*Merged* The Miz's Future - KEEP IT IN HERE

He'll probably get a stay in the doghouse now that Drew McIntyre seems to be out. I think blaming him for Survivor Series was one of the more absurd uses of a scapegoat I've ever seen; however, that missed spot with Truth could be what seals the deal for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if they scrap any major plans for him at Mania this year. Every superstar messes up every once in a while but the volatile backstage politics cause superstars to get buried easily when they're already in hot water. Will his stint in the doghouse be totally deserved? No. Will it happen anyway? Yes.
The past few months haven't been the best for Miz. He's been labeled as the scapegoat to be blamed for Survivor Series low numbers and now he's botching matches. The same thing happened to Kennedy and looked what happened to him. Is the the Miz doomed to be the next Mr. Kennedy? Thoughts?
Hopefully, he isn't a credible personality in my eyes, sure a lot of people will defend him and like him but, I just don't. He hasn't been any good since he split with JoMo IMO. his current heel persona is terrible, I like what they tried doing with him but it didn't work. Whenever he appears on TV I mute it or see what else is on until he goes again.

Only time I like watching Miz is when he is getting the crap beaten out of him.

All that said, you can see me being biased but it wouldn't suprise me if he was blamed for the Survivor Series PPV being poor, but I would blame creative, the whole PPV looked terrible and I wasn't the least bit interested in watching it.

The Rock probably didn't draw, Cena probably did, Miz and Truth were OK but they were getting squashed by Cena every week on raw and it left everyone thinking, he don't need the Rock.

On last night, it seemed as if he didn't know he was coming when I first watched it (will have to watch the replay) It looked as if Miz was slow getting up, he was looking at the floor and then Truth comes flying down ontop of him.

I don't know if anyone else thinks that? It seemed as if Truth may have been the victim of his own failure to me, it seemed as though the Miz wasn't ready for him, not being funny but should Truth have waited until miz was looking straight him like the normally do?
I don't think so. The Miz has already done more than Kennedy. He's main evented Wrestlemania and he beat the WWE's top star, John Cena, at Wrestlemania. He's held the WWE title, US title, Tag team belts.

I highly doubt WWE cuts ties with him. With Kennedy, they gave him every opportunity and he failed. He could never quite get over and just when it seemed that he was about to, he messed it up. He messed up the "Mr. McMahon's bastard son" storyline which WWE never forgave him for.

I'm not buying the low survivor series buyrate being Miz's fault story. That does not seem true at all. The R-Truth thing was an accident. It happens. Kennedy failed at every opportunity he was given. Miz hasn't.
Well when he jobbed to Kingston two RAWs ago I kind of had the feeling he was in the doghouse. You don't job like that as a star they had a major push planned for. Now with the botched spot I think it will be a while, if ever, he's given a push. The Survivor Series blame is complete nonsense as it really no one cares about a Cena/Rock tag team.
Miz isn't done. He might get sent to Smackdown and buried on the midcard there for awhile but I don't see him being done for something like this.

Stranger things have happened though.
The amount of years ive watched WWE and i will always fail to understand how it works. Miz is one of the most hard working guys there is, he is there media guy, here there and everywhere. I dont get how he can get blamed for the survivor series ratings and last night like you said it happens. I hope he does bounce back and get out the doghouse and not become a jobber! But they do drop talents so would not suprise me at all, pretty crap how it all works if you ask me.
The Miz and Drew situations are totally different. Drew was on a talented RAW brand at the time when they had everyone, and he was never a World Champion. Miz on the other hand, brings a lot to the table for example the media. He's had several late night show appearances and WWE recognizes that.

Miz is currently on the same boat as Alberto Del Rio. They both got blamed for poor buyrates. Miz is far from finished or buried. When he lost the match clean to Kofi, I just took it as WWE re-establishing Kingston as a singles competitor and a threat, and by giving him a win over Miz definately did that. Think about it Kofi needed that match more then Miz did, because he needs relevance to be in the Elimination Chamber match.

The spot of being the young NEW heel in WWE is still up for grabs. Not counting Jericho, Henry, or Kane, because they're in a different class of having already being there and did that. I'm talking about the new heel of the company is still up for grabs, and Miz, Barrett, Del Rio, Ziggler, Rhodes, and more still have the chance of being that heel that everyone hated, much like a Attitude Era HHH. To me Miz is ahead of the pack of being the best heel today because his charisma, connection with the crowd, and he draws more heat. WWE isnt that stupid to throw all that away by jobbing him.
I wouldn't say he's finished, but I don't see him winning the WWE or WH Championship in the near future. I see him being moved to SmackDown in this year's draft. The Miz is supposedly the next face of the WWE, so I don't see him in the doghouse forever.
Miz isn't done in the slightest way at all, last night's mistake in the end wasn't serious and may just inevitably be a small simple blemish on his career.

I don't know about how much Vince likes the guy but by how great of a year he is coming off it's easy to infer that he has a even brighter future ahead of him. At first I didn't like the Miz but by May of last year he had grown on me and is one of my favorites in the company today. My opinions aside, the botch last night was nothing major in terms of the outcome, it could have ended up a hell of a lot worse. Who's to blame is anyone's guess but will it hold Miz back in anyway? No he is still in the Elimination Chamber and one of the top heels on Raw. That alone should signify that it wouldn't be easy to put Miz in "doghouse" or degrade him to Superstars.

As far as jobbing to Kofi goes, it's Miz simply paying his dues. Everyone has to job at one point, there is no superstar that wins all the time and is infallible to loosing (despite what Cena haters might say). Kofi simply needed a bit of steam heading into the chamber match so he wouldn't seem so out of place, plus who knows what is in WWE's agenda for Kofi? One simple loss to a mid-card superstar isn't going to devolve your career to the point of being put on Superstars for god sakes? Talk about making a hyperbole reaction out of a minuscule loss. Like I said the accident could have been a lot worse but jobbing to Kofi is end for the Miz? Don't be silly.

Miz has a gleaming future in the company anyway you look at it, who knows he may just be Cena-successor come the next generation of superstars.
By Kennedy I mean how he was released for botching a move and the potential to break Orton's neck. I'd hate to see Miz get the hammer for this
If that's the case, then he's doing his job as a heel.

Maybe it could be seen that way, but any other time I just turn him off. Pretty sure turning him off isn't something they are looking for in a "heel". If it is, then well they really have lost it as far as getting people interested in the show goes :lmao:
The danger he has is whether others will work with him or not. What got Kennedy fired was that Orton said "no more"... It's less likely that Truth would say that about Miz as they are known to be friends, BUT... if Orton, Cena or anyone else watching says that then he is f***ed... If you can't trust a guy to catch you then he won't be there long...

As for the comparison with Drew, there isn't really one... Drew was in the doghouse because of Tiffany, the guy lost his marriage and did his time in the shit, the fact she was arrested spoke volumes about the situation ergo It wasn't his fault... Miz can blame no one but himself for flinching the way he did. The communication stuff was more down to him being flustered, once you make one botch you are far more likely to make more... Jericho looked like he was trying to get Miz through it as the veteran, hence not thinking about hiding it...
By Kennedy I mean how he was released for botching a move and the potential to break Orton's neck. I'd hate to see Miz get the hammer for this

Kennedy was released for a variety of reasons. He never got over, never main evented everything. WWE laid it out there for him and he could never get over the hump. He was constantly botching moves and could get to the cusp of getting over but then couldn't do it. Then he kept getting hurt.

The biggest reason, IMO, was that he seriously screwed up a feud that would have put him over as a mega heel. WWE's main storyline was "Who's Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son?" They spent weeks and weeks building it up and by all accounts, it was slated to be Mr. Kennedy. However, he went and got himself suspended for violating the wellness policy, right around the time they were supposed to make the big reveal. This WWE to say that the son was Hornswoggle, thus ruining the storyline they had invested so much time in.

Then if I recall correctly, he came back and got injured.
Then he came back from the injury and literally the day he came back, injured Orton.

That's a far cry from The Miz who main evented Wrestlemania last year as the WWE champion AND defeated John Cena.
So it Was Triple H who gave him the most heat ... yea cause hes never botched a move before in his life

its wrestling they have the warning all over the place to say dont try this at home etc

clearly they knows accidents like this happen i only hope miz apologized to truth for missin him on his way down ..i hope miz doesnt get buried because outside cmpunk jericho and dolph i actualy enjoy his work great workhorse

if he does get buried they should tag him with a returning sin cara :)
Everyone was talking about how Miz is like Shawn Michaels and Morrison is like Marty Jannetty, well, looks like Miz will be joining Morrison!

I'm joking, obviously! This won't damage Miz TOO MUCH, he'll job for a few weeks and then he'll just bounce back. If Truth is OK I really don't see the problem, however, had Truth broken something...well...Miz would be out of a job. He should consider his ass lucky.
From what I can tell and what I've heard, the Miz is a very prideful guy and now that these stories are coming about him having heat and being in the doghouse, it wouldn't surprise me if he works twice as hard and actually works himself back into Vince's good graces.

I hope he's still in the Elimination Chamber match but it wouldn't surprise me if they have Truth "injure" the Miz next week so he has to miss the Chamber as punishment.
So it Was Triple H who gave him the most heat ... yea cause hes never botched a move before in his life

its wrestling they have the warning all over the place to say dont try this at home etc

clearly they knows accidents like this happen i only hope miz apologized to truth for missin him on his way down ..i hope miz doesnt get buried because outside cmpunk jericho and dolph i actualy enjoy his work great workhorse

if he does get buried they should tag him with a returning sin cara :)

Besides Punk, I think The Miz has been the best champ in a long time. He's been the lightning rod for the blame game as of late. So I just worry the missed spot may effect him. I see him becoming the next JoMo before he either leaves or is cut.
Lord people. Who knows if him being blamed for the PPV numbers is even true. Much of the stuff is never accurate or true on these wrestling sites. But, people (especially the IWC) believe everything they freakin read. Take it with a grain of salt people geez. As for the botch, yes that was his fault, but shit happens. I'm not saying that's the type of attitude you should have, but it's common sense these things do happen. It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last time a wrestler botches. The Miz isn't done. He's worked his tail off to get to where he is and they won't fire him. No wrestler is perfect. Every wrestler gets heats on them at some point or another. It's how you handle them and move on from them.
The Miz messed up one spot, big fricking deal. Even some of the best have made mistakes. Kennedy made one too many mistakes.

The whole thing with Miz being blamed is ridiculous, with that being said we can say that Cena and Truth were the blame too. Hell even everyone else involved with the card of the night.

Just remember this is the dirt sheet and some of the sheets are complete shit.
No. WWE have invested countless hours promoting and establishing The Miz as one of their top heels. They could never do that with Kennedy. They're not going to scrap him now. He's also, besides Cena, their hardest worker.

The Miz is the new Sheamus. He's probably going to be demoted for a short period of time, as he should be, then he'll turn face and come back with a substantial push and another title reign.
Miz isn't done in the slightest way at all, last night's mistake in the end wasn't serious

As far as jobbing to Kofi goes, it's Miz simply paying his dues.

That was serious. He just stood there and did nothing to protect him. Thats the first rule of wrestling. Always attempt in everyway to keep the other guy from getting hurt. To me it seemed Miz cared more about not letting himself hurt instead of attempting to get in place for his spot. Yes botches do happen, but that was bush league.

As far as Miz simply paying his dues, Miz main evented Wrestlemania. You pay your dues for years before you even get that chance. You dont pay dues AFTER you become a WWE champion and headline the biggest PPV of the year
On last night, it seemed as if he didn't know he was coming when I first watched it (will have to watch the replay) It looked as if Miz was slow getting up, he was looking at the floor and then Truth comes flying down ontop of him.

I don't know if anyone else thinks that? It seemed as if Truth may have been the victim of his own failure to me, it seemed as though the Miz wasn't ready for him, not being funny but should Truth have waited until miz was looking straight him like the normally do?

No.I've watched and re-watched that spot multiple times. Miz had his eyes on Truth the whole time. From the moment Truth prepped the jump until when he was in the air, Miz was looking up at him. Once he was in the air though, Miz did a kind of shift to the right and then kind of shoved Truth away rather than catch him. There's no denying that was Miz's error.
He'll be fine. He'll take even more of a backseat probably, but he'll be okay. He won't be fired or anything, or even get the Drew McIntyre treatment (who, in my opinion isnt even doing that bad.. he's on TV every week)

The "Miz being blamed for low PPV numbers" sounds like complete BS to me.
Here's the thing, and there is no getting around it... It is luck, not judgement that saved Truth from death... not just injury but potential death. Truth seemed to realize at the last moment and tucked his head up (first rule of how to fall) so he hit with his tailbone, but of course he was gonna hit his head too... Miz put his colleague into a potentially fatal situation... something WWE cannot tolerate.

When D-Lo botched on Droz, there was drink in the ring, so he slipped, that was an accident. When Marty broke Charles Austin's neck, it was an accident, Misawa landing on his head, an accident... Had Truth broken his, it would not have been an accident, it would have been caused by Miz deciding in a split second that he didn't want to take the hit... The code of the biz is do everything to stop your colleauges getting hurt, even if you end up hurt yourself preventing it.

Realistically, I can't see Vince "gifting" Miz to TNA, but I can see a lengthy return to FCW and Superstars for him. Some will think it's harsh treatment for him... but at the end of the day there is no bigger fuck up than what he did... luck saved Truth, Miz better hope he hasn't used all his up...

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