*Merged* The Miz's Future - KEEP IT IN HERE

I have this wierd feeling that with all the rumors online of the Miz having alot of heat on him from WWE upstairs is all a decoy . It is almost certain that WWE is going to pull a fast one on us and have Miz win the Elimination Chamber Match. Its really unpredictable and clever. The WWE Internet fans are all thinking that Miz is in trouble, when in realitly its all a cover up. Again this is my opinion and not a fact.
what if WWE swerves all of us and has Miz win MITB AGAIN?!? I mean, it honestly wouldn't be the worst route to go. He could cash in on a face champion and have a nice reign on either show, it wouldn't surprise me. They don't have a lot of places for him right now.
Whilst he didn't win, the man was in the main event of RAW, can't be all that bad for him....

He'll likely be in the MiTB match at Mania, and have a decent chance of winning it imo.
I have this wierd feeling that with all the rumors online of the Miz having alot of heat on him from WWE upstairs is all a decoy . It is almost certain that WWE is going to pull a fast one on us and have Miz win the Elimination Chamber Match. Its really unpredictable and clever. The WWE Internet fans are all thinking that Miz is in trouble, when in realitly its all a cover up. Again this is my opinion and not a fact.

At this point would giving him the belt be a reward or a punishment? Yes, it would seem like a reward, but at the same time they could give him the title just to make him the third wheel of Jericho vs. Punk much like he was with Rock & Cena last year.
I have this wierd feeling that with all the rumors online of the Miz having alot of heat on him from WWE upstairs is all a decoy . It is almost certain that WWE is going to pull a fast one on us and have Miz win the Elimination Chamber Match. Its really unpredictable and clever. The WWE Internet fans are all thinking that Miz is in trouble, when in realitly its all a cover up. Again this is my opinion and not a fact.

I don't think that will happen but it would be a cool swerve if it did happen. Miz could then say that he planted all the stories and we believed it. Can you imagine the heat he'd get for that?

This late in the game, he's probably not going to win the belt because it would totally mess up the WM picture, in terms of who the miz would fight for the belt. Unless they made it a triple threat, Miz vs. Punk vs. Jericho.
At this point would giving him the belt be a reward or a punishment?

Ironically, Rey Mysterio won the WHC in 2010 after smashing Undertaker in the face with the 619.

For Miz, I could definitely see him in later years trying to be a person within the company. Right now though, he needs to wade through this rough river. How he comes out of it will dictate his future in my opinion.
I think that there may be some heat on Miz but most of the rumors seem made up. Like blaming the low buyrate of Survivor Series on Miz. Survivor Series was supposed to be about The Rock returning to the ring after a gap of 7 years and if that alone cannot result in a huge buyrate, then there must be something very wrong. Maybe the fact that Miz and Truth were booked like shit in the lead up to the event played a part in the low rating. Maybe Rock's lack of appearances played a part. Either way, I can think of a million reasons for the low buyrate of Survivor Series before I even come to Miz. The R-Truth botch may have gotten him some heat but then again R-Truth is hardly a big name in the WWE. Maybe that same deal against Cena or Orton may have landed him in trouble, but against R-Truth, it looks unlikely.

I think that The Miz is getting overshadowed, plain and simple. The creative seems to have nothing for him at this point. A move to Smackdown or simply a face turn should freshen things up for him but both look highly unlikely before WrestleMania. I would not be surprised if Miz does not even make it to the WrestleMania card this year or maybe gets relegated to having a dark match. I guess it is kind of unfortunate because Miz is not really at fault here. There is simply better talent available at this point.
Miz will be just fine. They know Miz has a bright future in the business and they know he will bust his ass to stay on top. A couple of blips wont change that. This guy does A LOT of work promoting WWE and John Cena has spoken of how highly he and WWE regard him for this. I don't buy into the blaming for low SS buy rates. It is pathetic, just like the idiot who reported this 'news'. I don't buy it at all. It is utter nonsense.

I do see Miz getting drafted to Smackdown after Wrestlemania and rightly so. The move would be good for him and Smackdown.
The Miz looked pretty good last night in the Chamber. I'm not ready to say that all these stories about the Miz are untrue but perhaps they are overblown. He doesn't appear to be in the doghouse. I mean the Chamber match came down to him and Punk. He looked very impressive, IMO, the whole time he was in there. If he were in Vince's doghouse they would have had him eliminated first.
If the WWE bosses are angry at Miz and punishing him then the whole of the mid-card should botch a move on Truth. It seems strange that the man who was the one harmed was made to look fairly weak by going out first, that looked more like a punishment or maybe an injury. I think it is most likely the latter, but I wonder whether there some anger at Truth for trying that move when there was only Miz to catch him. I know when I saw I felt that Miz was at fault but if had caught him, it could have hurt them both. I don't know, but any anger towards Miz is clearly gone.
I have this wierd feeling that with all the rumors online of the Miz having alot of heat on him from WWE upstairs is all a decoy . It is almost certain that WWE is going to pull a fast one on us and have Miz win the Elimination Chamber Match. Its really unpredictable and clever. The WWE Internet fans are all thinking that Miz is in trouble, when in realitly its all a cover up. Again this is my opinion and not a fact.

It's not exactly a "coverup" or a "guess" that Miz dropped R-Truth on his ass and could have seriously injured him. The idea that management are angry with him comes from that, as well as his poor in ring performances lately.
Miz is fine. A lot of people overreacted to some stuff they heard on the internet, which was probably an exaggeration anyway. Don't get me wrong, he did drop R-Truth, but I don't think they ever considered sandbagging him like a ton of people were saying. Miz has actually been doing pretty well for himself as of late, facing CM Punk in a one-on-one match and putting on a fine performance in the Elimination Chamber. Miz isn't a perfect main eventer, but he's working in his current role very well. He could be lifted back up to the WWE Championship with relative ease, if need be.

I envision Miz getting a few more holdover feuds with some fringe main event types and maybe even entering Money in the Bank again -- which he could very well win. The future is bright for Miz. He's a former WWE Champion, he's young, and he's improving. Like I said, he's not perfect, but he gets the job done. He's a good heel and he's great on the mic, if they build around that alone they can get him to go places. I can see him winning the WWE Championship again this year, maybe even the World Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown -- they just need to get past the WrestleMania stretch.
After seeing RAW on Monday, where are they going with The Miz? What's going to be his role at WM? Is he going to be the one in a celebrity match?

If there's no MITB, where do they fit him in. He seems to have a storyline of being left out and he'll do anything to get on the WM card.

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