**MERGED** The Miz and R Truth Fired! Keep It All In Here!

I can see it right now miz,truth,nash being build as the "outsiders". Anyways just like i predicted i see a team vince vs team HHH at survivor series.As for hhh firing miz/punk at the end of raw i think hhh found out something or why else would he accept their apology earlier in the night
Now i don't know where this whole Awesomtruth thing is going. but what i don't get is the Miz & Truth got fired for putting hands on a ref & HHH, But what about what Mark Henry been doing for the longest.supposedly his hurt other wrestlers including a sound guy,and tonight he attacked JR & the King so what are they going to do about that?
I'd be surprised to see the storyline prolongs for 2 months given of the previous storylines that have happened .

It seems the punk vs hhh feud is over
cm punk vs cena lasted only two ppv. (no shuffling cm punk back to the title picture with cena does not count)

Its a Melting Pot of a story line... This story line isn't just centered around CM Punk Vs HHH or Cena Vs Punk. Its just a Melting Pot and a Curve of everything. Think about how things started period to how they are now..

What more do you want? It all Started with Punk and his contract issue, him being against Vince, Cena, The Company period. It skyrocketed with him winning the Title on the brink of his contract ending, walking out on the company with the title.. Then with the Curves of Vince getting fired and replace by HHH.. HHH and Punk coming at each other.. Miz and R-Truth getting involve.. Nash, Johnny Ace.. Cena back in the fold again and who knows how his role or anyone's role will play out..

Thats the beauty of it, why focus on just two members of this story line when its such a great Melting Pot? such a great story period
How exactly do you have a level 18 rep?

Because I'm a respected poster with valid and passionate opinions!

I hope to god you're joking. If not, you just won the award for stupidest post ever. .

Umm, what exactly is stupid about my post? I'm upset with Triple H deciding to fire two talented (albeit unruly) superstars. Like I said, they were in the wrong, but a firing so quick seems like a bit of an overreaction to me. I don't see how everyone is praising this idea and is only concerned with upcoming stables, the WWE lost two good men today.

there's a reason we are typing "fired" like this.

Beacuse the quotation key is stuck on your keyboard?

I pretty much believe that Miz and Truth arent really fired.

I appreciate your optimism, but facts are the facts. Triple H said Miz and Truth were fired. I'm sorry little boy, but that means they're gone from the company.

McMahon is a HUGE Miz fan, so why would he fire one of his favorite wrestlers??? .

I don't think Vince had much to do with it, just Triple H being overly controlling yet again and making a bad decision. Someone needs to put him in his place ASAP.

...I'm sorry, you think that was real? :lol:

This is the "Reality Era" isn't it? I don't see what's so funny, the use of your smiley in this case certainly doesn't apply.
yeah this will go down with awesome truth ousting triple h to take over WWE. It would be decided in a classic survivor series match.

If Alberto del Rio won't win the HIAC he will certainly be in the conspiracy team. The most likely superstar that would join them is Christian. And if there is Christian, there would be Sheamus on the other team so it would be like this:

Kevin Nash
The Miz
Alberto del Rio

The Rock
John Cena
CM Punk
Triple H

does my lineup makes sense?:lmao:

I am assuming that there will be NO WWE championship match that will happen on Survivor Series since most of the legitimate contenders are here, unless Cena won't be champ at survivor series then CM Punk or Alberto del Rio will be removed here.
GD I am one of the biggest Miz fans but it's part of a storyline guy, Appreciate the fact that you now have unpredictability in WWE now. Yeah R-truth and Miz are up and coming but it's storyline and TNA/Impact wrestling will not start picking up slack until Hogan and Bischoff are completely gone from that company. Soo just enjoy the program man.
haha, that's the problem IF Vince is involved. I would assume that The Rock would side with Vince out of loyalty/the ass-kissing he got for his birthday party, but that would mess things up unless it's a 5-on-5. Rock joins the Del Rio, etc. group, and maybe Orton and Sheamus (?) join HHH and Co.

With a huge buildup going into Survivor Series, they can definitely go a lot of ways.

Yeah that is something I would do. If they want to make SS historic. They are doing the supershows so they can all get included.

Have all the big names someone get involved. Obviously Cena & Rock will be on a team. But have Triple H, Punk, Orton, Miz, Truth, Nash all on either Cena and Rock's team or the other team. Their would be so much hype for that match. The garden will be going crazy.
GD I am one of the biggest Miz fans but it's part of a storyline guy, Appreciate the fact that you now have unpredictability in WWE now. Yeah R-truth and Miz are up and coming but it's storyline and TNA/Impact wrestling will not start picking up slack until Hogan and Bischoff are completely gone from that company. Soo just enjoy the program man.

Until I see proof it's a "storyline", whatever you mean by that, I believe what I see. I stand by what I stated before, this is a sad day for the WWE and one that will haunt them for years to come. I try to enjoy the programming as much as I can, but when the WWE insists on doing stupid stuff like this, it just bothers me a bit.

GD u do know vince is still the one really running the show?..right?

Then why did Triple H just fire two of the best young wrestlers in the WWE?
chances are, knowing WWE, that it's gonna unfold that the Miz and Rtruth conspired to screw everyone, and set stuff up because they thought they were being overlooked when Punk and Trips started feuding.. then we'll find out that they were acting at someone's request, and it'll probably be good ol' johnny ace. then of course it'll be that he was just doing what McMahon was telling him to do.. it's really a good way to set things up if they do it right.
I'm sorry if this has already been done, but I hate Miz. I think he is by far the most overrated wrestler I have ever seen. So for me the fact that he is fired is awweeeeeeeeeeeeesome!!!

He makes me change the channel or if I've DVR'd it fast forward every single segment he is in. I can't stand him. Thanks HHH well played sir!
I think it's a terrible and baffling decision to me. Miz and Truth are two young guys with plenty of good wrestling ahead of them. Sure, they may have been naughty lately, but they're still young and there's always time to learn manners. I just don't think what they did was a punishable offense and wouldn't be surprised if the lawyers got involved soon with a whole illegally voided contract situation. Am also fully expecting TNA to pick up them up very soon if the issue with WWE isn't resolved.

ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO...this is obviously a work..Remember they said that WWE trademarked some names Future endevarderd well I'm thinking HHH will fire 2-3 more guys to be on team Future endevered and hence Survivor series will be the team of John Cena CM Punk Kofi Kingston Evan Bourne and The Rock vs Nash R-Truth The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and either Vince mcMahon or Johnny Ace. Pretty sure about the team HHH vs Team McMahon/Ace. They could have Johnny Ace vs HHH winner take all were HHH team wins but VKM comes back and takes over saying he is better and kills the COO storyline then and there...If Alberto Del Rio wins at HIAC then he is off the team and defends the title against...HHH or Punk.
This is all starting to look as if they are setting up a Winner takes all type match at Survivor Series with Nash, miz, truth, another and mcmahon vs. cena rock triple h and another. I know that survivor series is 2 months away. Or maybe they are going to build up vengeance but My thinking is that Survivor series is going to be such a big PPV with the rock wrestling. It seems to me that they will use hopefully a good story line to build it all up!
Maybe we will end up seeing Team Vince (Nash, Miz, Truth, Del Rio, Christian) vs Team Triple H (Punk, Kofi, Bourne, Cena, Sheamus).

Have Vince return and say that he was behind Kevin Nash's attack on Punk at Summerslam and that he convinced the board of directors to "fire" him and put Triple H in charge so people would think it was Triple H. The SS match could be for control of the company.
Until I see proof it's a "storyline", whatever you mean by that, I believe what I see. I stand by what I stated before, this is a sad day for the WWE and one that will haunt them for years to come. I try to enjoy the programming as much as I can, but when the WWE insists on doing stupid stuff like this, it just bothers me a bit.

Then why did Triple H just fire two of the best young wrestlers in the WWE?

It was only funny and witty the first time.

As for the OP......am i the only one who is beginning to notice that CM Punk is starting to act like a babyface?

I can understand playing to the crowd but i surely hope he does not side with HHH or Cena at survivor series. I hope he on the 'bad' guys side. But, surely he wont be as he is now a crowd favorite...his shirts are selling like crazy and even the kids are starting to cheer for him.
I thought it was great.. I didn't expect the firing of Miz and Truth at all.. the ending was pretty funny, when they jumped HHH.. and yeah, I"m with everyone else.. i think Nash will return with a stable of boys, including Miz and Truth.. and maybe one or two more guys that could get "fired" as well.. it may not be nWo, but it could be something, maybe with Vince McMahon leading them to try and get control back from HHH...
Maybe we will end up seeing Team Vince (Nash, Miz, Truth, Del Rio, Christian) vs Team Triple H (Punk, Kofi, Bourne, Cena, Sheamus).

Nah. The Rock already posted that he will be teaming up with Cena at Survivor Series. So if Cena is ever involved in team Triple H, then the Rock will be there.
It's a work for those playing at home and a pretty damn entertaing one can't wait to see how this pans out, that said I think our friend GD is getting Their troll and if that's not the case I'm scared for the future of humanity haha
I don't see why HHH would fire miz and truth if cm punk was also trying to take him down. Why didn't he fire johnny ace? Yeah its obviously setting up some type of angle and everything that everyone is saying about the survivor series is making sense but cm punk is such a tweener but now he's teaming with hhh and cena. If anything cm punk should help those guys get back they did try to help him win the match anyway. hmm maybe thats why they were fired.. but still johnny ace should have been fired. He obviously tried to screw hhh. I guess we should expect more firings then something with the" future endeavor" tm like mentioned above. I love angles like this because you could go on and on but you know none of us are gonna be right
I don't see why HHH would fire miz and truth if cm punk was also trying to take him down. Why didn't he fire johnny ace? Yeah its obviously setting up some type of angle and everything that everyone is saying about the survivor series is making sense but cm punk is such a tweener but now he's teaming with hhh and cena. If anything cm punk should help those guys get back they did try to help him win the match anyway. hmm maybe thats why they were fired.. but still johnny ace should have been fired. He obviously tried to screw hhh. I guess we should expect more firings then something with the" future endeavor" tm like mentioned above. I love angles like this because you could go on and on but you know none of us are gonna be right

Well basing on the current situations, Miz and Truth attacked referees on the night of champions. He can't fire Johnny Ace yet because he has no evidence that he is behind all of this. I believe CM Punk is a face now, not a tweener.
I don't know what to think about this, will they come back?

I liked The Miz, I thought he was a great performer. I couldn't care less about R-Truth but they can't fire The Miz, it's horrible..

I think they'll come back, they might just leave everyone in the suspense for the mean time.
We still have 2 months to go before Survivor Series...but I believe this will somehow end up there.

HHH has seemed to lose control and we all know its only a matter of time til we hear "No Chance in Hell" over the loudspeakers.

Good job by Jack Swagger getting R-Truth outta the arena!
Love how this storyline is playing out, finally starting to feel like a weekly episodic show again with that feeling of "can't wait till next week." Like most here, I do see this leading into a SS showdown for control over the WWE. Still some questions to answer though. Who is fighting HHH for control? Who is going to be the turncoat that costs HHH? Here are my opinions on how it MIGHT happen.

Master Mind

Vince McMahon It has to be him, the only real logical choice, unless, and this is pure fantasy, somehow it was Shane-O Mac, but that wont happen.

Turn Coat

CM Punk Granted he's getting over with his current gimmick but Money of the Bank was what changed the landscape of the WWE. Vinny Mac and Johnny Ace comming out to attempt the "screwjob", what if that was the plan all along, knowing damn well that Cena wouldn't accept that, stop it from happening and BOOM! Punk takes advantage.

Granted, Punk having Nash attack him might be a stretch but look at what that did. It confused the hell out of HHH cuz he was getting blamed and most importantly, with Nash at NOC, he makes HHH look inept to run the company. Could it be Punk who is fooling everyone?

John Cena or The Rock If these two are teaming together at SS for the battle of control of WWE this very well be Vince's Bash at the Beach, either one of these two turning on HHH and siding with Vince would send the fans into a frenzy. But to really pull it off, it would have to be Cena, we've seen Rock team with Vince before and Cena is the only one who can recreate that "Hogan turn".

Someone legit is going to join the likes of Nash, Miz, and Truth, sure Christian can fit in with that group too but I just feel like you need someone with some real star power to make this group a legit threat to HHH. Can't wait to see where this leads.
For what I've seen they got fired, but my DVR only wanted me to see the first hour of Raw so it stopped recording 57 minutes in. Guess Ill have to sift through 6 pages of shit to get the whole story.

Its a Story Line, and I hope were all ready for Team Laurinaitis vs Team Triple H at Survivor Series....

Miz, Truth, Del Rio and anyone else talking about conspiracies vs Cena, Punk, Rock, AirBoom or Riley/Morrison for some bs stipulation for the next few weeks of Raw where the winning team is in charge or something
Where I see it going is quite simple. It will be an "Invasionesque" angle with the talking horse John Laurinaitis bringing back whoever HHH fires before they decide to end the angle of the firings. He'll confront HHH and say that he's power crazy, that's why he fired Nash, miz, truth, and whoever else he fires. Problem after that, I don't see where it can legitimately lead. I mean, horsey is no wrestler by any means. Putting him in there might look worse than Cole did in his matches, and that'd be hard to beat. Of course, he could get his "rehired" talent to fight against Cena, Punk, and whoever else they can add.
I have to agree that HHH has gone power crazy and now i cant wait til survivor series to see what will happen. Maybe Y2J will return and help Team Laurinitis, cos that would be AWEEEEESOME.

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