*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

favorite guest host

  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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im gunna say alot of the naysayers are jumping the gun. firstly we have had a current superstar (batista) secondly a legend (dibiase snr) and now a celeb. i very much doubt seth green would be there if hes not a fan. also bear in mind hes not just the robot chickin guy but an integeral part of family guy which also has a strong following (stronger following than robot chicken i feel). fact is any kind of celeb usually means media interest that in turn leads to said celebs fans going 'oh my god seth green is hosting a wresting show lets check it out!'. too many of the iwc are obsessed with what they want than the bigger picture.

the iwc looks at it like 'oh no hes no got no wrestling expierence he cant do anything. boo hoo.'

fact is its an entertainment show and things have changed.
As some people above has said, this isn't the 90's. We know that Seth Green is likely a fan, and if he's an actor, he's going to be good on the stick. I don't see the problem. I really don't. My number one complaint about Raw lately is that it was getting a bit stale for a while. With a new GM every week, some of them professional entertainers, that definitely makes things less stale.

So long as they make interesting matches and play the role of GM well, who really cares? I mean, it's not like they're actually giving Seth the company, just as a guest star. So let's calm down a bit people.
you people crack me up. of course he is a huge fan he has been to a couple of wrestle manias cause i know i remember seeing him on the tv lol i think he will do great i hope he sides with randy cause randy needs someone on his side for once and plus it would shake things up if he had john cena and hhh tag against randy ted and cody in a handi cap one sided tornado tag and the other were hhh and cena have to tag but legacy does not
It'd be funny for Mike Adamle to walk out live on RAW and be announced as the guest GM. He said a couple of months ago that he was still under contract to WWE in some way.. I want another adamle original, and you can tell the wrestlers hate having him as GM which makes it funnier.

I thought the whole point of the special guest GM's of Raw every week was actually supposed to be special.

Mike Ada-Who?

They should bring Sacha Baron Cohen in for a week.. Think about how hilarious it would be if for one night, we could see Borat again. Bruno would even be funny as hell.
This guest host of raw is growing on me. Ted Dibiase did a great job. He's still good on the mic and his acting skills always great from a wrestler to when he was a manager. Seth Green should be interesting to see how a celebrity does. They should get more old wrestlers we haven't seen in a while. How about some people like:

Bret Hart(This would be amazing, but probably never happen. A good way to make a one time appearance and have a proper raw send off maybe? He is gonna appear on ROH i hear..)

Ahmed Johnson ( i know not the greatest on the mic but for nostalgia and his awesome theme. did quite a bit in a short time. hasnt been seen on raw in 10 years. never explained really what happened when he left. since goldust and miz referred him a few weeks ago it would make sense if he did something with them.)

Psycho Sid (Theres on and off rumours about him all the time. I'm not the biggest fan but this would be for nostalgia reasons and maybe a way to write him in if he is going to comeback longer.)

Lex Luger(Would be a little shocking to see him in the wwe again even for once. with his new outlook and stuff. If he can patch up whatever problems he had with vince. also should be looked at for hof.)

Macho Man(Same as above, don't know what really his problem with them and vice versa is. But with the new dvd and stuff this would be good tie in and time to put him into hof)

Lanny Poffo(The genius in WWF and machos brother if you dont know who he was. He's actually very smart and funny if you listen to him on whos slamming who radio show and his website.)

Gene Okerlund(he would do a fine job as always)
Honky Tonk Man(same as above)
Slick(The coolest manager from the 80's hehe, he has shown up a few times but he could be funny maybe and should be in the hof)
Bruno Sammartino(just for the nostalagia and he needs to patch things with wwe and vince even if he hates the product. just a one time appearance and should be in the hof already)

And there are the obvious ones like Bischoff/Heyman/JBL etc.. which would sort of be a suprise.
WWE really need to remember that they are a global brand now. Sure, this might help ratings in the US, and I know that ratings are vitally important to them in their home market, but they really could do with picking hosts that people outside of the USA have actually heard of.

At first when I heard the name "Seth Green" i was confused with that weirdo Tom Green. I'm still not entirely sure who Seth Green is, aside from some average American comedian, seeing as he has no airtime outside of the US on mainstream tv channels.
All I can say is, "Damn". What happened to my beloved WWE? They have lowered themselves to ratings schemes and gimmicks and they have completely lost focus of what's important in professional wrestling. This won't change the show, but it is a testament to how desperate the WWE is becoming for ratings. This will not create long term viewers or draw fans into the product, which is what the WWE wants. Let the shit show begin.

I think perhaps you answered your own question and may not have even realized it.

What you probably love about professional wrestling ... just watching the matches ... doesn't draw. It doesn't produce ratings.

Just look at Smackdown this past week. Down to a 1.6.

This frustrates the WWE ROH-bots to no end. They want the public to simply enjoy the wrestling action ... yet the casual fanbase is telling you quite clearly that "that isn't enough".

If you don't like what you see on Raw, then watch Smackdown, ECW, and Superstars. You don't need all 4 shows across the board.
I had no idea who he was until I googled him. I don't know how this will play out - is he a big enough star in America to gain viewers simply for him being there? I'd assume that's the reason for the WWE to use an actor. But I'd also assume they'd try and find someone who is known to a majority of fans. It won't be bad, but I'm not terribly excited.
I think aside from the obvious downsides, this could be a good thing to see. I think Seth is more than capable of pulling it off, he is quite thorough as an actor from playing Oz in Buffy to Scott Evil in Austin Powers to Chris Griffin in Family Guy and so on.

I believe he is a wrestling fan as a few wrestling segments have appeared in Robot Chicken and WWE.com did say Triple H is featuring in a sketch against Dakota Fanning coming soon, so this is the reason why they got him in, scratching each other's backs for both shows. I think Seth will deliver well, just depends on what Creative give him to use, is me, or does anyone else think he'll sit at the announce table and do some commentary? I think that would be the best thing they can do with him!
Why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch over this? It's a fucking episode of Raw, not Wrestlemania, they aren't looking for breakout ratings from the global market. I'm guessing the reason they have Green is because he's a wrestling fan, and he's probably one of the very few celebrities to actually agree to appear.

Who gives a shit if he isn't an A-List actor? Considering the "celebrities" we've had thus far have been nothing but contracted WWE talent, Green is the biggest host they've had yet. He's a very funny guy, who has a downright hilarious show by the name of Robot Chicken, as well as voicing the character of Chris on Family Guy. I for one will be marking out while he's on, because he's a downright hilarious guy. Those who are upset over this, are just being stupid. It's a fucking episode of RAW, we're talking about the same show that has featured elderly women giving birth to deformed hands on live television. This is hardly going to ruin the WWE people.
I'm skeptical over these but the first two have been fine. I don't want celebrities doing it though, at least ones that have no connection to wrestling. the problem is that it's them reading from a script and being there for a paycheck and some publicity. I'd be just fine with this if it were wrestling personalities from the past or present, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. Seth Green raises an eyebrow because he has NO connection to wrestling, but it seems like something that could work. The question to me lies in what's considered a celebrity. I don't want some reality show guy out there hosting Raw. It could work, but it could also fail miserably.
I think Seth Green as a Raw GM Guest Host is gonna be good. I mean as someone said above "its not like they are giving him the company"
but I except that Raw is going to be good tomorrow night.
This is for ratings. Whether you're talking Robot Chicken, or Family Guy, his movies, or whether you go all the way back to Buffy, Seth Green is certainly no D-list actor. He's somewhat of a legit celebrity to be honest and he's a funny, likable guy. Creative controls the show guys. Seth Green is just an on air personality. Come on, saying Seth will actually ruin the show is like saying the Adamle originals were actually ideas from Mike Adamle.
I can't wait. People continue to say it's going to be all comedy, and while I can see some comedy coming into play, I feel it will be a solid addition of Monday Night Raw. Don't judge this move until it actually happens.
It should be pretty interesting to see how he goes. There is will definatley be comedy done, Seth's a genious at it so they have to have him cracking jokes. I guarantee there will be some segment with him and Big Show to show how small he is hahahaha, anyways I'm actually looking forward to this, it should be entertaining and something new and fresh to watch on RAW. First time I've been excited for RAW in a while.
Okay, this is a wrestling forum section which features comments posted by what I assume to be wrestling fans. WWE is a company that puts out a program designed for wrestling fans. So I can't help but wonder what kind of wrestling fan next weeks guest hosts of Raw will appeal to. Does anybody really care about ZZ Top? What the hell is Vince Thinking? Seth Green whatever, but what kind of promo work can we expect from ZZ top?

So I ask all you wrestling fans: Do you give a shit about ZZ Top on Raw?
Well Seth Green did a great job as the guest host in my opinion, he played his part well and the crowd fucking LOVED him. Seth Green was more over than the majority of the roster, i would say that Seth Green's ridiculous run on RAW was a success.

As for the idea of future celebrity hosts i like the idea of Sacha Baron Cohen hosting RAW for one night as one of his characters (most likely Bruno coinciding with the movie). I'm a HUGE fan of Cohen and his highly offensive comedy and i think it would make for a very enjoyable night on RAW.
Not really, pretty fucking random. It will at least be something different so I'll be interested to see what happens. But in terms of me caring about ZZ Top, nope, not at all. Never listened to them and probably never will.

At least RAW is doing something different for a change and mixing it up. This will either be a decent show or an epic fail.
]As for the idea of future celebrity hosts i like the idea of Sacha Baron Cohen hosting RAW for one night as one of his characters (most likely Bruno coinciding with the movie). I'm a HUGE fan of Cohen and his highly offensive comedy and i think it would make for a very enjoyable night on RAW.

I doubt that they will use Cohen, because they are trying to make it family friendly. I really doubt they would let him do anything offensive. Which to me is part of the reason he's so funny.

Next week we get ZZ Top. I really don't know why the heck they are doing this. I really don't see them being any good as GM. Though Seth Green was great tonight, I really don't think ZZ Top will be. Though I'm not a fan of the whole guest host thing in the first place. It just seems to be vince trying to get ratings. Instead of focusing on wrestling. That's just me though.
I was confused when i heard this announcement, really ZZ Top? Whats next have the Jonas Brothers be the guest host of RAW...

Ouch that was a little harsh since id rather have ZZ Top on my television than the "Jo Bros" any day. I really don't understand this though, because when Rhodes mentioned his father I thought for sure Dusty was going to be next weeks guest host but then out of no where they announce that a band way passed it's prime with beards that have been growing for ages are going to be calling the shots next week...

Wow I really don't know what ZZ Top can even contribute to the show. IMO I think when we watch RAW next week they will just kinda be there you know like that one kid who who goes to a big party just to be there, thats what ZZ Top will be like on WWE television next week.

So all in all not looking forward to it but, hey if they pull off a great show I will eat my words and take all of this back, but the show will most likely not be good one next week.
I am with most people on this, being completely confused as to exactly what the WWE has in mind with this. However, I thought they did a pretty decent job with Seth Green tonight, so I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt...for now. A week from now, I may be singing a different tune (and it won't be a ZZ Top song).
I’m not going to dismiss the idea of having ZZ Top as guest hosts of Raw as a bad one just yet. Instead I’m going to take a wait and see approach. This will either be a huge and miserable failure or it will be a good and successful idea. It’s probably going to attract some new viewers and give some publicity to Raw and the WWE as whole, which as we all know, Vince loves. So like I said I’m going to wait and see what happens next Monday on Raw before I say whether it was a bad or good decision to bring in ZZ Top. At least we know that we won't be seeing either guy wrestle. One of them wrestles and I guarantee they will brake a hip or something.
You have to realize Vince (the one who decides the Hosts) is an old man and probably thinks ZZ Top is still cool (which they are). I admit though that the audience that Vince is going for will have n areo idea who they

However it's not like WWE fans are completely ignorant of ZZ Top just take a listen to these.


Granted WWE fucked it up horribly but it's still the same song.
Who gives a damn if ZZ Top are the guest hosts? This summer series of guest hosts has been fun to watch if anything, it's better than just another boring summer of ho-hum storylines. They don't look like they have anything too big planned for Summerslam, so it's better to have some excitement than none. I for one thoroughly enjoyed watching Seth Green on RAW tonight, it's something new. Anything that breaks through the tedious monotony of RAW week after week is a plus for me.

I'm a fan of ZZ Top, so I'm looking forward to this. Why not? These guys are rock legends after all.
I LOVE ZZ TOP, but not much of the "Now" Generation knows who they are or much about them if they do know who they are and maybe a few songs tops. For the older audience it will be cool to see ZZ Top and hey maybe some parents will sit down next week and watch with their kid(s) because they can "connect" with them.

As for the "now" generation. I don't think they will actually care, since as I stated before, most won't know anything about them other then they are old musicians.

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