*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

favorite guest host

  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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Edge will be a guest host, and I bet well get some Edge as a GM action while he recovers, much like Angle on Smackdown a few years back. It will make for great TV. It’ll be even better if he sides with Orton, and Rated RKO runs Raw. I'm getting a stiffy thinking about the possibilities.
I don't think this will last too much longer. Eventually the "evil" Vince will get tired of it and make himself GM or just name someone GM, probably Flair. There really aren't a ton of options for the WWE that would make sense. Sure Hogan or Austin could come and host, but what would the point be other than them getting a big pop?

I wouldn't be surprised if this ended next week and we got back to a traditional GM on Raw for a couple of months.
I've heard Lil' Wayne mention Macho Man Randy Savage in a song of his(don't ask why I was listening to Lil' Wayne:sweat:). That could be interesting. Other than that the only people I could give a fuck about would be Heyman, Bischoff, SCSA and The Rock oh and Hogan would be good, when was the last time he was in a WWE ring?
I loved the Million Dollar Man on Monday. I was always a DiBiase Sr. mark. And he's still got the laugh.

One possiblitly for a guest GM is Alfonso Soriano. He's a Cena mark, even does the 'you can't see me' during games.

I see Dusty Rhodes coming up since DiBiase Sr. was taking trash about him, and so far the pattern seems to be Legacy-linked.

We know that DX will be getting back together (based on European tour promotion for the fall), that leaves HBK as a possibility to get involved in the Legacy thing and hook back up with HHH.

If any McMahon is one, I'll throw the remote at the TV. Then short it out and fry it.

After that, I have no idea.
I haven't heard anything about who will host next week's RAW as guest GM, so I'm going out on a limb and try to guess who will it be, my guess is Dusty Rhodes. I figure he's next since DiBiase started, if they follow the order, Rhodes and Bob Orton should be up next. Anyway, that's my guess, what's yours ?
I reckon it'll be a celebrity as the next guest host. If they want to push that a celebrity could be the guest host rather than only former wrestlers then they need to get someone in soon. Having said that theres no-one that springs to mind who could be coming in at the moment...
Hmm maybe Flair? I mean apperantly the whole guest host thing is pretty much making Orton's career hell. Who better than Flair, the man Orton kicked in the skull. I'm sure he'll get a pretty good pop. But I hope they book Flair right 'coz I'm tired of Flair acting like he still matters, when the fact of the matter is this a fresh and new generation focus on it you old fool! (No offense to Flair or Flair fans lol.)
Hmm maybe Flair? I mean apperantly the whole guest host thing is pretty much making Orton's career hell. Who better than Flair, the man Orton kicked in the skull. I'm sure he'll get a pretty good pop. But I hope they book Flair right 'coz I'm tired of Flair acting like he still matters, when the fact of the matter is this a fresh and new generation focus on it you old fool! (No offense to Flair or Flair fans lol.)

Book Flair right? No offense, but how do you screw up booking a guest host GM? They have practically no involvement in the show anyway. You saw what DiBiase did last week. Opening segment, segment with little Ted, end segment. The only thing DiBiase did was anything that involved Legacy. While I loved DiBiase there, it was stupid because it was like nothing else in the show mattered except the same stale Legacy group as always.

I truly hope we never see Flair again. I never really bought the whole "the more he comes back, the more he ruins his name" line, and I still don't. However, each time he does come back, I roll my eyes a little more, a little longer, and change the channel a lot sooner. If Flair comes back, I want it to be in ONE FINAL STORYLINE that matters, that people care about, that has the fans interested, and that would still be an acceptable goodbye since WWE ruined the perfect first (and what should have been only) departure. The only way coming back as guest host for the night would have worked, would be if Flair never showed his face since he walked out of that ring on Raw the night following WM24. Then it would come as a huge shock and big surprise and actually somewhat enjoyable Raw knowing it was probably going to be just a one-off experience.

Anyway... my pick for guest host next week in Orlando should be someone affiliated with Orlando. I pick Mickey Mouse. And then in the main event, Mickey walks out during the match, interferes with just one superkick, and the giant costume head comes off and it's HBK. I would love it.
i think their doing a test to make a official gm their gona see who did the best job and gained the most fan reaction. i hope diebase is the new gm
With the show being in Orlando, there's a chance... albeit a slight chance... that Shaq could make an appearance.

It wouldn't be the first time he's made a WWE cameo, but I suspect it will be someone associated with wrestling on a more permanent basis.

The speculation can begin that someone like Hulk Hogan could show up considering he's just a stone's throw away in Tampa, but that's a pretty big stretch.

The thought of Dusty Rhodes is extremely probable, considering Dibiase's blatant lack of respect this past Monday, plus it would be a way to continue the face turn of Dibiase Junior, having Rhodes pit his kid againt Junior.
I know it's a long shot but being in Florida, maybe The Rock could be guest GM, its only one night and I think it could boost ratings, but most likely to further storylines it will end up being Dusty,
Apparantly, WWE called Tazz to be the Guest host, but He said in a blog or somthing he denied them quickly

so im guesting:
Ric Flair
Dusty Rohdes

Edge, yees Edge, they put Batista on there after he was injured, why not Edge?
If I remember right back in 04 He was GM for a night and made title matches and all that, and I read the plan was too have him face after this Jericho tag team stint, so he could start next week too being a face
I think the guest GM will follow suit with the others, Focusing on Orton and or Legacy. My bet is it will be either shane or stephanie?

My long shot will be Shawn Micheals.

But... since they are doing a triple threat at NOC, they could have the next two raw's be Cena and HHH be the guest GM's. THey have done that before.

Geezz I could of just picked one guess!!!
I hope its Edge and he sides with Orton and Legacy to ruing Cena and Triple H's day.

but in all reality, I see Edge stepping into a GM role sometime while hes injured because hes so great on the Mic/ just fucking great in general. Raw or Smachdown. He'll be there
If they are going to have a celeb I think it will be........ Bruno. He is apparently a big wrestling fan, his movie is topping the charts & he is close friends with John Cena. The media attention alone would be huge.
I think it will be Dusty or Flair. Dusty has been set up perfectly by Big Ted last week. Flair, because he is fucking Ric Flair. Vince will always give Flair tv time. Until ratings go down, I don't see why he would stop. I would love to see Bruno host, and have Orton punt his brain through his nose.
If they are going to have a celeb I think it will be........ Bruno. He is apparently a big wrestling fan, his movie is topping the charts & he is close friends with John Cena. The media attention alone would be huge.

awesome guess
I like it....it makes sense and think it would be hilarious....

but does Bruno fit the newer PG Raw...

sidenote: I hope/think the guest GM thing will end with UnderTaker or HBK coming back
I think theres no doubt that Michael Cole could make a decent heel turn, by firing Cena (no ulterior motive there, wink wink) or a couple other babyfaces, and changing rules to make himself GM for good.

I would also enjoy bobby lashley or brock lesnar.

I change my mind. This is the stupidest thing you ever said. Where in your @$$ did you pull this one out off?? Cole as a heel?? Bobby or Brock as a possible one time GM?? Those choices aren’t even close to being viewed as “normal”. Maybe Cole can bring back the Spirit Squad for you too.
Apparantly, WWE called Tazz to be the Guest host, but He said in a blog or somthing he denied them quickly

so im guesting:
Ric Flair
Dusty Rohdes

Edge, yees Edge, they put Batista on there after he was injured, why not Edge?
If I remember right back in 04 He was GM for a night and made title matches and all that, and I read the plan was too have him face after this Jericho tag team stint, so he could start next week too being a face

Cause edge can't move his feet or walk on it for the next 2 weeks or something like that i readed. He'll be able to walk on a rehab boot somewhere in the next 2-3 weeks so untill then, i'd say edge its a no for sure.

Back on topic: I'd say maybe Jim Ross or Dusty rhodes? I mean, they wanted Tazz or so i heard, why not to bring Jim ross instead? Jim misses raw and he can make some interesting things i guess, but its a long shot since vince humilates jim every time he's on tv.
WWE never ruined Flair's sendoff. The agreement was that he would never wrestle a match in WWE again. He hasn't. Therefore, the sendoff has not been ruined...yet.

As for the topic, I think it'll be Dusty. They need to give equal spotlight to both members of Legacy instead of just focusing on Teddy. Next week, Cody should get his shot at Orton, and maybe Teddy faces Henry. It could lead to a cool type of family feud storyline that helps to get both Teddy and Cody over, and eventually turns Teddy face for the whole movie deal. I don't think Legacy should be split up yet, but if they do it, I don't want Cody to be the lackey and Teddy to be the star. I think both guys deserve their chance.

So yeah, Dusty should be the host next week. Although I'd enjoy it if someone like Austin or Flair came back for a night.
I think the whole Tazz was offered was a joke by Tazz to take a shot at the WWE. I'm going with Dusty Rhodes. He is manning down FCW, so he is in Tampa (or wherever FCW is held). So he isn't far from Orlando. Plus it fits with the storyline and he was mentioned last week by MDM, so he can come back to one up him.
I am somewhat surprised no one has even mentioned the "The Longhorn Loudmouth", John "Bradshaw" Layfield.

I think it is very possible that he could make a guess appearance as the host for Raw. He is still on good terms with the WWE from what I have read. He is still has an account that is active on the WWE Universe website so it most mean he is on good terms since they usually delete the accounts of those who get released. I do not think anyone would mind him coming back for one night. In addition, he has not said anything about being done with wrestling completely. Therefore, he might make guest appearances here and there for the WWE. Lastly, he is good friends with Vince McMahon, so that is always a plus if he wants to come back.

I would not rule out the possibility of him not being the guest host for Raw. Maybe he will not be it next week, but if they decide to continue using the guest hosts for Raw instead of a permanent figurehead then there is a good possibility that one week it will be him.
I'm hoping its either the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase again cus he did a great job or the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. He's been off TV so long itd be great to see him making moves on RAW, superkicking someone, or possibly hinting a heel turn.
Am I the only one who thinks that giving Orton the power for a week would be a good thing? Think about it Orton could have his revenge week. Make the people hate him even more.

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