*Merged* The Miz's Future - KEEP IT IN HERE

Best thing they can do is just get him off tv. Once ADR is back make Miz vanish for a while, no more hearing that he's the Miz and he's awesome. Save him the shame of not having to hear about how he pussed out and nearly killed a guy (yes botches happen but there are certain spots you can't botch if at all possible - that was one of them and yes I know it would only have been a bad concussion but that landing easily could have been even worse then it was). Let him come back, let him make an impact - be it saving somebody form something or just beating the holy hell out of somebody and actually make an impact. Build from there
1) What are your thoughts of Miz going back to the mid card?

I'd be perfectly fine with it to be honest. I'm not a fan of Miz, he isn't my cup of tea. I've never seen him as a main eventer and while I think he could be down the road I don't think he was ready to be put in that spot when he was.

2) What did you think of my idea for Miz if he does take a trip to the mid card?

I think your idea is spot on. Miz could fall into that Dolph Ziggler like realm of things and work his way back up through the ranks. Sometimes a revamp is all a guy needs to succeed. If they want Miz to be a credible heel stick with that Iceman persona they were running with. That or slowly turn him face. He obviously has the fan support to do so.

3) If Miz becomes a mid carder should he stay on Raw or move to Smackdown?

I think a move to SD is needed for Miz. He has ran his course on Raw and a move to the blue brand could do him good. There are plenty of options there for him to work with as he has pretty much worked with the majority of the Raw roster. SD gives him Orton (we seen it), Sheamus, Rhodes, Barrett, etc. The latter two causing a Miz face turn.

4) Do you view The Miz a "credible" main eventer at the moment?

Not at all. Like I said in the first question I never saw Miz as a credible main eventer, even when he was champion. I didn't buy into his reign nor was I really impressed with it. Right now I see him lower than when he was champion as he is just floating around the upper midcard at the moment and not doing anything real significant.
I actually wouldnt mind Miz going to Smackdown but Id prefer him coming in as face. He already has a catchphrase he can say he wants to start anew and then come out and save an "over" face such as Orton from a group attack.

Smackdown needs faces as Big Show and Orton are the only two faces on in the main event scene right now. Maybe that'll change if they bring Christian back from injury as a face.
If your wondering what my thoughts are on the fact that The Miz is going back to the midcard I feel like It can be a very good thing honestly.

"Fact"? I don't think it's a fact that he's in the midcard now... Just because he's not currently directly in the mix for the WWE Championship doesn't mean he's been cast back into the midcard. You do realize he'll be in the main event of the Elimination Chamber PPV, right? A WWE Championship match, I might add. Now, he probably won't win the match, but the fact that he's in it means the WWE still views him as a valuable commodity, which they definitely do.

Just because he's gotten some heat for some things in the past doesn't mean it's gonna spell a drop to the midcard. How many Wrestlezone reports have come out in the past claiming there's been heat on Orton? There's a new one out every few months, and the last time I checked, he's doing pretty fine in the company. Miz is a former WWE Champion, main-evented Wrestlemania this past year with none other than John Cena (successfully defending his title, might I add), and has been a Raw mainstay as of late. The company has a lot invested in him, and they obviously view him as a fairly big part of their future.

So, to address this thread, the Miz hasn't even fallen to the "midcard", so it kind of defeats the purpose of this thread. Now, I'm not saying it can't ever happen, especially if more things go wrong for the Miz, but to say that is has happened, or to say that it probably will happen, is ignorant and incorrect. The Miz botched a move. He was overly blasted for bad PPV ratings. But he was #1 PWI Wrestler of the Year for a reason- he was a HUGE part of the WWE this past year. Whether you like him or dislike him, that is a fact. What does that mean? It means the WWE isn't going to let him fall to the midcard or fall into obscurity over this. Unless you call a spot in the Elimination Chamber WWE Championship Match the "midcard."
His stock has fizzled from this time last year not being a huge Miz mark mainly due to he is never been best match on the card material then again neither is Cena. What I did like about Miz last year is that as far as PR goes he showed he had the character to be the top guy. I call bull on him being the one to blame on Survivor Series being lackluster I'll put the blame on Dwayne for phoning in his promos and not actually being there to promote the match he is in, but thats a separate rant there. Trade him to Smackdown have him work with Sheamus in order to save Smackdown keep him in the upper card there, but on RAW he does not really have a place in the main event just yet. With Mike I feel contributing factors are CM Punk stealing his thunder, Maryse quitting, the SS buy rates is a unfair cop out in my book, and being phased out of the WWE title picture in favor of Del Rio(who is a better worker, but not a better heel).
I said this a while back in a thread right after he lost his championship; I would really like The Miz to play the Chris Jericho role within the WWE. Meaning he's World Championship material but can shoot down to the United States and Intercontinental Championship division whenever he's needed. The only problem with that, I believe he needs a bit more build up. The WWE needs to take a step back and do whatever they did first with The Miz all over again. If that means pushing him back to the midcard to make him hungry again, then I'm all for it. I don't necessarily think a move to Smackdown is necessary, but rather more focus from both Miz and The WWE. The Miz needs to want it. He needs to shine through the Dolph Zigglers, the CM Punks, the R-Truths and the rest of the Raw roster to prove how bad he wants it.

Last year, The Miz to me was a phenomenal talent to have on Raw's roster. Many may disagree but I LOVED The Miz as WWE Champion; and this coming from someone who wasn't a total mark. He was a very fresh character I could get into. But at the same time, I realized he wasn't quite credible yet. He was paired in matches with John Morrison and Jerry Lawler because they were over, but still not quite as credible as Randy Orton or John Cena. The only way he could win over these guys is if it was a screwy type of pinfall. This to me, seems that he needs more build up. A push to the midcard would be ideal for The Miz right now until he can group together and find that spark within. As for the R-Truth incident on Monday, that shouldn't be a reason to push him down the card. Wrestlers continuously make mistakes and while the blame should be placed on The Miz, he should be forgiven.
But he was #1 PWI Wrestler of the Year for a reason- he was a HUGE part of the WWE this past year.
I think there is alot of truth to this. While many may hate a PWI reference, you cannot overlook that this proves people took notice of The Miz in 2010/2011 year. His star may not be as bright as it once was but there is absolutely no doubt from me, last year he was surely one of WWE's brightest stars.
1) What are your thoughts of Miz going back to the mid card?

Personally I don't mind it, he has done very well for himself since coming to the WWE, he has really improved himself in the ring and on the mic (even though I don't think he was ever bad on the mic) but perhaps going to the mid card, if that is in fact where he is going, might actually bring some credibility having a 'high profile' star. But on the other side of this coin we already have people like Cody Rhodes and he is doing very well in bringing credibility to the mid card as well.

2) What did you think of my idea for Miz if he does take a trip to the mid card?

I would agree, I think if the Miz goes to the mid card it might be best for him to create a stable or possibly even hook up so to speak with Vickie, as annoying as the Miz can be he can also IMO be used to help get some people over, especially those coming up from FCW. Like it or not the Miz is a major superstar.

3) If Miz becomes a mid carder should he stay on Raw or move to Smackdown?

I think he is just fine on RAW, as i said he has more or less proven himself and it's not a bad thing for him to be on the '#1' show in order to continue to get the exposure, especially if the stable idea were to happen.

4) Do you view The Miz a "credible" main eventer at the moment?

As I stated above, he has actually impressed me due to his improvement, when he first started he wasn't all that good in the ring but I have seen him slowly and steadily improve, so yes I do think he is a credible main eventer, if for no other reason than his WWE title victories and the number of titles already won.
I said this in another thread; The Miz shouldn't be punished for missing his spot with R-Truth on Monday night. While he should certainly be blamed, he should be forgiven. Every wrestler makes careless mistakes and The Miz is no different. The match featured alot of action and who knows, Miz could have been distracted. But missing one spot in one match isn't enough to push him down the card. Wait until he starts becoming a regular botcher then I'd be ok with it. But it isn't necessary. As for Survivor Series, the WWE is stupid to blame that solely on Miz. How about the fact that The Rock showed up maybe twice to add build up? Or the fact that it's not Wrestlemania? Blaming The Miz when you have two of the single most over and recognizable superstars ever in the ring with him is just stupid.

Will he go down in the card; probably. Should he go down in the card; no.
I agree with Hamily, he shouldn't be punished for it but it does make him a girl. It doesn't even make sense for him to move away from it as the move wouldn't of hurt as much as the Miz girling out made it look like. The Miz was one of the top heels last year and was going to be in the running for the world title around Rumble time but something happened ( I can't remember what). Sure he has been in heat before but look at Randy Orton! The dude has 2 strikes I believe and is still one of the top faces of the company! So no, The Miz is not finished.
"Fact"? I don't think it's a fact that he's in the midcard now... Just because he's not currently directly in the mix for the WWE Championship doesn't mean he's been cast back into the midcard. You do realize he'll be in the main event of the Elimination Chamber PPV, right? A WWE Championship match, I might add. Now, he probably won't win the match, but the fact that he's in it means the WWE still views him as a valuable commodity, which they definitely do.

Just because he's gotten some heat for some things in the past doesn't mean it's gonna spell a drop to the midcard. How many Wrestlezone reports have come out in the past claiming there's been heat on Orton? There's a new one out every few months, and the last time I checked, he's doing pretty fine in the company. Miz is a former WWE Champion, main-evented Wrestlemania this past year with none other than John Cena (successfully defending his title, might I add), and has been a Raw mainstay as of late. The company has a lot invested in him, and they obviously view him as a fairly big part of their future.

So, to address this thread, the Miz hasn't even fallen to the "midcard", so it kind of defeats the purpose of this thread. Now, I'm not saying it can't ever happen, especially if more things go wrong for the Miz, but to say that is has happened, or to say that it probably will happen, is ignorant and incorrect. The Miz botched a move. He was overly blasted for bad PPV ratings. But he was #1 PWI Wrestler of the Year for a reason- he was a HUGE part of the WWE this past year. Whether you like him or dislike him, that is a fact. What does that mean? It means the WWE isn't going to let him fall to the midcard or fall into obscurity over this. Unless you call a spot in the Elimination Chamber WWE Championship Match the "midcard."

If I'm not mistaken, isn't the Great Kahli in a world title match at the next ppv as well? Being in a WWE title match really isn't that big of a deal anymore. They put a world title on Jack Swagger once for God's sake! The titles have been de-valued by putting them on guys who were not ready for them ( see ADR, Sheamus, & Miz).

On to the topic at hand, I never have understood why anybody likes the Miz. I can't help but think that if he worked for TNA that none of the people who claim to love him so much, would actually think that he is a tool. I digress...

The Miz in the mid-card is probably the right spot for him. However, I would put him on the lower mid card. I cannot ever see this dude as a face. Everything about the guy makes me loathe him.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't the Great Kahli in a world title match at the next ppv as well? Being in a WWE title match really isn't that big of a deal anymore. They put a world title on Jack Swagger once for God's sake! The titles have been de-valued by putting them on guys who were not ready for them ( see ADR, Sheamus, & Miz).

On to the topic at hand, I never have understood why anybody likes the Miz. I can't help but think that if he worked for TNA that none of the people who claim to love him so much, would actually think that he is a tool. I digress...

The Miz in the mid-card is probably the right spot for him. However, I would put him on the lower mid card. I cannot ever see this dude as a face. Everything about the guy makes me loathe him.

It's not a matter of whether or not you like him. It doesn't matter if you like him, hate him, or whatever. But your feeling on him is clouding your judgment and it's shows in your argument. Why is he not in the midcard? Because he's in the main event scene, and has been ever since before this year's Wrestlemania. The topic at hand IS NOT why people like him, which you are trying to make it be.

The topic is if he's in the midcard/fits better there, which is a no and a no. He's not in the midcard because he's in the main event. He'll headline E.C., he headlines WM, he lasted the longest in the Rumble as the advertised #1 Entrant, headlined Survivor Series in the tag match, has been WWE Champion for a large part of the year, was recognized as #1 Wrestler by the PWI, the list goes on and on. Heck, I don't even particularly like him, I just think he's okay, but when there's that much main-event related evidence, how can you call him anything but? He's doing well in the main event, and your dislike for him is fine, but don't let it cloud your judgment.
Sooo many Miz threads since the R-Truth botch haha.

But no Miz shouldn't get pushed down to the midcard, as has been mentioned aside from CM Punk he was probably the hottest commodity in the WWE last year, his title reign (although I am biased) was new and fresh, as well as lengthy. While he hasn't been directly involved in any title fueds of late and has lost a lot of matches I think this owes more to his ability to put people over without it comromising his character similar to Y2J.

Waay too much effort has been put into Miz already for him to be pushed down to the mid card and frankly his promotional value, marketability (best tv interviews ever), mic skills and vastly imrpoved in ring ability demand that he should be on the main event scene.
I think Miz deserves a try as a face, which will probably necessitate a move to Smackdown and the Sheamus treatment.

Every time I want to count Miz out, I think of how awesomely hot he got during 2010 and early 2011. He became a deserving main eventer, and he did a good job carrying the flagship title. That tells me that Miz has everything necessary to be in the main event long term. His problem is that his fall from the title picture was not handled well, and he lost a lot of heat. He could get it back pretty easily, but he needs strong, consistent booking to get there again. A move to Smackdown and a feud with (face) Sheamus would probably help. Even if he were to lose the feud, it would still go a long way towards re-establishing Miz. Long term, I think Miz's story and knack for getting the crowd to play sing along will lead to a similar character to The Rock circa 1999 ,though almost certainly without being quite so over with the crowd. A conceited, funny, sing-along face - a jerk who the fans love anyway.

Miz still requires time and space; he's still very much a developing wrestler & character in a way other main eventers and near main eventers (Ziggler, Sheamus) are not.
I'd be perfectly fine with it to be honest. I'm not a fan of Miz, he isn't my cup of tea. I've never seen him as a main eventer and while I think he could be down the road I don't think he was ready to be put in that spot when he was.

I couldn't agree more. He's a mid-carder who was lucky enough to come along when the company was in dire need of new main eventers. They still are, which is why guys like Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are in the same boat as Miz. Ironically, all are missing "top of the card" ingredients, but not the same ones. Put simply, Bryan and Dolph have wrestling ability but lack superior mic skills, while Miz has the mouth but not the superior ring ability. That's not to say Bryan and Dolph are terrible talkers or Miz is a terrible wrestler; it's a question of not possessing those skills at "main event" level.

So, now Miz is in a little hot water, although no one should think he'll be demoted or fired because of it. They yelled at him and told him to be more careful with the well-being of his fellow performers; that's probably the end of it. Fans are kidding themselves if they think WWE will cut loose a guy in whom they've invested so much for one mental error.

Still, it might be good to get the heat off Miz by either giving him a short vacation or shipping him to Smackdown. Actually, changing brands might keep him at the top of the card rather than shipping him back to mid-card, which seemed to be where he was headed even before the R-Truth thing.......and if Miz doesn't want to go to Smackdown because he considers it an inferior brand.....well, tough noogies, huh?
Finished? Where in the world do these ideas come from sometimes? The biggest problem with us as fans is that we're so impatient. Randy Orton won his first World Title in 2004, and it wasn't until the latter months of 2007 when he became a World Champion again. Granted, his feuds during the time in between were of higher quality then that of the Miz, but whether face or heel, he lost all of them. I'm sure there were people during this time that thought Orton was "finished" as a top guy too.

As for the spot Monday, yeah, Miz should have stayed in position. I'm sure he's not the first person to miss a spot like this, resulting in someone else getting injured. Yeah, he got some backstage heat from HHH, but perhaps that was just for not improvising on the spot. Who knows, perhaps Truth's launch was unplanned, and it took Miz by surprise! It wouldn't be the first time this has happened. But couple this with the fact that Miz is in the doghouse already for the Survivor Series buyrate, and yeah, his career is done. :rolleyes:

The thing is, wrestlers recover from things like this all the time. What it appears Miz is suffering from is a case of "Im exactly where I belong." Miz did a decent job as WWE Champion, and had a nice reign. But unless he gets an overhaul, in the ring, on the mic and in his look, he's exactly where he belongs: The upper mid-card. And this is what happens to wrestlers in Miz' position, as they get blamed more than they should for things out of their control. The buold for Survivor Series, specifically the ROck/Cena vs Miz/Truth match, was lackluster, at best. They counted on the Rock being there to deliver a buyrate rather then building any intrigue as to who would win. Creative failed to make Miz and Truth look like threats whatsoever, and now Miz is to blame for the buyrates, and for missing a simple spot?

Those things happen when you're not considered to be one of the "top guys" in the company. Based upon Miz' career trajectory since he lost the WWE Title, he's really not one of those guys, and nor should he be. Like it or not, he's the kind of guy who does get blamed for things that may or may not be out of his control in VKM's world.

Miz is a decent talent, but he's nothing special. Finished? Hardly. He's right where he belongs. He's in a championship match at Elimination Chamber, one that he has no chance to win. Upper mid-card, at it's best. Chance to win or not, wrestlers who get shots at the top prize in the company aren't involuntarily "finished".

Well when he jobbed to Kingston two RAWs ago I kind of had the feeling he was in the doghouse.
He didn't "job" to Kofi, he lost to another man who is getting a WWE Championship back. This move was much more about Kofi getting some sorely needed momentum back headed into the Chamber. Not about "jobbing him out". Being jobbed out is what has been happened to Tyler Rekks and Curt Hawkins, among others, when they've faced Brodus Clay.

Miz isn't done. He might get sent to Smackdown and buried on the midcard there for awhile but I don't see him being done for something like this.
Going to the mid-card isn't getting buried. Chris Jericho is a guy who has jumped from mid-card to main event scene and back again more then anyone perhaps in history, and was he being buried? No, he was filling a role, and where he belonged at the time. The mid-card is where Miz belongs. If he is to rise again to main event status, it's the best place to retool him as well.
Where Miz is right now seems to be the right place for him. He's had a run with the title and during multi-man title matches (such as the elimination chamber) he's a participant. He should stay where he is, main eventers have messed up way worse than he did and not been "punished" so I can't see how moving their second or third most marketable star down the roster is a smart move. Miz will always be around the main event again, all these mistakes are just adding to the clock until he gets another real title shot.
Highly doubt it. He botched ONE MOVE, not turn into Sin Cara. He justifiably was given an earful by HHH and others, but I doubt that they will do much more than that. As for him not being in the main event, Miz is currently not at the level of guys like Cena/Orton who can be in the main event for a majority of the year.

He is far from finished. He is a young guy who gets a good reaction from the crowd and will stay relevant and probably improve his standing in the WWE.
Sooo many Miz threads since the R-Truth botch haha.

But no Miz shouldn't get pushed down to the midcard, as has been mentioned aside from CM Punk he was probably the hottest commodity in the WWE last year, his title reign (although I am biased) was new and fresh, as well as lengthy. While he hasn't been directly involved in any title fueds of late and has lost a lot of matches I think this owes more to his ability to put people over without it comromising his character similar to Y2J.

Waay too much effort has been put into Miz already for him to be pushed down to the mid card and frankly his promotional value, marketability (best tv interviews ever), mic skills and vastly imrpoved in ring ability demand that he should be on the main event scene.

He didn't look too improved on Monday Night... in fact he looked like a rookie. Granted a lot of effort has gone into him, but it means nothing if the other guys won't work with him. He could be back to "host" of shows sooner than you think!
I'm a fan of The Miz. He's been a victim of the backstage nonsense to be honest. Low buy rates can't EVER be pinned on one person. Botches can be... but the issue on Monday with R-Truth was accidental. It happens. That's why they put the "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME" disclaimer on everything...

Does he need to go back to the midcard? No, he doesn't need to... but it COULD help him by giving him a little bit of time to tweak his character and get some solid wins to build towards a title run.

He is a lot like Jericho in some ways. I could very easily see him fitting that role where he is the floater between the mid-card and the main event but always relevant. Just needs a kick in the right direction.
Miz isn't going anywhere. Yeah, he made a mistake on Raw. These things happen. Trips yelled at him and I'm sure he's going to make sure it never happens again. Then there's that whole situation with Miz being blamed for the buyrate of Survivor Series. That's ridiculous. They are just too stubborn to admit they should have put more effort into the build for the main event rather than having Cena and Rock trash Awesome Truth each week. Whether a legend was returning or not, they didn't give the fans enough reason to care about the match.

They have invested so much time in developing The Miz and putting him over in a HUGE way. They had him RETAIN at Wrestlemania last year against CENA. They should remain committed to further developing and pushing him. Why ruin all of that by blaming him for something that wasn't even his fault? If momentum is an issue they could always move him over to Smackdown, he'd be great for bringing in viewers anyway with all the publicity appearances he does for WWE. I think that The Miz will be just fine provided he is careful about how he deals with the current situation. He is hardly finished because if he didn't have strong support from people who's opinion mattered then he would already be gone. Instead they are giving him another chance, which was a smart choice after the time they put into him and the loyalty he has for the company.
Well I have a simple solve to the problem....Fire his ass. I have never liked him and never will. I will look forward to bashing the miz on here in the future and don't really care what anybody says about me doing it.:lmao:
I actually can't believe how stupid WWE is. You can't blame Miz for the low buyrates on Survivor Series??!! It's the WWE who is responsible for the Miz character!!! Especially with an Icon such as The Rock on the card!! I can't say anything that hasn't been said but this is by far the most outrageous thing I have ever heard! There are three other guys in the match with him and he is the 3rd biggest in that match(Star power wise)

Wouldn't the logic be here that Rock/Cena are the reason for the low buyrates? ( I am not saying this is my opinion but it is logical! you have The Rock!! perhaps the biggest star of all time being hyped up for Survivor Series and The Miz gets blamed for that???)

Absolute stupidity on WWE's part here! Maybe VKM has really lost it! What a bunch of fools! Blame yourself for lack of creativity!
Some people have to separate the show from reality. On the show The Miz is a loudmouth, obnoxious coward. In real life hes a man like you or me and we're talking about something that he worked hard for. I dont care if he was on The Real World, he was a wrestling fan and is entitled to pursue whatever career he wants to. Wrestlers dont walk into the arena say "I'm going to pick an unappealing character, make a certain type of promo, and then take my character in this direction over the next couple of weeks". Wrestlers do have a say in what they do but ultimately its creative's decision over what position they're stuck playing on RAW. Take Brodus Clay for example, he doesnt like the character he plays but he does a damn good job. The same goes with Miz. As a matter of fact he does such a good job I think some of you believe him. If he can get that under your skins I hope for entertainment's sake they keep him around. Truth is if you want someone to get fired because Miz's character is annoying or cowardly or isnt going anywhere then look at creative, not The Miz. As for the R Truth situation, everyone has screwed up in the ring one time or another. Didnt Triple H almost break someone's neck in one of his first matches? I'm pretty sure he gave Miz shit over the incident because he knows hes been there too and he knows it was irresponsible. At the end of the day, a job is a job and this is the way The Miz makes his money. I dont think anyone should have their dream stripped from them because of some outside factors. Creative, if you dont have anything for him right now then you dont, but dont give up on a guy you saw as the face of your company just a couple of months ago because you arent being as 'creative' as you ought to be.
What exactly was the supposed reason for blaming Miz for the Survivor Series buyrates? I mean, it's not like he was the only guy on the card so I'm genuinely curious about that. I'm not the Miz's biggest fan. The guy can hold his own on the mic and isn't half bad in the ring but he's just not my cup of tea. Him moving down the card might not be a bad idea. Putting him in a position where be has to work his way back up from the midcard would provide new feuds for him and not be overshadowed in the main event scene by Cena or Punk. It worked wonders for Ziggler. I'm not sure about moving him to Smackdown though. Someone suggested a face turn and feud with Daniel Bryan. That would certainly be interesting but I don't know what I think about turning Miz face. Everything about him including his mannerisms and the way he carries himself screams heel. He's just a guy you want to hate. If he can make it work though, I won't be opposed to it. Stranger things have happened, right?
First off, THANK GOD that all of this has finally been merged into one thread. And I'm glad to see that more people are coming around and finally seeing that the Miz is perfectly safe in the WWE, because he is. He's been built up as a legitimate main-eventer on purpose by the WWE, and the WWE knows that they've invested A LOT in him. Speculations about him losing his job were unwarranted, fantastical, and foundationless. He's a big part of the WWE's future, he'd have to do far worse than accidentally injure R-Truth in one match for him to be on the chopping block. As someone previously mentioned, a huge sign that he's in the clear with the WWE is his insertion into the Elimination Chamber WWE Championship match, the main event of the PPV. If you're in hot water with the WWE, they don't put you in PPV main events. It just doesn't happen. So that proves that he's fine, and rightfully so.

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