*MERGED* Mistico (Sin Cara) Discussion

Does Sin Cara will succeed in the WWE?

  • Yes ! I really want to see him

  • No ! Rey Mysterio is bad enough

  • I have to see him first!

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Uh, I hate to break it to you but Mistico has been rudo before. He turned on Volador Jr. and teamed with his long time rival Averno. But back on topic...

I would book Mistico, Sin Caras, Sin Cara, whatever you want to call him... I'd book him as a successor to Mysterio. I'd have them have a mentor-student type of deal, move to tag titles, then have them lose the belts, lose the rematch, and ultimately have a match between the two of them to retire Mysterio. Mistico moves much better than Rey has EVER moved in his WWE career (and arguably in his career ever) and with a simple masked/mysterious gimmick; I see him getting over REALLY easily with his lucha abilities.

I stand corrected your right buddy about Mistico heel turn. I strongly believe teaming him with Rey would be the best way to introduce him. I'm glad someone here understands how big a Sin Cara vs Mysterio can be for mania 28 in Miami ( big Latino population ). The mask retirement angle can be huge if done properly. And teaming with Rey will help Sin Cara to have more time to learn some English. If they do decide to make him heel I hope is in a Latino stable with Chavo, Primo, Alberto Del Rio , O. Colon lead by Vickie.
Two main things to consider when you talk about the near future for this guy. One thing, unless he is paired with a talker I don't see him jumping in to the main event right away. How can he if he doesn't speak english? The second also revolves around the language barrier. Maybe I'm wrong but I would think a high flying spot type wrestler like he appears to be would need to work with another spanish speaking wrestler in the early going. Would it not be a problem calling out spots and coordinating a match with the guy working through a translator? Just a few things to note which puts the two main top guys for the first feud as Mysterio and Del Rio.
First I know nothing about him but did I read that he can't speak English? How can he possibly get over by not even speaking? you have to have a voice. who can manage or speak for him then?

Bring back Joey Styles.

Remember Yoshi Tatsu , the guy puts a hell of a match and can't speak English, and he is still over with the crowd but for some strange reason WWE don't use him on RAW or Smackdown. Sin Cara will be huge in the WWE. This is a true special talent in the ring, if you loved RVD, Evan Bourne, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Mysterio as pure wrestlers I have news for you this guy is more talented as a wrestler and he is a quick learner his English and mic skills will come.
The W looks like they're going for the hard sell on this guy. Most of the WWE audience hasn't heard of Mistico, but he's freakin' huge in Mexico, which is a market the WWE wants to expand into. Maybe it's easier down there to get the undetectable hormones.

So if they WWE really wants to push this guy to the moon? Have Del Rio beat Edge for the title at Wrestlemania. Debut Sin Cara on a live Smackdown that Thursday, and plug him as a huge star and champion in the Mexican leagues. (Say he won a prestigious tournament in Rio while you're at it.) Have Del Rio be all "holy shit, it's HIM" when he arrives- as if he's already very familiar with Sin Cara. If the champion is familiar with a debuting wrestler that the audience isn't, it makes the audience think the debuter is much bigger.

The WWE seems comfortable with putting the belt on rookies these days; so put it on Sin Cara for a few weeks to a couple months. If you really want to go for the hard sell, make him champion on his first night. He doesn't have to appear as the dominant face champion- look at Rey and CM Punk's first title reigns- but there's a significant boost that you get from holding that prop.

He'll need to learn English though. Toot sweet. You can't succeed in American pro wrestling without it.
After Rey looses and get injured by Cody Rhodes in a mask vs mask match with Rey Sin cara gets introduced and can go face Cody in a revenge angle .Have Rey mask less play his manager.Make it a mega feud elevating both Cody an S.C.Cody wining at first but S.C wining the final match.Then have him feud with Chavo and other fillers till mania.When Del Rio looses the title make him feud with him (still with Rey as a manager).During this whole time Rey can heal .Leading up to Rey`s final match vs S.C...have Rey win with a frog splash.
After Rey retires make a Latino faction Sin Cara as the silent King pin . Also add Chavo as the old experienced right hand man and Brodus Clay the power house.Add Alberto Del Rio and the Colons 2.0 as tag champs .Make them all where suits with popped collars :p . Eventually leading to a World Championship kinda Evolution Style.
i say let rey do a promo about how hes getting old and his wwe career is winding down but he has somewun who he has been training and is now ready to take the US by storm..then have rey manage him for a while from there
Depending on how quick WWE want to push him I'd debut him at WrestleMania (actual match) now if WWE are going to go full blown then I'd pop him in MITB and win it, I'd hold off on the title match until maybe a trip to Mexico City house show (or PPV) and have him cash in and win the title, if it's a house show tape it for tv and really make something of it.

Personally I'm a huge fan of the Mexican wrestling I remember in 1997 when WWE had the talent exchange and had some of them on tv shows and the Royal Rumble 1997; WWE is doing the right thing bring in guys from europe, asia and mexico the style is WWE is bland and with a mix of styles will only improve.

Food for thought; if WWE are going full force with bringing new talent in maybe re-debut their Light-Heavyweight title for some of the smaller guys.
1st match against mysterio for sure and have the match a draw so the 2 can get instant respect for each other and have rey mentor him,since rey is leaving soon i'm sure he will pass the torch to him
I absolutely hate the idea of him working with Rey. We are talking about one of the biggest stars in the world. Let the guy forge his own identity.

I rather have him come in, unannounced without any manager or mouthpiece and let him make his impact in the ring. That is his strongest asset by far, let him show the fans what he is about. Keep him away from the mic and keep him away from Rey.

A flashy entrance and crazy outfit is mandatory to get him over as a face without him being on the mic. He needs to be cool to look at in the ring and out.

As far as a first opponent goes, I would give him to someone like Rhodes. Cody has incredible mic work and is an excellent wrestler in the ring. I can see both superstars being elevated from being in a feud.
1st match against mysterio for sure and have the match a draw so the 2 can get instant respect for each other and have rey mentor him,since rey is leaving soon i'm sure he will pass the torch to him

After the beat down Rey got on Smackdown by the Rhodes, Sin Cara is going to be Rey tag partner or in his corner at Mania. They don't have to do Mysterio vs Sin Cara till Mania 28. The Tag division needs these 2 guys to save it.
After the beat down Rey got on Smackdown by the Rhodes, Sin Cara is going to be Rey tag partner or in his corner at Mania. They don't have to do Mysterio vs Sin Cara till Mania 28. The Tag division needs these 2 guys to save it.

Actually that is a great idea, Rey is dwindling as a singles star (too injury prone) and Sin Cara and Rey being tagged up would really give the dying tag division a boost and split them up in time for Mania 28 as you stated and pass the torch from Rey to Sin.
i would have him debut with rey rey, i havent seen him looks great tho and did anyone else notice that him hit a 619 on the guy he was facing....just wondering if he would use that in wwe
Without getting into the specifics of the booking, as far as particular fueds/opponents/allies etc., but rather addressing the character specifically...

I think the WWE should debut Mistico as a very mysterious figure, one that doesn't speak and whose motives are essentially unknown- that will play up the Sin Cara(man without a face) name of the character, paying homage to the mystery-identity aspect of the Lucha culture, while hiding the language barrier.

The announcers could play up his past success and worldwide acclaim, yet at the same time bemoan the fact that they have no idea why he came to the WWE(besides the obvious that is the world's most successful wrestling company), or what his purposes are. His whole presence could seem rogue. For a while he could jump freely from brand-to-brand all the while dominating mid-card competition in relatively short, fast-paced, and stylized encounters that get him over by showing off his "it" factor and move set.

Much like the silent "crow sting", if booked correctly this can work wonderfully. It also works wonders for hiding what is Sin Cara's biggest percieved flaw(perhaps aside form size). Frankly if they put him in the ring with the right opponents, his wrestling style should be all that is necesary to put him over enough for this strategy to work.
I'd have ADR make an open challenge to any Mexican wrestler worldwide.

Next week Sin Cara arrives and accepts. Have him take ADR to the limit, until he gets DQ'd. That outcome against the World Heavyweight Champion is a great intro.

ADR doesn't lose, and Sin Cara gets massive exposure.

Following that, have Rey and Sin Cara buddy up for a while. A tag title run would be useful I feel, maybe not for a few months but.
Essentially, I would copy the old Rey/Eddie storyline. I would leave him now until after Wrestlemania and wait for the Cody/Rey storyline to finish.

I would have him come out on week and challenge Rey Mysterio, either through a manager or perferably by him learning English, it could even be a non-verbal promo.

He then goes on to have a series of matches with Rey with Sin getting the win every week for about three weeks to a month, each Rey shaking his head smiling as Sin gets one over on him.

Have Rey Vs Cody again on Smackdown, and the Corre can have a new target with Rey beating him down. The next week Rey comes out and say Corre has unleashed something inside of him, for the first time in his career he wants revenge, and so he's going to take the tag team titles off of Corre with his new partner...

Sin Cara comes out! Enter a lengthy program with Rey/Sin feuding with Corre, winning the tag titles and dominating all matches they are in, but getting beatdown afterwards with cheap heel tactics.

After the feud is done keep the team together and throw a variety of teams at them for them to showcase and have great matches with. Eventually, Chavo (who should turn face ages before this) starts casuing a rift between them much like he did with Eddie and Rey, he starts asking why he never wanted to team with him, start driving home the fact that Rey is old and could never beat Sinn.

I would do the whole Rey/Sara Vs Big tag team who would become the new holders of the belts, possibly a new debut ala MNM or perhaps bigger names. Sin will go to make the tag, Rey will jump of the apron and they'll lose the match.

Next week Sin will want answers, Rey will play tweener much like Eddie did, saying Chavo was messing with his head getting him confused, he'll apologize, hug. Rey will leave ring, Chavo jumps over barricade and attacks Sin. Rey runs back in...and helps Chavo with the beatdown leading to Rey Vs Sin at Summerslam.
I think you gotta debut him on the RAW after Wrestlemania. Have him make a statement by attacking Alberto Del Rio and locking in his own armbar. Ricardo Rodriguez will make the save and Alberto Del Rio will try to lock in an armbar of his own, Edge will come out and make another save, thus setting up another round of Del Rio vs. Edge (this is assuming Del Rio wins the championship which I am not sold on yet). Mistico debuts, he's in our minds, we've seen his armbar, he's made it clear that he's aiming for the champion, and now he can get on with an upper midcard feud of his own, perhaps against a member of Corre, Kane, or Swagger.

If Edge retains the title at Mania, have him debut as a heel and as Del Rio's new henchman. He could ride shotgun with Del Rio to the ring and do Del Rio's dirty work. They could work as a tag team, Mistico could weaken opponents so Del Rio can beat them at PPVs, or Mistico could simply help Del Rio win matches by cheating or interfering. This would be good because it helps Mistico get noticed, it gives him the rub of putting him alongside a top heel, and it sets up an interesting face turn for when he decides to turn on Del Rio.
I would book Mistico, Sin Caras, Sin Cara, whatever you want to call him... I'd book him as a successor to Mysterio. I'd have them have a mentor-student type of deal, move to tag titles, then have them lose the belts, lose the rematch, and ultimately have a match between the two of them to retire Mysterio. Mistico moves much better than Rey has EVER moved in his WWE career (and arguably in his career ever) and with a simple masked/mysterious gimmick; I see him getting over REALLY easily with his lucha abilities.

I do like the idea of Sin Cara debuting as a partner for Mysterio. He would have to come in as a face for this to work, but I do like the idea of Rey and Cara gaining the tag-team titles as duo. Rey has never really been part of tag-team in WWE and it would be beneficial for Sin Cara to be aligned with a superstar of Rey's standing so soon after his debut as most fans will not know his exploits in Mexico. Plus, it will bring some credibility back to the tag-team titles.

Then as SSX said, have Mysterio and Sin Cara go at it in a student v Mentor type deal wihich ends in Mysterio's eventual retirement. However, I think Rey should announce his upcoming retirement and that he belives Sin Cara can take on his legacy and be his replacement but he wants to see him prove it in the ring so he can give Sin Cara his blessing. If Sin Cara can beat Rey, then Mysterio will know its time to say goodbye and he will pass the baton on to Sin Cara.

Then, at WM the 2 of them go a half hour in a show stealing match with Sin Cara eventually getting the win, they embrace after the match and Mysterio unmasks as a sign that his career is over and then goes up on the turnbuckles to say goodbye to the fans. He then raises Sin Cara's hand as his successor and passes him his mask. Sin Cara could then wear the mask on occasion as a tribute to Mysterio.
The most likely scenario, I think, is having him come to the save of Mysterio during say a Rhodes attack. WWE could then play off this and make the inevitable Rhodes vs Mysterio match at WM a tag team match which would take the pressure off Mysterio a bit considering he is injured. Then go from there....
I like the idea of Rey mentoring him and the two becoming a tag team because lets face it, wwe's tag team division is terrible and can use all the help that it can get. I'm not sure how fast wwe is looking to push him but why not have in come in a fued with del rio who is more than likely going to be world champ after wrestlemania. Not saying he should come in and win the world title in the 1st few months but just a mini fued to earn some respect. Or maybe he could debut in mitb and win it? I think there is a lt of ways that wwe could go with this guy because he has potential and could possibly be bigger than Rey Mysterio.
Does he really need Rey to help him get over??

What about this:
The Monday after Wrestlemania, Vince comes out and says that he is re-instating the Cruiserweight championship, and having an 8 man tournament. Here are the first round brackets:

Yoshi vs. Justin Gabriel: Winner: Yoshi Tatsu (could even tease a Corre breakup if they wanted)

Primo vs. Chavo: Winner: Chavo

Evan Bourne makes his return vs. Zack Ryder: Winner: Bourne

Tyson Kidd comes out and says no one on the raw roster that is better than him and they should just give him the belt. Suddenly, the GM states that they have someone who disagrees. Sin Cara comes out and kicks his ass (no need to have him talk yet). Winner: Sin Cara

In the Semis:

Yoshi vs. Bourne: Great match with Bourne winning, they shake hands afterwards

Chavo vs. Sin Cara: Great match where Chavo tries to cheat to win, but Sin Cara reverses and gets a tap out (have him work a good match with Chavo in case his English isn't very good yet). winner: Sin Cara

This sets up a match between two of the best high flyers: Bourne vs. Sin Cara. This is a show stopper type match where Bourne hits his finisher, but Cara SOMEHOW gets his foot on the ropes to break up the count. After another 5-10 minutes of high flying awesomeness, Sin Cara reverses a Bourne move and gets him to tap. Sin Cara celebrates with a distraught Bourne, but Sin Cara shakes his hand and points at Bourne saying "1 more time" (bringing up a great match at the next PPV).

This could do a lot:
1) Re-institute the Cruiserweight division and bring life back to the high flyers
2) Establish Sin Cara as a mid carder so that people get to know him
3) Helps him learn English but still work and be on the roster
4) Can culminate in a feud with a bunch of guys: Kidd, the Usos, Bourne, Chavo, Primo, Yoshi, , Rhodes, DiBiase etc..
5) If they do another draft, you can draft Rey or Sin Cara so they are on the same show and they can start feuding, but after he gets some credibility
If you go over to WWE.com they are already hyping the fact that he has signed with the company so in many ways he's already debut. Now in terms of a television debut I think it should be done just like Rey Mysterio's was show video of his past matches and hype his debut on raw or smackdown and have him face Chavo or Tyson Kidd in his first match.
For me he has to debut against Del Rio. I wouldn't give Del Rio the belt at Mania, I'd have Sin Cara cost him that, and also perhaps costing him in a Triple Threat involving Edge and Christian. That would allow those two to go on alone, perhaps taking most of the air time in terms of promos, allowing Del Rio and Sin Cara to show case their talent mainly in the ring, with short promos between them, or Del Rio doing all the mic work, until Sin Cara gets his English up to speed.
It will have something to do with Del Rios one would think.

I think it would be a great idea to use Rey to get him over before his Debut. Talking him about being the next Rey Rey and some shit.

have them team even as others have said. win the tag belts even.

I can see him getting a shot or two at the World Champ Del Rios as well. Get him over.

I think the biggest way to make him is when Rey retires whenever that is to have a match against him. Not a heel v face match just a match. Have Sin Cara take Reys match and Rey moves on. They can hug it out or whatever but have him win clean and take the mask. That would make him MASSIVE in USA.

Nobody cares for Rey much in Mexico because he put the mask back on but still. Would be huge for the USA fans to think it means something.
Um, Rey Mysterio is extremely over in Mexico.

I agree with Natural though, if Mysterio-Mistico have a fight at WM it needs to be a match in good spirits. Face vs. face, no need for heel tactics. And have Mysterio pass down the torch in SOME fashion.
I think him coming in as Rey's buddy is the perfect thing to do. Rey obviously isn't great on the mic. Since Sin Cara doesn't know English yet, Rey can speak for him since Rey obviously know Spanish, he could kind of translate for him after Sin Cara says a few things in Spanish to his people.

Rey isn't good verbally, but his words are always of the inspirational outlook, and that goes over real well with the kids. So, in a way, it seems like it would do the exact same thing for Sin Cara. Then you also factor in his exciting in ring style, and the dude is an immediate marketable star. No matter what language he speaks.

I think it should be a slower kind of build since he will be jumping FCW and heading straight to main roster. Having him paired with Rey, and Rey still being the main star of the 2 would probably work in Sin Cara's favor.

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