*Merged* Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 25; What should happen?

i would love to see the texas rattle snake face randy Orton. because Austin would clearly be the fan favorite. and whos better as a heel than orton? i mean he is great on the mic in the ring and is very well rounded. not to mention orton is the Legend killer1 so that ca nadd an even more interesting twist to it. and im not just saying this because im a huge orton fan1
i would love to see the texas rattle snake face randy Orton. because Austin would clearly be the fan favorite. and whos better as a heel than orton? i mean he is great on the mic in the ring and is very well rounded. not to mention orton is the Legend killer1 so that ca nadd an even more interesting twist to it. and im not just saying this because im a huge orton fan1

is everyone forgetting that orton won the rumble? hes going to be facing cena at mania and winning the title again. but if the wwe passes up hbk and taker for this mania it can never be done again. its texas where they both are from so its a giving, and u have austin be the ref cause hes from texas and he cant wrestle another match and have it live up to his last at wm 19. i say if austin does wrestle its either rock or bust.
this would make sense if any of you guys remember in 2003 in Dallas Texas
survivor series Austin team lost and it was because randy Orton pinned hbk and ended Austin in the WWE for a while but Austin did hit the stunner on Orton Batista interfered so maybe Orton can bring that up and be like i ended u all ready and Austin be like that wasn't me u faced in the ring which leads up to a one on one match which better then back in texas :p
By looking at that wallpaper that's on WWE.com, it is highly possible Stone Cold might have one final fight left in him. Let's leave The Rock out as a possible opponent since its incredibly unlikely. Who else deserves the prestige honor of finishing the Rattle Snake's career?

I personally believe Jericho is the greatest candidate. Its obvious he hates all legends, and since Stone Cold is the newest member of the HOF, it would be great of the RattleSnake confronts Jericho and clash in "the main event." (I would like to see Austin headline WM25 but odds are that wont happen)

What do you guys think? Who else deserves to face Austin at WM25? Logical answers please, I dont want "dream matches"
I've actually considered this before and I have a pretty good idea. Cena vs. Austin. Have Cena lose his rematch to Edge and have him challenge Austin out of respect. It would be a huge draw. The face of WWE now versus the face of WWE 10 years ago.
I think they should leave it at him and the Rock being his final match back at Wrestlemania XIX. He has been out of the game for five years, with him leaving with bad neck and knee problems, another match at 25 could very likely be terrible and end up tarnishing his legacy of being one of the greatest wrestlers in the late 90's and early into this century.

But if he is going to wrestle, it looks as if the WWE is putting a possible feud between Austin and Jericho into the works, with Jericho's recent bashing of HoF'ers; and I don't think of any better suited to put on a good match and make Austin look good with the amount of ring rust he's almost bound to have.
Chris Jericho
Y2J would be the best man for the job IMO, he has history with Austin and would be able to draw a great match out of him. Y2J is the best and most probable answer, but there are another 2 guys i would consider.

John Cena
I could see this happening but doubt it would. Cena, the WWE's face of the company, could be Vince's answer to Austin's career of disrespecting him. I dont think this would be as good as Jericho v Austin but i could see WWE going in this direction.

Randy Orton
I know, Orton will be going for a title at WM but if something happens it would be cool if he took on Austin. Imagine if Austin came back on RAW one night and tells everyone he has met middle ground with Vince and doesnt like the way Orton is doing things, just imagine Austin sticking up for and fighting for the McMahons against Orton!

I doubt any of that will happen though. I dont even really see Austin wrestling at Mania but Jericho would be the man if it happens but i think Austin will probably only have a refs roll, or commentry or something. Would love to see Jericho v Austin though!
But if he is going to wrestle, it looks as if the WWE is putting a possible feud between Austin and Jericho into the works, with Jericho's recent bashing of HoF'ers; and I don't think of any better suited to put on a good match and make Austin look good with the amount of ring rust he's almost bound to have.

I think this sums it up perfectly. Moreover, Jericho is one of the only people who can go head to head with Austin on the mic.

Got to love Jericho, the guy has made a career out of making other people look good.
jbl in my honest opinoin he is the biggest talker in the wwe in this era and stone cold was the biggest talker of his era bigger then the rock yes stone cold wrestling skills are better jbl but i think these can put a good match and jbl said on raw he needs a wrestlemania moment well that can be his moment

Hulk hogan this match 10 years ago everybody wanted to see more then rock/hogan if they had a match it might not be that good but it will still be memorable and there were rumors that it could of happen

Chris jericho i also agree chris jericho is the person to have austin last match with as of late they are slowy builting to that match inless there built roddy jericho and these to have great matches with each other
If it was Jericho vs Austin, who would go over? They would probably give it to austin out of respect, and have jericho and austin shake hands and hug at the end out of respect, thus setting up Chris Jericho's return to being a face.
as much as i would love to see austin back, i really dont think it's going to happen. he has said in numerous interviews that he wont step back into a ring again. his neck is a mess and so are his knees.

BUT and this is a huge but, if he does return for one final match, i'd love to see austin vs undertaker...but that wont happen since taker is going to be busy, so austin vs jericho would be the way to go
This has been said already, but in my opinion, Chris Jericho is an absolute shoe-in, if Austin has one more match. I think this entire 'revoking of Hall of Fame status' angle to the legends of the business is set up for Austin. Jericho has a history with Austin.. Duh.. And since Austin is heading this year's Hall of Fame ballad, I think Jericho will begin to demean the honorees of the HoF class this year, then it will set up for Stone Cold vs Jericho at WrestleMania.
If it was Jericho vs Austin, who would go over? They would probably give it to austin out of respect, and have jericho and austin shake hands and hug at the end out of respect, thus setting up Chris Jericho's return to being a face.
If I'm being honest, with luck, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Seriously, I liked Steve Austin and all, and I'll always enjoy his career throughout W.C.W, E.C.W, and W.W.E.. but why on earth would I want to continue seeing him become the next "Legend" who won't just fucking go away? What's worse is, I am pretty sure he can't even wrestle anymore.. so what's the extent of what he'd do.. enter, raise hell, stunner, drink beer, 2nd stunner, drink more beer, waste value time that should be dedicated to the current Superstars, leave and collect more money in a 10 minute shitfest than half the rest of the lockerroom will collect, combined.

Steve Austin was an important part of the W.W.F/E. and for that deserves some type of approval. That will be the Hall of Fame though, not anything extra. WrestleMania is suppose to be subjected to those in the company that are still going strong, not hanging them up.

People bash the fuck outta Ric Flair and continuing to linger, when the fact is, at least Flair can still get into the ring and fucking go. Badly, sure, but go none the less. Steve Austin hasn't went anywhere in the past 6 years, except to the bank with each one of those monster checks he's received, for doing jack all. SO fuck that. I say, and I surely hope, that his involvement is nothing short of the Hall of Fame.. and definately not wasting part of my 4+ hour Pay per view experience.
Steve Austin returning to the ring is an instant buy for a lot of people, myself included. They could put him in the ring with The Boogeyman and it would still be the biggest draw of the night.

Austin has one last match, the Rock...sorry, Dwayne, eluded to Jericho's inability to shut up about beating him and Steve for the Undisputed Title, and now Jericho is on an anti-"legends" kick. Austin/Jericho is the only match that could make any kind of sense, really. Although it would be great if it were someone else, say The Rock, or Orton or even Kennedy, this is the most logical choice, especially since Jericho is drawing pretty good heat.
I think with the way things are going right now, I believe it will be Jericho vs Austin. I think JR saying that Austin won't wrestle is the same as saying John Cena will take 9-12 months to heal from the injury he sustained last yearwhen he really returned at the Rumble 3 months later. I think its a work on JR's part saying Austin can't wrestle.

My opinion: Jericho will continue to attack legends, until Austin comes and they fued for 2-3 weeks before Wrestlemania.
I think with the way things are going right now, I believe it will be Jericho vs Austin. I think JR saying that Austin won't wrestle is the same as saying John Cena will take 9-12 months to heal from the injury he sustained last yearwhen he really returned at the Rumble 3 months later. I think its a work on JR's part saying Austin can't wrestle.

My opinion: Jericho will continue to attack legends, until Austin comes and they fued for 2-3 weeks before Wrestlemania.

Couldnt agree more. Im guessing Jericho will fight a legend, and looks like Taker is taken. It could be Stone Cold, or he will participate in the match some how, but damn I'd like to see Austin put on the gear one final time, its the best and clearly the final chance of seein Austin in the squared circle one last time, here's hoping it happens!
I see Austin vs. Jerhico or Austin vs. Cena

Austin vs. Jerhico will be easy cause we are already in the build with this Chris vs. HOF and Chris always talks about beating Steve for the undisputed championship so that is a sitch.

Austin vs. Cena would be epic. You have the main face of the company superman Cena vs. the biggest superstar of the WWE Austin and Cena may not have a title match this could be in the WM card.
Austin vs. Cena would be epic. You have the main face of the company superman Cena vs. the biggest superstar of the WWE Austin and Cena may not have a title match this could be in the WM card.

Apart from that making no sense whatsoever, that the guy who's just started a feud with Edge who is also the biggest face in the company, and put him against one of the biggest faces of the attitude era for no reason whatsoever.

IF Austin is going to wrestle at Mania, I can see this being against Y2J as he has this whole HOF thing going on and it makes the most sense logically.
It really doesnt look like Stone Cold is gonna wrestle according to all the latest news. Apparently he's being touted as special ref for Orton/HHH. Plus he's been taken off the Wrestlemania 25 poster.

This blows but I guess we shouldnt have assumed he would wrestle when he must really be too beaten up to ever wrestle again. I think Hogan is going to be replacing him. Austin is showing up on RAW next week but I really dont think he'll do anything but stun Jericho and have a beer bash (with no match challenge) or he'll get involved with Orton/HHH.
mcbrainlegend you are so off its all fake the news you read is false. they took him off the poster because everyone thought because he was on the poster he would be in a match and they were right cause he will have one more match cause he know we the fans deserve it for makeing him who he is today. im pretty sure vince is paying austin as much as he is making in hollywood b movies and im pretty sure austin would go for that amount cause all he has to do is go to 2 or 3 raws before wm then put on a match for only like 15 to 25 min and that will be the easyest money he has ever made
If he had another match, the logical person at this point would seem to be Jericho.... unless the wwe throws a curve ball at us and has michaels lose to vladimir tonight. A match that retired hbk 11 yrs ago at wrestlemania. Or.... if they decide to go with Jericho.... it would be smart bc Jericho won the undisputed title against austin and rock.... so he could get arrogant with all the legends and start mouthing about austin ya know.... My guess.

WWE could go so many routes with this. Jericho vs Sid, Hogan, or Michaels and have Austin interfere..... (not wrestle a match)<----most likely scenario.

Or... Austin vs Jericho, Michaels... and well sid and hogan aren't gonna happen... Not enough time for a good build up.

It'll be interesting to see what the WWE does. I hear Vince has it under control.
I think Austin will end up being the referee for The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels. Think about it he has a storied history with both competitors and he needs a high profile match to get him over. We could see a bit of hit and run by both Michaels and 'Taker against each other over the coming weeks, GM Vickie Guerrero does a good thing and brings in Austin to stop Shawn Michaels from attacking her top tier talent every week. Interesting confrontation and banter with Austin and Guerrero. Win/win. Austin is also from Texas so it would be a match involving three Texan's. Plus Austin could try to stun The Undertaker (after he wins, surely) and then the three men shake hands at the end of the match, Austin teases a Stunner, but has too much respect for both HBK and 'Taker that they all raise each others hands in a "Legends to be moment."
I think Austin will end up being the referee for The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels. Think about it he has a storied history with both competitors and he needs a high profile match to get him over. We could see a bit of hit and run by both Michaels and 'Taker against each other over the coming weeks, GM Vickie Guerrero does a good thing and brings in Austin to stop Shawn Michaels from attacking her top tier talent every week. Interesting confrontation and banter with Austin and Guerrero. Win/win. Austin is also from Texas so it would be a match involving three Texan's. Plus Austin could try to stun The Undertaker (after he wins, surely) and then the three men shake hands at the end of the match, Austin teases a Stunner, but has too much respect for both HBK and 'Taker that they all raise each others hands in a "Legends to be moment."

no. the spotlight needs to be only on HBK and Taker.

If Austin is going to be involved in ANY match, it has to be in Jerichos match, whether it be special referee, in someones corner, or jerichos opponent himself.
He's going to face Chris Jericho. Austin said that Jericho was the only person he'd trust to have in a match, and it ties in to Jericho insulting the legends.

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