Finished? Where in the world do these ideas come from sometimes? The biggest problem with us as fans is that we're so impatient. Randy Orton won his first World Title in 2004, and it wasn't until the latter months of 2007 when he became a World Champion again. Granted, his feuds during the time in between were of higher quality then that of the Miz, but whether face or heel, he lost
all of them. I'm sure there were people during this time that thought Orton was "finished" as a top guy too.
As for the spot Monday, yeah, Miz should have stayed in position. I'm sure he's not the first person to miss a spot like this, resulting in someone else getting injured. Yeah, he got some backstage heat from HHH, but perhaps that was just for not improvising on the spot. Who knows, perhaps Truth's launch was unplanned, and it took Miz by surprise! It wouldn't be the first time this has happened. But couple this with the fact that Miz is in the doghouse already for the Survivor Series buyrate, and yeah, his career is done.
The thing is, wrestlers recover from things like this
all the time. What it appears Miz is suffering from is a case of "Im exactly where I belong." Miz did a decent job as WWE Champion, and had a nice reign. But unless he gets an overhaul, in the ring, on the mic and in his look, he's exactly where he belongs: The upper mid-card. And this is what happens to wrestlers in Miz' position, as they get blamed more than they should for things out of their control. The buold for Survivor Series, specifically the ROck/Cena vs Miz/Truth match, was lackluster, at best. They counted on the Rock being there to deliver a buyrate rather then building any intrigue as to who would win. Creative failed to make Miz and Truth look like threats whatsoever, and now Miz is to blame for the buyrates, and for missing a simple spot?
Those things happen when you're not considered to be one of the "top guys" in the company. Based upon Miz' career trajectory since he lost the WWE Title, he's really not one of those guys, and nor should he be. Like it or not, he's the kind of guy who does get blamed for things that may or may not be out of his control in VKM's world.
Miz is a decent talent, but he's nothing special. Finished? Hardly. He's right where he belongs. He's in a championship match at Elimination Chamber, one that he has no chance to win. Upper mid-card, at it's best. Chance to win or not, wrestlers who get shots at the top prize in the company aren't involuntarily "finished".
Well when he jobbed to Kingston two RAWs ago I kind of had the feeling he was in the doghouse.
He didn't "job" to Kofi, he lost to another man who is getting a WWE Championship back. This move was much more about Kofi getting some sorely needed momentum back headed into the Chamber. Not about "jobbing him out". Being jobbed out is what has been happened to Tyler Rekks and Curt Hawkins, among others, when they've faced Brodus Clay.
Miz isn't done. He might get sent to Smackdown and buried on the midcard there for awhile but I don't see him being done for something like this.
Going to the mid-card isn't getting buried. Chris Jericho is a guy who has jumped from mid-card to main event scene and back again more then anyone perhaps in history, and was he being buried? No, he was filling a role, and where he belonged at the time. The mid-card is where Miz belongs. If he is to rise again to main event status, it's the best place to retool him as well.