**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

I really don't know why most of you are shooting on the Miz. I think he's doing a great job. He is still finding ways to get heat against Cena when he has the shadow of the Rock covering the rest of the arena. He hasn't had a chance to get eye to eye yet with the Rock which I am sure will happen in the next two weeks.

Right now he is in a similar position as Chris Jericho was a few years ago when he had a wrestlemania date with the Rock and Stone Cold. Whether or not it turns into a triple threat match remains to be seen. Probably it will end up with the Rock being the special ref.

What the Miz has for his charchter that Jericho didn't last year is that he is monotone and then yelling but his facial expressions convey a sense of intensity that Jericho's didn't. His approach was the smug sneering look that I don't think really suited Jericho.

I firmly believe that in the next few weeks and at Wrestlemania Miz is going to get 'a moment'. It could be getting a lucky win over Cena and then while the Rock raises his hand giving him the skull crushing finale or something really different like rescuing the Rock after a match should Cena do a big turn.

They didn't put Miz in against Cena with the Rock involved for no reason, I think that reason will end up showing itself in a way that helps the Miz.
The Miz will hold his own and overcome and receive a VERY strong push after Wrestlemania (Given that The Miz does not loose to Cena)...If The Miz looses to Cena, you might as well forget about The Miz in my opinion as The Miz will probably become very over shadowed.

The Miz looks great and if The Miz succeeds then you will see a very Strong Side of The Miz begin to shine to everyone's Liking!

God Bless!

This is my problem with him. He is already the champ, but still needs a push. The WWE tries to make him seem like a main eventer. He's has held the US and tag belts at the same time, he held the US belt forever, but rarely defended it, he won and cashed in money in the bank, he has an announcer constantly talking him up, has a flunky, and still isn't believable in my opinion. He seems like he is just trying to be a rip off of Jericho. He isn't a big guy, his wrestling is average at best. There is just nothing special about him. I cringed when he mention beating Cena and the Rock in the same night. As hard as the WWE has tried to make us all believers, I can see it happen. I hate to bash the guy because I'm sure he works hard at what he does, I just feel he has no business as the WWE champion.
i was at the show in philly when he had the ladder match with lawler on lawlers bday i thought that was the end of the lawler miz angle but no they give miz and lawler another match at EC which took away all his credit in my eyes is he the only champ to not defend his title in the chamber its like they wanted to give him a free pass to mania its just sad his title reign is looking worse than reys first reign
i was at the show in philly when he had the ladder match with lawler on lawlers bday i thought that was the end of the lawler miz angle but no they give miz and lawler another match at EC which took away all his credit in my eyes is he the only champ to not defend his title in the chamber its like they wanted to give him a free pass to mania its just sad his title reign is looking worse than reys first reign

Nail on the head my friend its lazy booking if miz would have found some way to win and retain in the chamber it would have legitamized him as a champion, i dont care if he hid on the top of a pod for most of the match and then hit a skull crushing finale on the last guy to retain it would have furthered him as a heel and he could have bragged the whole way to mania how he beat morrison, cena, orton, punk, and sheamus in such a brutal match.

What sucks the most is if cena wins its the same exact thing as always cena winning at mania, cena being champ and if Miz wins its a not worthy champion in the eyes of some fans having a wrestlemania moment over the face of the company
I laughed at the "doctors note" because it's so stupid. And I doubt there gonna end Cena's 1v1 WM streak (you ever noticed Cena's never lost a 1v1 match at WM?) "Superman" can't lose when it counts the most you know.

PS. I'm not a hater.

I didn't laugh because Cena's stuff was so boring, old and cliche. He's used this same type of humor for so long that I'm tired of it. Hell even his thuganomics return last monday made me cringe. Than again I've always found rap especially the whole "free style" thing to be stupid. Just not my thing.

As for the Miz I enjoyed his promos in the beginning because he came out of nowhere and it really made him get noticed. But lately he's just been horrible. He's just been repeating the same boring stuff for so long. He needs to mix it up and take some better shots at Cena or something because he's starting to look really weak against Cena and going into WM you want him to be at his best especially on the mic.

Sorry to say this but I don't feel that he's main event material.
Wow, fans are fickle. I don't know what people expected of The Miz, what or who they thought he was but DAMN! I'm glad I'm not a wrestler, if this is the reaction I could expect after I had one bad night where I didn't look like a world beater. All I saw was the same Miz that has been on Raw for the past however many months, no better no worse. Has it occurred to anyone that maybe him looking weak right now is intentional? That maybe they want him to look weak going into WM? Either way, what is he supposed to do with The Rock doing as well as he is, and Cena doing as well as he is? I'd think it would be hard for anyone to follow that, even a good mic worker. This vehement hatred and upheaval of the IWC towards The Miz right now is kind of ridiculous. If anyone was ever under the illusion that he was any better than average that is your fault not his.
For everyone who said that cena aint good on the mic and cant hang with the rock. Pull ur head out of ur ass. You cant admit that cena is great. If u dont like hime dont comment on this thread. Its about the miz not cena.
Yeah i kinda got that feeling watching Raw, The Miz kinda looked weak during the whole thing. I like the Miz don't get me wrong, but at the moment his build up to WM isn't that interesting. Between the feud with Cena and The Rock, Miz has been pushed to the background. Which in someways i suppose can't really be helped, let's face it people have wanted to see Rock vs Cena for years.

My problem with the whole thing besides making Miz looking weak as an opponent for Cena, is Where does all this Build up with The Rock and Cena end up? What a Rock Bottom/People's Elbow at WM? as good as that is too see, there is an lot of time and effort being put into The Rock and Cena verbally going at each other, for it just to end with a small beat up at WM. (even though Cena was Strong last weak, but this weak was just awful and not funny with his promo). We are still 4 weeks out roughly from WM, and things can change but i am hoping with the Face-to-Face confrontation with Rock and Cena, that it somehow ends with Cena giving up his Title shot at the Miz for a match with The Rock, a) Miz will benefit and have a better build up with another Opponent (hopefully Morrison) and b) its the only real conclusion with Rock and Cena that would warrant from all this build up (but it most likely won't happen).

But this whole feud at the moment has nothing to do with the Miz, as everyone is focused on Rock and Cena, even Cena doesn't take Miz seriously which is bad as a build up to WM.
Just no.

If you watched the show tonight, you actually saw the opposite of what most of you are saying. From a purely objective point of view, you saw one of Rock's weaker promos. He did some good things within it, but he pulled a Flair and rambled a bit in it and didn't always get to the point. Cena's rebuttal to Miz was average at best and not very funny. He's comedy is hit and miss and today it was mostly miss. Then, you had The Miz.

The things he said today were spot on, and the lines about Rock ignoring him were perfect. Miz is painting this picture of being the "forgotten man", yet how can you forget him? He's the champion after all. The more I watch this program, the more I am impressed by Miz and the more I start to think that he might just win at Mania.

When this idea was presented a couple of months ago, I thought for sure that Miz would drop the belt at the chamber, but his reign has been the best heel reign on Raw probably since the Age of Orton in 2007-2008.

As for the criticism that he is monotone...........so was Chris Jericho in this last run. It is a style that gets people to focus on content and not flare. He wants you not to listen to what he has to say, but to HEAR him. He's not trying to be funny, he's trying to be informative. The things he says he believes are truth (a trait most heels possess) and you need to pay attention. As a Rock mark, I don't think I ever thought I'd utter these words, but if you are being fair, out of Rock, Cena, and Miz tonight, Miz's promo was the best.

I won't address the "not credible champion" stuff because it's lame. His title reign has been fantastic in so many ways and he is freakin main eventing Wrestlemania. I guarantee that if the reign was bad, he would not be doing so.

The kid is on the brink of mega-stardom, and he may achieve it in one month's time. He might just beat Cena on the big show, which will solidify his place on top for a long, long time. Even if he doesn't, you can be sure that his push will not be over. The guy has proven to be a commodity in the main event and he will be there moving forward. Keep hating though, it's perfect for his character.
I really don't know why most of you are shooting on the Miz. I think he's doing a great job. He is still finding ways to get heat against Cena when he has the shadow of the Rock covering the rest of the arena. He hasn't had a chance to get eye to eye yet with the Rock which I am sure will happen in the next two weeks.

Right now he is in a similar position as Chris Jericho was a few years ago when he had a wrestlemania date with the Rock and Stone Cold. Whether or not it turns into a triple threat match remains to be seen. Probably it will end up with the Rock being the special ref.

What the Miz has for his charchter that Jericho didn't last year is that he is monotone and then yelling but his facial expressions convey a sense of intensity that Jericho's didn't. His approach was the smug sneering look that I don't think really suited Jericho.

I firmly believe that in the next few weeks and at Wrestlemania Miz is going to get 'a moment'. It could be getting a lucky win over Cena and then while the Rock raises his hand giving him the skull crushing finale or something really different like rescuing the Rock after a match should Cena do a big turn.

They didn't put Miz in against Cena with the Rock involved for no reason, I think that reason will end up showing itself in a way that helps the Miz.

Completely 100% Agree with everything here. I can see Miz winning the title, Rock raising his hand, and Miz hits him with a SCF. Stands above the past, raises his title, and cements himself as the present.

I don't know how Miz will win, as i just can't see him beating superman clean at Mania, and now it seems like he won't have A-Ry either, but i can see the above happening, and hope it does. As at this stage, i really wish the Miz wasn't caught in the middle of this Rock vs Cena thing.

Remember, he said he will beat the Rock and Cena in the same night, and i believe he will.
Ive somewhat come to see where the WWE and where its future and direction lies now.
There will only ever be ONE Rock and ONE Cena. You cannot repeat history with two influential characters and people both of whom have redefined the industry and the word 'promo'.

This is where The Miz steps in.Would you want The Miz interrupting a battle of words and promos? No.Because that would make you hate The Miz not for his character, but for his arrogance and few years with the company.
As most people have said hes "been overshowded" and "left out" but quite frankly I think thats what the wwe wants right now,and so do the fans.

We all want to see what Cena says back to the Rock,and what The Rock says back.Having the Miz trashtalk about how hes going to mania etc.. etc.. doesnt give The Miz valued ideas of why he should be the biggest star.

Still a month to Wrestlemania and I hope Miz gets his turn to prevail in the Cena/Rock situation.
Just no.

If you watched the show tonight, you actually saw the opposite of what most of you are saying. From a purely objective point of view, you saw one of Rock's weaker promos. He did some good things within it, but he pulled a Flair and rambled a bit in it and didn't always get to the point.

Don't get me wrong, but isn't Ric Flair universally considered as one of the best ever on the stick? If tonight was one of Rock's weaker promos, and he just "pulls a Flair", then damn this guy must be good.

I'm no John Cena fan, but I'll admit his work last week was good. He reverted back this week with his forced intonations and corny jokes though. Miz, like mostly everyone has said, is lost in this Rock-Cena hype.

For those saying that he's "trying to go unnoticed" please just stop trying to stick up for him. He's unnoticed because people just don't care. It's been said previously, and it's perfect description of what's happened : People are looking forward to Rock-Cena and not Cena-Miz.

Hell, the WWE should just advertise "THE ROCK in the same ring as JOHN CENA as he faces the miz for the WWE title". He's an afterthought in this program thus far.
See now whats happening is, you guys are finally seeing what ive been saying for MONTHS about the miz. HE'S NOT THAT GOOD AT ALL!!!!!!!! And he's being exposed when put up against the likes of cena and the rock.

In all honesty, the rock came back and basically challenged miz and cena to up their game, big time. Cena been able to rise to the occasion, miz has not. Its now CLEAR that the miz really has no business being champion. He is clearly being out classed and out shined in this feud with the rock and cena. Hell the rock doesnt even bother mentioning the miz's name. smh....his mic skills are limited and he CANNOT wrestle and its all being exposed now that hes being put up against the big dogs, and you ppl dare to be surprised??? come on now ppl
I dont know what show you were watching tonight...but, the rock cut a EXTREMELY boring ass, and LONG promo that put me to sleep, and John cena somehow topped that in CRAPPINESS. Yeah, both the rock, and cena had great FIRST promos, but tonight they sucked ass, and the miz actually was FAR more entertaining than either one of them. Hell, I'll even say that the miz was the most entertaining thing of the night! That camera phone thing was hilarious. HHH...maybe beat him. Everyone loves table smashing.

I'm not gonna lie...the miz is the ONLY thing that has me intrigued about the main event in wrestlemania. Sorry...but I can only take so many cliche one liners. The rock bores me with that. Cena is good...but I'm fairly sick of him too. The miz makes me care. I also think that whatever situation may arise between him, the rock, and cena at wrestlemania....the miz will come out on top. AND HE SHOULD.
Cena's promo was terrible. Cena is just so plain jane and vanilla, and I just want him off the mic. (Actually, whenever I go to RAW or watch WWE I change the channel or leave during a Cena moment.)

The Rock started out slow, but was still able to get the biggest pop of the night during his "weaker" promo, which still makes the current generation look pathetic in comparison.

The Miz did a okay job on the mic this week and was better than Cena. However, with each verbal battle between these 3 you see where Rock is totally above Miz/Cena in personality and charm (which is something both men DO NOT have) in their perspective wrestling persona.

All in all Miz as WWE champion is still a joke to me. He feuded with Lawler because that is his current level as a wrestler. JoMo and AmDrag carried Miz to his best matches of 2011 so far. Miz tried to carry Lawler at EC and they stunk up the joint.

Miz will win at WM27 and hopefully JoMo (or whoever wins MITB) will cash in on him.
At the end of the day, no matter what his dick-riders say, the Miz fucking sucks.

As someone else said, Punk/Barrett/or Ziggler would be thriving in this situation. But no, it's the Miz. His look (hair included), his mic skills, even his in-ring ability, his over-ness with the crowd, and anything else I can think of fucking sucks. I am so tired of this guy, why is there even hype?? I understand the hype for Morrison because holy shit that guy is entertaining as hell in the ring but how in GODS NAME is the Miz entertaining?



He is not the 'next Jericho'. He is not the 'next HBK'. He is, however, boring as shit and overrated. This title run has fucking SUCKED. His feud with Orton was ASS. And now he's getting overshadowed by 2 guys that are just better than him in every way imaginable and one hasn't even wrestled in SEVEN YEARS.

People bitch and moan about it being the same shit with Cena every week. But what about the Miz?


And when he isn't interfering in a match and he's actually in one? It fucking blows. I know that's OK for heels to have almost all un-legit wins because that's "heel tactics" or whatever the IWC makes up to make themselves feel like they know something, but if you're going to make the end of a match the same thing over and over again (again, people criticize cena for that but LOVEEE the Miz) at least be a good in-ring performer so when you get DQ'd or someone interferes when the ref isn't looking you can at least say "well the finish wasn't clean but at least that was a good match". The guy doesn't give people their moneys-worth. Fuck the Miz, give the strap to Cena, HHH, Barrett, Punk, or even Santino for petes sake. Miz sucks.
Sure, The Miz can hold his own in the ring. Nobody doubts that. It's the microphone that where he can't hold his own. He's getting completely owned. No, worse than that, he's getting ignored almost. Treated like someone that doesn't even belong in the discussion. And he's the Champ. That's not good.

Well, when you put him up againt two of the best talkers the business has ever seen, he would get lost in the shuffle. The Miz is the WWE champion because of his mic skills.
I truly wonder if the majority of you still need your mommy to wipe your ass for you? It's clear that the most of you need your storylines and promos fed to you with a spoon, shaped like a choo choo train. Maybe Vince should make a leap of faith and we can get the G era going for you guys, at least maybe then, you just might be able to comprehend these O'so complicated storylines and promos.

If you can't recognize the talent of the Miz, in all likely hood you're probably an R-Truth fan. Miz cuts a better, more realistic promo 9/10 times when comparing Miz/Cena. Cena gets on the mic, yells a little bit, pops open his usually can of cheese wiz and lathers it on good. Miz cuts a unique, different promo almost every time he's out there, and like a good heel, he always gets a nice rain of boos from the crowd.

Believe it or not, you guys are going to be stuck with the Miz for a long loooooong time to come, we're talking about The Miz possibly going over Cena and The Rock at Wrestlemania, that's a rub a push and a putover from the two of the biggest superstars to grace the squared circle in the last ten years.

You guys can't recognize talent because the Miz plays his heel role to perfection, that's why all you little kiddies are getting your diapers in a wad. The big bad heel as a chance of retaining and is getting a rub from the ghosts of Christmas past and present.
Was I the only one who realized Cena went back to his "Poopy Joke, Monkey face routine" last night. He has been doing that for years and it always sucked.

Cena is NOT one of the best talkers ever, and to whoever said that has not watched wrestling before 2002. Cena is terrible, not as bad as Miz but terrible on the mic none the less. White america may love his jokes, but they are extremely painful and so NOT funny.

On topic, while the Miz looked bad the past couple of weeks he can still redeem himself. Let Miz beat down Cena every week now until WM27 and that would do wonders for him, too bad WWE will not book that.
not only does Miz look horrible imo but Cena looks almost as bad....Rock coming back has proved that these guys really arent that great as WWE portrays them...I think I read somewhere Jericho said something like this where Rock coming back was bad and good in that its finally good to see him again, but its bad because the talent currently has nowhere near the level of talent Rock has...Rock didnt even have to be in the damn building and he electrified and got a bigger pop than Cena...not to mention Cena got booed last night....Cena can act all high and mighty and pretend that Rock is the bad guy bashing him, but its a front because he knows he would get owned on the mic which is something Cena has never had to deal with looking at current list of talent Cena looks like Superman but comparing him with Rock he looks like a hamster compared with a anaconda.... but Cena hasnt said anything on the matter besides a stupid rap making himself look bad, acknowledging that the current Cena could never go toe to toe with the Great One.....I will say that Miz did look better last night, in fact he looked like a champion, but the only the thing I realized that Cena brought up was that he needs to ditch Riley because Riley has gotten to be kinda lame hanging around Miz and brings Miz stock down quite a bit....only bad thing they did last night was have Miz attack Daniel Bryan for no reason....it made Daniel Bryan look better than Miz because why is Miz attacking mid-carders? why associate an attack with a midcarder that he couldnt beat a few months back? If Miz were solo, he could prove himself more in the ring which is the main reason people criticize him so much....having Riley there all the time proves he cant finish a match on his own....
Oh here we go again with the IWC. First they say that the Miz is great and should be WWE champ. Then when he gets it they turn on him and say that he wasn't ready and he sucks. I saw the same thing with Edge and RVD. Some in the IWC will just never be happy. The WWE are giving The Miz a raw deal in that he is being forgotten in this Rock/Cena battle and he is the champ. Raw should be all about him and Cena for the comming weeks leading to WM27. They are the main event and need to be built that way.
[cL];2898506 said:
You know, i said that exact same thing when he won the title and EVERYBODY jumped down my throat about it. the miz is great! the miz is the future. he worked hard. the miz this and the miz that and everything that has happened within the last 3 weeks did nothing but prove the point I made when he won the title in the first place. He's not ready. He is NOT ready. He may be willing but he is unable and the ROCK MEANS UNABLE to hold his own where it counts. His promo's are lack luster and its not like he makes up for it in size like Brock Lesnar or that he makes up for it with in ring ability like Chris Benoit. Neither of these guys could hold a mic and talk if you taped it to their hands. The Miz doesn't have size, and he doesn't have extraordinary in ring talent. He's not Hercules who was more than a man yet less than a god. He's the Miz. More than a jobber, but way less than a main eventer. (now THAT was awesome)

Exactly! "More than a jobber, but way less than a main eventer", otherwise known as MID-CARD TALENT!!! That's where he's belonged from the beginning and where he should've stayed all along! I said he had no business having the title put on him when he won also but everyone was saying how great he was and I couldn't figure out why the HELL everyone was singing his praises. As you said, he is sub par AT BEST on the mike and he doesn't supplement that by being huge like Brock Lesnar or ring ability like Chris Benoit.
The fact that people said Cena beat Miz on the mic last night says it all really. Miz delivered an impressive promo where he made sure he got across the point that he is only focusing on Wrestlemania. He didn't call the Rock out because he didn't need to. He built up the Wrestlemania match alot better than Cena did who made a "mockery" out of it. Cena, I don' think, mentioned the match at WM 27 more than twice. All he did was bring out a doctor's note and make stupid jokes about Alex Riley and Miz. This is why I cannot see how people can say Cena "owned" Miz last night.

Onto another point. The WWE have intended it to be this way. They only want the Rock and Cena. The Rock only mentioned Miz once and Miz only mentions how he is the face of the company after the Rock. Some might say it's not doing Miz any favors and maybe so. But last night who ran the 2nd hour of the show? Miz came out and cut a promo THEN attacked Daniel Bryan THEN sat on commentary THEN outsmarted Cena THEN got the SCF in. He doesnt care about A-Ry when the WWE Title is concerned. Some might say he wanted Cena to win. So he could attack him after the match. Hence the reason why I said he outsmarted him.

That's 2 weeks in a row now in which Miz has gotten the better of Cena. Btw, I'm not even going to respond to the "Miz is horrible" with only a few lines which is:

His mic skills are the best in the company, next to CM Punk. He knows how to work the crowd with his words and doesn't say the same thing every week except for: Must see WWE Champion and I'm Awesome- because they are catchphrases. Last night I watched carefully as I read a few people saying Miz start slowly....then SHOUTS but he didn't. He spoke in a confident manner and got his message across. And if I ever hear or read anyone saying that Miz gets cheap heat! Cheap heat is insulting the crowd or local sports team- did Miz do that last night? No
I do think that the Cena/Rock verbal war is overshadowing the Cena/Miz title match at Wrestlemania. To me, this feud should be based around how Miz has grown since he first faced Cena at the Bash a long time ago. To me, Miz is doing a great job on the mic calling out both Cena and Rock but is being pushed aside. The more I look on it, the more I think that's to build up on the whole "no one takes Miz seriously as WWE Champion" thing. Which leads me to believe that Miz winning at Wrestlemania against the arguably biggest star in WWE today will cause everyone to eat their words and truly solidify Miz as a star.
I think for me the problem with the Miz is that he's become generic and boring and has lost the edge that made him stand out in the first place. Since he's become champion he's been a great cowardly heel but you could pick half the roster who could do that exact role, there's nothing different about him. I think that's a major problem with the guys who've been pushed recently, they're typecast into one dimensional roles and they can't break out of them.

You'd think that the Miz being a good talker would make him stand out still but now he's down to repeating himself every week, milking the one catch phrase and telling people what's going to happen. For me that's dull, unimaginative and makes me want to change the channel when ever he's on. It's all just so familiar and tiresome.

The WWE could probably boast that the Miz has got a lot of heat and that people want to see Cena beat him, which is true, but the only reason this match will be big is because of Cena. Put Miz against any other opponent and he barely gets any reaction. This isn't all his fault, but I wouldn't say the crowd care about him (good or bad) at all and the only heat he gets is from people annoyed that he's going on and on.

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