**MERGED** Royal Rumble 2013 & Aftermath Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

Which Would You Like?

  • CM Punk vs. The Rock

  • John Cena vs. The Rock

  • Not Sure: It's Too Early To Decide

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Say that Rock wins over CM Punk and the Rumble match is last on the card. Could easily see The shield dominate the Rumble and, when CM Punk's music hits as #30, they all just jump out. Punk enters the match and is the winner. He could later go on to say he doesn't want the championship and wants to face the Undertaker at WM, if the WWE Decides to go that route. That way, if they want to break the streak, they can put over Punk and his new helpers: the shield (who have 10+ years in the wwe still to come!) as THE MEN who robbed Taker out of the Streak. Everybody would hate them for years!

I can see this as a plausible idea before Punk picking to face Taker. I have never like that idea. The winner of the RR should face a world champ and even worse would have the streak end on such a cheap note.

I like Punk the idea of Punk losing against the Rock and then entering in the late 20's. I would have the last remaining superstars as The Shield, Punk, Sheamus, Cena, Orton and Ryback. Have the Shield purposefully avoid Punk (like Orton and Legacy in '09) and eventually its something like Ryback, Reigns and Punk. Ryback eliminates Reigns with his back turned and Punk dumps him over the top rope. Punk v Rock at Mania.

Alternatively, I like the Miz winning; Ziggler cashing in his MITB and they face of at Mania.
Honestly I'd love to see Barrett, Christian, DB or even Punk win the Rumble but I doubt any of those will happen. If it's someone new winning the Rumble this year then I'm predicting it's going to be Ryback but if it ends up being someone who's won it in the past then I think either Sheamus or Cena will win.

So at this point I'm pretty much looking forward to the RR returns and predicting who might return at the Rumble lol. I actually made a video just talking about who I think could return at the 2013 Royal Rumble and why.

While I don't want to see Michael Cole make an appearance in the Rumble again I'd love to see JBL go in as a surprise entrant and start delivering some clotheslines from hell that'd be freaking awesome.
Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns make up The Shield, and all we've seen from them are a bunch of attacks on main event talent and one hell of a match. Other than the match it's been very repetitive and we haven't seen much development at all. I want to see more in ring action, and what better time to showcase their talents than the Royal Rumble match. They haven't declared that they're in the Rumble yet, but there's still time.

If I were to book this, I would have Rollins come out 1st or 2nd, and put on a great showing with someone like Kofi, and last several eliminations. I'd have Reigns come out 6th, and team with Rollins for a while. They can get a few eliminations, until eliminated by someone like Ryback. Ambrose should come out somewhere around 23, and I'd honestly let him finish in the final four. They need to truly showcase the talents of these guys, as they are dealing with only main event level talents.

Do you think the Shield will even be in the Rumble? How will they do?
I can't think of any reason for them not to be in it, as it only works to their benefit to get in there and shine a little bit. That's a long way of saying "yes." I think they should be spread out with not too much overlap and each should have a strong showing. It'd be a good way for the the members of The Shield and the commentary team to put over each individual in the group.
The Rumble match would be the perfect opportunity to show the talents of them individually and I would love to see that happen...but based on what we've seen from them so far and that they rarely leave each others sights, I can't imagine either of them entering the match as an individual and being left open. I don't think they'll be in the Rumble match itself, but I can see them having an impact nonetheless. I can see them attacking the ring as a group, as usual, either dragging someone (Ryback & Orton are logical choice as this point but then sometimes they have the "random mugging" feel about them) out of the ring and beatdown follows or they hit the ring and eliminate him/them. I think we all kinda expect something like that to happen, tbh. Sounds routine and stale as well, but going on recent form and the logic of creative - that's exactly how I see them invovled.
There's no reason why they can't wreak havoc as a group, while still performing in the Rumble match as individuals. The Shield members are still wrestlers at the end of the day, and while their win at TLC was impressive, it'll fade if WWE doesn't build on it. We'll see what happens, but I'm hoping that Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns each get a spot. They're the future of the company. If they're sitting on the sidelines while we have to sit through another Rumble where spot after spot after spot is taken up by ring announcers, commentators, and surprise appearances, I'll be mightily disappointed.
Its become pretty evident that Cena is going to win the rumble and have Cena vs Rock II. I think the best thing to do would be have Cena screw Rock out the title like Rock did Cena years back and have Taker win the rumble. Then you can have Cena/Rock cause each other to lose at EC. Sets up Rock/Cena II and Taker vs Punk Streak vs Streak.
I have an idea for the Rumble, Now forgive me if this has already been discussed but here goes...

Now its been reported and written about that CM Punk will probably drop the title to The Rock at the Rumble.
At the same time Ive read that Punk will face The Undertaker for the streak.
(again all rumor and things could change)

So Punk loses and Then he could enter the Rumble later on and win.
Then he could say that hes done all he can with the belt and hell use the Rumble win to challenge for the streak.

HBK was going to do this years earlier but didnt work out why not try it now?

So it would make the match with Undertaker have a little more incentive and The Rock could still face Cena in some way they would write that.

Just a thought.
P.s Just had a surgery so I may be talking crazy cause of the meds. hahah
Alli hope for from the rumble match is a solid performance out of the shield. A nice feud being set up. Randy Orton to be awesome. And Christian to return. I hope Cena does not win because it does nothing for him at this point of his career. I also dont want the loser of the championship match to be in the rumble because it just looks stupid. The way things have been playing out I see Ryback winning it and going to Mania. Hopefully he can blow off his feud with Punk in some sort of match where the shield physically can't interfere. And to anyone who says Punk vs Taker I just want to know what streak does Punk have that you guys keep speaking of.

BTW Anyone who thinks Undertakers streak should be broken is a tard he needs to perform at this Mania get a big win over Maybe Cena or Orton someone who matters end up with one last title run and call it quits.
3 possible Rumble endings have crossed my mind over the past couple of days, hopefully one of them comes off.

1st being that Rocky vs Punk is before the RR match, Punk goes over Rock, CLEANLY, then number thirty comes around and Rock's music hits, where him and Cena to be the last two and Rock winning it, with Cena winning the title at Elimination Chamber to (unfortunately) set up Rock v Cena II.

2nd ending would be a returning Lesnar enter and win it to set up Rock v Brock for the WWE Championship.

3rd would be a win for Daniel Bryan. I'd like to see this most as the aforementioned two possible winners OR Cena, doesn't need a Rumble win to go to Wrestlemania. From dropping him from the WM27 card and giving him an 18 second loss last year, he deserves something from it.
rock beats punk then rumble. the #30 needs to come out and theres only one person in the ring, maybe maddox. no one comes out for #30 and maddox thinks hes won it. then punk runs out and wins rumble.
gets the title back at WM from rock and rock retires (the rocks awesome, but i think hes gotta retire for good soon, perfect opportunity)
punk keeps the title til next WM and build up to cena or ziggler or whoever. they get injured last minute.
undertaker is his surprise opponent and wins.
kane helps daniel bryan to win it the next day on raw

maybe the endings a bit farfetched..

my other theory is orton FINALLY gets another title shot. orton vs rock at WM?
Now that I think about it, I really wouldn't mind Ryback winning this match. He needs that big win for such a prominent spot on the card. He's the only respectable face without a real definitive win (Cena has his Superman wins, Sheamus had the 18 seconds, Orton had his days, Kofi beat Sheamus and pinned Orton + Punk at SS 2009, hell even Santino won the US title last year). I would have no problem with him winning the Rumble by eliminating all of the Shield members last. I wouldn't even mind him winning the WHC at WM29 so he can get his WM moment out of the way and become a real top face.

Now that I think about it, I really wouldn't mind Ryback winning this match. He needs that big win for such a prominent spot on the card. He's the only respectable face without a real definitive win (Cena has his Superman wins, Sheamus had the 18 seconds, Orton had his days, Kofi beat Sheamus and pinned Orton + Punk at SS 2009, hell even Santino won the US title last year). I would have no problem with him winning the Rumble by eliminating all of the Shield members last. I wouldn't even mind him winning the WHC at WM29 so he can get his WM moment out of the way and become a real top face.


I wouldn't mind in the least. As you said, Ryback doesn't have that signature win yet, so this is a golden opportunity to get him one. It certainly makes sense that Ryback would be a force in the Rumble match. It would also give him a degree of retribution against The Shield, which keeps the balance between them and him in terms of getting got by one another. I'm a big advocate of The Shield having a strong showing, so if they eject a few notable names, own the ring for a little bit, then get taken out by Ryback, it accomplishes that to a degree. It also keeps the guy who I think is going to win (John Cena) from winning, which from a personal preference standpoint is nice.

This is the beauty of the Rumble. So many possibilities. Ryback has earned a good following and gotten over better than I honestly thought he would at first. Building on that can only be seen as a good thing.
Now that I think about it, I really wouldn't mind Ryback winning this match. He needs that big win for such a prominent spot on the card.

That's the thing with Ryback. When John Cena couldn't wrestle his title match with Punk, Ryback was hastily elevated to main event status because all the other top guys were already involved in programs for the PPV. Obviously, it was never WWE's intention to have Ryback win the title at that time, which is fine. Problem is, after he wrestles his series against Punk, what do you do with him? Is he now permanently a part of the main event scene, or do you drop him back to the mid-card, where he was before his quick rise to the top? I wonder if they considered that when they brought him in to face Punk.

My guess is they planned to keep him near the top. If that's the case, a Rumble win would be good for him. On the other hand, he's just finished a series with the champion, so wouldn't it be good to see someone new win the Rumble so whomever the champ is can have someone fresh and exciting to tangle with until Wrestlemania?

Of course, if Rock is the champ, all bets are off as far as a logical progression in the champion's seat. In the case of Ryback, unless they plan to turn him heel, I don't see him facing the Rock......face vs. face match-ups usually don't fly. (Of course, last year's Rock-Cena program was face vs. face......but Cena is another story altogether).

For that matter, nobody's expecting Rock to wrestle a full schedule from Rumble to WM, are they? It always amuses me to see folks on this forum penciling Rock in for all types of events.....remember: he's not a wrestler who makes movies....he's an actor who occasionally wrestles.

Ryback or not, the insertion of the Rock into this equation really throws logic out the window. But a win at the Rumble would surely solidify Ryback's standing as a main event performer.
I'm not reading through this whole thread, so I apologize if this was said earlier. This is how I would book the Rumble if I were in Vince's ear.

This is assuming WWE is adamant about making it Rock-Cena for the title at WM and they want Cena to win the RR (personally, I think it should be those two and Punk in a Triple Threat with Punk getting his WM moment by beating them, but that's not what reports are saying they want, so.....).

I'd have Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, and Orton as the last 4, since they're the ones that have been shown as having the best chance (all 4 are face....it would be odd and memorable) (in the interest of full disclosure, Ziggler would get all the way to 5th left after entering 1st with a great performance by him). After Ziggler is eliminated, those 4 are going at it for another 5-10 minutes. The Shield comes out and the 4 break away from each other. Shield comes in the ring and they each go after one in the ring. Cena sees an opportunity and helps Ambrose eliminate Sheamus, then he helps Rollins eliminate Orton. Ryback throws Reigns and Rollins out before he gets thrown out by Cena and Ambrose. Cena cuts a heel promo talking about how for years, the WWE universe has booed him no matter what he did for them and no matter how many 'bad guys' he tried to beat.

If I (Vince) really wanted to throw some more layers into this, Lesnar would be a surprise entrant at 30 and there would be 5 left in the ring with those 4 plus Lesnar at the time Shield comes out (Ziggler lasting until 6th left). Shield acts like they're there for Lesnar while the 5 wrestlers in the ring act like they have no clue what's going on.....Ryback, Sheamus and Orton still get eliminated, with Cena and Lesnar in the ring left, and then Shield goes after Lesnar and he gets eliminated.

It ties everything together perfectly. Shield going after the other 3 makes sense because that's been their feud for the last month. Shield was Cena's idea 2 months ago when he got injured and he wanted all the Main Event challengers not challenging Punk. WWE presumably shouldn't be wanting an exact replica of Cena-Rock from last year, so turning Cena heel would create a different element to the build up to WM.

Before all the 'Oh no, it's another Cena heel turn guy talking about turning him heel again'....listen, it's gotta happen sometime. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it big and at a time that can be looked at as the change into a new era, which is what it's slowly looking like for the past 2 months. And by doing it like this, you're setting it up so one of the many faces in the WWE can be leveled up and become a true top level star. IWC already complains too much that there's too many faces at the top and not enough good heels.

Also, the Shield has a built in excuse for why they'd help Cena. Simple.....Cena has carried this company for years and has been the biggest star, and yet he gets booed. He's the one moving the most merchandise, he's the one that the WWE goes to every time a 'bad guy' is taking over too much and they need a face.....it's an Injustice that Cena gets treated the way he does, despite every wrestler in the back owing Cena for being the draw that he is and bringing so much money into the company.

Cena doesn't even have to change his attitude all THAT much to pull off a hated heel turn. He can talk about how he sells so much merchandise and always is called upon to win, and he can really play into his 'SuperCena', 'IWC thinks he wins too much' persona. He already played into it a little tonight....he might even be able to incorporate playing to the kids and women in the crowd, while hating on the guys that yell 'Cena sucks'.

I think it could be the start to a new era.....Cena goes on to win at WM....Ryback can be built up to win the title 6 months or so later, as the new superstar face (I'd really like this to be Bryan, since I think he'd be great at it.....WWE should build him up after WM as the Master of Submissions, and he can start getting wins with about 6-8 different big time submissions, and no one ever knows which one is coming....he could finally beat Cena later on in the year)....either way, the next superstar face would be built up in that time.

I really like the idea, and it'd be the way I would do it. Bring on the hate, people.
I'm not reading through this whole thread, so I apologize if this was said earlier. This is how I would book the Rumble if I were in Vince's ear.

This is assuming WWE is adamant about making it Rock-Cena for the title at WM and they want Cena to win the RR (personally, I think it should be those two and Punk in a Triple Threat with Punk getting his WM moment by beating them, but that's not what reports are saying they want, so.....).

I'd have Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, and Orton as the last 4, since they're the ones that have been shown as having the best chance (all 4 are face....it would be odd and memorable) (in the interest of full disclosure, Ziggler would get all the way to 5th left after entering 1st with a great performance by him). After Ziggler is eliminated, those 4 are going at it for another 5-10 minutes. The Shield comes out and the 4 break away from each other. Shield comes in the ring and they each go after one in the ring. Cena sees an opportunity and helps Ambrose eliminate Sheamus, then he helps Rollins eliminate Orton. Ryback throws Reigns and Rollins out before he gets thrown out by Cena and Ambrose. Cena cuts a heel promo talking about how for years, the WWE universe has booed him no matter what he did for them and no matter how many 'bad guys' he tried to beat.

If I (Vince) really wanted to throw some more layers into this, Lesnar would be a surprise entrant at 30 and there would be 5 left in the ring with those 4 plus Lesnar at the time Shield comes out (Ziggler lasting until 6th left). Shield acts like they're there for Lesnar while the 5 wrestlers in the ring act like they have no clue what's going on.....Ryback, Sheamus and Orton still get eliminated, with Cena and Lesnar in the ring left, and then Shield goes after Lesnar and he gets eliminated.

It ties everything together perfectly. Shield going after the other 3 makes sense because that's been their feud for the last month. Shield was Cena's idea 2 months ago when he got injured and he wanted all the Main Event challengers not challenging Punk. WWE presumably shouldn't be wanting an exact replica of Cena-Rock from last year, so turning Cena heel would create a different element to the build up to WM.

Before all the 'Oh no, it's another Cena heel turn guy talking about turning him heel again'....listen, it's gotta happen sometime. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it big and at a time that can be looked at as the change into a new era, which is what it's slowly looking like for the past 2 months. And by doing it like this, you're setting it up so one of the many faces in the WWE can be leveled up and become a true top level star. IWC already complains too much that there's too many faces at the top and not enough good heels.

Also, the Shield has a built in excuse for why they'd help Cena. Simple.....Cena has carried this company for years and has been the biggest star, and yet he gets booed. He's the one moving the most merchandise, he's the one that the WWE goes to every time a 'bad guy' is taking over too much and they need a face.....it's an Injustice that Cena gets treated the way he does, despite every wrestler in the back owing Cena for being the draw that he is and bringing so much money into the company.

Cena doesn't even have to change his attitude all THAT much to pull off a hated heel turn. He can talk about how he sells so much merchandise and always is called upon to win, and he can really play into his 'SuperCena', 'IWC thinks he wins too much' persona. He already played into it a little tonight....he might even be able to incorporate playing to the kids and women in the crowd, while hating on the guys that yell 'Cena sucks'.

I think it could be the start to a new era.....Cena goes on to win at WM....Ryback can be built up to win the title 6 months or so later, as the new superstar face (I'd really like this to be Bryan, since I think he'd be great at it.....WWE should build him up after WM as the Master of Submissions, and he can start getting wins with about 6-8 different big time submissions, and no one ever knows which one is coming....he could finally beat Cena later on in the year)....either way, the next superstar face would be built up in that time.

I really like the idea, and it'd be the way I would do it. Bring on the hate, people.

Typically if one finishes a statement with, "bring on the hate, people," then they've just said something very ignorant/offensive. You're not remotely in that territory, and personally I tip my cap to you for having an idea. Most people just gripe and moan and say "turn Cena heel," but come up empty or skew toward ridiculous when asked how.

I think it's a good piece of fantasy booking. For a couple years now, though, I've just felt that turning Cena was a zero sum proposition because he'll just get booed by the group that used to cheer him and cheered by the group that used to boo him. That notwithstanding, Cena's rationale for employing The Shield is better than a lot of WWE logic, so it wouldn't baffle anybody who didn't think about it too hard. It would make for a memorable and exciting end to the Rumble and cast a lot of doubts on what to expect at WrestleMania. WWE could do worse in turning Cena, that's for sure. Nice work.
I'm not reading through this whole thread, so I apologize if this was said earlier. This is how I would book the Rumble if I were in Vince's ear.

This is assuming WWE is adamant about making it Rock-Cena for the title at WM and they want Cena to win the RR (personally, I think it should be those two and Punk in a Triple Threat with Punk getting his WM moment by beating them, but that's not what reports are saying they want, so.....).

I'd have Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, and Orton as the last 4, since they're the ones that have been shown as having the best chance (all 4 are face....it would be odd and memorable) (in the interest of full disclosure, Ziggler would get all the way to 5th left after entering 1st with a great performance by him). After Ziggler is eliminated, those 4 are going at it for another 5-10 minutes. The Shield comes out and the 4 break away from each other. Shield comes in the ring and they each go after one in the ring. Cena sees an opportunity and helps Ambrose eliminate Sheamus, then he helps Rollins eliminate Orton. Ryback throws Reigns and Rollins out before he gets thrown out by Cena and Ambrose. Cena cuts a heel promo talking about how for years, the WWE universe has booed him no matter what he did for them and no matter how many 'bad guys' he tried to beat.

If I (Vince) really wanted to throw some more layers into this, Lesnar would be a surprise entrant at 30 and there would be 5 left in the ring with those 4 plus Lesnar at the time Shield comes out (Ziggler lasting until 6th left). Shield acts like they're there for Lesnar while the 5 wrestlers in the ring act like they have no clue what's going on.....Ryback, Sheamus and Orton still get eliminated, with Cena and Lesnar in the ring left, and then Shield goes after Lesnar and he gets eliminated.

It ties everything together perfectly. Shield going after the other 3 makes sense because that's been their feud for the last month. Shield was Cena's idea 2 months ago when he got injured and he wanted all the Main Event challengers not challenging Punk. WWE presumably shouldn't be wanting an exact replica of Cena-Rock from last year, so turning Cena heel would create a different element to the build up to WM.

Before all the 'Oh no, it's another Cena heel turn guy talking about turning him heel again'....listen, it's gotta happen sometime. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it big and at a time that can be looked at as the change into a new era, which is what it's slowly looking like for the past 2 months. And by doing it like this, you're setting it up so one of the many faces in the WWE can be leveled up and become a true top level star. IWC already complains too much that there's too many faces at the top and not enough good heels.

Also, the Shield has a built in excuse for why they'd help Cena. Simple.....Cena has carried this company for years and has been the biggest star, and yet he gets booed. He's the one moving the most merchandise, he's the one that the WWE goes to every time a 'bad guy' is taking over too much and they need a face.....it's an Injustice that Cena gets treated the way he does, despite every wrestler in the back owing Cena for being the draw that he is and bringing so much money into the company.

Cena doesn't even have to change his attitude all THAT much to pull off a hated heel turn. He can talk about how he sells so much merchandise and always is called upon to win, and he can really play into his 'SuperCena', 'IWC thinks he wins too much' persona. He already played into it a little tonight....he might even be able to incorporate playing to the kids and women in the crowd, while hating on the guys that yell 'Cena sucks'.

I think it could be the start to a new era.....Cena goes on to win at WM....Ryback can be built up to win the title 6 months or so later, as the new superstar face (I'd really like this to be Bryan, since I think he'd be great at it.....WWE should build him up after WM as the Master of Submissions, and he can start getting wins with about 6-8 different big time submissions, and no one ever knows which one is coming....he could finally beat Cena later on in the year)....either way, the next superstar face would be built up in that time.

I really like the idea, and it'd be the way I would do it. Bring on the hate, people.
This is good. It would certainly shake things up. Hogan was still a draw, not a big one admittedly in 96 and if Cena does ultimately turn heel it needs to be as memorable as that. Cena is their top guy and you have to make sure it is done right. I picture a Hoganesque turn, similar and not sure if that is good or bad. But it revitalized Hogan and so it could Cena as well.

Ryback winning too has potential. He would also make a great heel squashing guys but as a face he is doing a good job and just needs that breakthrough moment and the Rumble could be it.

Rock does not need the belt nor does Cena need the Rumble win, as both Punk and whoever wins it would be served much better and build to the future. You can have Shield or Lesnar cost Cena etc. But at the same time even if Cena does win, because most likely he will not be turning heel for awhile and Rock does win the title it still can be well done and dramatic.
I have a gut feeling that Ziggler is going to win. I can see Ziggler choosing number 1 and Cena gets 2. Both of them lasting the entire match. Ziggler eliminates Cena last with some outside help.

On Raw the next night Vicky makes Dolph chose which to keep the Royal Rumble win or MITB. Which ever one he doesn't choose is put on the line in the Elimination Chamber.
Ziggler lasts all the way from 1 or 2 to the end only to be the last eliminated by Cena. It makes perfect sense to close their feud and both men can move on to their separate WM29 storylines.
I too would go along with Dolph Ziggler showing off by starting off at number one and go all the way to be eliminated last by John Cena who would enter quite early to make it a bit different to normal. I predict entry number 10 or 11 for Cena.
Big Player Elimination predictions
Ryback - falls victim to the shield
Randy Orton - eliminated by Sheamus
Sheamus - eliminated by a heel turning Orton who takes revenge on his elimination moments earlier (setups WrestleMania programme)
Everyone else can basically afford to suffer regular eliminations in my estimation, although Antonio Cesaro deserves to be in the last five or six in the ring.
Official Predictions:

Ziggler gets no.1, lasts long as hell, like final four even, but gets thrown out, and might break Rey's record.

The Shield will enter as contestants, but all fall victim to Ryback, who will win the match and go on to challenge for the WHC.

Orton and Sheamus are going to butt heads, and at some point Orton is gonna snap on him and further implement the impending heel turn.

Surprise returns will be Christian, Mark Henry and an outside name no one expects: I'm currently switching between Goldberg, MVP or JBL.

Big Show, at some point, will get pissed off with Booker T, and will probably put his hands on him.

Brad Maddox will do something big
Like I said in my WWE Championship post, this year’s Royal Rumble feels like it’s hard to predict. In a way, Cena is the easy choice here, but I cannot see why Cena would need the Rumble to kick-start his feud with The Rock. Both Cena and The Rock have enough past history where Cena doesn’t need a Rumble victory to fuel his feud with the Rock. However, I like to play it safe. Cena’s seems to be the favorite this year. Unless we see a total swerve like last year, I expect Cena to win and challenge whoever the WWE Champion will be come Wrestlemania.

Hamler's Prediction -John Cena will win the 2013 Royal Rumble match.
I'm adding on to my original post. My predication hasn't changed, I am still going with the easy/likely/safe choice that John Cena will win the 2013 Royal Rumble. However, with so much attention put on Dolph Ziggler as of late, it certainly would not be out of the question if the WWE would throw us a curve ball and Ziggler wins the entire Rumble this Sunday. Dolph Ziggler has been on an excellent roll for the most part in 2012. It's likely the WWE could very well cash in on this opportunity to launch Dolph Ziggler in the main event for years to come. Whether Ziggler wins or not, coming in at number one tells me he's doing exactly what his shirt says and will be stealing the show this Sunday at the Royal Rumble…a pretty much guarantee. I'm guessing Dolph will last the entire Rumble, perhaps making it to the final two. There, John Cena and Dolph Ziggler will continue their feud from the end of 2012 until Dolph is eliminated and the WWE gives a lot of their fans another reason to hate John Cena. Dolph Ziggler is my dark horse.

Of the possible winners for this year's Rumble, Sheamus, Undertaker, Randy Orton also come to mind as potential winners. Whatever way you decide to spin all of the top Superstars who will likely main-event Wrestlemania, Undertaker would make a great opponent for any one of them. John Cena, The Rock, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar would make tremendous opponents for The Undertaker to put his streak on the line against. An Undertaker return to win the Royal Rumble, challenging for the WWE Championship one last time at Wrestlemania would be magical. Over on the blue brand we have two hugely over faces in Sheamus and Randy Orton – two more dark horses for the winning spot in the 2013 Royal Rumble. I'd certainly like a Randy Orton/Sheamus (face/face) feud set for Wrestlemania over the World Heavyweight Championship. Either one of them could win the Royal Rumble.

Through all of this, any one of these guys winning would make me happy. My favorite, is Dolph Ziggler, would make a great winner. With all the possible outcomes that could come from a win for Ziggler, I just don’t see him getting by John Cena. The Rock vs. John Cena over the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania is pretty much locked in.
Heres a situation I dont think anyone has even thought of...

Heres what I could see and would really enjoy see as the end result of the Royal Rumble... Your winner of the the 2013 Royal Rumble TEAM HELL NO!!

DB: "Im the Royal Rumble winner!"
KANE: "No, I am the Royal Rumble winner!"

It would be promo gold leading to Wrestlemania!!
All these 'rumours' on the net about WM29 are simply WWE sending out red herrings. I wishfully think....

Fatal 4 way for the Title. Rock vs Cena vs Punk vs Lesnar.

Punk will keep the Title at RR. Lights go out. The Shield 'distract' The Rock and Punk will give him the GTS to retain the gold. Rematch at Elimination Chamber. Rock will win the title and for 6 weeks will carry the company into WM29.

Meanwhile joint Royal Rumble winners John Cena and Brock Lesnar will be in the Main Event already. CM Punk will invoke his rematch clause at WM29 making it a 4 way.

Cena will go over. Maybe wishful thinking all this but more realistic is a Triple Threat match excluding Lesnar. I really can not see Rock vs Cena II and Triple H vs Lesnar II on the SAME card.

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