**Merged** The Miz's US Title Discussion

You, sir, are a perfect example of why The Miz is a great US champion.

You hate him because he doesn't defend the title. You think a title is supposed to have honor and prestige, but it's just a prop. Miz having it and barely defending it (on TV) pisses people off. It's doing a great job of getting him over as a hated heel with the audience, and he gets some of the most negative reactions out there.

It's not about defending the belt; it's what holding a belt can do for a wrestler.

Maybe the state of the titles in the WWE has dropped so far that people like you think that the purpose of the title is to solely add prestige to the wrestler and further him/her as a face or heel. That just isn't the case. What a title should be is the reward of being the best in a certain division (main event, midcard, etc), not something to get someone over. Just take a look at Drew McIntyre. Giving him the IC title did nothing to get him over, and he only started to get a reaction out of the crowd when he had his feud with Teddy Long.

To further what me and topic starter are saying, let me ask you a question - why should I care about the United States title right now? Is there currently a feud involving someone challenging the Miz for his title? No. Have there been any matches recently for the title itself, or for the right to fight the champion? Not at all. Then what purpose does the belt serve (other than a prop, as you say) if it isn't being involved in storylines or being put up for grabs? If the belts in professional wrestling are just "props," then why should the United States title matter at all? Why do people in the IWC complain all the time the midcard is dead in the WWE? Because the titles are being given out as "props" by the WWE to wrestlers in an attempt to get them over, but if the belt doesn't have any prestige, then how do you plan for it to get them over?

In the 90s, it could be argued that the IC title was the most prestigious title in the WWF. Sure there was the WWF title itself, but those matches were almost never as good as the IC title fights. You'd have guys like Warrior or Hogan go out and win a 4 minute match and retain the title, whereas you'd have guys like HBK, Ramon, Perfect, and Bret Hart go out and fight 20 minutes in a great match for the IC title. It meant something to hold the title because you knew if someone held the belt, he had earned it. You can't get someone over with the belt, as you claim, without making sure the fans care about it first. And right now, I'd bet you couldn't find a person in the audience or on here who even cares that the Miz has the United States championship.
I keep forgetting he's even the US champion. And just for kicks I'm going to do a little rant here. It irritates me when the WWE gives someone like him the belt when there are wrestlers who are actually deserving of it. He doesn't deserve it. Besides being a puppet outside of the ring and being a yes man, he can't wrestle at all. Period. Every time he comes out i cringe. I just don't think he's very good.

Maybe if someone wins it like Christian (underrated, very deserving, good on the mic, and great wrestler) then maybe just maybe I'll take an interest. Now that's a wrestler who deserves the US title. (That won't be happening anytime soon though obviously as he's on SD.)

/end rant.

I do agree that he does add prestige by holding the belt for so long though. Holding it means that yes you're getting noticed whether you're defending it or not. It is indeed a stepping stone.
Contrary to what most have said, I agree with the OP. The Miz (as much as I like him) does not add anything to the prestiege of the belt. In fact, he has made the belt loose prestiege with his minimal defenses.

You think a title is supposed to have honor and prestige, but it's just a prop.

While it's true that the title is merely a prop. It should have some prestiege and honor in it because if it doesn't then why exactly would anyone care who is champion? In other words, the belts would all become a moot point as no one would bother to care who is champion.

It's not about defending the belt; it's what holding a belt can do for a wrestler.

Yes thats also true, but don't you think it would make the "holder" look better or have more "credibility" if he actually defended the belt instead of just carrying it around like it's just some regular ol' belt that is just there to add to his image?

The belts (in general) are not just ment to be props. They are ment to elevate superstars and to the same time show "proof" that the competitor is as good as they are, or that they were worthy of being a title holder. Granted, there have been horrible title holders in the past. But nevertheless, if the belts don't hold prestiege, then the holder will gain no "credibility" from holding the belt at all. And in the end, it begs the question, "Why have the belts in the first place?"
The U.S title is one of the oldest and most beloved titles in pro wrestling history. This title has been held by the like of Harley Race, Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Bret Hart and so many other greats. As much as I dislike The Miz I will say he is one of the best wrestlers today, but I feel he is destroying what the U.S title stands for. This title is the third best title in all of wrestling and he is doing nothing with it. No title defences and when he does defend it its a short match. WWE needs to put the U.S title on a true up in comer and give the title back its history and prestige.
But here's the thing...it's not about "being a good wrestler". It's all about...MONEY! Miz...love him or hate him...draws money. He has a face people recognize. WWE is not wrestling....it's a TV show that premise just happens to be wrestling (like Scrubs is a TV show that's premise is the main characters are doctors).

Miz is getting elevated because they see him as a draw...someone that people will pay to see (either pay to see get the tar beat out of him or see him win). Same reason Cena was elevated....he's a money draw. Same with Orton...money draw.

Christian...as much as I appreciate the the guy in the ring...ISN'T a money draw. Shelton Benjamin...fantastic athlete and wrestler...WASN'T a money draw.

The quicker people discover that WWE isn't wrestling....but just a television show where it's trained actors are wrestlers...the more people will understand. Whether you agree with the principle or not.

So to answer the topic...yes...Miz does add something to the title...MONEY. And when he drops it to Daniel Bryan at NOC...and elevates Bryan a notch (while also allowing Miz to take that next step to main event status)...he'll add even more to that title and also add to the development of an up and comer (in WWE's vision)
A title's prestige comes from two things--who has it, and how importantly it's treated. You want a title whose prestige was hurt? Look at the Smackdown world title. CM Punk had the title, and was run over by the Undertaker and is out of the World title picture. Then Swagger had and lost the title, and now he's lost in the midcard. Now Kane is getting a "lifetime achievement" title run before losing the title to the Undertaker. (I"m a big Kane fan, Kane got me into wrestling. But at this point I'd say he doesn't help the WHC, which needs help) The Smackdown title is obviously treated as important, but they keep giving it to guys who they then make look like crap.

The midcard titles are never presented as important, because they're midcard titles. If they were important, they'd be the main titles. WWE (and wrestling in general) has never figured out what to do with the midcard titles since the Attitude Era made it easier to become World Champion. Occassionally, a performer picks up the title who is able to make the title look good, like a Mysterio or a Jericho, but that's a testament to how good those guys are. I remember in 2001 during the "Two Man Power Trip" being entirely unable to buy that HHH would be content with the IC title. The IC title was for guys on the way up, like Angle or Jericho in 2000, or guys who weren't World title caliber, like Godfather or Val Venis.

If you want to see a title getting some prestige added go watch SD! with the fued Kofi vs. Mr.Ziggles there having GREAT matches and Guess what he's actually defending the title.

Umm, no. Is Ziggler's reign propelling him to world title contention? No. The last few champions? Kingston, McIntyre, Morrison. Are they challenging for the WHC? No. Jericho and Mysterio are, but they were main eventers before they had the IC title. The title is the excuse for a good feud, but it could just as easily have started with one guy in the ring giving a promo and the other guy coming out and saying "I will beat you."

You, sir, are a perfect example of why The Miz is a great US champion.
I think that "great midcard champion" is a contradiction in terms.

It's doing a great job of getting him over as a hated heel with the audience, and he gets some of the most negative reactions out there.

Not defending the belt is why Miz gets heat? Really? I thought it was his douchebag gimmick and his promo ability. I think he'd be getting just as much heat if he vacated the US title because he didn't need it now that he has the MITB case.

The title being held by someone this long adds to it's prestige.

Not really, since it's not treated as important. It's rarely defended, rarely mentioned. If they had kept the title on R-Truth at Fatal Four-Way, and Truth had kept the title this long, you wouldn't be saying that.

If anything, the WWE title was raped of all its glory during the Cena/Orton feud.

Yeah, that title sucks now. Oh, wait, no, it's the most prestigious prize in pro wrestling. I was thinking of you. You suck. The title popcorning between the acknowledged top wrestlers in the company doesn't devalue the title. Cena and Orton 2009 or Cena and Edge 2006 or HHH/Austin/Rock/Foley 2000 step in the ring, either guy could win. They're pretty evenly matched. It makes sense that no one has a firm grip on the title until someone's supremacy is established.

What devalues the title is putting it on wrestlers who aren't top guys in the company--Punk, Swagger, Kane, maybe Seamus. The world title can help elevate a guy to the top-tier, but the booking has to reflect that. When former world champions lose 3-on-1 matches, or just sort of hang around without direction, that's what hurts the prestige of a title.

What would add prestige to the midcard titles? Giving them an established connection to the real titles. Create a rule that an IC/US champion gets an automatic world title shot after so many months/title defenses/days/wins over different contenders. Have different midcarders challenging regularly, so they can get the title and start that clock. Have main eventers that are locked out of the world title chase challenge for it.
If you want to get technical about it, don't all titles need to be defended at least once in a 30 day period? While I'm willing to be wrong, I can't remember the last time Miz defended the US title.
It seems like the only time the "30 day" rule comes into play is when a current champion has a legit injury, or when it's needed for storyline purposes.
As has been mentioned here, a title earns prestige from being defended. The Miz has not done that, at least not lately. So to answer the question "Does Miz add prestige to the US Title?" No, he doesn't. Though, not by any fault of his own. He could, but his Money in the Bank status and feud with Daniel Bryan have taken precedence over the US title.
Just because one person has held a belt for a long period of time does not mean it is prestigious. I mean, if that's the case, then Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar belt is prestigious. (The most recent version, not The million Dollar Man version.) Now, if that person still holds a title after defeating several challengers for said title, now we're talking about prestige.
while i do agree having a long title regin can add prestige to a title there are two sides to it.

One:if the champion is face its a long title run because he defends it regularly and wins.

two:if the champion is a heel its a long title reign because the champion dodges challengers and makes up excuses for why he can't defend.

the main point is what makes you care is the feud the storyline the belt is made prestigous by what people are willing to do to win it and hold on to it.

Now i like the miz but he add nothing to the title it essensially just part of his entrance attire now. He doesn't make excuses he just dosen't defend it.
The Miz defends it at pretty much every house show yeah I know that was a smart ass comment but its true chk the results. He's probably gonna end up drooping it to Bryan at NOC. I can guarantee you that title reign wont be anywhere as fun The Miz's.
While I'm not one of them there fancy city posters that actually reads the thread before posting, I do - I say, I say, I do - have something on this particular subject, good sirs.

The Intercontinental title, the US title the Tag Team titles and pretty much everything beneath the two world titles are props, nothing more. Whereas winning a world title will actually elevate the status of the person holding it, the other belts are pretty much big rubber stamps that say, "Hey, I'm in the midcard or, if I'm lucky, upper midcard."

So, it doesn't matter who holds the belt. It wouldn't have prestige if it was defended every week in a three-hour iron match or defended yearly. It wouldn't matter if John Cena or Chavo Guerrero held it. It'll never have prestige. As it is, it's courteous of Miz - who is way above carrying that eye sore around - to even mention it.
When people talk about the prestige that the US title or the IC title used to have they fail to realize where that prestige came from. They talk about guys like Michaels, Hart and Savage golding the belt back in the day. They talk about how it used to mean something. Maybe it meant a little more back then, but that can be attributed to the inflated rosters and amounts of titles today. In reality though it has never been about the amount of prestige that a belt brought to a wrestler but rather the other way around.

People think the title used to mean way more than it did because of who held it. Of course guys like Hart weren't legends at the time, but they have certainly cemented their legacies as the years passed. We can look back now and see all the great names that held the title in it's ''glory days'', and that goes for both the US and the IC straps. If Savage or Michaels never won world titles, if they never amounted to much by the twilight of their careers, would the IC title mean much today? Highly doubtful.

Nobody knows what Miz will do with his career or where he will be in a couple years time. He may hay be looked at as a success in the business or a coulda-been but never was. If he does amount to something that will be remembered, people will look back on his US title runs and ask "Remember when Miz had the US belt? Yeah it meant something back then". Not because of how Miz was booked as champ so much as how things are viewed in retrospect. There are other contributing factors that could add to the legitimacy of the belt, but only slightly. It's a tarnished prop at this point, and only time will tell how it will hold up. Or who held it rather.
I agree with MoizH28, Miz is probably going to drop the title to Bryan anyway, which sucks because i think it would be awesome (pun intended) for Miz to hold the US title and WWE title at the same time. I can't remember the last time they let someone hold a World and mid-card title together. Don't get me wrong, Bryan will make a great champ...just saying, Miz could REALLY brag if he held the US title and cashed in MitB....and, on topic, perhaps Miz holding both titles WOULD add prestige to the US title....maybe??
I don't care what U people are saying THE MIZ IS TRASH! I laugh @ U the guys on her who have this Big Man Crush on the MIZ! HE IS TRASH! I just don't get what ya'll see! His so called great promos U guys talk about consist of him saying "REALLY"... His so called improved ring work is funny cause I don't see it. I mean yeah he went from straight AZZ as to AVERAGE but is that really so amazing! He is not a high flyer. He is not a TACTIAN. He does not have a power game. I can't think of a single move he does that is so AAAAWWWWWEEEESSSSSOOOMEEEE! He is just not Good. I honestly believe that R-Truth would have been a better champion. I think he would have relished defending his Title and would have made his matches even more exciting. To say that the belt os just a prop is ******ed. If that's the case then give a title to everybody or better yet don't give it to ANYONE! Since the TITLE is just a PROP then ALL OF U GUYS MUST HAVE LOVED DAVID ARQUETTES AMAZING and HARD EARNED TWO WCW TITLE reigns! How did that work out by the way? Since U say it's just about the Money then why do U care that Hogan is still wrestling and getting in the way of the UP & COMERS... NO ONE HAS MADE MORE MONEY FOR WRESTLING THEN HOGAN... BELIEVE THAT! Since the Titles have NO MEANING @ all let's have one BIG UNIFCATION match and let LAY COOL win all the BELTS! Hey I will admit they R the ONLY women wrestlers I LOVE to WATCH!! Yes that includes BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! I mean the Belts don't mean shyt anyway and I think LAYCOOL will have a MUCH BIGGER APPEAL then the MIZ! Sex sells remember! I am pretty sure SABLE'S PLAYBOY spread out sold HBK's PLAYGIRL one. So let's just sell out for the MONEY!!! Wait that would SUCK!!! I know let's have good matches and Champs who defend their TITLES! WOW U KNOW WHAT THAT IS JUST CRAZY ENOUGH TO WORK!!!
The U.S title is one of the oldest and most beloved titles in pro wrestling history. This title has been held by the like of Harley Race, Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Bret Hart and so many other greats. As much as I dislike The Miz I will say he is one of the best wrestlers today, but I feel he is destroying what the U.S title stands for. This title is the third best title in all of wrestling and he is doing nothing with it. No title defences and when he does defend it its a short match. WWE needs to put the U.S title on a true up in comer and give the title back its history and prestige.

The Miz holding the title for 4 months and not defending does more for the title than some lower-mid carder winning it, loosing it 1 month later, winning it back and loosing it a month later. I'll take long reigns over quick trade offs.
The thing is currently The Miz doesnt need what prestige the U.S Championship has to offer (although i admit it is a little low at this point) because he's being pushed as the "future of the WWE". See its become more about when he's gonna cash in the MITB briefcase because he's made it like that through his great promos and segments involving it. He can easily do the same with the U.S Championship but that situation will be put on the back burner until he wins the WWE Championship.
The Miz doesn't add prestige to the title because he never defends it. He would if he was a fighting champion, but the fact is that he isn't. He is only champion to walk around with the belt to look nice basically. His program with Daniel Bryan is obviously headed for Night of Champions a night which Miz will basically have to defend the title and I hope for all that is holy that Bryan takes the title off Miz. I want to see the US champion take pride when holding the belt, I want to see that belt be defended on a regular or at least semi-regular basis. I want to see a reign like Kofi Kingston's reign last year or all of Chris Benoit's reigns. A reign where the champion wears the belt with pride and defends it against all challengers. So I really hope for Bryan to take the title off of Miz at Night of Champions.

The reason I don't like The Miz as champion is because every time he has reign with the US title, he always has something else that distracts from the title. During his first reign he ended up winning the Unified Tag Team titles with The Big Show and all attention was on those titles until him and Show dropped them to the Hart Dynasty. Now during his second reign as US champion he has Money In The Bank and his story-lines recently have revolved around him trying to cash it in, again putting no focus on the US title. If you never defend your belt and put more focus on something else that you have in your repertoire then how does that do any good for that title you are neglecting? The answer is it doesn't and you take away from any prestige that the title may have built up before you won it. So we can only hope for Daniel Bryan to take the title off The Miz in the near future.
its just a prop to make the miz more hated and add to his credibility. the US title itself will be just fine because here shortly the miz will drop it to bryan danielson and he will go on to have a great reign as US champion defending against worthy challengers, having great matches, and making the title seem relevant on its own again
Not sure if this helps or not but he does defend it. Just at house shows.

However, I do feel its serving his purpose because its making us talk about it and to make us hate him more. I do feel that when the title goes to face that we will see the title defended more than if a heel has it. For when a heel has it he either doesn't defend it or defends it and always wins cheap. I'd rather see a heel with a title and not defend it than every match he is win cheaply or by DQ.
While at this point in time it dosent really matter whether or not he adds prestige as at this point the title is nothing more than a prop used to get people over and hopefully into the main event, I do disagree that The Miz dosent add prestige.

I do see where your coming from but that dosent matter all that much, think of it this way, if at this point in their carrers someone like HHH or Cena won the title and only defended it on a semi regular basis like The Miz has that would add prestige to the title right? Such a big name held it so it is bound to be important. This is basically the same thing only to a lesser extent, Miz is being groomed as the next big thing and he is the US title holder, that adds prestige to the title, the current holder is looked at as a future WWE champ.

As well as that he has been given MITB and main event matches on Raw, the US title holder is in the main event of Raw, sometimes ahead of the WWE title holder, that right there adds a lot of prestige to the title. Basically what Miz lacks in defences he makes up for by giving the title main event exposure.
I love all of this prestige talk. How awful the Miz is! He's ruining the prestige of the belt! It's had such a proud history, and now it's never defended!

And thus he gets over a little more as a heel. It's not just promo ability or ring acumen, it's every little bit of heat you can get. Remember when Hogan spray painted "nWo" over the WCW at Road Wild? People went nuclear! Hogan had crapped on tradition!

If you think the US title is prestigious and in the hands of a paper champion who never defends it, The Miz thanks you for the free rub.
I kind of stopped considering it a championship, it's more of a little toy. Kind of LayCool's half women's championship friendship charms. There are a bunch of midcards on RAW (some will say too many) and having a title that is never defended & isn't held by someone who deserves it just makes it harder for the midcards.

It's kind of funny that he HAS to defend it at NoC where he will more than likely retain. There's probably no way that Miz won't retain the US title at NoC unless he gets the WWE Championship and has to vacate it.
I agree with you 100%

I saw somebody mention that the U.S. title is just a prop. Titles like the Million Dollar Championship are the titles I feel should be used as props. The U.S./Intercontinental championships are CHAMPIONSHIPS and should be defended as such.

People always talk about credibility. The Miz is always winning his matches but rarely defends his titles in matches. How can he be a credible champion if he doesn't have challengers?! IMO The Miz should drop the title to someone who isn't doing much on Raw-and yes there are a lot of candidates- like Morrison, R-Truth, DiBiase, Bourne, or even Jericho or Edge. The Miz is the fastest rising star and should become number 1 contender for the WWE championship soon anyway, right?

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