*MERGED* Mistico (Sin Cara) Discussion

Does Sin Cara will succeed in the WWE?

  • Yes ! I really want to see him

  • No ! Rey Mysterio is bad enough

  • I have to see him first!

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Sin Cara(Misticeo) is one of the best high flyers ive ever seen, watch some of his matches in YouTube, but to be honest i think he is going to get lost in the shuffle just like Evan Boure because Boure is a great high flyer but he will never reach the heights as Rey Mysterio and the same as Sin Cara.

dont get me wrong they are great in ring wrestlers and Sin Cara will properly steal the show most of the time but i really doubt VKM will book him as World Champion maybe the IC or US Champ, he will properly be involved in a an Elimation Chamber matchonce or twice for the World title but he will never hold it, the only reason Rey got to hold the title was because Eddie died and the orignal plan was for Eddie to win the Royal Rumble not Rey so it would of never happened for Rey

so overall Sin Cara will properly fall in the same category as Scott Hall, Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts and Ted Dibasie as guys who deserved to be World Champion but never was

i look forward to hearing your opinions on this
Sin Cara WILL reach the same level as Mysterio, seeing as one of the main reasons they brought him in was to replace Mysterio when he decides to retire, which is likely very soon.

I have a feeling we MIGHT see him as a world champion, he's got a decent look, and he's not small like Mysterio, that's one of the reasons Vince was against putting the belt on Mysterio from what I heard.

Sin Cara is going to be the next gateway to the Hispanic audience, so to answer your question, yes, he will be on the same level, perhaps even greater than Mysterio.
The hype video was good, going on what they did with Del Rio and his hype videos then perhaps he's in for a real push.

I hope they dont push him as an underdog they way they did with Rey. Instead I hope they give him the platform to really shine, put him up against guys who can help showcase his talents and will compliment his style. If he is going to work against bigger guys then dont have him beat down constantly only to get the sneaky count out win or quick roll up, imagine if he worked a match with big show and made him tap out, what a monent that would be.

I actualy hope we get to see Sin Cara vs:

1) Rey
2) Del Rio
3) Daniel Bryan
4) CM Punk
5) Christian (I think they would have good chemistry in the ring)
No, i don't think they will make him stick in the mid card i will give you 3 specific reasons for this:

1. Rey mysterio is going to retire soon so he is a mexican fan favorite which helps to increase the show ratings in mexico and he has cool mask which is a big lead in the field of merchandises.

2. No one will have a press conference in mexico to hype his signing if he was to be kept in mid card

3. The hype in promo's means only one thing and that is MEGA PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and that's it
No knock against Evan Bourne but he's not the talent that Mistico or Sin Cara ever will be.....they didnt hype Evan Bourne when he debuted, he just showed up as a jobber on ECW and got over.....they are hyping Sin Cara as a big deal as he should be.....you might say they hyped the Mexicools in retort to my last statements but they embarassed them by sticking them together with lawnmowers.....great job WWE.....
I have a feeling we MIGHT see him as a world champion, he's got a decent look, and he's not small like Mysterio, that's one of the reasons Vince was against putting the belt on Mysterio from what I heard.

Ummm..... make sure you do research first as Sin Cara is listed as the same weight as Mysterio and only an inch taller. Which most likely side by side you would barely be able to tell any size difference between the two.
I have a feeling that Vince McMahon has big plans for Sin Cara. The WWE is hyping him to such a degree and has made such a big deal about signing him to the company that those plans have to include the main event scene at some point.

He's the biggest star in Mexico and the WWE knows it. I think that they fully intend to eventually bring him up to at least the same level as Rey Mysterio if he's able to get over with American audiences.

One thing that might hurt him is the language barrier. From what I understand, he can't speak a word of English but I've heard that he's learning to speak English. So if he can overcome this little bump in the road, I think he'll do fine.
I am curious to see how he is booked. If he is a replacement to Rey I think that is pretty lame and a poor use of talent. WWE has never really used cruiser weights/highflyers in a good way. Mysterio is really the only one in the recent years to get main event status. I guess you could say RVD, but I don't think he fits in the category.

Sin Cara will be one of the most talented performers the WWE has ever had in this category, and he needs to be used properly. They need to get him one hell of a manager.
Mistico is the best high flyer I have ever seen and I know him from CMLL not just the video debut. The guy will do an "huricanrana" and he land on his FEET STANDING. Plus in Mexico you will notice that it's not as much as the victim catching the attacker, but the attacker really GRAB the victim with his leg, that his awesome and I really hope he get is chance.

Will he ever get the chance or will Vince let him be champion, I am not sure... but I could see a feud vs Del Rio at a future Mania with Del Rio as the champ and you let Sin Cara win.

I just hope he keep La Mistica as his finisher and from the video it seems like he will.

Evan Bourn can do a shooting star press like no other, but sin Cara is MILES ahead of Bourne.
Mistico is the best high flyer I have ever seen and I know him from CMLL not just the video debut. The guy will do an "huricanrana" and he land on his FEET STANDING. Plus in Mexico you will notice that it's not as much as the victim catching the attacker, but the attacker really GRAB the victim with his leg, that his awesome and I really hope he get is chance.

Will he ever get the chance or will Vince let him be champion, I am not sure... but I could see a feud vs Del Rio at a future Mania with Del Rio as the champ and you let Sin Cara win.

I just hope he keep La Mistica as his finisher and from the video it seems like he will.

Evan Bourn can do a shooting star press like no other, but sin Cara is MILES ahead of Bourne.

That right there would bring in buys like McMahon has never seen.

How much longer is Rey left before he leaves the company? Is it possible that Rey brings back the Cruiserweight belt and a feud actually legitimizes it in the WWE?
Nope. Not at all. Way too much hype going on for him right now to stay mid-card. The reason Evan Bourne "got lost in the shuffle" is because he just returned from injury. Before he was injured he was starting to be on Raw every week. And since he has been back he has had a squash match against Sheamus, who is a two time WWE champion.
Like most on here I think he will make it to the main event. First off I heard rumorrs that the reason WWE is hyping him is because they want him to be a top guy soon which makes perfect sense, Mysterio's career is winding down and Mistico is just as impressive (if not more impressive) as Mysterio ever was.

This guy is pretty amazing in the ring, already has a massive fan base in Mexico and was one of CMLL's main draws and that company often draws 10,000 people for shows so he's already a proven commodity. He has a character that is different than anyone else on the roster and he can put on great matches and because of his character he won't have to talk on the mic that much if ever.

I see Sin Cara being a very explosive and mysterious character almost like a dark version of Rey Mysterio. Kids would love Sin Cara for the same reason they love Mysterio and hardcore fans will appreciate his skill set, his history and his ability to put on great matches, frankly I don't see this guy going anywhere but the main event, if he doesn't make it to the main event it won't be because of Sin Cara, it will be because the WWE dropped the ball with him.
I personally see him being the first challenger for Del Rio's if he wins the belt. They are aiming high on hispanics now and this will give them 3 top hispanics. I see a triple threat come backlash Del Rio, Sin Cara, and Rey.
If Sin Cara can't speak English and thats the only thing holding him back, then why not give him a manager??????? It's not freaking rocket science WWE
Ummm..... make sure you do research first as Sin Cara is listed as the same weight as Mysterio and only an inch taller. Which most likely side by side you would barely be able to tell any size difference between the two.

He's listed as the same, but if you look at pictures of the two, you'll notice Cara looks A LOT more muscular.
I hope they dont push him as an underdog they way they did with Rey. Instead I hope they give him the platform to really shine, put him up against guys who can help showcase his talents and will compliment his style. If he is going to work against bigger guys then dont have him beat down constantly only to get the sneaky count out win or quick roll up, imagine if he worked a match with big show and made him tap out, what a monent that would be.

I actualy hope we get to see Sin Cara vs:

1) Rey
2) Del Rio
3) Daniel Bryan
4) CM Punk
5) Christian (I think they would have good chemistry in the ring)

Defiinately. At some point, I think Sin Cara will turn heel. Mysterio said that if he never turns heel, he'd love to face a heel luchador. Rey doesn't have much time left, so how bout Sin cara retires him(I thought Del Rio might have). Either way, I'm excited for Sin Cara in WWE.
Even if Sin Cara doesen't make the main event neccesarily, I wouldn't see the harm in that. Just as long as he's used in productive fashion. I mean if he spends the next two years curtian jerking PPV's in show stealing matches with the likes of Bourne, Bryan, Ziggler or whoever, then I'm fine with that, just as long as we get a good match out of the deal. I have a feeling this will be the guy Rey puts over when he's on his way out.....hopefully we get a great WCW-styled match out of the two. Despite the fact that Rey has slowed down considerably, he's adapted to what he can do, and is still one of the best workers in the biz, but I think Rey can pull a few things out of his hat for one last lucha style match.
WWE rarly ever make a highflyer whos just a highflyer a world title contender i like highflyers & i hope he does get into world title picture but i dought he will
I think this guy will reach the main event eventually.

I'm pretty excited to see Sin Cara in the ring, I think he'll be even better than Mysterio was at the start of his career even though they're extremely similar. There are plenty of good opponents out there for him, CM Punk, Christian, Edge, Daniel Bryan, Jericho (maybe), Drew Mcyintyre and even Mysterio if they collide.

Sin Cara has very good future ahead of him if nothing goes wrong.
Sin Cara is going to defeat Alberto Del Rio, the World Heavyweight Champion, on either RAW or the taped Smackdown. I'm leaning towards RAW, for the live surprise. I don't know if the title will be on the line, but I'm fairly certain the match will happen.

The WWE is lining up to push this guy to the moon. How many other wrestlers have gotten this kind of introduction recently? They're going to want Sin Cara to have a very, very important victory early, and I can think of no better candidate then a champion Del Rio, who would be booked as a weak heel champion.
Sin Cara WILL be a main event star. There's no question about it. As soon as he debuts, he's going be right there in the main event. And he will stay there unless he seriously rubs someone the wrong way, whether it be Vince or a "leader" of the locker room. Sin Cara isn't coming up like some of the guys from FCW or The Miz. He is already an established star. He doesn't need to "pay his dues."
Sin Cara(Misticeo) is one of the best high flyers ive ever seen, watch some of his matches in YouTube, but to be honest i think he is going to get lost in the shuffle just like Evan Boure because Boure is a great high flyer but he will never reach the heights as Rey Mysterio and the same as Sin Cara.

The thing is, WWE have made a big deal about Sin Cara. A BIG deal. With Bourne, he was a jobber on ECW under the name Matt Sydal, and he impressed so much that they gave him a new name and a place on the roster. Sin Cara is comlpletely different due to the hype. They wouldn't announce his signing in a press conference the way they have to then not push him to high heaven. It'd be stupid.

And, as mentioned, once Mysterio goes (which I feel will be soon) he will be the guy who brings the hispanic ratings in (along with Del Rio). And he's another guy that the kids will love. Also, think of the merchandise with the masks.

I was worried about the same thing as well, but it looks like Sin Cara is being built to be a BIG deal. And I cannot wait.
Well I am going to go against most of the "wise and experienced" posters here and say that Sin Cara will not have any longevity as a Main Eventer if he even makes it that high.

Although Mistico was and still is a massive star in Mexico I really feel his size and style does not go hand in hand with Vince McMahon's view of a WWE main eventer.

I believe Sin Cara will get an initial push and be able to put on some great matches between Ziggler, Morrison, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio and most likely Del Rio, however out of these only Del Rio is a Main Eventer at the moment.

I honestly cannot see Sin Cara beating the likes of Cena, Orton, Taker, HHH, Barrett, Kane or any other of the larger wrestlers in the WWE even with all the kiddies cheering for him and a million masks sold.

For me Sin Cara will receive a major push at the start, will be given a mid-card belt and will put on some great matches but he will never have a long title reign with the major belts. He is a faster and more technical wrestler than Mysterio but how many Hurricanranas, arm drags and spring board planchas can you do before we have seen it all, for me he does not have what it takes to make it to the top in the WWE.

May I be proven wrong but I would be very surprised if he makes it to the top.

At the very least, he's going to be involved in some big feuds. For several reasons.

1. He's being hyped like no one else his size. There's a big reason for this. Because they love his presence and his appeal.

2. He's being brought in to replace Rey Mysterio. If popular enough, he's going to be used essentially the same way as Rey Mysterio -- the classic underdog -- and he's going to probably succeed, considering his level of talent.

3. He's a big time star. He's not just someone who will entertain the audience. He's also going to be able to sell a ton of masks and other merchandise who look at him like a live-action superhero. It's too natural a fit.

4. He has too many potential feuds. If you look at just the talent; Christian, Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel, Koki Kingston. If you're talking about big time story lines, you have options with one of the hottest luchadores ever in Rey Mysterio and one of the hottest new stars in the company with Alberto del Rio.

He's too good and the build up is too strong for him to fail unless he gets injured or really fucks up his own situation.
I think Sin Cara will make main event status beacuse of the mexican factor and also his outstanding talent in the ring iv seen some stuff on youtube and its really incredible. I agree with the comment above saying a storyline in which he plays the heel and retires Rey would be a great way of pushing him upto main evfent status and would make some terrific Cruiserweight high flying style matches not seen since the days of WCW.

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