Dos Sin Cara?

I can't see any name or attire change happening until the conclusion of this feud, and I was thinking along the same lines - - that whoever comes out on the losing end loses the rights to the Sin Cara name & mask. More than likely, it's going to be Hunico coming up short, but when all is said & done, I'd almost bet the rent that he'll have a permanent spot on the main roster. Definitely curious to see if he adopts another masked gimmick afterwards though, and also Averno, if they're still bringing him up, if he's going to be wearing a mask too. Thinking about three masked luchas in WWE, plus an overly Americanized on in Rey, and of course, an UNmasked lucha in Del Rio, gives me more faith in the future of the company, as it's actively diversifying it's product to cater to a larger audience, rather than just hiring a bunch of Mexican wrestlers & Americanizing them, which just isn't the same. WWE continues to prove 2011 as a real wake up year for them. Between this & letting Punk off his chain alone, it's a good time to be a fan again :)
Wow, the crowd did not care for this angle. I mean, I loved it. There are a bunch of unanswered questions, and there promises to be a great match or two down the line. However, in an arena, how are you supposed to tell who's who? How are you supposed to tell who you're supposed to cheer for and who you're supposed to boo? I fear for this angle because of the way the live crowd will react.
Wow, the crowd did not care for this angle. I mean, I loved it. There are a bunch of unanswered questions, and there promises to be a great match or two down the line. However, in an arena, how are you supposed to tell who's who? How are you supposed to tell who you're supposed to cheer for and who you're supposed to boo? I fear for this angle because of the way the live crowd will react.

The mystery of trying to figure out who is who is the problem for the arena part. From where they are it is difficult, almost impossible, to figure out who the real Sin Cara is. The only way they can tell is that the Mistico version of Sin Cara makes quicker hand gestures than the Hunico version of Sin Cara. The solution to this is to have the Mistico version of Sin Cara wear his white attire during their matches against each other. Out of all the WWE storylines, this is one of the two that I'm actually excited to see unfold and I don't want it ruined because the live audience is having troubles noticing the difference.
Yeah one of them has to wear different colors. They were too similiar on Raw I had trouble telling them apart. Since they had a little segment on Raw. I assume they will have a match at HITC.

The Sin Cara character is really over with the children. Mistico really needs to learn a little English. Or its going to be tough putting him in feuds.
I think that an eventual alliance between Real Sin Cara and Fake Sin Cara would be amazing. They will probably have a short feud until Hell in a Cell, where Real Sin Cara will win. Why stop there though? Having them join forces would be the best thing to happen to the tag team division in YEARS. They would be so over as a team that it's not even funny. After dominating the tag team division, Fake Sin Cara could fully turn heel in time for an epic Wrestlemania feud before they get separated in the draft when they can be the respective luchadors for each brand. It would be awesome due to the boost it would give the tag division, we get a cool angle out of it, and their masks would sell like crazy. Make it happen.
I've actually been impressed with this storyline. Having two Sin Caras is indeed better than one. I'm just concerned that their eventual match will be a botchamania and disappoint. It seems like Mistico just isn't adapting the WWE style and Hunico is the contrast of that. Maybe that will even out and make the match great.

As for an alliance afterwards, who knows? They could possibly have an alliance with all the masked luchadors including Mistico, Hunico, and Mysterio. That would be something to watch and might innovate the show enough to restart the cruiserweight division. An influx of luchadors and light heavyweights would be the perfect contrast to the current WWE style of match and would draw in alot of people. I highly doubt that'll happen but, as a fan I'm hoping it will one day.
I was actually looking over on youtube at some of Hunico's old Chikara and AAA matches... and how ironic is it that there are two Misticos' in WWE that are doing an imposter storyline?

For those of you who don't understand, The Imposter Sin Cara began wrestling in the early 2000s under the name "Mistico". The Real Sin Cara began wrestling in 1998 but like with Hunico, it wasn't until the early 2000s when he too became Mistico. CMLL in 2005 would later gain legal rights to the name "Mistico" (which they ironically would do again with Sin Cara) and therefore it was then that Hunico had to switch from Mistico to Incognito... before being signed to FCW and becoming Hunico which would lead him into becoming Sin Cara the Imposter.

Now I'm not sure if WWE's going to go all the way back in time to make sense of a feud, but then again it's not the first time they've done it. Victoria made her biggest singles mark by attacking Trish from previous independent work, so why wouldn't WWE do it again?

Maybe WWE's using this as a way for Hunico to be like "You stole my name years ago, and now I'm here to take back what's mine"... I'm not sure if that's what they'll do, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it was what they'd do.

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