictures during a show and put's it on Twitter, if that is the only thing the Miz can hold to his title reign other than beating up Jerry Lawler... A very sad title reign.
I have read about 1/3 of the posts, and i realize something...

The Rock - One of the bests!!
John "Superman" Cena - Face of WWE!!

So Miz is in his first major tittle reign, and they put him in a feud Rock/Cena??
oh C'mon, he doesnt stand a chance!!
He is a main eventer, but he has to be build, to face two of the bests ever!!

So WWE messed uo? Of Course they did!!
It is bad to The Miz?? NO!!
WWE will make The Miz, looks better, just wait and see!!

In my opinion The Miz will win at wrestlemania, and maybe put Rock, like he said he will!!
Jericho beat the Rock and Stone Cold in the same night?? Does anybody expect that??
Hell No!!

Miz is being builted to make to their levels, just wait and see :D
The thing about The Miz is, he's B talent.

Where as Cena and The Rock are A talent.

It's ok to have a B. Nothing wrong with it, above average, kind of exciting.

But he's no A.

He isn't a Cena nor Rock.

He's finally exposed, because the people around him are at a level he will never be.
He seems to divide opinion on here but I like The Miz. He isn't top-notch in the ring but I think he's worked hard to improve and his promos, to me, are ok. He's the classic kind of ultra arrogant heel who people love to hate and he gets the job done with the mic imo. And I'm sorry, but when he cashed in MITB against Orton, the look on that little girl's face was just priceless!

I like the way he has been built up from the bottom like someone said previously, however I'd prefer to have seen him retain in the Chamber rather than wrestle a 50 something commentator. That to me would of made him look a lot more credible as Champion. As far as comparing him to The Rock and Cena? Well, he doesn't. Thats the problem as he is being overshadowed quite a lot in this feud, but what better way to put him over than have him retain at Mania? Which I hope happens by the way, as Cena winning the title at Wrestlemania for the 1 millionth time is horribly predictable and utter boredom. And I'm not even a Cena hater.
I stopped taking the WWE seriously when they put the belt on Miz. People will jump on me about that but that's my opinion and maybe I'm a traditionalist. With his background and where he came from, if he was in the locker room at the time when Bret Hart, Michaels, and all that generation in their prime were there he wouldn't even be considered to carry the company with the belt. This thing with Lawler takes away more credibility for him in my eyes. People love him cus he can cut a good promo. I think its funny that the state of WWE is so bad in regards to characters and promos, that everyone loves the Miz cus he can talk with the mic, like all wrestlers should be able too.
I am a fan of The Miz. I think he has great talent and has good mic skills. But there is a huge problem I'm noticing......he's not raising his talent bar to his full potential. He's in the middle of a Rock/Cena feud and this could've been a big chance for him to really step up his game, go over on the mic, and show why he is the future in terms promo wrestlers.

But sadly, he's been getting....DESTROYED. It disappoints me that he hasn't stepped up his game. Every week he's been doing the exact same promo and has been using the exact same sentences every week. The Rock has been mixing it up and even Cena has been mixing it up (going from Attitude Era thuginomics to PG Superman). But Miz has been doing the exact same promo every week and people are losing interest because of it.

It's sad because I can clearly see he can do better and try to mix it up but he keeps doing the same thing. What Miz needs to do is step it up, do something different, and blow people away to the point he is now in the running with Cena/Rock. Because honestly if he keeps doing the same promo every week, he will end up like Jack Swagger (who did the same thing) and have people completely forget about him and think of him as 'the boring cocky heel saying the same s***' and WWE will have him drop the title to Cena because the fans no longer care.

Bottom line, WWE is high on The Miz and has given him a once of a life time opportunity to show his stuff by placing him in the center of a feud with two of the biggest titans in the business. He needs to capitalize on this opportunity, step up his game, and deliver or he is done.

This RtWM imo is The Miz's make or break time period.
Fact is Miz looks bad because he is not a great talent. I dont know what happened over the last year that so many people became a fan of the Miz. Maybe you just hate Cena. When Miz won that championship, Im pretty sure you remember there was a pretty large negative reaction. Some of you, just decided to go with flow. A lot of Older fans realized WWE just make a poor and desperate decision, and a lot have tuned out, or are watching less because of it. Its not the first bad decison of late. We had Sheamus and Swagger, but WWE was intent on making guys who werent over, stars overnight. These guys got the reaction they got because most people didnt see any justification to put these guys on top.

Miz hasnt done anything in the eyes of many, that had us saying awesome. If anything he is very average. He is an average wrestler with slightly above average mic skills. The only reason his mic skills stand out is because so many of the roster cant talk at all (kofi,bryan,ziggler,morrison) so he is elevated. When in reality he wouldnt even be considered great amongst the best ever. Miz gets okay reaction when he comes out. He is supposed to be the top heel yet Punk, Vickie, and Cole make is heat look like a cat's whimper. He repeats the same lame catchphrases to nausiem. His matches are not great and never memorable. He only had 1 high-profile match against cena before he won the strap. He did virtually nothing with the U.S. title. Miz/Show sucked but Miz/Morrison was good. That dont make you championship material though. The guy has not improved in over-all performance, he cant work the crowd in his matches, to make up for his lack of wrestling skills, and he dosent know how to build interest and animosity into a fued. All these things are returning in little drawing ability.

If you are disspointed with the way Miz has been booked, what did you expect ? Miz didnt accomplish anything of significane his whole career, never had any stellar performances, never had any big wins, and this guy is supposed to be taken seriously ? The camps are supposed to be the best in the biz. Miz was never built to be taken as a legitmate threat, so they have him sneakly win, which impresses no one and they give him opponents like Lawler that dont do anything to build his cred. You cant sit here and tell me his fued with Lawler or Orton did anything to spark the wrestling worlds interest. He has done nothing to justify the continuation of his reign. The buyrates are down, the ratings havent changed. He isnt even the biggest heel on the show. His matches are an afterthought. He is just average.
Miz hasnt given me ONE good much in his WHOLE reign as WWE Champion, only if he is getting his ASS carried (etc John Morrison in the falls count anywhere on Raw and Daniel Bryan a few weeks ago). Ever since his storyline with Cena has started he just looks more unimportant and whiny every week.
There aren't many who are fans of the Miz, well during his WWE title run. Now the Miz has said many times he's always looked up to The Rock, and would love to work with him.

First, a sarcastic question... Who's the most over guy in the WWE.... I'm not gonna mess about, its John Cena. The Rocks return has caused ratings to rise... Is this a surprise.. Not really. As we've seen, his promos even today are the best in the world. So my question is this.. Why are they pushing just the John Cena/Rock situation?? I've without a doubt been enjoying it, but would it hurt to remember the match is Miz Vs Cena for the WWE title, with it being the first time Miz has main evented the biggest PPV ever! (You know what I mean when I say main event). They should get the Miz involved, even have The Rock mention him more often, as it's a valuable chance to get the match over, and possibly give Miz that rub. It wouldn't hurt to have The Rock mention him every now and then, and vice versa.

Hopefully this whole boycott by Miz is due to lack of attention, putting him back in the picture in any capacity. If not, I don't see the point of having their WWE Champion miss a RAW weeks before Mania, while Cena addresses The Rock Again!
This is what I think is gonna happend john cena is gonna win the title then the rock is gonna rock bottom both cena and miz then the rock is gonna leave till summerslam I whould say The Rock is gonna return and cost cena the title then he wont show up again till around royal rumble or elimination chamber attacking cena again setting up a match between the two at WM in mami
I have a feeling Miz will win via cheating, then The Rock and Cena will double team Miz (and Riley?), who both leave the win, title in hand, whilst The Rock and Cena stare down. The crowd jizz their pants, eventually they either shake hands, pose together or Cena leaves giving The Rock his last real hurrah.

Then we go over to Taker vs. Triple H.
Shoot Me! Didnt you just watch RAW. I actually think the MIZ is AWESOME. He did really well tonight.
If you haven't noticed, the Miz has been trying to use the Rock/Cena relationship to his advantage, and theres still 3 RAWs left for Miz to interject himself.
I think the Miz did pretty good for himself tonight. I haven't seen Cena that beat down since the arrival of the Nexus.
The guy who ran in the ring got more of a response than the Miz. It's still hard to believe he is champ. Having said that, if you are going to put the title in him, than let him have more of a role.
Im just saying! The Miz needs you all to RESPECT!

He hasn't done anything to earn my respect.
He's overrated on the mic and a pretty boring champion. Maybe it's his booking or maybe he's just not that good. He still has a lot of improvement.

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