Some Sin Cara thoughts and questions

Sin Cara versus Sin Cara could be really cool. But a part of me wants Mistico to be Mistico. Same thing with Hunico. But I want him to also go by Incognito, his older name. It works out well for him stealing another person's mask. And with their legal battles over the name Mistico.
Sin Cara versus Sin Cara could be really cool. But a part of me wants Mistico to be Mistico. Same thing with Hunico. But I want him to also go by Incognito, his older name. It works out well for him stealing another person's mask. And with their legal battles over the name Mistico.

We all want Mistico to be Mistico but for some reason CMLL wouldn't sign away the rights to the name for WWE. I'm sure WWE offered a big chunk of change but CMLL is holding onto that name.
Can someone explain to me with preferably good reasoning why it's so widely believed that there will be a good vs bad Sin Cara deal coming? I joined this site today pretty much specifically to ask about this.

What indication is there that he will even come back? I read through this whole thread and stuff on other sites, and it all just seems like wild speculation with nothing backing it up at all.

Maybe I missed something, but it seems to me like they just don't want Mistico around, so they sloppily put another luchadore in his place since you couldn't see his face anyway and hoped to at least cash in on Sin Cara's fast growing popularity. Which of course, would've made sense if they didn't have him kick Daniel Bryan after the match for no apparent reason.

Anyway. . .I don't understand why everyone thinks he will be back. Didn't they fire him? Just seems like one of those arrogant corporate front office moves you see a lot of sports teams do. They don't like a guy so they trade him for nothing or just cut them. Usually followed or prefaced by a smear campaign in the local newspapers. So can someone explain to me why everyone thinks there will be a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara fued? Or is that just what you guys are hoping since it'd be a shame for him to be gone already after a promising start?
Can someone explain to me with preferably good reasoning why it's so widely believed that there will be a good vs bad Sin Cara deal coming? I joined this site today pretty much specifically to ask about this.

What indication is there that he will even come back? I read through this whole thread and stuff on other sites, and it all just seems like wild speculation with nothing backing it up at all.

Maybe I missed something, but it seems to me like they just don't want Mistico around, so they sloppily put another luchadore in his place since you couldn't see his face anyway and hoped to at least cash in on Sin Cara's fast growing popularity. Which of course, would've made sense if they didn't have him kick Daniel Bryan after the match for no apparent reason.

Anyway. . .I don't understand why everyone thinks he will be back. Didn't they fire him? Just seems like one of those arrogant corporate front office moves you see a lot of sports teams do. They don't like a guy so they trade him for nothing or just cut them. Usually followed or prefaced by a smear campaign in the local newspapers. So can someone explain to me why everyone thinks there will be a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara fued? Or is that just what you guys are hoping since it'd be a shame for him to be gone already after a promising start?

To be honest, I never really bought into the whole Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud either until the apparent heel turn this past week. I think what it is are people trying to make sense out of the turn because seriously, why on Earth would you turn Cara heel? If they continue on this path, having him act heelish and out of character, when the real Sin Cara comes back from injury to stop this guy from ruining his good name, it can all click together. It would be fairly easy to put together a back story here considering the history of both men and it wouldn't have to be too convoluted.

I'm not saying this will happen or anything, I'm just explaining what I think the mindset of those who do believe they're setting up for a Sin Cara/Hunicho feud is.
Can someone explain to me with preferably good reasoning why it's so widely believed that there will be a good vs bad Sin Cara deal coming? I joined this site today pretty much specifically to ask about this.
This was posted on this site. This is why people believe there will be a Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara feud. So click here to see it.

What indication is there that he will even come back? I read through this whole thread and stuff on other sites, and it all just seems like wild speculation with nothing backing it up at all.
Some of it is hope. Some of it is being a Mistico mark. Some people have read the article I linked and have that "back up". Etc., etc....

Maybe I missed something, but it seems to me like they just don't want Mistico around, so they sloppily put another luchadore in his place since you couldn't see his face anyway and hoped to at least cash in on Sin Cara's fast growing popularity. Which of course, would've made sense if they didn't have him kick Daniel Bryan after the match for no apparent reason.
They put in a luchador that is 3 inches taller and over 20 pounds heavier than Mistico. Maybe they wanted their fans to notice the difference. Just speculation.

Anyway. . .I don't understand why everyone thinks he will be back. Didn't they fire him? Just seems like one of those arrogant corporate front office moves you see a lot of sports teams do. They don't like a guy so they trade him for nothing or just cut them. Usually followed or prefaced by a smear campaign in the local newspapers. So can someone explain to me why everyone thinks there will be a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara fued? Or is that just what you guys are hoping since it'd be a shame for him to be gone already after a promising start?
I never read on the WWE website that "WWE has come to the terms on the release of Luis Urive as of *date*" so he has not been fired. Only was sent home. Maybe the WWE still has high hopes for Mistico and they have not said anything bad about him either. We are hoping for that feud because a few wrestling websites reported that it will happen.

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