[OFFICIAL] Miz In The Bank Thread

How long till miz cashes in?

  • In the coming months

  • In the lead up till wrestlemania 27

  • After wrestlemania 27 and just before his year expires

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I dislike this outcome. Actually, I hate it. I think The Miz is the most overrated wrestler on the planet. Yes, he can work a mic, we get it. He can talk, talk, talk until he's blue in the face...I get it. When has he ever put on a one-on-one performance worthy of a World title push? He hasn't. He's not as God-awful as he used to be in the ring, but he's still not World Championship material, IMO.

Actually, I find him to be a bit overrated on the mic as well. Don't get me wrong, he's good on the mic. But some of you treat him like the second coming of the Rock...and he isn't. I just don't get what people see in the guy. He can work a promo, but I have no faith in him putting on a great, headline-type match.

My guess is he will go on to have a short feud with Orton. Not sure where it will go, and I'm not all that excited for it. I think eventually he'll cash in his briefcase, coward-style, and win the big one. I don't really like it, but it's going to happen.
I really believe Miz will be the first to lose, and I am actually looking forward to it because I can only imagine what his segments would be like after losing. His interviews will be golden!
I am the ultimate miz fan, been ever since his debut, awallys saw tthis passion in him that made me know he would be great. On second thought I was noticing the promo that Miz gave post match, it so much reeked of a pg version of the 316 speech post king of the ring. I see this push to better things in line with the miz because other then when austin won king of the ring, I have yet to see anyone that was given mic time after they won while the others were still in or around the ring to talk about how they will be great because of this. Overall I have to say it was a great money in the bank match, not the best of the night but still a top 4 one due to the tallent in the match. Way to go Miz!
I don't really care for anyone's negativity towards Miz, but this is the kind of push he needs to be a worthy main eventer, he's good in the ring, excellent on the mic and has alot of charisma, he's had good title reigns with mid card and tag team gold. Him winning MITB just elevates him further regardless if he cashes in and wins or loses, its still a great push forh im, and i will enjoy seeing him move up.

Very happy about this outcome.
This prediction is way out in left field but here goes:

I think that on the very next RAW, The Miz should brag about how he's going to become the WWE Championship. .
How does one transform to a belt:lmao: jk

I am a huge Miz fan and I totally marked out when he won because he deserves it. He has shown great improvement in the ring and got even better on the mic. I hope he ends up cashing in against Cena to reignite their feud from last year after Backlash. I hope Miz gets a 4-5 month title reign and cements him as a top heel in the company. Hell, he's shown us he can work harder than Johnny Jannetty. (get it?) He is just a great superstar and HE's THE MIZ AND HES.......awesome........AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
I'm ok with Miz winning it but I wish morrison would of won because I think he deserves it more but I think they should have a feud between morrison and miz
Hey Yo!

I just wanna start off with that, im extremely pleased and impressed with who WWE chose for both MiTB winners, excellent choices and the most logical.

The E chose the best time to catapult Miz into that main event scene. Seriously this guy is hot right now, and that promo after his win was just gold you literally feel the passion and joy he was feeling inside under that heel character.

Miz MitB winner= AWESOME. Simple as that.
I am so pissed.....wait actually I am overjoyed that the Miz has won because he reeks of awesomeness. I personally think he should wait about 6 to 10 months to cash in the case because rushing it would make Miz end up like Swagger and that would be pretty bad. I do not think he will be the first to lose when he cashes it in because he is too good for that and whoever thinks the opposite...REALLY? Have you seen this guy's mic skills. I am hoping that when Bryan returns (yes I said when) Miz will drop the US title to him.

PS- WTF was the Creative team thinking giving the case to Kane. IMO he is sort of bland and has been watered down in the recent years. I see nothing special in him. He does deserve to have at least one title reign before he goes out do not get me wrong, but I truly believe that Matt Hardy was ready for the main event. He looks more focused than ever and has this new confidence that he can succeed if given the opportunity. Either Matt or Drew IMO should have won that. Kane was a waste because he could have been giving a title match anytime.
This...is literally...AWESOME!!!

Miz really has grown as far as character goes, and he is one of WWE's most potential future main-eventers. This was their best decision...so he better not lose.

As a dream and only a dream cause i'm 99% sure that it could NEVER happen would be: Miz somehow gets into MITB next WrestleMania(if it stays there), wins, cashes in the first on the WWE Title that night, then later cashes in on the World Title(order of doesn't matter), so The Miz leaves WrestleMania 27 The Undisputed Champion because HE'S THE MIZ.....AND HE'S...AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Like I said it will never happen, but hey, a guy could dream :rolleyes:

Realistically, he'll probably win at Survivor Series or maybe TLC at the latest.
Ya know at first I didn't really get this push, don't get me wrong I am a huge Miz fan, but he didn't seem like he was ready to be contending for the WWE title.

But then I thought about Edge, when Edge won his first MITB, I still thought of him as the tag team caliber wrestler that he was, and look what happened there, he became one of the best heels in the business and a great main eventer.

I think the E pretty much gave Miz the ball and its his choice whether or not he can run with it. I hate to say it, but IMO i don't think he is ready (especially with the talent already on Raw).
It's cool to see Miz be the first guy to hold a championship and the MITB briefcase at the same time. I hope this push gets him to the main event and keeps him there.....because he's the Miz, and he's Awesome.
I'm ok with Miz winning it but I wish morrison would of won because I think he deserves it more but I think they should have a feud between morrison and miz

Morrison just needs to be moved back to Smackdown. If he isn't, it's almost safe to bet he'll be future indeavored, instead of the World Champion he could be.
I also do not want it to be rushed in any way!! This should be a slow rise so he isn't stuck with the moniker, "Too Much Too Fast"... Then when it finally takes place, it almost feels overdue!

For some reason though, I feel like he will win his first WHC without the MITB... I wouldn't be surprised if he cashed it in and things didn't end up going his way and he loses when he cashes it in!

I hope not, but just a thought...
In the past few months of WWE, I have hated every second of Raw. Literally, everything....with the exception of when the Miz is on screen. He is literally the only thing keeping me tuned in to Raw...well, that, and I'm obsessed with wrestling. Point is, I was waiting for this. Just didn't think WWE'd be elevating him this soon. But I'm glad for it.
I posted this whole thing, as my first post ever actually a few moments ago in the Evan Bourne/US title discussion, however it quickly into a very Miz heavy discussion that I feel is very relevant to this topic as well, and in fear of having my first post merged/deleted, I'm reposting this on this discussion. It's kind of a long term pay-off in regards to The Miz's title win/run. I hope you all like it-

Hey guys, first time posting on this forum, always loved this site, and reading all of your discussions on the forums, but this one jumped out at me, and I think I have a solution that would work out great that I don't believe has been said. First off I see The Miz cashing in his contract on Sheamas(I always botch his name I don't care at this point) or John Cena either soon or down the line after a Nexus beatdown let's say around Summerslam or even as late as late august, early september. Miz is then revealed to have been working with Nexus all along, and is now WWE Champion. In terms of the US title, he forfeits it now that he's WWEChamp, and a US title tournament is held. Bourne, Morrison, Dibiase, R-Truth, Henry, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo(maybe instead Edge, or Jericho though I don't see either of the two needing/wanting this title) and Ryder are all participants. They build this over a span of a few weeks, the first RAW having the first two matches, the next RAW the next two and so on until you end it, HOPEFULLY with a sick Morrison vs Bourne match that's over the top and solidifies both of them as main event material in terms of match quality in the process. You could really argue that both Morrison or Bourne deserve this/any title but to keep with how relevant Bourne's recent push has been, I'd give it to Bourne because he needs it more more then Morrison does, I see Morrison being called up to the main event level soon(hopefully anyway) and definitely sooner then Bourne. This win, and actually defending his title on a regular basis(which would mean no more two minute squashes for him) should be all he needs to really capitalize on the fire the machine's been putting under his ass lately.

NOW back to the big picture...remember how I said Miz should win the title, or at least be revealed the the Nexus pro/leader? Well the RAW after 9/11...(this is speculation, could techically happen, SHOULD technically happen not just because I want it to happen, but I think a lot of us fans and could earn WWE a shit ton of money as well, which we all know is what they care about in the end anyway!) Have Bryan Danielson, return, to challenge The Miz. OH and to make the odds seem THAT much greater against the returning SUPER babyface Bryan Danielson, the mystery GM is revealed as Michael Cole, who is now working with Nexus/the Miz and instates he is the special guest referee in the WWE title match of The Miz vs Bryan Danielson and Nexus are the special guest lumberjacks. You could have Danielson obviously lose strong against these odds and eventually have him overcome say a ppv or two after, or have him overcome I'd say the biggest/most personal odds I have ever seen stacked against a contender in a WWE title match. Tell me what you guys think?
I just don't see what is so special about the Miz. Yeah his mic work is great but is that really a reason to make him a main-event-er? I know he's pretty much LOVED by everyone I just don't see the in-ring uniqueness of him. He's not bad but he's not great. What's the big deal with this guy? He's short (at least compared to the other wrestlers) and though that hasn't stopped guys like Rey Mysterio at least Rey is a high flyer. I've seen this guy in the same senteces as Stone Cold and Shawn Michaels. Please tell me you're kidding!
A few weeks ago when he made a cheap shot at a Orton/Miz feud he told Orton he'd be the first to hold the US title and WWE title at the same time...i know its way to much gold for 1 dude especially Miz but is it possiable? Maybe a cheap (typical) MITB briefcase win followed by next Raw after losing the US Title?
I just don't see what is so special about the Miz. Yeah his mic work is great but is that really a reason to make him a main-event-er? I know he's pretty much LOVED by everyone I just don't see the in-ring uniqueness of him. He's not bad but he's not great. What's the big deal with this guy? He's short (at least compared to the other wrestlers) and though that hasn't stopped guys like Rey Mysterio at least Rey is a high flyer. I've seen this guy in the same senteces as Stone Cold and Shawn Michaels. Please tell me you're kidding!

Read the artcle just posted...Miz is a work horse and is the future of the company.he makes the media appereances and is the go to guy and vinnie mac loves that just like with cena. cenas a workhorse and vinnie loves the workhorse the one thats willing to make the appereances and media coverage and step up when others wont. when vinnie says your the future of the wwe than you're doing something right..miz will go down as one the greats when its all said and done.i think you are just looking at it wrestling wise his charsima and heat and love he gets is crazy high and that goes over well in the back with the big guys
First post so forgive me if i do something wrong but...

Miz's win was quite a surprise to me in an otherwise dissapointing match given the superstar potential and im glad where going to be getting a new star in the main event scene. But having the united states champion win the contract kinda demeans the little prestige it had left to begin with. I hope he waits to awhile like edge did originally to cash in but watching his promo it kinda felt like he would be the first one to loose upon cashing it in.
I feel the WWE needs to hire creative individuals like you for story lines! Your ideas are what I would like to see. Nice ideas to make things unexpected (Miz and NEXUS) and different.

We have seem the same RAW over and over and over again! When Cena talks blah, blah, blah.. he is in the main event against someone else that blah, blah, blahs..

Your ideas are awesome! I would have Morrison beat Borne because he has been in the WWE longer and he is an absolute stud. If I looked that good I would not be working 40 hours a week right now. If I had another life, I would want to be born again looking as PERFECT as Morrison. I would rather him beat Borne, but I dig Evan Borne too!
I still doubt the Miz will become champion, but who knows? He'd be a champion of this company and this era. I could not believe him winning a world title in any other major company or in any other era (maybe as an Arquette replacement).

I have not seen an overall good match of him. I can even go so far to say about every male wrestler on the roster has better in-ring skills than him, except for the super heavyweights and Hornswoggle. I like him as a midcard guy, because he is funny and plays the arrogant guy very well. But more doesn't seem to fit. To me he looks nowhere dangerous or intimidating. I can't even say what his style is, if he his a technical, brawler, high flyer, ... . I don't say I dislike him, that would be a lie, I just find it completely unbelievable for him to compete on an even level with the likes of Triple H or Undertaker. I even find it hard to imagine he could cleanly beat Mysterio or Natalya. Hell, even in a bar fight I'd probably go with Barney Gumble.

Most of you do love him, so my personal opinion is an outsider and seeing how over he is, I accept he gets the mega push. It's probably the right thing then. I'll give him a chance and look for other things he is impressive at besides mic skills. Maybe it's because I like wrestlers who can either wrestle or at least look more strong. Maybe I just didn't pay enough attention to his matches. I hope he can somehow convince me and prove me wrong. Seeing how much love he gets, I must likely be blind or have a freak attitude towards wrestling. It'll be exciting how this plays out.
Ya, now im starting to look at it like dionlyone18 said.

With the report about Vince wanting to start building RAW around Miz I take all the posts I made in this thread back about hoping he's the first one to lose a cash in.

If Vince thinks Miz is the future of the company, then they will find a way to do it. I can now see somehow Miz holding onto the US title and winning the WWE Title so they can build him around being the first(?) to ever hold both US and WWE titles at the same time.

Also with reports of WWE wanting to have HH or Cena behind the NEXUS attacks, if they make it be Cena then they can have Miz step up and be the man trying to fight off Cena and can build him up big that way. Maybe have some of the NEXUS trying to get his US title and some/Cena trying to get his WWE title.
First off, the Miz winning Money in the Bank was just Awesome. I don't see the Miz cashing in Money in the Bank for a while. Not until John Cena gets it back or another top face, unless he turns face himself and cashes it on Sheamus, Wade Barrett if he wins it on the PPV night he's suppose to get it, or another heel. Will Nexus affect who he cashes the opportunity on? Oh yes. The Miz will pick a moment when the Nexus isn't focused in the WWE Championship or whoever is holding the title. At Summer Slam, Cena will be trying to take out the Nexus. That leaves probably Orton, Edge, Jericho, or Evan Bourne facing Sheamus for the WWE title at Summer Slam. I think it will be Orton, personally.

I don't see the Miz cashing in Money in the Bank to around, oh, Survivor Series? Somewhere around that ballpark. until then, he'll be slowly biding his time and wait for the perfect moment to cash in Money in the Bank. How and who he cashes it will affect his character forever as well. If he cashes it on a Face, then he'll go for a mega heel. If he cashes it on a Heel, then a face turn. We'll have to see what happens.

As for when he does have the WWE Championship, I see him losing it within a month, two months tops. The first title reign will be testing the waters as how the Miz will hold his own on Raw. So far, Vince McMahon has high hopes for the Miz, and so does everyone else. He has hard work ethic, works great on the mic, and has the looks of a potential face of a company. The Miz will become the next John Cena, and surpass John Cena. Because he's the Miz, and he's awesome.
I think this is a great move. The Miz has been on a roll as of late. He definitely has everything going for him to make him a worthy main event player. And sure you could start screaming "BACKSTAGE POLITICS, I SHALL NOT HAVE IT ON MY TELEVISION!". Well guess what. Even if it was The Miz winning due to him paying his dues both in the ring as well as outside of it. It's still warranted.

The Miz has been improving a lot over the last few years. This guy has been marked the most improved two years in a row. How the hell do you get the most improved 2 years in a row and not become worth this? Answer is - You don't.

I cannot see who The Miz cashes in on. I don't believe it will be done anytime soon. Let's remember - Miz heel, Sheamus heel. No cash-in unless one of them turns. And I don't want that. So The Miz is gonna be "Mr Money in the Bank" for a while to come. And it shall be epic.
This was an excellent move. When Orton was atop the ladder and fans were prematurely ejaculating at the thought of Orton winning and the Miz came into the ring the fans were booing the shit out of him. It was a great move. The ending was just awesome with several people going atop the ladder and each of them falling. I honestly had no idea who was going to win. But when Orton got to the top and the Miz came in i knew this would end two ways. Miz attempts to climb and Orton pushes him off like a jobber, or Miz grabs the case.

Miz grabbed the case, he cut an excellent promo, fans ate that shit up like a well cooked meal. I don't see the Miz cashing in for months. This is going to be some exciting television. The Miz has worked very hard to get where he is. How can people still hate him? I'll never know. Miz does need a main event feud so I think he'll feud with Orton. That will be good, one of the hottest heels against a very good face. It'll put him over just in time for him to successfully cash in the briefcase.

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