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*Merged* Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 25; What should happen?

when wcw was still in business my dream match for stone cold would of been him v goldberg but obviously goldberg didnt like wwe's style of wrestling

i dont think hogan either coz hogan wud wanna win the match like when he faced hbk at summerslam a few years back an i dont think he could hold himself in the ring wit the rattlesnake

the rock v austin has been done many times at wm but i would love to see them go at it 1 more time

cena- well enuff said abar him

undertaker- well they did have a gud fued back in the 90s would love to see another classic match between them no doubt it would be a wm classic moment

batista- well they did have a little thing a couple years back when austin was the sheriff or co gm an batista wanted austin out the job an i think it was linda mcmahon who sed that austin cant go round layin his hands on superstars unless provoked

bret hart- well if bret hart was still active i would say no doubt they would have another wm classic match but i dont think bret would wanna be in the same arena as hbk so i cancel bret out

triple h- well triple h would be in the main event anyways
I personally think that Ausitns last match should be against.................. HBK. I re-watched the match between Michaels and Hogan recently and damn did Michaels carry that match. With Austins health and Michaels retiremtn I think you have a knock-down dragout, both men blading, slugfest, and you let J.R. do the commentary.
What about JBL? Both are Texas natives and both are good on the mic. They had a memorable "Beer drinking contest" a few years ago. JBL could talk about how he moved out of Texas and became a millionaire in New York city. Both are good brawlers and JBL would easily put Austin over.
I have posted it somewhere else, but not exactly sure ... but they should do a huge stroyline build up to WM 25 where the McMahon's (yes like WM 2000) all want to represent the winner of the MAIN EVENT of the Biggest WM YET! They should pay HOWEVER much it costs to get these four guys as it would more than pay for itself.
Stephanie brings in with Ric Flair, Vince brings in Hulk Hogan, Linda brings in Stone Cold and Shane shocks the world by bringing in The ROCK! (If he wont do it for any amount sub with HBK)
Then have the greatest Fatal 4-Way at the 25th anniversary of the big dance! Sure some of these guys are not the greatest wrestlers ... but it would still be the best show ever seen in the WWE.
If Steve Austin where to make a comeback and face anyone, I would like to see a Jeff Hardy vs Steve Austin match. This would be a great way to give Hardy the push that he rightly deserves. He has had numerous times where he is inches away from getting a title or title shot. Orton at the Rumble, Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out, and when HE screwed himself right before going into the Money In The Bank at WM 24. I honestly beleive that Jeff Hardy would have won the breifcase too.
I would hate to have HBK become the new legend killer facing all of these retiring wrestlers.

Maybe what makes Austin so appealing even in this day and time is the fact that he is one of the very last 'old school' guys left. One who understands that he is the man no matter where he is in terms of programs, and that just because he's a little older and and there's a new guy doesn't mean he has to flat out job to him. And honestly if you look at some of HHH's promo's when they wanted him to job the strap to him, Hunter was still very green on the mike and would make some pretty bad speaking mistakes. Austin would too, but it was part of his crazy redneck character. He's the last of the Harley Race's.

Now if he wants to protect himself during the match there is one thing that will protect him: a tag team match. I would have him team up with HBK to take on Cody Rhodes and DeBiase Jr. Austin and HBK have always had good chemistry together. Think of it, two of the greatest stars of all time facing the spawn of two more of the greatest wrestlers of all time. The match would ooze of passing the torch. Randy Orton's legend killer always pointed out they were stars of the past, but never discussed the fact that the persons body was old. If they want to put the young guys over, they could let Micheals take the fall and keep Austins rep, or let the Austin get the pin. With the tag format the match can last 25 min and Austin doesn't have to risk his health for the whole time. The old lions having one last run at defending their territory, and most importantly, their pride. I think it could make for a great last match for Austin and really put some of the truly promising superstars on the map for the future.
I like the idea of Austin and HBK teaming up one last time. They were, afterall, holders of the same belts Rhodes and DiBiase are now carrying. If the WWE wants to turn these two guys into top tier stars at some point, having them wrestle two of the company's best wrestlers ever would be a great way to launch them into that category.

What about Chris Jericho? I know enough's been said about whether or not he should have beaten Austin and the Rock to become the first Undisputed champ, but thought the two worked well together.

Again, Austin could team with HBK and take on Jericho and Cade. This would help push Cade, but who knows whether or not fans will be sick of HBK/Y2J by WM25.
There's pros and cons to all of the stuff I've seen here...some reasonable, some "no chance in hell".

With this being WM 25 and probably the biggest event in WWE history for the next 25 years, I can see the McMahon's trying to do everything humanly possible to also give the fans a gigantic dream match in some capacity. Whether it's Hogan-Austin, Austin-Rock, Austin-Cena-Rock-Hogan, etc. One has to believe that both sides see the light in terms of money, having one more shining moment, etc. At this point, there's no major damage done to their careers in having Austin, Rock, Hogan, or Flair come back and lose to Cena, Batista, HHH, or Taker. Outside of those 4 currents...no one else will get a main event with one of the 4 legends. Austin-Hogan, Austin-Cena, or Rock-Cena are biggest sellers of the all the possible matchups.

Those 3 have never been done...and despite all the negatives...all 3 matchups would guarantee huge paydays for the legends allowing them never to needing to return!

One of those 3 will happen...HHH-Taker will happen as well.
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs. "HBK" Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25 would be HUGE id really like to see this happen, also it wouldnt really matter tht much who won as it wouldnt make either of them look weak but it would if a retiring stone cold could still beat a orton or a cena basically one of the WWE's current top guys, on a side note i wish chavo would tell shawn about hair plugs it bothers me eveytime i see his balding head.
I would like Austin to go against a newer guy that he could put over. Their is no sence for him to win the match since he is no longer a wrestler and doesn't need the push. I would like him to go against a Kennedy or Mvp or Morrison, someone who could really use the rub to become a legit maineventer. Kennedy would work the best I think, just because he has the same "attitude" or a similar "attitude" as Austin. If would do Kennedys wonders if he could cleanly go over Austin at wrestlemania. It would also do Kennedy really well if he was to "Destroy" Austin after the match. Even though Austin isn't a full time anymore the fans still love him and Kennedy would be boo'd to no end if he was the one to finally take Austin out.....but I guess this would only work if Kennedy was a heel again and if Austin would be willing to cleanly put over someone and also be willing to "kill" the austin character pretty much forever.
HBK Vs Taker Vs Austin. First connection simply is that we're in Texas, these three guys are all from there. Secondly, the fans love every single one of them. I don't think much would draw more than having these 3 against each other at WM 25.

Shawn Vs Taker has been hinted at for a while now. If I'm honest I'd prefer it to be just this, however I cannot see Austin fitting in anywhere else for one match only, unless it was with Orton which I'll come to in a minute. It would be a great thing for all the older fans as well, those who were watching 10 years ago during the attitude era which all 3 of these guys played a part in. And here are 3 gimmicks that are so different I think it'd be great.

As for Orton, I can see him being pushed as a mega heel, talking about being the Legend Killer and once again naming people he's beaten etc. Austin comes out. They cut a few promos together. Next thing you know it's WM 25 and Austin is returning to shut him up. Would it work? You decide.
I've sadly come to terms that Hogan vs. Austin is never going to happen. But it should. Austin is lying when he says that the reason a Hogan-Austin match would never work is due to clashing of styles. I just don't buy that.

The real reason Austin won't face Hogan is politics. He does not want to get wrapped up in it.

Both Austin and Hogan are mediocre in the ring. You don't see either one preforming drop kicks or anything like it. But both have a strong presence and they are both good story tellers. This is why Hogan-Rock worked so well. So without knowing any moves preformed other than their signature moves, you would always remember the match due to the unbelievable charisma that both men had.

And even though Hogan is very underhanded when it comes to playing the creative control card, Austin is just as guilty. He refused to job to Triple H at SummerSlam 1999 and he refused to work a program with Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar. He even had an angle with Eddie Guererro and it was dropped because he didn't want to do it anymore.

So we have two men with two huge egos and it seems that the only two people they both like jobbing to is either the Rock or the Undertaker....or Kurt Angle when he was around.

So who would Austin face? It's hard to say at the moment. The only logical thing I see happening is an Austin/McMahon street fight. Seeing that WM 25 is in Texas and would be Austin's last match, I don't see the WWE putting him up against HBK. It would be a clash of interest and might split the crowd. Austin would have to go out with a bang and they'd cheer 100% for Austin over McMahon.

But I do hope Austin has a match at Wrestlemania XXV. I just wish it was against Hogan. (I know, goes against the whole not splitting the crowd thing, but I don't care. It's the match of all matches.)
It has to be with Hogan. Hogan is the one match the WWE and the fans want to see. The biggest most popular star of the 80's meets the most popular star of the mid 90's to mid 00's, oh the money the WWE believes that it would draw from that. I think the WWE had plans back a few Wrestlemania's ago, I think after Hogan beat Orton, Hogan stated that Austin was the one person he really wanted to face that he hadn't yet. But then i think Austin ended up getting injured and then Hogan and the WWE had a little falling out, so they haven't said anything about it again. Hogan and WWE may patch things up, but it sounds like Austin doesn't want to wrestle. If he were I'd also like to see him and HBK. I know it's a clash of styles and the crowd would probably be split. But ya know, a storyline is there. It was HBK's last match for years, and maybe deep down, just like he did with Hogan, maybe Micheals wants to know if he can beat him now.
the reason austin didnt wrestle hogan back when hogan said austin is the next guy i want to wrestle is because austin had no idea hogan was going out to say that
there was a interview in the uk where they asked austin what about a austin hogan match
austin said hogan isnt a guy he gets on with BUT he did say if the money was right he would do it
the reason austin didnt wrestle hogan back when hogan said austin is the next guy i want to wrestle is because austin had no idea hogan was going out to say that
there was a interview in the uk where they asked austin what about a austin hogan match
austin said hogan isnt a guy he gets on with BUT he did say if the money was right he would do it

I heard that interview. 10 million each was the question asked and Austin said he'd put on a 5 star match for that kind of money. But neither Hogan or Austin will get that much money for one match.

The 25 million for Floyd Mayweather at last year's Mania was just a gimmick.
Think About it now
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs John Cena
John Cena would get absolutly booed out of the building against Stone Cold Steve Austin, but Austin could really put John Cena over as a big BIG time star, i know all of my friends tell me that John Cena could never beat a, Stone Cold, or The Rock, but if he did, maybe he will change the views in peoples eyes, and they could shake hands after, but they would still boo Cena
Stone Cold vs. CM Punk

Have CM Punk turn heel around Survivor Series and keep the strap on him till around Rumble Time. Have Punk rabble on about how he is the biggest success story in WWE history until it makes everybody hate him. Have him beat guys like The Undertaker and HHH that way he can go on about he has become one of the true greats of the WWE because he has beaten all there is to beat.

cue stone cold.

have stone cold return and cut a promo about how tired he is of seeing punks egotistical ass on tv week in and week out. Punk could then challenge Austin to a match at WM.

From there we could have Punk the Straightedge Superstar vs. Stone Cold the Beer Guzzling Legend. Punk could rave on endlessly about his straightedge lifestyle and Austin could rave on about his love of liquor :icon_smile:

Maybe make the WM match a hardcore match and some how have them end up in the arenas bar having a bar room brawl. Austin could knock Punk out and pour beer over him :icon_razz:

but seriously austin could really make punk a LEGITIMATE main eventer!
funny thing is i talked about this with a friend the other day, we came to the conclusion that there is one name to face Austin and that is jbl

Jbl and austin woudl work as jbl could cut a promo leaidng into Wrestlemania about how he should recieve a homecoming celebration in his town of birth as he could claim to be the greatest wrestler that texas has ever produced,

this could open up for an austin return
As much as I'd like to see a rematch of one of Austin's MANY great matches. I'd like to take this in a different direction. Have Chris Jericho come out week after week and run his mouth about the Undisputed title and how he IS the WWE. Have him challenge any heavyweight title holder past or present to face him at WM. every week Jericho comes out to issue this challenge, nobody answers. Soon we find ourselves at WM25. Jericho hits the ring with Cade in tow and continues to run his mouth, naming stars specifically that he has beaten (HHH, HBK, etc etc). The lights go out and the Y2J countdown clock pops up on the screen. Cut to Jericho and Cade looking confused. The clock strikes one and glass shatters. Jericho freezes for a second then bails and runs like hell, leaving Cade behind. Austin hits the ring and grabs a mic to cut a promo to the tune of "I came here to whoop someone's ass, and since Jericho talks big but runs like a little bitch I guess his lap dog will have to do." Austin grabs Cade and the ref calls for the bell. This is really random but I'd like to see it go like Taker vs Jeff Hardy, with Cade getting his ass handed to him again and again, just to get back up and ask for more. The fans get what they want, one last GIANT can of whoop ass from a face Austin. Cade gets solidified as a singles competitor and it sets up nicely for him to turn on Jericho. It's a long shot, hell, who am I kidding. This won't happen, but I had to let my imagination run wild for a second. Lol.
1 Randy Orton Thisguy Could Really Bring Back This Whole Legend Killer Gimmick And Austin Returns And Cgallengs Orton To A Street Fight Or Last Man Standing

2 Hhh These Two Have Had Some Of The Best Matches In There Feud The Only Way This Will Work Is To Turn Hhh Heel Witch Will Happen And Then Austin Says He Never Beat Hhh On Wm Biggest Stage How About A Steel Cage Match

3 Shawn Michales This Could Be The Best Choice Both From Texas Both Will Be At There Best And Unless Shawn Plays Taker At 25 It Will E Austin

A Last Possiability Vince Mcmahn

If Randy Orton were to bring back the 'Legend Killer' gimmick, I don't think there are that many legends for him to 'Kill' afterwards and I don't see the point in bringing a gimmick back for one match only. He has already had matches against Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, I'm pretty sure Jake Roberts? or was it just an RKO? I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure I remember something about Jake Roberts, Shawn Michaels and I don't think Vince will be high on the idea to try and get The Rock for something like BackLash.

You said Triple H vs Stone Cold in a steel cage match. I'm not so sure about that. I don't want to see a legend such as Stone Cold in what most likely would be his last match in a cage with pieces of steel obstructing my view of the match and I think that a match such as Stone Cold vs ( Insert name here ) at a WrestleMania should be a pure one on one, one fall to a finish match.

I would like to see Chris Jericho and Stone Cold go at it. Chris Jericho could talk about what he was talking about before about how he was the first ever undisputed champion and should have focused on the title picture and that he knows he has what it takes to become world champion again. Chris Jericho gets a title shot at No Way Out but just loses and Stone Cold confronts him on the next RAW and asks him "Chris, you said you had what it takes. You defeated The Rock and myself in the same night and you couldn't defeat ( Insert champions name here ) ?. I guess you don't have what it takes anymore". Chris Jericho: "Look juniour, I am Chris Jericho, the highlight of the night, the sexy beast, the ayatollah of rock and rollah and I might not have beaten ( Insert champions name here ) last night, but I know I can beat you". Stone Cold: "Alright Chris, how about you bring your ass to Texas, where the big boys play for a match at WrestleMania 25 to see if you can still go against Stone Cold Steve Austin?" Chris Jericho: "Stone Cold, I accept, but after WrestleMania 25, Texas and yourself, will never, ever, EEEEVVVEERRRR, be the same, again".

The promos for this could be legendary if done properly.
i would say orton vs austin... for the whole legend killer gimmick thing. even no that is kind what over it would still make orrton look like a legend killer and a dominate heel.

or have chris jericho. not sure about this one but i think it just would suit wrestler mania. first undisputed champion vses one of the best of all time
I don't think it should be Orton because:

1. I don't see the point in bringing back the 'Legend Killer' gimmick because he won't have many legends that can still wrestle a good match left to kill and plus I don't think Stone Cold would come back to job to Orton and let his legacy be killed by Orton

2. If for some reason that Randy Orton was able to pull off that massive upset victory, I don't know about you guys, but I think I would go crazy hearing Randy Orton keep going on about how he beat Stone Cold at WrestleMania for the rest of his career.

3. The promos would only be great from Stone Cold. Randy Ortons promos would just be boring because of his " monotonous, robotic, Randy Orton voice".

Despite the fact that he is a great heel, I just don't think it's the job for him.
My personal opinions...

HBK-They are both from Texas. It would be a good match, but the problem is the age. Neither one of them is what they were 11 years ago. It can have hype, but it just would not be the same.

Hogan-I would like it, but here is my problem. Neither one of them should leave with a loss. They are both huge parts of the company's history, and deserve to win a final wrestlemania match. Plus again...they're both very aged.

Randy Orton-I personally hated the whole Legend Killer gimmick. It would have potential, but I think there is a better direction to push Orton. If he is not in some long built feud or in the title picture at Wrestlemania, I would be surprised.

Undertaker-These two back in the day were great. The crucifixion, everything. It was crazy, I would love to see that match. Problem is like I said before, Austin should win. And Undertaker's streak should not end.

For similar reasons to Orton, I don't see Cena, Batista, Kennedy, or any big name that might be in a title picture facing him. So who do I think he should face?

Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Think about it. What two people hated each other more in pro-wrestling (from the character standpoint)? What better way for Austin to go out then a stunner on Vince McMahon? I would love that.
From WZ news:

Reports are indicating that WWE has begun to discuss the idea of Steve Austin wrestling one more big match at Wrestlemania next year in Houston, TX. If plans for the match go through, WWE would be inducting Austin into the Hall of Fame the night before the match. This is of course NOT confirmed, and Austin has said in the past that he will only agree to a final match if the planning is to his liking.

So, once again, the early rumors start to run wild.

this match, if it happens, would be a huge, huge draw. Of course, if Austin oppnonent happens to be named hulk hogan...

I mean, this is bound to happen. The perfect atmosphere, the perfect rivals and the perfect PPV.

But it needs to comply with a little checklist before...

-Money: Ok, Vince has the money to make this happen, that is for sure. But will Hogan accept any offer from him?? i think hogan would be the biggest hurdle in this matter.

-Availability: I dont know Hogan plans for next year, besides his next wrestling reality show, appearances in Brooke Hogan show, more American Gladiators perhaps...so, i think they should try to clinch this ASAP before anything else comes up.

-Health: Look at both guys. They are banged up, kinda out of shape and that's not good. i mean, Flair didnt looked bad in mania 24 thanks to HBK. But in this case, dont expect to see Austin much less Hogan, doing their old routines. Also, the risk of injury is bigger, soIf it happens, the match should not last more than 10 to 15 minutes.

-Vince: So, I can see this a little like Dana white in the Couture-Emelianenko affair. Trying to comply with the two big stars needs, without making yourself a fool in the process. Plus, Vince ego is probably bigger than Austin and hogan together.
Hogan will ask for a shit load of money and I dont think Vince is going to be too amused for that. but hey, it's good for the biz!

Overall, I see Hogan being the factor for this match to happen. Austin has said several times that he is ready for one more. So, let's see if the Hulkster helps to make this happen.
From WZ news:

So, once again, the early rumors start to run wild.

this match, if it happens, would be a huge, huge draw. Of course, if Austin oppnonent happens to be named hulk hogan...

I mean, this is bound to happen. The perfect atmosphere, the perfect rivals and the perfect PPV.

But it needs to comply with a little checklist before...

-Money: Ok, Vince has the money to make this happen, that is for sure. But will Hogan accept any offer from him?? i think hogan would be the biggest hurdle in this matter.

-Availability: I dont know Hogan plans for next year, besides his next wrestling reality show, appearances in Brooke Hogan show, more American Gladiators perhaps...so, i think they should try to clinch this ASAP before anything else comes up.

-Health: Look at both guys. They are banged up, kinda out of shape and that's not good. i mean, Flair didnt looked bad in mania 24 thanks to HBK. But in this case, dont expect to see Austin much less Hogan, doing their old routines. Also, the risk of injury is bigger, soIf it happens, the match should not last more than 10 to 15 minutes.

-Vince: So, I can see this a little like Dana white in the Couture-Emelianenko affair. Trying to comply with the two big stars needs, without making yourself a fool in the process. Plus, Vince ego is probably bigger than Austin and hogan together.
Hogan will ask for a shit load of money and I dont think Vince is going to be too amused for that. but hey, it's good for the biz!

Overall, I see Hogan being the factor for this match to happen. Austin has said several times that he is ready for one more. So, let's see if the Hulkster helps to make this happen.

If it were Hogan, I wonder who the crowd would be behind? I would assume both, but look at Rock and Hogan. Sure, Rock wasn't as big as Austin, but the audience sure did tear Dwayne a new asshole. The only time I heard a cheer for Rock was right before the People's Elbow. Idk man, that match would sell like hell. I'm all for it.

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