**MERGED** Royal Rumble 2013 & Aftermath Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

Which Would You Like?

  • CM Punk vs. The Rock

  • John Cena vs. The Rock

  • Not Sure: It's Too Early To Decide

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you didnt get it, the problem is that they could milk money from another PPV by putting rock in it, while the rumble will give money regardless if hes there or not.
they think having rumble and rock at the same PPV will be less $$$ for them than they could make otherwise.
you didnt get it, the problem is that they could milk money from another PPV by putting rock in it, while the rumble will give money regardless if hes there or not.
they think having rumble and rock at the same PPV will be less $$$ for them than they could make otherwise.


It's definitely true that the Rumble is less prestigious than it has been in previous years, but regardless of that, people still pay to watch it in big numbers. So many of the casual fans that might tune in to the see the Rock are already going to tune in to see the Rumble, whereas if you put Rock on a PPV that typically doesn't draw as well, you might manage to maximize your buys.

Of course, the same could be argued for putting the Rock on Wrestlemania, but I guess they think it's worth it to milk everything they can out of the granddaddy of them all.
The report is total BS, IMO. They obviously thought about Rock's impact when they gave him a title shot at the Rumble several months ago. If they're so concerned about overshadowing the Rumble, why didn't they just say he was coming back for Elimination Chamber or something. It's all about buyrates and this will put it over the top. Rumble is popular anyway but this will get it the highest buyrate maybe ever.

Don't tell me that the WWE cares about the quality of the Rumble anymore when you've got Ricardo Rodriguez in his underwear and Doink the Clown as competitors.

Justin's report is a joke.
I also read this article and said,are they ******ed?

They are worried he will cheapen the focus on the Rumble but had no problem with him takeing the focus off of frigging WM itself last year? RE-TARDED.

So what,save his star power for another B PPV,and before anyone goes nutz SS is a B PPV now,cuzz we saw how well that worked last year.
No worries,if they save him for another PPV to focus on the Rumble we can always blame the ball dropping and low sales on the Miz again.

WWE needs to either get thier act together or stop backing themselves into a cornor with 1 year WM builds,early Rock at the Rumble calls that end up screwing potential momentum like Ryback when the iron was hot just so Punk would be the Rumble opponent and then going OOPS.

2013 for less then a week and they already have an oops to worry about backstage? Wonderful.

What is even more ******ed is it is not even an oops. They are pulling thier hair out for NOTHING.
Punk vs. Rock is highly anticipated and I am a fan who is still waiting to see the Rumble as well,Rock Punk is just a bonus.

Thats right WWE I am still anticipating the Rumble. HOW OUT OF TOUCH WITH YOUR AUDIANCE ARE YOU?

How about stop worrying about what is going to make you alot of money as if it is some kind of problem and focus on what to do during the Rocks downtime. I guess the constant dropping of rateing as of late are of no concern compared to a dream match thats going to make money.

One more time why not,******ED.
Justin's report is a joke. They're worried about not being able to squeeze as much money as they can out of the Rock's appearances...like at Surviver Series, because that sold so well? Oh wait no it didn't, oh wait, that was the Miz's fault.

Maybe instead of worrying about the Rock, they should spend more time developing new talent for future pay-per-views (Paper views, that was funny) because I doubt Rock is going to be around for the next Rumble. How about maintaining the integrity of the Rumble, how about making it an awesome match, making it memorable in a good way...not like the year they decided to make it a 40 man match and then we got Hornswaggle...WTF ever man...I'm still pissed off I paid for that shit, it was the lamest ever!!!! Almost as lame as Jericho not winning last year.
I don't understand the line of thinking that says CM Punk doesn't deserve to main event WrestleMania.

For some reason, a lot of people (especially in the comment sections of the main page) believe that CM Punk can't draw, therefore doesn't belong in a match with The Rock or anyone in the last match of 'Mania.

For some reason, apparently only Cena, Triple H, Lesnar or 'Taker have earned the right to close the show with The Rock.

Have people forgotten the days where 'Mania was headlined by your current, active stars? I just re-watched the WrestleMania 2000 Fatal 4-Way main event. The first time Triple H, Mick Foley and The Big Show main evented the show. It may not go down in history as a "classic", but it certainly helped established Triple H as a top guy. Austin and 'Taker being left off the show may have been a blessing in disguise.

It's like the WWE is in some weird period relying on comebacks from Hogan and Savage instead of letting Hart and Michaels shine.

Let CM Punk be your star. If they hadn't beaten Punk v Cena to death 100 times this year already, it would be a perfectly fine main event. They've ruined it now, no doubt... I don't think anyone has the appetite to see anymore of it.

Use your returning stars like Rock, Taker and Lesnar to put over new talent other than John Cena, so you don't have the same problem of no new stars 2-3 years from now.
Anybody remember when The Rock returned in 2003 as a heel and aligned himself with Vince McMahon? His whole storyline revolved around his going to Hollywood and becoming a major star and how he subbed his nose at the fans and WWE in general because he felt he was above them and they should appreciate a big Hollywood star. His feud with Hulk Hogan was interesting because it was shortly after Hogan had went back to his original self instead of being "Hollywood" Hogan. Keep in mind that also this was after their WrestleMania XVIII match where Rock was the face and Hogan was the heel apart of the WWE's version of the nWo (more on that in a second).

The Rock was super cocky, and really funny, as he verbally beat down Hogan and proceeded to physically beat Hogan (via help of Vince) at No Way Out. He also had a somewhat forgettable feud with Goldberg shortly after Bill came in and speared The Rock during a promo he was having on Raw. Nevertheless, The Rock's short time as an arrogant Hollywood heel was entertaining and drew good numbers during the pay-per-views he was apart of.

So what if WWE had kept CM Punk as the face with the WWE Championship when The Rock 1st appeared at RAW 1000 and brought The Rock back as the once again cocky Hollywood big shot who was too big for the company but wanted to come back just because he could, and not because he needed too (which is in a way very true)? What if it were 10 years ago and Punk was still the WWE Champion but instead of being the guy the fans love to hate, it was actually The Rock, who cut promos talking about how he kicked John Cena's ass at WrestleMania and how he refuses to give him another match because he proved he's far better than Cena will ever be, he's a better actor, wrestler, superstar, everything.

What if Cena never gets another shot at The Rock because he says he wants Punk's title so he can win and take back to Hollywood? Do you think it could work? What if there were no Ryback vs Punk matches and the whole time last year was filled with Punk creating a legacy for himself as the new face of the WWE instead of being a heel all along? As far as Paul Heyman, he'd still be aligned with Brock Lesner so that wouldn't hurt him too much, he just wouldn't be on TV as often. Not gonna debate how the ratings would be with Punk being the champion over a year as a good guy or a tweener because that doesn't matter.

Do you think a heel Rock vs a face Punk would be far better than the current program? They'd really have no reason to take the title off of Punk then because he could be the one to shut The Rock up once and for all and cement his legacy for having the title for over 400 days, beating Cena several times, beating Jericho at WrestleMania, Cena at Summerslam and the The Rock at WrestleMania. Did WWE make a mistake having Rock come in as the face and Punk being the heel the whole time? I do, what do you think?
CM Punk (c) vs The Rock

I don't see Rock winning the Title at the Rumble. Sure, it would be great for WWE to give the title some 'mainstream attention' but Wrestlemania sells itself, and The Rock and Brock will both do that anyway.

Rock can't guarantee his time between now and Wrestlemania to every single week so WWE and Rock need to agree on a window where Rock can turn up day in day out and have that final run. It will happen at some point and e has all of 2013 to stay true to his word by being Champion once again.

Punk going over Rock will do him wonders and leave many unanswered questions. Everyone loves a cliffhanger. Punk doesn't even have to beat The Rock, he simply has to defend the belt and walk out of Rumble as Champion - by hook or by crook. A lot points towards a Brock Lesnar interfearence. While I would welcome this I think it is pretty much a given we will see The Shield interfear and save Punks blushes. I also see them interfearing in the Rumble and costing John Cena his title shot.

So what next? Well Rock is scheduled for the Chamber event so I think we could possibly see The Rock and John Cena team against The Shield with a stipulation of Rock/Cena getting a title shot at Wrestlemania in a triple threat. Maybe even have CM Punk as the special guest Ref?

On to Wrestlemania we have a 3 way - Punk/Rock/Cena. Cena wins the gold avenging both Rock and Punk for recent losses and also getting his Wrestlemania win rate back on after 2 heavey defeats. Could even see that elusive Cena 'heel turn' and in the process turn Punk back face.

Royal Rumble

A few saying Brock lesnar could enter this and win it. Then challenge Undertaker instead. I dont see this at all. Looks (sadly) like Lesnar vs Triple II could be a lock. Booooo. With Rock and Cena obviously going to be busy with Punk, I think we will see someone win this and challenge for Big Shows World Title. That man will probably be Ryback. He tosses Show around, wins the gold, gets his mania moment and a star is born. Ties in with a Cena heel turn at Mania. For the record I am not obsessed with turning Cena heel. I believe it will happen one day.

Surprise entrants in The Rumble...

Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Mark Henry with maybe 1 more.
Anybody remember when The Rock returned in 2003 as a heel and aligned himself with Vince McMahon? His whole storyline revolved around his going to Hollywood and becoming a major star and how he subbed his nose at the fans and WWE in general because he felt he was above them and they should appreciate a big Hollywood star. His feud with Hulk Hogan was interesting because it was shortly after Hogan had went back to his original self instead of being "Hollywood" Hogan. Keep in mind that also this was after their WrestleMania XVIII match where Rock was the face and Hogan was the heel apart of the WWE's version of the nWo (more on that in a second).

The Rock was super cocky, and really funny, as he verbally beat down Hogan and proceeded to physically beat Hogan (via help of Vince) at No Way Out. He also had a somewhat forgettable feud with Goldberg shortly after Bill came in and speared The Rock during a promo he was having on Raw. Nevertheless, The Rock's short time as an arrogant Hollywood heel was entertaining and drew good numbers during the pay-per-views he was apart of.

So what if WWE had kept CM Punk as the face with the WWE Championship when The Rock 1st appeared at RAW 1000 and brought The Rock back as the once again cocky Hollywood big shot who was too big for the company but wanted to come back just because he could, and not because he needed too (which is in a way very true)? What if it were 10 years ago and Punk was still the WWE Champion but instead of being the guy the fans love to hate, it was actually The Rock, who cut promos talking about how he kicked John Cena's ass at WrestleMania and how he refuses to give him another match because he proved he's far better than Cena will ever be, he's a better actor, wrestler, superstar, everything.

What if Cena never gets another shot at The Rock because he says he wants Punk's title so he can win and take back to Hollywood? Do you think it could work? What if there were no Ryback vs Punk matches and the whole time last year was filled with Punk creating a legacy for himself as the new face of the WWE instead of being a heel all along? As far as Paul Heyman, he'd still be aligned with Brock Lesner so that wouldn't hurt him too much, he just wouldn't be on TV as often. Not gonna debate how the ratings would be with Punk being the champion over a year as a good guy or a tweener because that doesn't matter.

Do you think a heel Rock vs a face Punk would be far better than the current program? They'd really have no reason to take the title off of Punk then because he could be the one to shut The Rock up once and for all and cement his legacy for having the title for over 400 days, beating Cena several times, beating Jericho at WrestleMania, Cena at Summerslam and the The Rock at WrestleMania. Did WWE make a mistake having Rock come in as the face and Punk being the heel the whole time? I do, what do you think?

It would make for a good storyline, maybe better than we'll end up with BUT the problem is that this likely Rock's final run. I highly doubt he, or Vince, wants him to go out as a heel. If they thought Rock was going to stick around for more RAWs and PPVs after WM (which he might, we don't know yet) then they might consider this storyline so they could turn him face again but as of now, that wouldn't work as Rock won't retire or leave for good as a full blown heel.
I think the Rock will win the title from CM Punk in the first Main Event of the Royal Rumble PPV - That is unless WWE goes for a swerve.

My picks for the Rumble match are:

John Cena - Leading to him vs Rock or A triple threat with Rock and Punk at WM.

Ryback - I think that would have to lead to Ryback/Big Show at WM - Unlikely.

Sheamus - The reports say they want Sheamus/Orton at WM.

Orton - As above.

Wild cards: Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk. If Punk loses to the Rock he could easily go into the Rumble match and win it as a "swerve."
I know I'm probably way off base, but I really think Dolph Ziggler is going to win the 2013 Royal Rumble.

All the elements are in place... a "stable" to help him, a big build up for Dolph before the event, and no one expects him to win or is even thinking about it.

I think he's going to cash in the case at the Royal Rumble and lose to The Rock, but since he will have won the Rumble earlier in the evening, it won't matter. And we all know that The Rock and CM Punk will close the show, so it's plausible.

Call me crazy, but it seems like Dolph has all the cards in his deck, right now, and this is just another way for him to deal himself a full house.

Will it happen ? Doubtful. But it would be rather brilliant.
I know I'm probably way off base, but I really think Dolph Ziggler is going to win the 2013 Royal Rumble.

All the elements are in place... a "stable" to help him, a big build up for Dolph before the event, and no one expects him to win or is even thinking about it.

I think he's going to cash in the case at the Royal Rumble and lose to The Rock, but since he will have won the Rumble earlier in the evening, it won't matter. And we all know that The Rock and CM Punk will close the show, so it's plausible.

Call me crazy, but it seems like Dolph has all the cards in his deck, right now, and this is just another way for him to deal himself a full house.

Will it happen ? Doubtful. But it would be rather brilliant.

I like the idea of Ziggler winning the Rumble in the same night that he cashes in the briefcase but it can't be against Rock or Punk. Remember he holds the case for the World Title and not the WWE Title. Cena had the case for the WWE Title and already cashed it in against Punk at Raw 1000.
I know I'm probably way off base, but I really think Dolph Ziggler is going to win the 2013 Royal Rumble.

It's a tough call, isn't it? On the one hand, since Dolph holds the damn briefcase, he doesn't need to win the Rumble to get his title shot; why should WWE waste a Rumble victory on a guy who's got another way to get the title shot?

But, on the other hand, the company wants Dolph to succeed, that's for sure. They're looking to create the stars of tomorrow and have obviously decided Dolph is at the top of their list. They've pushed him at us like no one's business, making him a fixture on every show. Personally, I don't see him as main event material, but WWE plainly does.

Given that, Dolph might very well win the Rumble.....for no other reason than that he's the favorite son. If it happens, the MITB briefcase is effectively extraneous, isn't it?

Still might happen.
It's a tough call, isn't it? On the one hand, since Dolph holds the damn briefcase, he doesn't need to win the Rumble to get his title shot; why should WWE waste a Rumble victory on a guy who's got another way to get the title shot?

But, on the other hand, the company wants Dolph to succeed, that's for sure. They're looking to create the stars of tomorrow and have obviously decided Dolph is at the top of their list. They've pushed him at us like no one's business, making him a fixture on every show. Personally, I don't see him as main event material, but WWE plainly does.

Given that, Dolph might very well win the Rumble.....for no other reason than that he's the favorite son. If it happens, the MITB briefcase is effectively extraneous, isn't it?

Still might happen.

I can see this happening as well. Almost the same situation as Shawn back in 95. He was liked by the higher ups and given a Rumble win even though his time at the top was a year out.
I can see Ziggler cashing in on Del Rio, with Team Hell No dropping their belts to Team Rhodes Scholars, with Bryan winning the Royal rumble to set up Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler at Wrestlemania XXIX.
I would love for Dolph to win the Rumble. Go on to face WHC Del Rio at WrestleMania and win that match.

Then ... shock the world ... cash in his briefcase on the winner of the WWE Championship and be the undisputed champion.

Why not?
Now if i remember correctly the RR winner can challenge the champion of their choosing. And we can all (Hopefully) agree that the winner will face the winner of CM Punk v.s. The Rock. I read the Top 10.. well 5 potential RR winners chosen by Wrestlezone. But I have a dream. A total wild card that could leave everyone wondering "WHO WILL WIN?"

Brock Lesnar- Sounds legit, Brock vs Rock. I'm Happy with that. But I wouldn't be shocked.

John Cena- Im over it.

Dolph Ziggler- Interesting... but maybe next year.

Randy Orton- Legend Killer, The Rock is a legend. Makes sense.

Sheamus- The great white, but wouldn't he want his World Heavyweight Championship?

BUT. Wouldn't it be simply amazing. Absolutely unseen, completely out of nowhere if The Phenom stole the show yet again.

YES FELLOW WWE FANS. I am indeed saying that:
The Undertaker should be the one to face The Rock at Wrestlemania.

No one would see it coming. A Wrestlemania match that would have everyone watching. The Great One v.s. The Phenom. The Rock v.s. The Undertaker. Oh and by the way, for the WWE Championship. I couldn't even start to predict the outcome of that match. They've never faced at the grandest stage of them all. They're 2 of the top 5 biggest names in Professional Wrestling history. And NO ONE would see it coming.

So to conclude on what I'm saying, no matter who wins the RR this year you know the Wrestlemania match for the WWE Title will be amazing. Even if Punk wins. But if Taker takes the rumble, and Rocky takes the title. In my opinion, we will be witnessing possibly the most historic and unpredictable main event in Wrestlemania history. My god what a match that would be.

What do you think about my prediction and who would you like to see win the Royal Rumble this year?
The Undertaker is bigger than the WWE title. Giving him the belt is almost meaningless, IMO. So, if you have him win the Rumble, it means he has to win one of the belts. Let me make this clear. The streak is never going to end so any future matches for the title, Undertaker will win. Since it appears he's only wrestling one match a year, they're not going to give him the belt. It's different from The Rock. He committed to at least 3 PPVs this year so having him back for a few months is long enough to give him a title run.

SO, I think, while it would be cool, and kind of a suprise if 'Taker were to win the Rumble, there's no chance it will happen. He's guaranteed a main event match at WM, so having him win The Rumble would be a waste.

As for the others you mentioned, I think of those, Orton is the most realistic.

I see 2 possible outcomes for the Rumble match itself:

1. Orton wins - Goes on to face Sheamus (world champ) at WM (DZ could possibly cash in MITB on the winner). This outcome means John Cena wins the RAW Elimination Chamber to become #1 contender for WWE title

2. John Cena wins Royal Rumble. Faces Rock at Wrestlemania for the WWE title. This means that either Orton or Sheamus wins the Smackdown Elmination chamber (for World title).
I want Brock vs Rock so fn bad.

So I want to say Brock.

But I think we are going to see Cena win and it be Cena vs Rock 2.

Otherwise we have Cena facing who at Mania exactly? They aren't going to put Cena vs Taker on second to last...

Oooo I love this time of year :)
There's so many possibiltys for that match, but it really cant get any bigger than Rock/Taker. Maybe dolph cashes in MITB at the RR. Taker says he still want's the rock. First Rumble winner to not face a world champ at wrestlemania. Makes Elimination Chamberl that much more important to Wrestlemania. But you kinda got me there SDS, it's pretty much a given that Brock wins. But my god what a match that would be.
Rock / Taker wouldn't be big, because it would be awkward in 2013. It would never be booked.

You think Rock can do all his comedy stuff with 2013 Undertaker? Hell no.

You think Rock would be dumb enough to be booked to beat Undertaker knowing he'd be booed out of the building? Hell no.

You think Rock is doing a job to undertaker in 2013? Hell no. What sense would that even make?
That's the beauty of the whole idea. It's completely unpredictable. The Rock can do his comedy, Taker would have no reaction. The Rock dosen't have to lose to the undertaker in a job match. Hell, you could even have dolph take the title from The Rock at the RR after his match with CM Punk. The Rock would want to prove he's the best wrestler to step in that ring. And theres no better way than trying to end the streak. And if you don't think The Undertaker v.s. The Rock wouldn't be big in 2013 you must be out of your mind. It's just a dream match. A crazy dream match that would have anyone who used to watch wrestling at least concidering buying wrestlemania simply for that epic battle. Add on Dolph/Punk for the belt, Lesnar/Sheamus could be an amazing match. What if Cena won the rumble and wanted Big Shows title? Anything can happen in the WWE my friend.
Several guys would be fitting Rumble winners this year, actually.

John Cena - From a creative standpoint, this makes the most sense. Cena vs. Rocky was a "Once In A Lifetime" match, apparently. However, WWE wants a sequel, and I can see why (it made a shit ton of money). If Rocky wins the strap (at the Rumble or EC) and Cena wins the Rumble, WWE isn't "making" the match happen again. That's just how the cards fell.

Randy Orton - I don't know what their plan for Orton is, but if he's turning heel, give him the Rumble. It's a way to make his story bigger going forward. I say give him the Rumble even if he isn't turning, and yes, that's because he's my favorite wrestler.

Brock Lesnar - If he's challenging The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and some seem to believe that's what's going to happen, this is perfect. He can say he doesn't give a shit about the title and would rather break the Streak. This is my preference, even a bit more than Orton winning.
Neither Rock vs Brock or Rock vs Undertaker for the title makes ANY sense whatsoever.

You can't have 2 part timers fighting for the title at wrestlemania. It's likely we won't be seeing any of those 3 mentioned post wrestlemania for a while. So unfortunately its looking like it will probably end up being Cena vs Rock for the title so Cena can take it off him. It sucks that they will probably have Cena win the Rumble to make the match happen but they kind of have themselves backed into a corner with the booking IF the Rock is going to win the title and defend it at Wrestlemania.

It would make no sense for any Rumble winner to choose anyone but the Rock because you know you will be in the bigger match with the Rock if he has the title. So Cena will probably win.
What about this little nugget?
Say that Rock wins over CM Punk and the Rumble match is last on the card. Could easily see The shield dominate the Rumble and, when CM Punk's music hits as #30, they all just jump out. Punk enters the match and is the winner. He could later go on to say he doesn't want the championship and wants to face the Undertaker at WM, if the WWE Decides to go that route. That way, if they want to break the streak, they can put over Punk and his new helpers: the shield (who have 10+ years in the wwe still to come!) as THE MEN who robbed Taker out of the Streak. Everybody would hate them for years!

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