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*Merged* Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 25; What should happen?

I think the match if austin was to return would have to be between Vince. You could use the angle that ended million doller mania by having vince searching for a culprit and then he thinks its someone like cena or batista. The naustins music hits and the crowd goes nuts. Austin then says he did it cos he is sick of vince and the way he treats the people like scum and they then get into a physical fight and wm25 is set up in a street fight. perfect main event as these two used to have the best fued in the attitude era.
If Austin had one more big match, I think it should be against one of two people.

Hogan-This is match has been a match in the making for a while. It would probably be a botchfest of moves but, it would have the biggest viewer draw in a long, long time. It would be a horrible match and probably mocked about for years but, still remembered as a "great" match. In the end I could see this ending with both men getting counted out or something like that.

Vince-This would be a pretty easy feud to start back up. They had one of the biggest feuds in the Attitude Era. One more match with Austin and Vince would be another huge fan viewer draw. You could have Vince with his "bodyguards" (Shane and some big monster, Vladmir Kozlov) and have Austin end up stunning them all in the end and winning his final match.
I would love to see him face Edge. That is a dream match for me as it would be a match between the biggest heel in years and arguably the biggest name in WWE history. If not Edge, he has to face Vince as their fued in from 1997-1999 was awesome and I would love to see Austin beat the hell out of Vince at the biggest event of the year
As much as I would l ike to see Austin return for one more match, I would question the calibur at which he would be able to perform. And with this in mind, I would have to say the WWE needs to go above and beyond and try to make Hogan vs. Austin happen. Let them perform 20 minutes worth of half-assed moves, have them work their magic on the crowd that they both do so well, have someone like Orton come out and raise hell and RKO them both, then have Austin and Hogan perform double finishers on them as they stand in the ring, pose, drink beer, do what they do some more as far as working the crowd, then have Austin stun the balls off of Hogan. With this, neither of them win/lose because since they've done so much for the business, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy, and the biggest dream match goes off without a hitch. I don't like the idea of a clean finish between the two since neither of them have anything to prove. So if the Hogan/Austin dream match were to happen, this is how I would love to see it go down. Now onto other WM25 plans.

The other obvious choice is Cena (for Austin). But I've got other plans for Cena and for WM25. I would love to see WWE go way above and beyond if they can book up Austin/Hogan, and do anything and everything possible to do Cena/The Rock. Nobody can sit there and say they wouldn't love to see The Rock lay the smack down on Cena's ass. Give Cena a heel turn, a reason for people to hate him even more (obviously this would include his fan club of those 14 and under), and have someone along the way try to set Cena straight because I'd have him booked as a cheating, lying, deceitful heel than even a huge fan of heels couldn't love. This doesn't work and then the GM or whomever say they were able to get ahold of someone that would love to take on Cena in the ring. Queue The Rock's music. Take it from there. This would make for the greatest WM card in history.
Austin/Hogan, Cena/Rock, the title matches would be great like a majority are, MITB, a classic match for IC title (WM is in need of one of these again), another classic match for a set of tag titles, possibly the ultimate blowoff match between HBK/Jericho if the fued can be prolonged til them somehow, and good hardcore match or grudge match for nothing other than bragging rights and supiriority. To me, this would be a dream WM25 because 25 is a milestone and let's face it... everything's bigger in Texas.
There are only 2 people who I would like to see him have a match with.

Hulk Hogan - Not because it would be the best technical match ever, but Austin vs Hogan would be, out of this world. Any wrestling fan, young or old, upon hearing this match would easily be compelled to order WrestleMania. They are argubaly the 2 biggest names in wrestling history, both fronting their respective era's. The only downside to this is that I doubt Hogan would want to lose, and he hasn't lost any matches in which he has made a return for. HBK and Orton for example. Austin can't and shouldn't lose this match. It's his final match forever, and for that, he should win. He deserves it. He has put his life on the line for the company, and bloody entertained me for years. I got a lot of respect for this man, backstage he might not have been the greatest but in front of the camera he was second to none.

The Rock - You want proof people want to see this match again? Look at the HOF ceremony, the fans were going nuts and the thought of this match. The two biggest superstars of the Attitude Era, and two of the greatest superstars ever. Their matches at WM were simply amazing, WM 17 for example. It was amazing, they both told the story perfectly. The hype surrounding this match would be mega, due to The Rock on numerous occasions saying he'd never return, and it being Austin's last match. But that there poses the problem, would The Rock return for this match?
I might be off my rocker but i think vince is the only choice here. These two had hell of a feud in the attitude era and could relaunch the attitude era part 2. Have it like austin rantin on how vince does a piss poor job on running the buisness and says that he aint what he used to be. Austin could try to build vince back up by attacking his main eventers that has vince pissed and leads to a match at WM
I'd love to see Vince & Austin again, but doesn't that idea seem a little, I dunno, worn out? Old news? And Austin vs. Hogan: no offense but, get real, guys. Hulk is wayyy too busy to do anything with WWE. Brooke Knows Best, Celebrity Championship Wrestling, the whole Nick thing(uncomfortable pause...) Some original ideas:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Umaga(Odds: 250:1)

After WrestleMania 23 & TWO Samoan Spikes, the Rattlesnake could be looking to Stun the Samoan Bulldozer one more time.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Jeff Hardy (Odds: 1,000:1)

The crowd would be either 50/50 or 95/5(in Austin's favor) in this match. It would be the battle of the biggest "babyface" of yesteryear vs. the biggest "babyface" of today in a contest to see who is the bigger star. Probably would start at the Royal Rumble in the R.R. match. Austin would make a surprise appearance & eliminate Hardy & himself at the same time.

Here's a match I'd love to see: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Brian Kendrick w/ Ezekiel(Odds: 1,000,000,000:1)

T.B.K., as usual would claim that he is the most intelligent & best wrestler in history, & if you have a problem, you can bring it up with "his man, 'Zeke". Finally, somebody brings it up to The Brian's man 'Zeke, as the glass shatters out of nowhere, Austin heads to the ring w/ mic in hand(while The Kendrick ducks out of the ring, leaving Ezekiel alone with the Rattlesnake), says something like, "Well, now that The Piece o' trash is outta my ring, I just got one thing to say. If you thinkI gotta problem with Kendrick saying he's the greatest wrestler ever, gimme a Hell yeah!" (Hell yeah) Austin proceeds to Stun TBK's bodyguard, thus creating a No Holds Barred match at WM.

:hogan: -"My son and I love alcohol, brother! But John Graziano don't. You got any idea why, DUUDE!?"
I'd love to see Stone Cold vs. The Rock pt.4, but I doubt Rock would come back for one night just to job to Austin (again).

Just an idea (not sure if I would be in favor of it) but maybe WWE can do a tag team match with Rock & Austin teaming up against two other competitors, perhaps Vince & Shane.

They could do something like Vince & Shane challenging Austin to a handicap match at Wrestlemania, but if he can find a partner it would turn into a tag match. Vince threatens to fire anyone in the WWE lockerroom if they accept to be Austin's partner, so he looks elsewhere.

A week or two later, on the closing segment of RAW, Austin announces he has found a partner. The Rock's music hits. IMAGINE the crowd response. IMAGINE the ratings. IMAGINE this match.
Well, revived, that is every Internet Mark's fantasy, but I don't think it would happen. I think he should wrestle Taker. He could take Taker (in Hoston, Taker's hometown, and 2 hours from Austin's) to the absolute limit. Vickie could interfere on behalf of Taker, as her last act of pennance so that Taker doesn't take her soul. And then he does anyway.
Taker should never lose his undefeated streak. Have him go the absolute limit to where people think it's gone, but don't take it. He wouldn't be the same without it. I doubt WWE will ever do it, anyway. Stone Cold won't lose in his final match and Taker won't lose his streak. Simple as that.
i think it would be interesting to see a CM Punk heel turn with the whole "straightedge means im better than you" gimmick he used to have in ROH. That Cm Punk character and Steve Austin's character are complete opposites and would make for an interesting rivalry. it would also help elevate CM Punk to the next level. Another cool match would be Austin vs. Cena in some sort of Street Fight type match.
I think Austin could do a tag team match with Sandman think about they both drink like fishes and could take on The Rock and Raven It would work because Sand man hates Raven and SCSA hates the rock that could be an awesome Extreme rules tag match
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the rock or taker for the wm streak.
mostly the rock though because the rock/austin rivalry was imo the best rivalry ever.

hogan? Hmmm... nah. Ya, the storyline can be great. Two of the biggest icons - two of the leading men of the different eras going face to face. But nah. Hogan is just too old to make a great anticipated match look good in the ring now. And due to all the bad media hogan has been getting, you'll be hearing a solid reaction to austin. It would be greater to see a real mixed reaction crowd. "Lets go austin, lets go hogan". Those two men deserve cheers than boos because of what they've done for the industry. Hogan/austin would be great but at this time i just don't think so. Hogan is just too old now.
Hi Guys!

What chance do we really have of seeing Austin actually Wrestle at Wrestlemania 25?

He could quite easily make an appearence or ref a match as usual but as J.R. said a while back "If Austin is ever going to have one final match, then the only place i can see it happening is at WM25"

Let's look at the facts. Austin is not getting any younger and he is looking the fittest he has ever been since retiring (Thanks to getting into shape for a movie role, we saw his condition when he was the ref at Cyber Sunday) This deffinately now seems to best time to do this.

I personally would love to see the famous Austin V Hogan match. Even though i know the match would not be technically great, i would just appreciate seeing those 2 icons staring each other down in a classic Wrestlemania moment.

The other side of the coin is John Cena. How big a reception would there be if it was Austin V Cena. There would be no title involved and although i do not like Cena i appreciate his attitude. I see both participants being willing to loose to one another which would create an unpredictable result.

Austin has always said that when it took him too long to get up then he would hang his boots up. I respect this attitude because he did exactely that. Although in his home state of Texas infront of one of the biggiest crowds in WM history im sure he must be tempted in some way.

Does anyone have any news that anything with Austin is a possibility?
Hogan vs Austin def won't now after Stephanie put her foot in her mouth and called Hogan a horrible wrestler and Austin was a bigger for the WWF than Hogan ever was. So that dream match is totally down the drain. So right now I don't know who Austin would face I would love to see him vs Orton. But knowing Vince he would face Santino that way Austin would and it build up santino even more.
The only person I can see being the opponent for his match as of now is Jericho. Over the last few months how many times has Jericho pointed out that he beat the Rock and Austin in the same night to become the undisputed champion. Also, who was the last person Austin screwed over costing him the championship at Cyber Sunday? So yep Jericho is the answer to this. Also he is Superstar of the year so he has to have a match and it doesnt seem like he is any serious storyline. Furthermore he is the only one with the mic skills to give this the right amount of hype. Austin v. Cena would be great but Cena needs to defend the World title, Hogan isn't going to be brought in, and there has to be even more of a reason why Chris has been pushed to the moon over the last year. I am a huge fan of his but I never saw him having a major feud with Michaels, 2 world heavyweight title reigns, and winning the most important fake award unless they were setting him up for something very big on their biggest stage, and losing this match wouldn't hurt him
Jim Ross called into the Bubba Love Sponge show on XM yesterday for just some general talk. JR talked about how today’s wrestlers rely too much on writers and creative team and says they should go out of the box and not be so dependent on someone else to get over.

Bubba was talking about Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin at WrestleMania 25 in Texas. JR said never say never but he doesn’t think it will happen and talked about Vince still being a business man regardless. Ross said if Vince sees potential in the match and can make amends with Hogan, then who knows. He said anyone who considers themselves a wrestling fan would want to see the match for the historical side of it and the emotion alone.

Hogan called in towards the end of the show and said he hasn’t talked to Vince and like JR said, never say never in this business. Hogan said a match with Austin would break all records and the key would be to building a good program and telling a good story in the ring, which he feels Austin and himself could do very well. Hogan also mentioned he would be very careful with Austin’s neck. When asked who should go over in the match, JR mentioned some kind of screwy finish where someone interferes and Austin & Hogan clean house. Hogan disagreed and said a match like that needs to have a finish or the fans would crap all over it. Hogan said he would not mind at all doing a clean job to Austin at WrestleMania 25 as he realizes the kind of money the match could do and the finish doesn’t matter to him. JR said it would be interesting to see what kind of rumblings start happening at “The Tower” now that this interview had been done.

Now THAT would be a great way of adding some worth to WrestleMania XXV....Austin/Hogan. That would be huge. The WWE only has a few matches that haven't been done before (like Jericho/Taker) but only a few of them would really cause a big stir, like HBK/Rock, Cena/Austin, Cena/Rock, and Hogan/Cena....but Austin/Hogan trumps all of them.

Now, personally, I don't know how they could finish the match. Austin pinning Hogan and Hogan pinning Austin both seems a little odd to me. But at the same time, the "Hogan and Austin team up to go against someone" idea is a bit bland as its not a true ending to the match. But that would immediately make WMXXV an enormous event, especially if you add HBK/Taker to it.
Hi Guys,

Just read the previous post regarding the recent radio show in which Hulk Hogan was a guest of. Hogan is the person who i believe to be the main reason for the Austin Hogan match not going down, mainly because i didn't think he would lie down to austin in the match or talk to Vince.

This interview seems encouraging...

does anyone have Vince's email so i can tell him to speak to Hogan? hehehe
The only person that makes any sense to me is "The Great One." Austin and the Rock had by far the greatest rivalry in the history of wrestling. WM 25 is suppose to be the biggest WM of them all. So the only thing that makes any since would be for these two to go at it again. If wwe can get the Rock to come back for this I think that it is the best match that he can have. I really hope wwe can bring this together.

If not though. I really could careless to see Hogan in the ring again. I know it would draw. But it's been said before and I'll say it again. WM draws, and sells itself. I like the idea of having Jericho going against Austin, and it could work as Jericho doesn't use that high powered move set like Cena or some of the other guys. So Austin would be at that much risk to mess his neck up.
I would kinda have to go with Hogan on this one. I mean, lets face it... Wrestlemania is essentially the "House That Hogan Built". Who here wouldn't mark out for a Hogan vs Austin match at WM25?! The program building up to the match would be epic, if done right. Lets face the facts...They're the 2 biggest money makers in WWE history. They're 2 of the most popular wrestlers to EVER enter the ring, rivaled only by "The Man" himself, Ric Flair. The buy rate would be phenomenal, the match, regardless of the outcome, would be awesome, and it would be one of the matches talked about for years to come. Austin v Hogan, WM 25, it's gonna happen. Just wait... The WWE has needed a ratings boost for awhile... Would it surprise anybody if Austin and Hogan ended up somehow ended up in the rumble? <~~~ (Wishful Thinking)
But that would immediately make WMXXV an enormous event, especially if you add HBK/Taker to it.

that would instantly make it one of the best wrestlemanias of all time.

imo, not before 17 but right after it around with 20.


if this miraculously happens, would wwe hype both this match and hbk/taker on raw? or move hbk to smackdown for the month?
The chance of the Austin Hogan match going down at WM25 is still slim but the chances of them both being in the Royal Rumble is pretty much nil. There is no reason to put them in the Rumble and a story where either of them want to win the title again doesn't seem realistic or required.

I think we should just all hope that the Austin Hogan match might happen on the grandest stage of them all! Plus it looks like Austin is going to head up the Hall of Fame this year and that gives him some TV time... Good chance to build something up !

Common WWE make it happen !!
A couple of days ago Jim Ross was a special guest on the Bubba The Love Sponge radio show in Florida and talked about WrestleMania XXV. The host, who is a big friend of Hulk Hogan, said that a Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan
match should be done with Ross saying that it probably will never happen. Noting that neither man would job for the other, Ross said that maybe a double disqualification would be the best finish with another tag team like
The Miz and John Morrison interfering, giving them the rub while sharing the spotlight with the two legends. Moments later, Hulk Hogan called into the show and said he didn't agree with Ross' finish of the match, saying a match
of that importance should have a definite winner. The former WWE and WCW champion then said that he would have no problem putting over Steve Austin if the match ever takes place. It should be noted that every year, a few
months before WrestleMania is scheduled to take place, Hogan starts sending signals that he'd like to appear knowing a big paycheck would be coming his way

I posted that as a part of a huge rant in the Wrestlemania 25 thread, but figured it needed it's own attention. Sicne I've lost track of the official unoffical Hogan vs. Austin thread, this is about as good as a thread as any.

Now with that being said on Hogans' behalf, what does that mean. Now people have been already discussing the validity of Hogans statement. Most see this as a smoke screen simply for Hogan to get on the card, and get the pay day, and at the last second Hogan deciding he wants to go over. My opinion on that one, that's ridiculous. This isn't the Ultimate Boreior, this is Hulk Hogan. McMahon has said it, Hogan is business. You may not like the guy, but the man does what's best for business, period.

In my opinion, I'm not sure if this will work or not. Quite honestly, and this is a complete shot and a half, so take it for that, I don't think Austin could keep up with Hogan int eh ring. Plus, I think, as I've said before, in Houston Texas, that if Hogan got a bigger pop then Austin, Austin's ego couldn't handle it. It wouldn't matter to Hogan, because it's a homestate advantage for Austin, and if he gets booed, he gets booed, but the audacity of a Texas crowd popping big for Hogan and not Austin would drive him nuts.

In my opinion,and I've said it on here before so it's no big deal, Stone Cold Steve Austin is too much of a chicken shit to take this deal.
If what Hogan said was true and actually put over Austin, that would be huge. Honestly, I wouldn't care who won just as long as the match took place.

However, Hogan is a natural born LIAR! He would be all good about it up until the final weeks, where he'd play backstage politics. He'd also try to make Austin look bad some how, attempting him to look like the bad guy.

Hogan wouldn't put anyone over now. He didn't for Bret Hart when he promised to and he didn't put Michaels over like he said he would.
Interesting comments.

I think the chances of this match are quite slim but one thing i think would be deffinate. Hogan would never get a bigger pop than Austin in Houston, Texas. I just cannot see that people would not be begging for austin to beat him. Plus it would depend on how the WWE built this match up. It can't be a last minute match it needs to be developed properly and depending on how they do this and who gets the better of the exchanges before the match then i feel that could greatly effect the crowd's reaction.

Would be cool if Austin beat Hogan. Then Hogan reacts like he did to The Rock beating him and starts praising him and posing. Then as usual, just at last minute Austin gives Hogan the stunner. I knwo it sounds predictable but for years i have waited for this match and i still blame Hogan for it not happening. He should lose the match just for that reason :) hehe

I'm waiting to be attacked by Hogan fans now ! :-O

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