Credibility restored to the WWE title by...The Miz?

Personally, I think Miz has been shoved down our throats too much. I never expected WWE to keep the title belt on him this long......and I thought he would surely lose it at WM. The company has obviously made a huge investment in this guy succeeding and they feel they have to follow through with it. But next to the guys he's fighting, Miz just doesn't seem to measure up. To me, guys like Cena and Orton are true superstars; Miz is not.

I have nothing at all against Miz. At times, he's entertaining, but over all, I find him to be a mid-carder who's being pushed as a main eventer.

I have to agree.

I think part of Miz's problem is that he isn't presenting himself any differently than when he was the US champion. He is still whining about how no one thought he could succeed. He is still whining about how no one thought he was talented or whatever. His promo style is still trying to be a douchebag without any real serious undertones. He has had a lot of good matches, but very few stand out matches. It just seems like the same dude since 2009, 'cept with a different belt and the guys he is facing aren't a token mid-card guy.

I am not saying the Miz is bad or 'unworthy,' I just think they are chewing a little more off than they can swallow with the guy. Sure, he can get them the talk shows because of his MTV past.. But he is just another guy since Cena's last reign that was given the belt without the confidence to carry the show. (re: Sheamus and Orton) Raw is and will still be The John Cena show until they can find someone they feel comfortable with giving just as much face time as they do with Cena.
Miz had already defended his title at Mania, Rock came out and restarted the match to cost Cena the win, he didn't overturn the decision, he just reinforced it and so in that case yes the Miz is a credible champion in my opinion, anyone who can go through a match at Mania and pull out a draw with supercena deserves some acclaim surely?
I can't believe people are still asking this. What's more, I can't believe people are still responding in the negative.

The Miz, earlier this week, was given the honor of being the first heel to win in the main event of a Wrestlemania in eleven years. The last heel to win in the main event of Wrestlemania would be that other guy who people are always asking about his credibility, Triple H. What's more is that no one considered it a major shock. This wasn't Jack Swagger with a sudden briefcase turn-in, or John Cena falling through a table before a shocked Sheamus.

Some people here seem to have forgotten that professional wrestling is not a sport. The outcomes are not determined by virtue of how athletic and talented a wrestler is, but by a committee of writers trying to determine what would get the most people to watch on television. If a guy cheats to win a match, it's not because he's an inferior professional wrestler who had to be given help from his friends writing the book; it is because he is being booked as a wrestler who holds onto his championship through fair means or foul. Edge has been wrestling as "The Ultimate Opportunist" for years, but you won't hear anyone talking about if he's a credible champion or not. The only difference is that Edge has been around for years, but The Miz is a new guy. If you're a new guy in the WWE not named Bryan Danielson, people are going to shit all over you.
This is actually a very good point that has been forgotten about. Before the involvement, Miz walk already walking out with the title having tied the match by countout. Cena couldn't beat him.
I'd also like to point this out as well because it's even more forgotten

Miz kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment.

No slow count, no weak finish, no Cena taking his time to get the cover.

Attitude Adjustment
Quick Pin

No-one ever does that. If Miz isn't a credible champion now then he never will be.

Damn, you beat me to it. :p

How is Miz NOT credible at this point? Not only did he fight Cena to a draw and kick out of an AA at Wrestlemania of all places, but he also survived Cena's STF. Who the fuck does that, especially in the same match and at Wrestlemania? Only the top stars, that's who. My memory is fuzzy on the details of the matches, but I don't even think Orton, HBK or HHH could do that in their respective matches... but guess who did? The Miz. Guess who fought Cena to a draw and went on to beat Cena, which those three couldn't do? That's right, Miz.

And to the people saying Morrison doesn't count because he's a "jobber to the stars," don't forget that in the months leading to the match, Morrison completely owned Sheamus throughout their feud, (aside from the KOTR tournament.) Yes, the same Sheamus that put HHH on the shelf and beat John Cena for the title.

I love how Morrison all of a sudden doesn't matter when it doesn't support the Miz hate.
I think you're all nuts! ;)

First of all, no offense, but the OP just doesn't make sense to me. Being a credible champion and a legitimate champion/star are two different things.

Is the character credible? No. He rarely wins in a clean fashion. He isn't a tough guy heel, he's a chicken shit.

Is The Miz a legitimate champion/Superstar? Absolutely. I don't like it, but he is. He's a big deal now-a-days, because his heel character has been outstanding. I still think he's God-awful in the ring, but that sort of falls in line with his character. He didn't make it to the main event at WrestleMania because he puts on ***** matches. His character has carried him through. Personally, I don't see the appeal, but a lot of people do, and that's undeniable.

He's legitimate because he draws a shit ton of heat, and he main evented WrestleMania. Does that mean he is a credible champion? No, he is never booked to be the better man, but that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, relying on his character as opposed to his in-ring skill is the only thing keeping him from heading straight back to the mid-card.
I do consider Miz a star. I don't think he has been booked correctly. I still think there is no reason he cant be booked to go clean over Cena, Orton, or even not struggle in a match against lawler. He is heel I get that...let him win on his own.

See, here's the problem with that. If heels won on their own, why should we ever care? If heels win clean, faces would never have reason to get more than one shot. Ya got beat, the heel was better, move on!

However, if the heel uses a low blow (the Ric Flair special) or a faction, or feet on the ropes, or any other interference or cheating tactic to win, you dislike the heel more for "pulling one over" on the hero. Then, the hero has to try and find a way to beat this guy who is willing to resort to anything to win. That's what is happening here. Miz keeps FINDING ways to win and the fans should be despising this fact, hoping some face will come along and overcome the odds to beat him. That's essentially the way wrestling goes.

Let's look back about 7 years. In 2004, JBL became champion. Though he is a much larger man than Miz, he cheated to win in basically every title defense, holding on to said title for months on end. Nobody could beat him.......until a new face overcame it all to end his long reign and become a star. That man was a certain John Cena. Part of the allure of JBL was that everyone WANTED to see him get beat so that when Cena did, it was huge. That is what is being created with Miz because that's what heels do. People are wanting to see him get beat, especially since he's gotten by the 3 biggest faces on Raw (Orton, Cena, Morrison).

On the other hand, how do heels GET the title? They CHEAT!! That's how they obtain it in the first place! In Miz's case, he cashed in his briefcase on a hurt Orton, though it wasn't like Swagger's cash-in where it was 1 move and over. In a sense, that cash-in made him way more credible than Swagger because he had to fight for it. It was a short match, but a match nonetheless, and Miz actually did hit his finisher and got the pin on Orton. You can say it wasn't clean because Orton wasn't 100 percent, but it was a more legit win than most MITB cash ins.

Trust me, this kid is legit and his reign is legit. I have no idea where the "he needs to win clean" stuff comes from. I'm not going to repeat what others have said, but it's just not what heels do. If they won clean, you wouldn't root as hard for faces to beat them. When they cheat or weasel their way through, you are supposed to hate it and want the guy to get beat down. It's worked since the beginning of wrestling and it ain't changing now. Get used to it.
In my eyes he has defeated only one real worthy adversery. Jerry lawler does not count in my eyes. He defeated orton for the title twice. I do not count mania as a good win since that match was kind of screwey in the end. I am glad he retained but it was a horrible way to do so.

I absolutely see your point, but in my opinion that's kinda the beauty of the Miz. He is the ultimate weasel. It doesn't matter if you're Randy Orton or Jerry Lawler - the Miz will sell your offense as if he just got hit by a truck. He cowers from everyone. And if he can survive another month by defending against an old fart instead of a top contender, all the better.
And no one can see how this guy can hold on to the belt somehow despite being seemingly inferior to ANYONE. There was this one guy in history who had a very similar shtick - Ric Flair.
So if you ask me, let him be completely incapable of winning a match fair and square. Let him need the help of both Riley, Cole and half the Corre to beat Zack Ryder.
All that will change, of course, once the Miz turns face at some point down the line, which will happen, no doubt about it. But until then, let him be the most dastardly coward he can be. :D
Miz, not to beat a dead horse, can also be compared to Jericho in that they never really had Jericho go over a top star clean back in the early 2000s... and it pissed me off because it had been apparent how good he was from watching his career from WCW onward... this shows that even a battle tested veteran who could wrestle you in various styles is still even played up like a coward when they're that type of heel... that's just how it goes, and it sucks for those who hold them as favorites because the marks will always think they just suck and can't really beat their favorite face. This is what is happening with the Miz... its just Miz isn't the warrior Jericho or HHH or Rock or Austin was when they were heels and its even less believable for him to go clean over Cena and Orton.
Another thing I've noticed is that with many great heel champions, they cheat to win on their own... for instance Eddie Guerrero, with his cons and trickery, or putting your feet on the rope for leverage, or beating the face with your own weapon or foreign object... heels like Eddie Guerrero and Edge would beat you according to a plan, not just interference, like in Miz's pay-per-views... The great heel tactics will make you hated but respected... winning as a result of interference against a "stronger" opponent, over and over again makes you hated and disrespected; and this is what sets Miz apart from the great heels so far. Not just that he doesn't win clean, but he consistently wins by the help of others... I think they at least need to book him as a better, smarter cheater and tactician.
I think you're all nuts! ;)

First of all, no offense, but the OP just doesn't make sense to me. Being a credible champion and a legitimate champion/star are two different things.

Is the character credible? No. He rarely wins in a clean fashion. He isn't a tough guy heel, he's a chicken shit.

Is The Miz a legitimate champion/Superstar? Absolutely. I don't like it, but he is. He's a big deal now-a-days, because his heel character has been outstanding. I still think he's God-awful in the ring, but that sort of falls in line with his character. He didn't make it to the main event at WrestleMania because he puts on ***** matches. His character has carried him through. Personally, I don't see the appeal, but a lot of people do, and that's undeniable.

He's legitimate because he draws a shit ton of heat, and he main evented WrestleMania. Does that mean he is a credible champion? No, he is never booked to be the better man, but that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, relying on his character as opposed to his in-ring skill is the only thing keeping him from heading straight back to the mid-card.

Finally someone said it right. To me the Miz is like the Michael Cole of the wrestlers. They talk alot of shit about whomever they are facing or whom they dislike bad mouth them, take very cheap shots at them and to them, but once they are confronted they run like little bitches. When faced with the match they actually fight but need every one and everything to help and secure the win, the next night all you hear is how they just slayed a dragon when it is obvious that they need help to get the win. Like Nick just stated the miz isn't booked to look like he is obviously going to win in the match he looks like he is afraid of them and just wants to run away.
Berlin, thank you for making sense. "The Miz" is a character, a devious, weasel-like, self centered, obnoxious, egotistical jackass. That's the point. Remember when he first went solo how he would challenge an injured Cena, knowing he wouldn't show up, then counting the win? Yeah, that's the kinda guy who do whatever he could to get to the top, then do whatever he could to desperately keep that spot. And that's the point. All this talk about credibility is pointless, he's scripted to cheat to win, just like Flair (who in full heel mode seemed to cheat any and every chance he could), Y2J and Eddie Guerrero. The fact is he was in the main event of WrestleMania with John Cena and the Rock, he's the WWE champ, and Vince feels like he's credible, so that about ends it. Honestly, if he didn't cheat, he'd probably get cheered, so he better keep it up.
I think the credibility of the wwe title will never be able to be restablished because the wwe universe wont allow it to. check it, if a heel, like miz, keeps the title, he hs to cheat to keep it, because he is a heel, and many people will say, he hasnt beaten anyone, he hasnt beaten enough stars, he hasnt done enough. but, at the same time, if a face, like john cena (there really isnt too many real faces around now anyway), were to do it, we (me included) would feel like the wwe is making that superstar look invincible, just like cena, thats the whole reason why people began to hate him. if a face kept winning, and kept winning, people would hate him. if an inbetween guy were to do it, maybe someone like orton, who doesnt really fit into a heel role, or a face role completely were to do it, maybe that would work, but that would make wwe have to put one of their favorites on the back burner, like cena or someone. and they wont want to do that. so they'll keep people like that in b plot fueds. but no matter what happens, the wwe universe wont be happy. there are also too many "stars" on raw. unlike smackdown, where they can have edge keep the title for ever because they dont really have any other champs there at the moment, raw has too many people who they want to keep somewhere around the spotlight.
Title reign length doesn't add credibility. It's HOW it's carried.

I say length doesn't matter because it's not necessarily realistic. In the UFC most titles don't last more than 2 or 3 defenses. So basically 2-3 months should be about the average they hold it in the WWE.

Miz has done a great job at making everyone he faces look like they can beat him but he still manages to win by any means necessary. That's exactly what a heel champion is supposed to do. That's what Ric Flair was the best at and why everyone always put the title on him.

Miz shouldn't beat anyone clean, it's not his style. That's like saying Cena should outwrestle people, it's not his style. Miz is a planner. He wins by any means necessary. That doesn't make him look weak, it makes him look smart. If he beat people clean then it'd take away from the chicken shit aspect of his character that makes him hateable.
The Miz is a credible WWE champion,but he hasn't brought credibility back to the WWE title.The last time I can remember the WWE title being the focal point of the feud was at the Royal Rumble almost 3 months ago.After Miz beat Orton his subsequent feuds with Jerry Lawler and John Cena were more personal than just winning the WWE title.It almost seemed like the WWE title didn't matter in those feuds.

He already has a lengthy title run,but I can see him dropping the title belt to Cena in the next couple of months.Back in the day champions held the title for years.I think 6-7 months is long enough for the WWE to prove their point with The Miz.
The fact that most people accept Miz as a credible champion is precisely the reason that the championship itself is still lacking in credibility. I do not care if heels cheat to win. However, WWE overuses the fluke runs to a point it ceases to make sense. Flukes are supposed to be rare. The way WWE does it anyone should think they could suddenly get a bad attitude and hold the title for at least 3 months through pure chance. That isn't something that builds credibility. Miz is still no better than average at basically everything and no better than good (see: not great) on the mic. The length of time he holds the title does not change any of this. Marginally better than the titles low point in value? I might buy that but marginally better than a low point is still quite bad, especially when that low point probably occurred during his actual reign.
The fact that most people accept Miz as a credible champion is precisely the reason that the championship itself is still lacking in credibility. I do not care if heels cheat to win. However, WWE overuses the fluke runs to a point it ceases to make sense. Flukes are supposed to be rare. The way WWE does it anyone should think they could suddenly get a bad attitude and hold the title for at least 3 months through pure chance. That isn't something that builds credibility. Miz is still no better than average at basically everything and no better than good (see: not great) on the mic. The length of time he holds the title does not change any of this. Marginally better than the titles low point in value? I might buy that but marginally better than a low point is still quite bad, especially when that low point probably occurred during his actual reign.

So, because YOU find his skills to be average, that lowers the credibility of the belt? Wow, behold the power of Shattered Dreams! I guess by your logic that anyone who YOU deem worth would bring prestige to said title. Care to give us a name oh mighty one?

All kidding aside, what you said is ridiculous, every single part of it. By no means was Miz's win a fluke. The guy was pushed at a similar speed to guys like Austin, Bret Hart, and Rock and two of those men could be argued to have won their first title in a way more fluky fashion. Hart won his first belt a few months after dropping the IC belt (like Miz with the U.S.) but did so on a house show! Spur of the moment booking? As for Rock, he was an Intercontinental champion a few times before even sniffing the main event and he got his first title in a swerve that featured the McMahons helping him beat Mick Foley despite Foley not tapping out (it was one year after Hart/Michaels and somehow this was deemed a good idea). Now, lets look at Miz.

After his split from Morrison, Miz challenges Cena. At this point, he was NOWHERE near Cena's level and it resulted in him being embarassed. In this time though, Miz cut some great promos and people started to take notice. Thus, after he got fired and rehired in storyline, he came back with a much angrier attitude. He wanted to show people he belonged and he did so by winning the United States Championship. Winning a midcard title certain helps build a guy if he holds it with honor and Miz did. Someone will argue that his defenses weren't as frequent as they like and I'd agree, except that he also became Tag Team Champion concurrently and that was defended. It also was made mention by Miz basically every chance he got and the fact that he was damn proud of his belt brings it more credibility than any defense against R-Truth could.

This was a kid getting TV time every week and it was pretty clear that he was going to get to the main event. The way it was done was Money in the Bank. Like Edge, RVD, and Punk before him, Miz won this title, but he did so against actual main eventers. To win that case, he had to beat guys like Jericho, Edge, and Orton. I know it's not a typical match, but that's still no easy feat. I'd say that's building him pretty well, no?

Moving forward, he loses the US title to Daniel Bryan so he can fully move up. Yes, he tapped out to Bryan. No, it doesn't mean he loses all credibility. Actually, his cash-in probably gave him more credibility than any match against Bryan could. He cashed in on a weakened Orton but it became a match rather than a squash. Miz actually had to work to get the win and it looked like he would be the first MITB winner to lose his opportunity (something quite a few people predicted). He wasn't, and he ended up winning that match after hitting his finisher. Quite a way to start a title reign I should say. You can call Swagger a fluke way moreso than Miz and he didn't last. Miz is already light years ahead of Swagger.

So now Miz is champion. Orton is gunning for him but he can't beat Miz. It doesn't matter HOW Miz keeps retaining, the fact of the matter is that he does. Ask Ric Flair if he cared when the Horsemen helped him retain. I'm sure he appreciated the help (well, either them or his forearm that was fond of striking genitalia). He has been the perfect heel champion, making you BEG for someone take the belt off of him but yet finding ways to win at every turn. On top of that, he's quick to brag about it every time he does, getting you to further hate him.

Now for the capper. The guy he challenged 18 months prior is now someone he is almost on a level with. He isn't there (because he shouldn't be as he's supposed to be the underdog that's expected to lose but finds a way to win), but he's at a point where he feels his savvyness can best Cena. Now, they have a legit match at Wrestlemania instead of a squash. In that match, Miz kicked out of the ATTITUDE FREAKIN ADJUSTMENT! I can probably count on one hand how many people have done that. If that doesn't legitimize him, nothing will. Fact is, he's been legit for a while anyway, but that just solidified it. Even if he lost, he would have been a made man, but he didn't lose! He retained his belt on a double countout and then he won with Rock's help. Still, the company trusted him to walk out of Wrestlemania as a heel champion. That hasn't happened very often. The others off the top of my head to walk out of Wrestlemania as heel champions? Triple H, Stone Cold, and Randy Orton. Not bad company I think.

The fact of the matter is that you are basing his lack of credibility on your personal feelings for him. You feel his mic skills are good and everything else is average yet he is a long reigning champion that the company trusts. I'm sure there were people like you who hated Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Edge, Cena, Randy Orton, etc. for whatever reasons. They all became stars and so too is Miz now. He is here despite your "expert" opinion on his skills. Not only that, his title reign has been one of the best heel title reigns in years. In it, he's beaten now the top 3 faces on Raw. That's pretty impressive. Not only that, he's defended it on average twice a month. To defend it on Raw a few times like he has and to defend it on PPV and STILL not lose is impressive. The kid is legit and probably the first heel since Orton to have true staying power in the main event. Like him or hate him (go ahead and hate him since it's his job to make you do so), he's become a main event heel and has certainly brought notice to the WWE title. His reign has been the best one in a long time. I challenge you to show me a better title reign than Miz's in the last few years.
I agree with the guy above me. Miz is solid in the ring, safe in the ring, can carry a feud on the mic, and is very much over as a heel. That's all the credibility he needs.
Miz, not to beat a dead horse, can also be compared to Jericho in that they never really had Jericho go over a top star clean back in the early 2000s... and it pissed me off because it had been apparent how good he was from watching his career from WCW onward... this shows that even a battle tested veteran who could wrestle you in various styles is still even played up like a coward when they're that type of heel... that's just how it goes, and it sucks for those who hold them as favorites because the marks will always think they just suck and can't really beat their favorite face. This is what is happening with the Miz... its just Miz isn't the warrior Jericho or HHH or Rock or Austin was when they were heels and its even less believable for him to go clean over Cena and Orton.
Another thing I've noticed is that with many great heel champions, they cheat to win on their own... for instance Eddie Guerrero, with his cons and trickery, or putting your feet on the rope for leverage, or beating the face with your own weapon or foreign object... heels like Eddie Guerrero and Edge would beat you according to a plan, not just interference, like in Miz's pay-per-views... The great heel tactics will make you hated but respected... winning as a result of interference against a "stronger" opponent, over and over again makes you hated and disrespected; and this is what sets Miz apart from the great heels so far. Not just that he doesn't win clean, but he consistently wins by the help of others... I think they at least need to book him as a better, smarter cheater and tactician.

I remember The Rock winning as the corporate champ, always with interference. Is he not a great heel? Are you seriously going to try and pretend Eddie or Edge ever came remotely close to the great one? If it's good enough for the Rock it's good enough for the Miz.

Unrelated to the post quoted: All the Mizfits should just accept that some people will never realise how great the Miz is, some just hate that he achieved what they never will, others hate that he does his job so well as a heel (and aren't bright enough to realise they are meant to hate him), others are just too dumb to get his schtick.

Fact is, Miz has given the strap some much needed relevance. It doesn't matter how he wins, it matters that he wins.

The Miz is the new Rock, as many of us have long said. This division over him only helps cement that. Dont be surprised to see a forced face turn soon by the fact that they can't ignore the laughs and cheers he garners any longer, as happened with the Rock also.
People hate the Miz because they think he's just a fame ****e. Which he might be, but he's proven himself as a wrestler. I believe he had a concussion at Mania. I've had a severe head injury before and the way he way moving and the look on his face you can't really sell. Well, Orton can, but not many other people.

Some people will hate anything that comes along. I bet if the WWE pushed all the guys the smarks like, they'd still find a reason to bitch, or they'd have a change of heart and hate those guys. They're contrarians. They're fickle.

I think the Miz is excellent, you have to go to live events to really get it. I won't tell my example of the house show I saw him at, but just take my word for it. If you ever see Miz live in a situation where he can "run" with it, you'll realize that the
So, because YOU find his skills to be average, that lowers the credibility of the belt? Wow, behold the power of Shattered Dreams! I guess by your logic that anyone who YOU deem worth would bring prestige to said title. Care to give us a name oh mighty one?

Who said anything about lowering the credibilty? I just said he wasn't bringing it back up just by holding it. Even if it was rebuilding credibility through the length of his reign that would have nothing to do with Miz anyway. I find the whole thing hard to believe because on the biggest stage of the year the WWE just booked the title as an afterthought.

All kidding aside, what you said is ridiculous, every single part of it. By no means was Miz's win a fluke. The guy was pushed at a similar speed to guys like Austin, Bret Hart, and Rock and two of those men could be argued to have won their first title in a way more fluky fashion.

Aside from the AA kick out which barely got sold at all in the scheme of the end of the event when hasn't Miz been booked to look exceptionally weak? Sure he is a heel but at practically every turn the booking goes out of its way to show Miz doesn't belong kayfabe. Wouldn't more fluky imply the Miz win was some fluky?

It also was made mention by Miz basically every chance he got and the fact that he was damn proud of his belt brings it more credibility than any defense against R-Truth could.

Holy opinions batman!

I know it's not a typical match, but that's still no easy feat. I'd say that's building him pretty well, no?

One clusterfuck match is a build?

Moving forward, he loses the US title to Daniel Bryan so he can fully move up. Yes, he tapped out to Bryan. No, it doesn't mean he loses all credibility. Actually, his cash-in probably gave him more credibility than any match against Bryan could. He cashed in on a weakened Orton but it became a match rather than a squash. Miz actually had to work to get the win and it looked like he would be the first MITB winner to lose his opportunity (something quite a few people predicted). He wasn't, and he ended up winning that match after hitting his finisher. Quite a way to start a title reign I should say. You can call Swagger a fluke way moreso than Miz and he didn't last. Miz is already light years ahead of Swagger.

Being ahead of Swagger doesn't make you a credible champion. Barely beating a severely weakened opponent doesn't exactly scream I belong. Many thinking he would not even successfully win his cash in opportunity pretty much confirms his "build" was insufficient to be on that level in the eyes of the masses.

Still, the company trusted him to walk out of Wrestlemania as a heel champion. That hasn't happened very often. The others off the top of my head to walk out of Wrestlemania as heel champions? Triple H, Stone Cold, and Randy Orton. Not bad company I think.

This idea that just being in good company is "enough" is how the title lost its credibility to begin with.

The fact of the matter is that you are basing his lack of credibility on your personal feelings for him.

No. I do not hate Miz. If I did I would say he is successful. I find him average and probably will cease commenting on him because I haven't been watching him much at all so I admittedly do not have all the info. As a dependable upper mid card guy I see no issue. As one of the main guys I just do not get enough from him. He isn't credible because it takes time to establish such things.
Shattered Dreams, how do you feel about him getting a ton of heat and everyone in the audience to react to his stuff? Plus being pretty safe in the ring.
The Miz has brought credibility back to the belt. You can whine and complain that he doesn't win cleanly, but that's what a heel champion is suppose to do.

Rocky, as the corporate champ. The I quit match when he played the recording over the speakers to beat Mankind. Did that make him look credible? Well I guess not. Come to think about it, the Rock never held the title for a significant amount of time. He was mainly a transitional champ. Holding it for the next guy. Whether it be Austin, Trips, Angle or Brock. However, he's looked at as one of the greats in the business. Why? Because he was a great heel and face champion. He would cheat to win as a heel, and go over clean as a face.

Another example of this is Austin. When Austin had the major heel turn at Mania how did he win? Oh that's right, Vince helped him win the belt off the Rock. Think about his matches over that summer. He never won clean. How about Triple H? How many times did Evolution, or DX get involved in his matches? Nearly every match.

The Miz is fine. He's been a great heel champion for the last 5 solid months, and is doing great. His character is getting better, his in ring work is improving. The guy is going to be the next Cena. He's been doing great, and HAS brought credibility back to the belt. It's no longer the hot potato that it was in the past.
I can see Miz turning into the Rock in a way. People like him, he's entertaining as hell just by being him. He can be the arrogant babyface that would otherwise be a heel if people weren't so entertained. People in the audience like him, I've seen it.
So WrestleMania XXVII is over and now the LONG road to WrestleMania XXVIII begins. Before you jump ahead of yourselves you are probably thinking this is another fantasy WrestleMania match forum or idea or something, but it is not.

After WrestleMania XXVII The Main Event of the show was The Miz vs John Cena seeing The Rock screw over John Cena only to have The Miz retain the championship. Now one thing that I thought was pretty cool about the Main Event was the way that they reviewed both mens career in WWE thusfar. The Miz's was about proving people wrong and he is still to this day proving people wrong. But after being involved with The Rock and John Cena feud and quite frankly in my opinion holding his own people still are not buying into The Miz.

Let's look at something. The Miz has held the WWE Championship for five PPVs (counting the upcoming Extreme Rules). Which is the equivalent to six months with the WWE Championship. He has defeated Randy Orton, Jerry Lawler, John Morrison, AND John Cena. But people are still not buying into The Miz. At first, I hated The Miz I didn't think he deserved the title, but after how long he has held the championship and how well he has been carrying himself I am completely content with him being champion right now. Matter fact I hope he holds on to the title longer because I think The Miz still has more to give and quite frankly I am not tired of seeing him hold the championship.

So now my question to everybody is; What will it take to satisfy people? How much more do people have to prove before you accept them? Obviously WWE believes in The Miz if they did not he wouldn't be carrying the most prestigious championship right now in the company. He is great on the microphone and his In-Ring ability is progressively getting better as time goes on. My point to all of this is not some you HAVE to respect Miz rant, but simply because if Miz probably one of the brightest upcoming stars right now in WWE can't be accepted by the fans who says that Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, or etc will be? If The Miz isn't "IT" then who is?
With the Miz's victory at WM27 over John Cena, this will make his run as champion one of the longest we've seen since HHH held it for 7 months in '09. This will put him at over 5 months once the ER PPV hits in May and given that the WWE seems to wanna take Cena out of the title picture.

Does the Miz's win add credibility to the WWE title?

Is The Miz a legit champion now that he has a WM title defense under his belt?

Do you guys see him as someone who could have a lengthy title run like they used to do back in the day?

All comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Miz is not in any way a credible champion right now. Will he ever be able to be a credible champ? Maybe. But he still has some work to do. He has a problem of not selling the way he should. I don't know if it's work ethic or ego, but it's a problem. The only thing he has going for him right now is being able to hold heat on himself. But that only lasts so long.

I really think bringing back Alex Riley as Miz's little cohort was pathetic. He was fired from Miz's service, end of story. Almost every match they use him to cheat Miz to victory. This just cheapens every single title defense. Make him do it on his own.

As far as his in-ring, he's got to step his game up. In fact, they need to start up a feud with some old school guys just to force him to step up. A run with Trips will either make him wrestle to his maximum potential or show him for the mid-carder he is right now. I wouldn't mind seeing Hunter get one or two more title shots anyhow.

All my $0.02
Triple H isn't really that good in the ring. He's very good with certain people and in certain match types. However, there's a reason raw ratings dropped and everyone hated the show in 2003.

Miz cheating doesn't cheapen the title. If that was the case, Flair, Rock, heel Austin, Triple H, Angle, and pretty much every other great heel throughout history wouldn't be considered great.

I think you're either missing the point of being a heel, you take wins and losses and "real fight ability" too seriously, or you hate the Miz.

"he cheats so it loses credibility" is not a good argument, it's pretty shitty in fact.

His selling probably does need work, but he's a heel, all he really needs to do for a passable match is be able to bump and feed well, which he does. Heels are in control for most of the match and his control segments aren't bad.

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