Is Evan Bourne Losing Momentum?


Layeth The Smackdown!
Now, Evan Bourne as we all know is on the ride of a huge push where he is main eventing, competing in prestigious matches, and winning over Y2J. Now, it seems to me that Bourne has somewhat lost a little momentum in the past few weeks because he has lost I believe now it's been two or three matches in a row. I could be overlooking this, but is it debatable that the only way Bourne can continue his push is for him to win the US title? Sure, he was the last man standing last week on Team RAW and competed against Miz tonight and put up a valiant effort, but I think Bourne needs the strap or he will continue to lose Momentum. Your thoughts?
Not really. They just need to put him in main event matches or at least high end matches against top stars. Winning would certainly help, but even if he loses he's there and that's what matters. The crowd and fans will be always rooting for him. One day he will win something, but until that day comes as I said as long as he's in top matches he'll be fine.
i was hoping for miz and bourne at summerslam for the title but dont think that will happen unless it is anounced later in the week and miz is not in team wwe. i strongly agree that the u.s title would give him the big push he needs to the main event
i dont think bourn should be anywhere near a main event. hes to small, reys small to but hes got a better physique size over bourn. bourn is weak.
Yeah he has definetly cooled off lately...

I think for them to keep his pushing going, he needs to take that title... I am not much of an Evan Bourne guy. I respect what he does, obviously, but he is not a favorite of mine... Nor is he a small guy favorite of mine... I'd like to see him stay cooled off in favor of another wrestler getting a push...

Maybe make room for a huge Dibiase push or something... I still think he should get that belt...
I whole heartedly agree, Bourne needs the strap to succeed at the moment. I also thought he would face The Miz at SummerSlam but at the moment I do not see it happening unless it is a match like Bourne's with Jericho from Fatal4Way. I reckon it could happen like Miz comes out and runs his mouth, put his title on the in a open challenge. Bourne accepts and wins. This could allow Miz to cash in on Sheamus or Randy Orton.

Another thing that WWE could do is possibly put Bourne in Team WWE because of his history with Nexus.
Evan Bourne's big push began a few weeks ago when he was working with John Cena. After he was put out on his own again, his push began to fade. I personally think he is over rated. Yes, he has the high flying ability. Yes, he can put on a decent match. But I do not think he will ever be championship material.

Bourne would be great as a Cruiserweight champion, maybe a US champion. But other than that, not much for him.
The problem is the nexus angle that cooled off evan push. maybe he can get a title match at night of champions and beat the miz and then maybe have him and miz battle so miz can still have the briefcase until he can cash it in. he is still high with some people its just the storyline right now.
I think the biggest problem with Bourne is his character is so painfully one dimensional. He is a happy go lucky guy who performs a shooting star press. He needs something to actually stand out. Sure, he is current "high flyer". Honestly, that gets old really fast. It already has with him.

Bourne was only ever going to advance so much. No matter how much people cheer him is irrevelant. None of those cheers will make him any bigger. Bourne is simply too undersized to really move any higher than he is. I'd argue he's lucky to have even gotten to where he is now in the pecking order. I don't mean to potentially open a can of worms, but there is just no way you can believably have Bourne winning matches against guy two, three times his size.
I don't think Bourne has lost his momentum. People still go crazy when Bourne comes out and even though he usually gets his ass kicked, at least he's getting his ass kicked by the big stars. At least he's getting hit with an SCF from The Miz who has just been on a roll instead of some guy like Primo on Superstars. Just being in a match with the big guys automatically gives him major exposure. I know we are all waiting for him to get a title but give it some time. I can smell a US Championship reign in Bourne's future.
I think that he is definitely cooled off but his momentum isnt completly gone, he is still featured on TV every week and that is more than he could say a couple months ago.

I think that the main reason for the lack of push lately is that the WWE has focused so much on the build up to SSlan and in particular The Nexus that they have kind of forgotten about him. I think that once Summerslam has been and gone we will see him continue his push, I definitely see a US title in his future.
He's lost momentum, sure. But it could have been remedied so easily if he was involved in the Team WWE vs Team Nexus match at Summerslam. With that feud dominating most of last night's RAW (lumberjack match, talking segments, Henry's 'audition', Miz's bragging about how great a replacement he could be) and Orton/Sheamus/Miz really beginning to become interesting, guys with potential like DiBiase and Bourne are left on the backburner.
Will he regain any momentum? Hard to say. I think if creative are adamant that Miz is main-event ready, he needs to drop the U.S title so Bourne and DiBiase (and possibly JoMo after Summerslam) actually have something to fight over and have an actual goal as opposed to random tv matches. I don't think losing a few matches hurts that much if you are involved in a feud and they make sense. Jericho didn't lose any momentum after losing to Bourne because the whole angle was Bourne trying to prove himself against an established star. I think after Summerslam and maybe after The Nexus angle, Bourne may have some direction and an actual feud.
I think his push has cooled but the match he lost to the Miz last night impressed me. Sure he got sort of squashed in it but he did it with style. I had never seen someone knee the other person in the head to get out of a vertical suplex before (something I had been wanting to see for a while) and the way Borne ended up in a crumpled heap after being flipped over by a closeline by the Miz was classic! I gained a lot of respect for Bornes abilities in the ring as he got his ass kicked last night. Part of ring ability is being able to sell the moves convincingly and putting the other guy over. Borne did that with style and class last night. I don't see him as a credible world champion anytime soon or possibly ever but I can see him with the IC or US belt at some point. Borne can work in the ring and if he can ever refine himself on the mic he will really prove himself to be championship material.
Yes Evan Bourne is losing steam. He is not very exciting to watch, and has no gimmick. He's just flashy, and will never be able to cut a good promo. He is perfect for the US title race, maybe someday he'll get it, but why push someone like him to the top? He doesn't have the look, the talk, or the "it" factor. He simply can do some cool wrestling moves which will keep him around because the kids think he's awesome.

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