**MERGED** The Miz and R Truth Fired! Keep It All In Here!

This is my first post so bear with it ;)

I think Vince and Laurinitus will be involved with one group, consisting of Nash, Truth, Miz, ADR and 1 other (Ziggler or Swagger, after they feud, almost guaranteed soon) at Survivor Series and going against a Triple H lead team of Himself, Cena, Rock, Punk + 1 (Morrison? Had previous issues with Miz and Truth) for the power of the company, with HHH getting screwed, and this is where I think that could lead.

Cena screws them and joins with Vince and finally makes his long awaited heel turn and becomes a corporate World Champion. Thus building up to the Rock v Cena, heel v face Wrestlemania match. I know a face v face match would still sell, but only one way of turning Cena heel and still making the kind of money Cena does is the Rock as the face. They could turn Cena back face after WM if it does look like it's going to work out long term, but this could give the WWE 5-6 months of Cena heel, Rock face and not lose any merchandise or ppv sales for at LEAST that long.

But also from this match, leads to storylines of passible Nash w/Laurinitus v HHH w/Steph for Vinces true allegiance after Steph pleads with Vince to not leave HHH the outcast blah blah blah further down the lines (we know how quick WWE like to switch storylines around!) Also leaves the title open for Punk v Del Rio leading up to the Rumble, and also Miz, Truth and whoever the + 1's are (Morrison, Ziggler) feuding over the US title, with Miz eventually turning face coming up to Mania. Leaving Miz as the face and competing with Cena should that heel turn work out and rolls reversed from last years feud.

Either all of that or Stephanie screws HHH cause she felt she should have been made COO and sides with Vince on the condition she gets given full control in x amount of months. But I haven't really thought that one through.

A bit longer than I thought it would be but hey, thats my two pence :)
Im not sure if Cena will keep the title till Survivor Series. WE know he is teaming with Rock. SO will there be a title match at one of the big four?

On topic-- I think they will return on a Raw reall soon, along with Vinny Mac and Nash.

The Survivor Series Main Event_________ For total control of the WWE-- Vince M. teaming with ADR, Miz, Truth, Nash vs. HHH teaming with Punk, The ROCK, John Cena, And Mick Foley!
Miz and Truth will probably return at Hell in a Cell to disrupt the main event and help Del Rio regain the WWE title. Cena has to drop it at HiaC, since he's going to be teaming with Dwayne and others at Survivor Series, and how stupid would it be for one of the big 4 PPVs not to have a WWE title match. (By the way, I'm hoping for ADR vs. CM Punk.) Awesome Truth will then oppose Dwayne and Cena in the 5-on-5 SS match. That will set up the Rock's turn on Cena as he will reveal that he's been working with Johnny Ace "for the good of the WWE". That, and his long standing rivalry with Triple H will give him cause to try to destabilize him as COO.

How about no?
Rock isn't turning heel, what would be the point even?

Thou Awesome Truth, Nash, ADR vs Rock, Cena, Punk, HHH would work, 4vs4 (screw 5vs5, i'd rather have three 4vs4 than 1 5vs5 match) and Cena was WWE Champion in 2006 when he lead Team Cena against Team Big Show.
I have no idea where they're going with this one, I just hope it remains this exciting and doesn't end up disappointing.

For me, to maintain the shocks and excitement two people still need to contribute to the story: Vince and Steph.

As far as roles/face or heel/matches go there are so many possibilities. I just hope they've got something unpredictable planned, and that this new phase off WWE / Reality Era / Brief pushing PG boundaries storyline or whatever it may develop into continues to be as entertaining as it has been so far.
Im sorry...I find this so awesome because I called it weeks ago. Miz and Truth go after HHH and Punk, this letting HHH and Punk both remain face and team up. Punk realizes that HHH is actually ready to make the changes he wants due to the mutual respect earned after the NoC match to go up against this new stable.

I think Del Rio will be joining Miz and Truth in getting "fired," after they interfere in the three way HiaC match to try to help Del Rio.
It's cool that everyone has been speculating what would go down at Survivor Series and when the nWo will return but I was really hoping that some of you would speculate on why exactly Miz and Truth have been fired. I mean everything seemed fine between HHH and Awesome Truth at the end of the first hour. So what happened in the interim that caused both of them to be fired? Have Miz and Truth been behind this whole conspiracy all along? Are they and not John Lauranitis the moles of Vince? If not, is the position of John Lauranitis protected in some way? Too many questions and too few answers. Oh well, it seems HHH knows something that we do not and that is always a good excuse to tune into Raw the next week.

WWE has been doing really well with the cliffhangers lately. I thought the law of averages would have caught up with them right now and even the cliffhangers would have gotten boring but I am glad to see that that has not happened. I was also disappointed after NOC to see that the storyline had shifted from Punk vs The Establishment to HHH fighting to keep his position but to an extent that disappointment has been washed away. Punk is still a very important part of the storyline and still looks as if he is on his way to becoming a big star. Maybe he will team up with Hunter rather than go up against him. It looks like Punk will make his way to the top in a completely original and never seen before way. And that can only be a good thing. After all Stone Cold did not become big by body-slamming a huge dude, did he?
Am I the only one who saw Mick Foley standing near the refs in the back on the last segment of Raw. He's standing there wearing a dark suit. Look at the segment again. Why would a random guy be standing there in the back with his back to the camera? This is right before HHH's interview with Scott Stamford or whatever his name is.
We all know that miz nash and truth are going to team together at survivor series against HHH(unless a major HHH heel turn happens) unlikely. We also know that Hell in the cell is where the survivor series teams will take form. what we don't know is who will be the "Name Guy" to take the heel turn and join these guys as they are not strong enough by themselves. here is the answer:
1. The Rock is confirmed at survivor series we know this, but i dont see him teaming up with either team more likely as the guest referee( would take pop away of his return at Wrestlemania)
2.Vince will be revealed soon as a major player in this angle most likely on the side of Laurenittis
3. No way they have punk and Cena on the same team meaning one of them will have to take a heel turn( providing HHH does not)
4. Whoever Nash Miz and Truth dont attack in the title match will set up to turn.
5. It More than likely will be Cena..How much longer can he go on being the face...it will more likely be a subtle turn rather than a full turn similar to the way the rock went heel sticking up for the corporation as HHH and punk are mad with power and firing everyone.....no bad mouthing of the fans just not liking the other guys hes against...then he will be able to turn face again when angle gets old.
Just had a bit of a "discussion" with a acquaintance of mine, he swore blind that his wife knew that The Miz had been really released, apparently this was indisputable because she also knew when Jericho was also really gone. Wife comes home and says yes, yes he has been non-kayfabe fired, this was a true fact.
A source citation was requested. It was wwe.com.
This all started back in April with R-Truth and his heel turn, it accelerated with CM Punk fighting against "The Machine" in July and now it's taken on a new form here in September. It's a bizarre story, but it’s a damn intriguing one.

Somehow, WWE has managed to actually give us something between WrestleMania 27 and WrestleMania 28 that's a long, strongly built and well executed feud. I tip my cap to them. I'll do it again should they keep it up. It seems that people from all walks of the WWE are getting involved now and the angle has expanded it's scope so much that it genuinely feels as if there is something big going down that could change the landscape of WWE.

Whether the obvious Johnny Ace is the ultimate mastermind, whether it all ties back to what Truth's been preaching about since the Spring, and whether there really is a companywide conspiracy remain to be seen, but the smoke and mirrors has been fairly awesome so far.
Vince McMahon is the mastermind behind all this, for sure. He will also be the one that brings back R-Truth and The Miz, mark my words.

In these types of storylines, there's always a traitor so I think it's more interesting to consider who the traitor will be. Punk? Triple H? Cena?
Nash miz and truth will come down wearing new shirts during hiac storm the ring and destroy cena and punk making way for alberto to regain the title and join the team.

Leading to Survivor Series, with Nash ADR truth and miz against Punk Hunter Cena and Rock.

Rock being brought in as he stopped the last alliance, "team with cena rock, we need you" type thing. Only for H or Punk to turn on their team and allign themselves with Nash's crowd.

steadily increase numbers over the following weeks, NWO style by addding Barret and swagger w/ Vickie

maybe Christian and cody.

then they have 10 years of "INVASION SHOULD HAVE BEEN BOOKED LIKE THIS!!!!! Storylines at their disposal.

with all wwe guys, so it doesn't matter who looks strong

I really think Vince may make a go of the nWo again. With Nash, Truth, and Miz in there, Vince may bring them back himself. I guess it might be wishful thinking on my part, but a GOOD nWo invasion would be great. If done right it could push a lot of guys' careers.
I really think Vince may make a go of the nWo again. With Nash, Truth, and Miz in there, Vince may bring them back himself. I guess it might be wishful thinking on my part, but a GOOD nWo invasion would be great. If done right it could push a lot of guys' careers.

Good point, I think the timing is right for the return of NWO and also it seems like they're building towards something like that.

Your post got me thinking, remember not too long ago whent he reports came out that Vince McMahon has "big plans" for The Miz? Could it be that he's going to make The Miz the leader of the new NWO?

That would put Miz really far over.
Actually I love the idea of Undertaker becoming a member of this NWO kind of faction this could help set up Triple H Vs Undertaker rematch which they are going to do no doubt.
I guess no one is buying my theory that Mick Foley was there in the backstage area by the refs with his back to the camera in the last segment on Raw?

pretty sure that was foley. if you watch right when they cut away from the tv's to the group of wrestlers, the gentleman in question was rushing to get his back to the camera, either way it was someone who was not supposed to be seen on tv yet.
maybe foley comes in a manager type role for the wwe guys in this feud or as a mouthpiece or gm for trips, or maybe (kayfabe) taking johnny-throat-scratch's job or something. i just dont see his wife letting him wrestle anymore, she was sick of it a decade ago.
i defininely believe he will be playing a role of some kind in this whole angle, miz and truth getting fired is just the beginning and i am just glad WWE is investing in a long-term story arc as it seems to be the case.
I agree that Vince will bring them back. I also think we find out hhh fired them cause they discovered the conspiracy. I do not think the board had no confidence in Vince. I think HHH somehow convinced them to fire him, so HHH himself could take over the company. He will say yeah I was the one responsible for getting Vince fired, so I could take over. I just couldnt wait for him to retire on his own.
How bout this. It all did start right after WM27. Now that we are in September they are gearing up for the set up to SS. Truth has been talking about the conspiricy and doing things for "little Jimmy" (funny that Johnny Lauranitis has a son that plays for the Rams. James.) ADR has been saying since MITB "It is my Destiny". After MITB Cena says to Del Rio "There's only one man who can get the best of me in this ring and you don't look like CM Punk." Stephanie says to CM Punk after the Summer Slam run-in "everybody gets what they deserve". All that said.....this is how I see it unfolding.

CM Punk gets pinned at HITC by ADR. They won't let Cena drop the title without Punk involved because he still needs to be accepted as the Greatest Of All Time to face the Rock at WM28. ADR continues his feud with Rey Rey until SS. It makes the most sense with the WWE doing a tour in Mexico in late October. Punk (and subsequently Cena) will no doubt be screwed in some way or form by Miz/Truth. That sets up the Raw side. The Smackdown side is a little more complex. Christian and Sheamus I assume will continue their feud. Why else would they of had a segment at NOC? Neither one of them has anything. The final memebers of the teams.....each one gets a Sin Cara. Add Nash and the Rock and its 5 on 5.

The WSM defends the heavyweight title against the "Ultimate Underdog" Zac Ryder (why else would they fit hugh jackman in on RAW? that movie looks terrible).

My guess is that when the muppets show up on RAW it will only be so miss piggy can stir up the DIVA division.
i for one do not want to see them rehash the nwo angle...think of something new dammit.

actually....i will say i wouldn't mind seeing miz/truth/nash do some kind of nwo angle ONLY*** if they have a fake sting.

no fake sting, no dice dammit!!
to quote GD...

"It's still real to me!"

on the other hand this guy needs to learn that Miz & Truth is all but a storyline. You else it would of made the main page of WZ. (This guy should go troll Matt Hardy Posts)

On other news. Loving the curve of this storyline, as soon as I thought it was getting dull. They threw this at us. Its keeping me on the edge of my seat. Cant wait to see whats going to happen. Hopefully they keep Miz & Truth off screen or do something like randomly interfering in top superstars matches or promos.

I can see a Great Survivor Series line up. they just need to involve more people to get a 5vs5 match

Sin Cara (Hunico)


Sin Cara (Mistico)
A returning Jericho? Heel Foley? Dare I say it.... Heel Undertaker?

Undertaker would actually work, as he has legitimate beef with Triple H. The question is, do they want to turn him heel? Is there any way he could side with Nash, Miz, Truth, etc. without being heel?

I actually thought about the Undertaker too. Wouldn't be a stretch at all? Who better for Triple H to call to help battle the "resistance" then the only guy who has been in WWE longer than him? Play off how cuz of WM they have "respect for each other" and then Taker turns! Though we have seen Taker team with Vince before, think it would be cool if they did it so that Taker is pissed that HHH is the "golden boy" of the WWE although Taker has always been Mr. Reliable and the Locker Room Leader. Make Taker jealous of HHH cuz during the buildup to their match for WM, Taker even said he has nothing else to prove cept for the streak.

Also SS is where it all began for the Undertaker. (Why does that sound familar? Hmmm...) Giving Taker one more great heel turn before he retires after WM 28
A returning Jericho? Heel Foley? Dare I say it.... Heel Undertaker?
It wouldn't make sense for Jericho to join Nash in any form considering their past. And I dunno if Foley's gonna be heel when he returns. But Undertaker is someone that no one would see coming. Nothing for left for him to prove.

All I know is some sort of decent stable is gonna come out of all this, the question is who and when. Remember Vengeance is next after HIAC, so let's think about that ppv before Survivor Series.
Undertaker is impossible to turn heel at this stage. He could tombstone Cena on thumbtacks next week and get cheered for it. It's out of the question.
I take you all back to the "Undertaker could Chokeslam babies and stil get a face reaction" quote that you've no doubt seen in some way shape or form.There is no way that you could effectively turn Taker heel, and putting him on the Heel SS team could very well hurt it because they could quite possibly get cheered over the Faces, because as of right now the only prospective guys that might get cheered over Taker are Rock and Trips. And that's if Rock is actually wrestling. Taker is more popular and respected than the rest of the roster combined, and there's very little chance of a heel turn working, if at all.
In my opinion, the best option is for John Cena to turn heel. He is the one guy who has always done what the WWE tells him to do. He is the ultimate "company man". He has the most fans in the 6-13 year old age bracket. It would be perfect to see him turn heel !

He could explain it by saying how he's busted his butt and yet still hears half the crowd booing him. Well, now all of you have a reason to boo me!
No Undertaker can not be apart of this in anyway. He is far to popullar with the fans he needs a storyline built around him and whoever he is facing and thats it. As far as Miz and R Truth they will be joining Nash obviously in this whole conspiracy thing. Now I personally would love to see a former TNA star who jumped ship be the mastermind or a newcomer we havent seen yet. Johnny Ace is obviously a part of it and hopefully he has some other people up his sleeve that we dont know about.

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